Yesod-form package: Problem with running programs it via "wai-handler-devel" - yesod

I made a copy of hello-forms.hs from yesod-form package, just for doing some experiments.
When I run it via the main function, the server is doing well e.g. on port 2500.
HalloWelt.hs is here.
But when I try to run that program in bash console via wai-handler-devel - being in the directory where the HalloWelt.hs ( ) resides...
wai-handler-devel 2600 HalloWelt withHalloWelt
I get...
Attempting to interpret your app...
Compile failed: NotAllowed "module is not loaded: `HalloWelt' (./HalloWelt.hs)"
What could be the reason for that?
Thank you for any hint -
Best regards

I think you need a "module HalloWelt where" at the top of your file.
Oh, and I wasn't ignoring the question on web-devel, I just hadn't had a chance to look into it yet.


Chronic ripgrep / vim Plugin Error on Load: "-complete Used Without -nargs"?

I recently added ripgrep to my list of vim plugins and, immediately after installation, I began receiving this error message whenever I loaded up vim:
Error detected while processing /Users/my_macbook/.vim/plugged/vim-ripgrep/plugin/vim-ripgrep.vim:
line 149: E1208: -complete used without -nargs
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Opening the offending file and reviewing lines 148-149 reveals:
148 command! -nargs=* -complete=file Rg :call s:Rg(<q-args>)
149 command! -complete=file RgRoot :call s:RgShowRoot()
I am well & truly out of my depth here, especially considering that this error was generated by simply installing the plugin; I've made 0 changes to the underlying file (vim-ripgrep.vim).
Has anyone encountered a similarly chronic error after installing ripgrep and, if so, how did you resolve it?
Congratulations, you have found a bug in a FOSS program. Next step is to either notify the maintainer via their issue tracker or, if you know how to fix it, submit a patch.
Case in point, the author assigns a completion method, -complete=file, but custom commands like :RgRoot don't accept arguments by default so the command makes no sense as-is: you can't complete arguments if you can't pass arguments.
It only needs a -nargs=*, like its upstairs neighbour, :Rg, to work properly and the error message is pretty clear about it:
line 149: E1208: -complete used without -nargs
See :help -complete, :help -nargs, and more generally, :help user-commands.
As the other answer stated, it is a bug in this plugin. There is a currently open pull request to fix this: Unfortunately, the repository is currently unmaintained, so it is unlikely to be merged any time soon. This active forks page may help you identify a new maintainer.
Until there is a new maintainer for vim-ripgrep, I suggest checking out that branch in your ~/.vim/plugged/vim-ripgrep directory and reopening vim.
I met the functionally same error on VIM plugins while using vim ~/.vimrc.
My met error liking yours:
Error detected while processing /Users/my_macbook/.vim/plugged/vim-ripgrep
I fixed the upstairs with the below:
cd /Users/my_macbook/.vim/plugged/vim-ripgrep/plugin/
git pull --rebase
If you are using vim-plug, try to change
Plug "jremmen/vim-ripgrep"
Plug "miyase256/vim-ripgrep", {'branch': 'fix/remove-complete-from-RgRoot'}
Here are detail steps:
comment Plug "jremmen/vim-ripgrep"
add Plug "miyase256/vim-ripgrep", {'branch': 'fix/remove-complete-from-RgRoot'}

Google Native Client Visual Studio Add-in: Webserver fails to start because arguments to are invalid

I have an application that I turned into a simple Native Client App a year ago, and I've been trying to get it running again. However, when I try to run it, or any of the example VS projects, the web server fails to start, giving me usage hints for, and saying " error: unrecognized arguments: 5103".
I wasn't able to find anything about this on the NaCL guide or on the net. I could probably troubleshoot the issue if I could see the script that starts the webserver, but I have no idea where this is stored.
The script that start the server is 'nacl_sdk\pepper_43\tools\'. The problem is with the port argument being formated incorrectly.
The expected format is: [-h] [-C SERVE_DIR] [-p PORT] [--no-dir-check]
But, the received arguments formatted by the add-in is:
['--no_dir_check', '5103']
where the port prefix is missing and should be '-p 5103'
For a quick fix, add the following line
parser.add_argument('args', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
before the parse_args(args) in the main(args) method in
This will keep the unknown arguments from being parsed and will use the default value for port instead (5103).

