Friendship not inherited - what are the alternatives? - c++

I have written/am writing a piece of physics analysis code, initially for myself, that will now hopefully be used and extended by a small group of physicists. None of us are C++ gurus. I have put together a small framework that abstracts the "physics event" data into objects acted on by a chain of tools that can easily be swapped in and out depending on the analysis requirements.
This has created two halves to the code: the "physics analysis" code that manipulates the event objects and produces our results via derivatives of a base "Tool"; and the "structural" code that attaches input files, splits the job into parallel runs, links tools into a chain according to some script, etc.
The problem is this: for others to make use of the code it is essential that every user should be able to follow every single step that modifies the event data in any way. The (many) extra lines of difficult structural code could therefore be daunting, unless it is obviously and demonstrably peripheral to the physics. Worse, looking at it in too much detail might give people ideas - and I'd rather they didn't edit the structural code without very good reason - and most importantly they must not introduce anything that affects the physics.
I would like to be able to:
A) demonstrate in an obvious way that
the structural code does not edit the
event data in any way
B) enforce this once other users
begin extending the code themselves
(none of us are
expert, and the physics always comes
first - translation: anything not
bolted down is fair game for a nasty
In my ideal scenario the event data would be private, with the derived physics tools inheriting access from the Tool base class. Of course in reality this is not allowed. I hear there are good reasons for this, but that's not the issue.
Unfortunately, in this case the method of calling getters/setters from the base (which is a friend) would create more problems than it solves - the code should be as clean, as easy to follow, and as connected to the physics as possible in the implementation of the tool itself (a user should not need to be an expert in either C++ or the inner workings of the program to create a tool).
Given that I have a trusted base class and any derivatives will be subject to close scrutiny, is there any other roundabout but well tested way of allowing access to only these derivatives? Or any way of denying access to the derivatives of some other base?
To clarify the situation I have something like
class Event
// The event data (particle collections etc)
class Tool
virtual bool apply(Event* ev) = 0;
class ExampleTool : public Tool
bool apply(Event* ev)
// do something like loop over the electron collection
// and throw away those will low energy
The ideal would be to limit access to the contents of Event to only these tools for the two reasons (A and B) above.
Thanks everyone for the solutions proposed. I think, as I suspected, the perfect solution I was wishing for is impossible. dribeas' solution would be perfect in any other setting, but its precisely in the apply() function that the code needs to be as clear and succinct as possible as we will basically spend all day writing/editing apply() functions, and will also need to understand every line of these written by each of the others. Its not so much about capability as readability and effort. I do like the preprocessor solution from "Useless". It doesn't really enforce the separation, but someone would need to be genuinely malicious to break it. To those who suggested a library, I think this will definitely be a good first step, but doesn't really address the two main issues (as I'll still need to provide the source anyway).

There are three access qualifiers in C++: public, protected and private. The sentence with the derived physics tools inheriting access from the Tool base class seems to indicate that you want protected access, but it is not clear whether the actual data that is private is in Tool (and thus protected suffices) or is currently private in a class that befriends Tool.
In the first case, just make the data protected:
class Tool {
type data;
In the second case, you can try to play nasty tricks on the language, like for example, providing an accessor at the Tool level:
class Data {
type this_is_private;
friend class Tool;
class Tool {
static type& gain_acces_to_data( Data& d ) {
return d.this_is_private;
class OneTool : public Tool {
void foo( Data& d ) {
operate_on( gain_access_to_data(d) );
But I would avoid it altogether. There is a point where access specifiers stop making sense. They are tools to avoid mistakes, not to police your co-workers, and the fact is that as long as you want them to write code that will need access to that data (Tool extensions) you might as well forget about having absolute protection: you cannot.
A user that wants to gain access to the data might as well just use the newly created backdoor to do so:
struct Evil : Tool {
static type& break_rule( Data & d ) {
return gain_access_to_data( d );
And now everyone can simply use Evil as a door to Data. I recommend that you read the C++FAQ-lite for more insight on C++.

Provide the code as a library with headers to be used by whoever wants to create tools. This nicely encapsulates the stuff you want to keep intact. It's impossible to prevent hacks if everyone has access to the source and are keen to make changes to anything.

There is also the C-style approach, of restricting visibility rather than access rights. It is enforced more by convention and (to some extent) your build system, rather than the language - although you could use a sort of include guard to prevent "accidental" leakage of the Tool implementation details into the structural code.
-- ToolInterface.hpp --
class Event; // just forward declare it
class ToolStructuralInterface
// only what the structural code needs to invoke tools
virtual void invoke(std::list<Event*> &) = 0;
-- ToolImplementation.hpp --
class Event
// only the tool code sees this header
// if you really want to prevent accidental inclusion in the structural code
-- StructuralImplementation.hpp --
#error "someone leaked tool implementation details into the structural code"
Note that this kind of partitioning lends itself to putting the tool and structural code in seperate libraries - you might even be able to restrict access to the structural code seperately to the tool code, and just share headers and the compiled library.


is allowing direct access to class member variables from outside the class good practice?

