Django App Ignite - django

Is there anything like App Ignite for django? Like something that allows you to create django apps with a GUI?
Is there a Django backend for App Ignite? or plans for one?

From what I can tell it will only be available in PHP, but it's in closed beta at the moment. If you want a PYTHON gui framework, you can try looking at GuiProgramming
Edit: this might be useful: coming from GUI designer for managing Django models


How to use django as backend for cordova?

Not a web developer, but currently playing with cordova and would like to use django to use python to implement backend functionality. As I (vaguely) understand it, cordova manages frontend stuff and django is mostly for backend stuff. So is it possible to use django as a backend for a cordova project (eg. directly use preexisting django templates in a cordova app)? If so, how? Is there some kind of special communicationn that I'd need to code myself?
(My uneducated guess would be to initialize the django project inside the cordova www folder, but this seems wrong). And if this is a totally wrong way to think about this problem, let me know.
You could use Django as your backend and implement a REST like API (urls that accept and return JSON data) in it. There are useful tools/libraries for that, for example django-rest-framework.
Then you would call those endpoints (URLs) from your frontend, which can be written in cordova or any other JS frontend frameworks.
As you already pointed out, I suggest keeping frontend and backend code in separate folders.

Best way to structure a Django project

I'm new to django and plan on building a large django project.
I'm starting to implement cookicutter django after reading through "2 Scoops of Django" but still have some questions on structuring a project.
I've setup my project, we'll call it 'business_proj'. In business_proj I started an app called 'accounting' this might have an accounting dashboard for users in the accounting security group. Now, what if I want to have apps that belong to accounting, such as 'invoices' and 'purchase_orders'? Should I create those apps inside my accounting app? Or should I create all my apps in the main project root? The way I've started doing it is creating child apps inside of their parent apps but some parent apps are so big that even this gets messy. Is there a better way to do this? Thanks
If you have gone through Two Scoops of Django then you should probably check out Django Cookiecutter which has been created by the authors of this book.
Django Cookiecutter is an excellent boilerplate for starting a Django application both for personal use and for production.
They also have excellent documentation which will help you with the best practices for Python and Django coding.
Check out: Django Cookiecutter Git Link
I suppose it depends on the tastes of each developer. I split each funtionality in a separate app for example. I have never used child apps. Excepts when I work with Django Rest Framework. With Django Rest Framework I create a child app of each up for REST funtionality.

How to migrate Django project to Google App Engine

I am looking for a guide to migrate Django project to Google App Engine and use Google's datastore. The most of the guides I found were linked to Django-Appengine using Django-nonrel (but I want to use GAE's native support).
Going through GAE getting started guide, it says:
Google App Engine supports any framework written in pure Python that speaks CGI (and any WSGI-compliant framework using a CGI adaptor), including Django, CherryPy, Pylons,, and web2py. You can bundle a framework of your choosing with your application code by copying its code into your application directory.
I understand that I won't be able to use some features of Django in that case (majorly the admin feature) and would also need to restructure the models.
From other reading, I also found that latest SDK of GAE now includes Django 1.3 on Python 2.5.
I tried to put all files from my Django application to a GAE project, but couldn't get it all to work together.
Please provide some basic guide using which I may migrate my Django project to Google App Engine's code.
For an existing Django app, using django-nonrel is the simplest approach; it is very popular so you should be able to find help with specific errors you get quickly.
Another approach is written up in this article: -- it goes the other way, taking an App Engine app that uses Django for dispatch, templates, and forms, but not for models, and describes how to make it run in a native Django environment. Maybe you can glean some useful hints for your situation from it.
I've used django-nonrel, which behaves pretty much like django, except that operations with JOINs will return errors. I've basically worked around this by avoiding ManyToMany fields, and essentially building that functionality manually with an intermediate table.
So far I've ran into two problems with Django-nonrel:
1. No access to ancestor queries, which can be run in a transaction. There's a pending pull request for this feature though.
2. You can't specify fields that are not indexed. This could significantly increase your write costs. I have an idea to fix this, but I haven't done so yet.
(Edit: You CAN specify fields that are not indexed, and I've verified this works well).
2 (new). Google is pushing a new database backend called ndb that does automatic caching and batching, which will not be available with django-nonrel.
If you decide not to use django-nonrel, the main differences are that Django models do not run under App Engine. You'll have to rewrite your models to inherit from App Engine's db.Model. Your forms that use Django's ModelForm will need to inherit from google.appengine.ext.db.djangoforms instead. Once you're on App Engine, you'd have to port back Django if you ever take your app somewher else.
If you already have a Django application you might want to check this out. You won't work with App Engine's datastore but Google Cloud SQL might fit your needs.

Django on GAE: use_library vs Django-nonrel

I am really new to the world of App Engine development and I want to start with a test project on Django and GAE. I've done some research and found out that there are two major ways to use Django in my app on GAE.
Django-nonrel + djangoappengine
use_library() to load Django from SDK
Please tell about pros and cons of each way.
Is there anything better than django-nonrel if i will decide to distribute Django code with my project?
It's not a matter of two different ways to use Django - it's two different versions of Django. App Engine comes bundled with versions 0.96, 1.0 and 1.1 of Django, unmodified from the mainline release. Django-nonrel is a branch of Django, which adds support for App Engine for the database backend.
If you're writing a new app, and you want to use Django for the whole app, including the models, you should use Django-nonrel.
When using django-nonrel you can use all Django features (including admin, auth, models, queries). I don't have a complete list of django modules which are either not working or partly not working in app engine.
If you use the Django version via use_library you have to be careful with app engine's limitations (use their model api, their auth via google accounts and so on).

XULRunner , Python and Django : How to?

How to add Python and Django with XULRunner !?
Found this tutorial useful , but somehow i was not able to add django !
Any idea ?!
Having a custom build of XULRunner with Python XPCOM bindings is one thing. But running a Django app on top of XULRunner is next to impossible. Django does not have helpers to create XUL layouts, Django is built around an HTTP architecture. How would you even imagine that Django will help you with a desktop app? What would be the desktop equivalent of the URLs? Events like onclick?