How to move data stored locally to BigTable when deploying Django? - django

I am using djangoappengine to deploy a Django app on Google App Engine. I have a lot of data already stored locally, and when I deploy the project with GAE it disappears. How do I get this data to carry over from the dbindexer to the BigTable?

Have a look at the GAE documentation re: uploading and downloading data:
It contains the information you need to upload your locally stored data to GAE.


How to access data in Docker from my Django app?

I am new to Docker so I wonder if I have 2 containers, a streamer that pushes data to the queue and vernemq which is the message queue.
How can I access the data to work with it in my django rest api app?
I was wondering is there a way to export or the data and create a separate database in django with it or it's not how it works?
Or is there a way to directly access the data in docker from django app.
Note the django rest api app is not in a docker Image.
depends on how your current Django REST API is configured... if is looking at a Database? is it looking at a series of other your companies RESI APIs, etc?
I can edit this with more info once I get a little more details. Don't have enough reputation to write a comment.
BUT I would say the best way if the Django app is looking at a database is to write a script to transfer code from the messaging queue and save to the database.
What I would say though is instead of using a message queue to just have the streamer push it directly to where you have your Django app looking.

Is it possible to have Django actually upload a default file when using Google Cloud Storage?

I'm using Djangae, with Google Cloud Storage as my storage backend. I'd like to know how I can set a default ImageField value and have it actually be processed by the upload mechanism and sent to the cloud. I could manually upload the file myself using a signal if the user didn't provide an image, but it'd be nice to find a simpler solution.
Djangae 0.9.11
Django 1.11.20
Python 2.7

How to Store images in Django deployed on Google App engine?

I have just started using GAE and can't figure out how to store images.
I created Django project and deployed on GAE using the methodology in this
tutorial which use cloud SQL (my project uses MySQL)
Now I want to add a Django model for images. I can't figure out how to go about it. I used AWS extensively earlier and stored links in MySQL database while filing on buckets.
Do I need to use google cloud storage? What is the GAE way to do it?

how can i solve this issue in my Django web application hosted on heroku?

When a user upload a photo as a post it shows correctly on a home page but after sometime when user re-visit the website all photos that he\she posted do not show properly , i don't know whats the problem ?
How can i solve it ?
You can not store uploaded file (image) in Heroku. These will be lost when you restart or redeploy Heroku. If you want to support upload feature in your project, you can use Amazon S3 to to that. And you can use this library django-storages

django on google app engine with relational database

So is there any other way to use mysql database with django app on app engine? I found nice solution but it is not free - Google SQL Cloud seem to work great. But how about, moving django app to appengine and connecting to other hosting with mysql db? Or do you have any other solutions?
So to sum up - is there any way to work GAE with outside database?
Actually I have found the answer:
The Python Development Server in the Google App Engine SDK can use a locally-installed MySQL server instance to closely mirror the Google Cloud SQL environment during development.
More info here->