Check changes before run synchronize - microsoft-sync-framework

Is there any way to check changes in database before running synchronize with MS Sync Framework?
I have a database with about 100 tables, 80% of these tables are not changed very often. I divided database into multiple scopes to handle the sync priority. Even though, there's no change in database, It takes a long time to finish synchronization.

i suggest you trace the Sync process to find out what's going on: How to: Trace the Synchronization Process
there is no specific API call in the Sync Framework SDK for simply checking a table has changed. most the API calls will do an actual change enumeration(read: query the base and tracking tables)
if you have large number of rows in your tables, you might want to set a retention period on the Sync Framework metadata to keep it small. see How to: Clean Up Metadata for Collaborative Synchronization (SQL Server)

Yes. Check out the Sync Framework Team Blog on Synchronization Services for ADO .NET for Devices: Improving performance by skipping tables that don’t need synchronization


Framework to run small independent tasks

I have a requirement where I need to do following
Pull records from database with certain frequency(hourly, daily etc)
for each records make some API calls
for each record pdate the database with new info
do more stuff.....
The number of records can be huge. Is their a framework which can manage this workflow where each task/record can be on different stage during execution.
Look at the Cadence Workflow. There are multiple production applications that rely on Cadence with requirements similar to yours.

Apache SuperSet is very slow

Any recommendation on how to make superset faster?
Cache seems to load full data from the cache, I thought it load only old data from the cache, and real-time data from the database, isn't it like this?
What about some parallel processing?
This answer is valid as of Superset 0.37.0.
At the moment, dashboard performance is affected by a few different factors. I'll enumerate them below along with methods to improve performance:
Database concurrency limits can have an impact on dashboard performance. Dashboards load their information in parallel via concurrent web requests. Make sure that the database user provided allows enough concurrency that queries aren't being queued at the database layer.
Cache performance your caching layer should be able to return multiple results, if not in parallel, extremely quickly. We've had success leveraging S3 for our cache.
Cache hit percentage Superset will hit the cache only for queries that exactly match one that has been run recently. Otherwise the full query will fall through to the underlying analytical DB (Druid in this case). You can reduce the query load on Druid by using a less granular resolution on your dashboard - if it's possible to have it update less frequently, say a couple of times a day rather than in real-time, this can hit cache for all requests other than the first request in the new period under consideration.
Python Web Process Concurrency Limits make sure that your web application server can handle enough parallel requests. The browser will request multiple charts' data at the same time, and the system will need to be able to handle these requests in parallel.
Chart Query Performance As data is frequently requested, especially for real-time data from a database like Druid, optimizing the queries run by the charts can be very useful. I'd take a look at any virtual datasources that are being leveraged to see if they can be materialized or made more efficient.
Web browser concurrent request limits By default most web browsers limit the number of concurrent requests that can be made to the same FQDN. If you have more than 6 charts on the same dashboard, it can be helpful to balance requests across multiple FQDNs running Superset to get around this browser limitation. There's more information on the approach to that in the issue history on Github, but Superset does support this type of configuration.
The community is very interested in improving performance over time, and as such there have been recommendations to move all analytical queries to Celery as well as making other architectural changes to improve performance. I hope this description helps and that something in here will help you track down the issue!

Can the Microsoft Sync Framework work with only part of a database?

I have an application that has one central database and several local databases, and these must be periodically be synchronised. The central database contains all the records (once sync has happened), but each local database only contains a subset of the data. Can this be implemented with the Microsoft Sync Framework? There would be some bespoke logic which determined which records were part of the subset. We don't want to copy the whole database.
Sync Framework synchronizes per table and you can apply filters to what is synchronized as well.

Redshift as a Web App Backend?