zmq ventilator/worker/sink paradigm not working w/ subprocess

I am trying to replicate the ventilator/workers/sink paradigm described in the ZMQ guide. I have the same Python Ventilator, the same C++ worker as, and the same Python Sink as was described in the ZMQ examples. I want to launch the ventilator, workers, and sink from one main python script, so I created "class" wrappers around the ventilator & sink, and both of those classes subclass the Python module "multiprocessing.Process." Since the C++ is a binary, I launch it with Python's subprocess.Popen call.
The order of starting all of this up is as follows:
h = subprocess.Popen('test') # test is the name of the binary
s = sinkObj.start()
v = ventObj.start()
What I am finding is that no data is getting through the system when I start up the components like this. However, if I start the C++ binary in its own shell, and only start the sinkObj and ventObj from the main python script, it works fine.
I apologize in advance if this is more of a Python question than a ZMQ question, but I haven't run into issues like this w/ Python's subprocess. I have also tried using os.system() instead of the subprocess... but same issue. I put all the code on this website: if anybody is curious to test it out. There is a readme on that git which tells you what the files are.
Any ideas on why this could be happening?
------------------------- UPDATE --------------------
I found that if I create a shell script which simply launches the C binary, and call that shell script w/ os.system('run_the_shell_script') it works! So this means that there is something wrong with the way that I am using subprocess.Popen(...), but can't seem to pinpoint what the issue is. I tried w/ the shell=True flag, but it still hangs with that...
It's the name of the worker binary file that causes the problem.
There two solutions:
Chang the name of the binary file test to test_new and do the same in your file, and then it will work as you desire.
Substitute subprocess.Popen('./test', shell=True) for subprocess.Popen('test', shell=True).
test is Linux command. If you type the following in your shell
$ echo $PATH
You may see that . is at the last position. It means that until shell couldn't find the binary file to be executed in the directories that $PATH indicates, it will try to search for it in the current directory .
When you execute subprocess.Popen('test', shell=True), it could find it before trying the . directory and so it won't execute the workers.
As I see, the ventilator and sink bind() to ports 6557 and 6558, and the C++ app connect() to these ports. In this case, if you start the cpp app first, it will try to connect() to the endpoints, but as nothing is bound there, it will drop silently.
In ZeroMQ the basic principle is "First Bind, then Connect". So you should not connect() before you bind() something on the socket. Imagine bind() is the 'Server', and connect() is the client. You cannot connect client to non-existing server. Also, in ZeroMQ every socket can be 'Server', but you SHOULD HAVE only 1 bind()-ing socket per URL. And you can have multiple 'connect()'s.

detecting if program is installed on machine

Say I have an application I write, that relies for some task on an externat app (lets call it "tool") that is installed on my machine. In my program, I call it with system( "tool myarguments" ); , works fine.
Now, I want to distribute my app. Of course, the end-user might not have "tool" installed on his machine, so I would like my app to check this, and printout a message for the user. So my question is:
Is there a portable way to check for the existence of an app on the machine? (assuming we know its name and it is accessible through the machine's shell).
Additional information: First idea was to check the existence of the binary file, but:
This is platform dependent,
depending on how it has been installed (build from sources, installed through package,...), it might not always be in the same place, although it can be accessed through local path.
My first opinion on this question is "No", but maybe somebody has an idea ?
Reference: system()
If you use the Qt toolkit, QProcess may help you.
Edit: and look for QProcess::error() return value: if it is QProcess::FailedToStart , then either it is not installed, or you have insufficient permissions.
If running the tool without argument has no side-effect, and is expected to return an exit code of 0, you can use system("tool") to check tool's existence.
You can check whether the command has been found by checking system's return value like this:
int ret = system("tool");
if (ret != 0) {
std::cout << "tool is not here, move along\n";
It is portable in the sense that system is expected to return 0 if all goes well and the command return status is 0 too.
For example, on Linux, running system("non_existing_command") returns 0x7F00 (same type of value as returned by wait()).
On Windows, it returns 1 instead.

Win32 C/C++ checking if two instances of the same program use the same arguments

I have an application and I want to be able to check if (for instance) two instances of it used the same arguments on execution. To make it clearer:
myapp 1 2
myapp 1 3
This isn't a Singleton design pattern problem as I can have more than one instance running. I though about checking the running processes, but it seems that I can only get the process name and that doesn't help me.
Writing a file on startup and then having other instances check if that file exists isn't viable due to abnormal program termination which would leave me hanging.
In Linux I solved this by checking /proc/pid/cmdline and parsing the information there.
Does anyone have any idea if I can do something similar on windows?
You can do this via WMI's Win32_Process class.
You want wmic.exe. Try something like:
wmic.exe process list | findstr myapp.exe
Then sort it / parse it / whatever you need to do.
wmic is really a great tool to have.
I ended up using this script instead of filling up my code with WMI calls:
wmic process where "name='cmd.exe'" get CommandLine > list.txt
works great!
cheers and thanks you Seth and Reed
After some thinking I decided to do things a bit simpler...
Implementing a mutex and checking it's existence is. As I needed to check if the instances started with the same parameters and not if the same application was started, I just needed to decide on the mutex name in runtime!
DWORD m_dwLastError;
m_hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, cmdstr);
m_dwLastError = GetLastError();
if(ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == m_dwLastError)
found_other = true;
and that's it! no parsing, no wmi, no windows development sdk...
Cheers to you all!