XULRunner , Python and Django : How to? - django

How to add Python and Django with XULRunner !?
Found this tutorial useful , but somehow i was not able to add django !
Any idea ?!

Having a custom build of XULRunner with Python XPCOM bindings is one thing. But running a Django app on top of XULRunner is next to impossible. Django does not have helpers to create XUL layouts, Django is built around an HTTP architecture. How would you even imagine that Django will help you with a desktop app? What would be the desktop equivalent of the URLs? Events like onclick?


is Django 'app' equal to 'component' in Angular?

Just started learning Django, as an Angular developer can we say that apps in Django are similar to Angular components ?
I don't think it's, for example we don't need create a component for a navbar or a dashboard. App it's like parts of your application, for example, you have a main app which gonna handle the general stuff and you can have a clients app to handle clients stuff, etc.
Creating apps your application gets more organized and more structured
Yes it is. It's the way of modularizing your code according to the functionality.

How to use django as backend for cordova?

Not a web developer, but currently playing with cordova and would like to use django to use python to implement backend functionality. As I (vaguely) understand it, cordova manages frontend stuff and django is mostly for backend stuff. So is it possible to use django as a backend for a cordova project (eg. directly use preexisting django templates in a cordova app)? If so, how? Is there some kind of special communicationn that I'd need to code myself?
(My uneducated guess would be to initialize the django project inside the cordova www folder, but this seems wrong). And if this is a totally wrong way to think about this problem, let me know.
You could use Django as your backend and implement a REST like API (urls that accept and return JSON data) in it. There are useful tools/libraries for that, for example django-rest-framework.
Then you would call those endpoints (URLs) from your frontend, which can be written in cordova or any other JS frontend frameworks.
As you already pointed out, I suggest keeping frontend and backend code in separate folders.

Django, phonegap and heroku. How to combine them?

I have made a web-app using django framework and stored it on heroku.
How can i combine phonegap so that I will be able to create both iOS and Android application that will simply load my hosted website?
I'm having an hard time knowing how to combine both technologies (django and phonegap) together, because phonegap requires the "index.html" and i dont know how to make it navigate to my main page.
And i dont know what "Procfile" to use in order that the heroku server will know how to react both.
I have seen somthing involves rest API for django. I found it hard to understand why should i add it for my website...
A tutorial would also be great !!
Integrating phonegap and django is a pretty broad topic covered here and in this tutorial.
For setting up multiple stacks on the same heroku app, you will probably want to use buildpack-multi.

Django start from scratch

I am a PHP developer and know about all the major frameworks like Joomla!, CI, zend etc.
Now I got a project in Python based CMS ( DJango ).
I am studying python now a days and I had some doubts.
Can I set wamp ( I mean apache ) for running platform of DJango ?
If yes please suggest me any doc / tutorial for setting up wamp
Is Django a MVC architecture frame word ?
Like in Joomla! is it having any authentication system ?
Where to start Django from scratch ?
There is no need to setup apache since django comes with built-in server for development. But still if you want to setup apache, you can try bitnami django-stack.
Yes. Django is a MVC architecture based framework. I found this django-faq-question useful.
Yes. Django is having its built-in authentication system in the module named auth. More information about this can be found in django documentation here.
To start writing your first django app, refer the clear documentation given here.

Django App Ignite

Is there anything like App Ignite for django? Like something that allows you to create django apps with a GUI?
Is there a Django backend for App Ignite? or plans for one?
From what I can tell it will only be available in PHP, but it's in closed beta at the moment. If you want a PYTHON gui framework, you can try looking at GuiProgramming
Edit: this might be useful: http://code.google.com/p/uml-to-django/ coming from GUI designer for managing Django models