I am building an application (using Django's ORM) that will ingest a lot of events, let's say 50/s (1-2k per msg). Initially some "real time" processing and monitoring of the events is in scope so I'll be using redis to keep some of that data to make decisions, expunging them when it makes sense. I was going to persist all of the entities, including events in Postgres for "at rest" storage for now.
In the future I will need "analytical" capability for dashboards and other features. I want to use Amazon Redshift for this. I considered just going straight for Redshift and skipping Postgres. But I also see folks say that it should play more of a passive role. Maybe I could keep a window of data in the SQL backend and archive to Redshift regularly.
My question is:
Is it even normal to use something like Redshift as a backend for web applications or does it typically play more of a passive role? If not is it realistic to think I can scale the Postgres enough for the event data to start with only that? Also if not, does the "window of data and archival" method make sense?
EDIT Here are some things I've seen before writing the post:
Some say "yes go for it" regarding the should I use Redshift for this question.
Some say "eh not performant enough for most web apps" and support the front it with a postgres database camp.
Redshift (ParAccel) is an OLAP-optimised DB, based on a fork of a very old version of PostgreSQL.
It's good at parallelised read-mostly queries across lots of data. It's bad at many small transactions, especially many small write transactions as seen in typical OLTP workloads.
You're partway in between. If you don't mind a data loss window, then you could reasonably accumulate data points and have a writer thread or two write batches of them to Redshift in decent sized transactions.
If you can't afford any data loss window and expect to be processing 50+ TPS, then don't consider using Redshift directly. The round-trip costs alone would be horrifying. Use a local database - or even a file based append-only journal that you periodically rotate. Then periodically upload new data to Redshift for analysis.
A few other good reasons you probably shouldn't use Redshift directly:
OLAP DBs with column store designs often work best with star schemas or similar structures. Such schemas are slow and inefficient for OLTP workloads as inserts and updates touch many tables, but they make querying the data along various axes for analysis much more efficient.
Using an ORM to talk to an OLAP DB is asking for trouble. ORMs are quite bad enough on OLTP-optimised DBs, with their unfortunate tendency toward n+1 SELECTs and/or wasteful chained left joins, tendency to do many small inserts instead of a few big ones, etc. This will be even worse on most OLAP-optimised DBs.
Redshift is based on a painfully old PostgreSQL with a bunch of limitations and incompatibilities. Code written for normal PostgreSQL may not work with it.
Personally I'd avoid an ORM entirely for this - I'd just accumulate data locally in an SQLite or a local PostgreSQL or something, sending multi-valued INSERTs or using PostgreSQL's COPY to load chunks of data as I received it from an in-memory buffer. Then I'd use appropriate ETL tools to periodically transform the data from the local DB and merge it with what was already on the analytics server.
Now forget everything I just said and go do some benchmarks with a simulation of your app's workload. That's the only really useful way to tell.
In addition to Redshift's slow transaction processing (by modern DB standards) there's another big challenge:
Redshift only supports serializable transaction isolation, most likely as a compromise to support ACID transactions while also optimizing for parallel OLAP mostly-read workload.
That can result in all kinds of concurrency-related failures that would not have been failures on typical DB that support read-committed isolation by default.

Sync Framework 2.1 - Large data over WCF

I have implemented data sync using MS Sync framework 2.1 over WCF to sync multiple SQL Express databases with a central SQL server. Syncing is happening every three minutes through a windows service. Recently, we noticed that huge amounts of data is being exchanged over the network (~100 MB every 15 minutes). When I checked using Fiddler, the client calls the service with a GetKnowledge request four times in a session and each response is around 6 MB in size, although there are no changes at all in either database. This does not seem to be normal? How do I optimize the system to reduce such heavy traffic? Please help.
I have defined two scopes with first one having 15 tables all download only. The second one has 3 tables with upload only direction.
The XML response has a very huge number of <range> tags under coreFragments/coreFragment/ranges tag which is the major portion contributing to the response size.
Let me know if any additional information is required.
must be the sync knowledge. do you do lots of deletes? or do you have lots of replicas? try running a metadata cleanup and see if it compacts the sync knowledge.
Creating one to one scopes and re-provisioning fixed the issue. I am not still sure what caused the original issue.
Do you happen to have any join tables and use any ORM. If you do, then this post might help.