Given the following class:
class ToggleOutput {
uint32_t count;
ToggleOutput(PARAMETERS) //I've just removed stuff to reduce the code
// The code when setting things up
void Update() // public method to toggle a state
// this method will check if a time period has elapsed
// if the time period has elapsed, toggle an output
// Each time the output is toggled on then count gets incremented
count += 1;
Later on in the code, several instances of ToggleOutput get created
ToggleOutput outPut_1(PARAMETERS); // Again, PARAMETERS are just the stuff
ToggleOutput outPut_2(PARAMETERS); // I've cut out for brevity.
ToggleOutput outPut_3(PARAMETERS);
ToggleOutput outPut_4(PARAMETERS);
during execution, I want to do stuff, based on the value of the class member variable, count. eg
if (outPut_1.count >= SOMEVALUE)
I have been told that this is not acceptable. To follow the 'tenets of OOP', class methods should be impletmented to interact with class variables from outside of the class, eg the above code would need to become
if (outPut1.getCount() >= SOMEVALUE)
and the class variable count would need to be made private.
Is this true? Or is it acceptable to allow direct access to class variables if required
Or is it acceptable to allow direct access to class variables if required
A lot of research into good software engineering and programmer productivity indicates that it's typically good to hide the details of how something is implemented. If person A writes a class, then s/he has certain assumptions about how the class should work. If person B wants to use the class, then s/he often has different assumptions about how the class should work (especially if person A did not document the code well, or even at all, as is the case all too often). Then person B is likely to misuse the data in the class, which can break how the class methods work, and lead to errors that are difficult to debug, at least for person B.
In addition, by hiding the details of the class implementation, person A has the freedom to complete rework the implementation, perhaps removing the variable count and replacing it with something else. This can occur because person A figures out a better way to implement count, or because count was in there only as a debugging tool and is not necessary to the actual working of ToggleOutput, etc.
Programmers don't write code only for themselves. In general, they write code for other people, that will be maintained for other people. "Other people" includes you five years from now, when you look at how you implemented something and ask yourself, What on earth was I thinking? By keeping the details of the implementation hidden (including data) you have the freedom to change that, and client classes/software don't need to worry about it as long as the interface remains the same.
Basically, member access is a rule you impose to the developers.
It's something you put in place to prevent yourself or another developer using your class from modifying properties that are supposed to be managed only by the class itself and nobody else.
It has nothing to do with security (well, not necessarily anyway), it's more a matter of semantics. If it's not supposed to be modified externally, it should be private.
And why should you care? Well, it helps you keep your code coherent and organized, which is specially important if you are working with a development team or with code that you intent to distribute.
And if you have to document your class, you only have to do so for stuff that is public, as far as the class user is concerned nothing else matters.

Programming pattern for components that are toggleable at runtime

I'm wondering if there is some kind of logical programming pattern or structure that I should be using if sometimes during runtime a component should be used and other times not. The obvious simple solution is to just use if-else statements everywhere. I'm trying to avoid littering my code with if-else statements since once the component is toggled on, it will more than likely be on for a while and I wonder if its worth it to recheck if the same component is active all over the place when the answer will most likely not have changed between checks.
A brief example of what I'm trying to avoid
class MainClass
// constructors, destructors, etc
ComponentClass m_TogglableComponent;
// somewhere else in the codebase
if (m_TogglableComponent.IsActive())
// do stuff
// somewhere totally different in the codebase
if (m_TogglableComponent.IsActive())
// do some different stuff
Looks like you're headed towards a feature toggle. This is a common occurrence when there's a piece of functionality that you need to be able to toggle on or off at run time. The key piece of insight with this approach is to use polymorphism instead of if/else statements, leveraging object oriented practices.
Martin Fowler details an approach here, as well as his rationale:
But for a quick answer, instead of having state in your ComponentClass that tells observers whether it's active or not, you'll want to make a base class, AbstractComponentClass, and two base classes ActiveComponentClass and InactiveComponentClass. Bear in mind that m_TogglableComponent is currently an automatic member, and you'll need to make it a pointer under this new setup.
AbstractComponentClass will define pure virtual methods that both need to implement. In ActiveComponentClass you will put your normal functionality, as if it were enabled. In InactiveComponentClass you do as little as possible, enough to make the component invisible as far as MainClass is concerned. Void functions will do nothing and functions return values will return neutral values.
The last step is creating an instance of one of these two classes. This is where you bring in dependency injection. In your constructor to MainClass, you'll take a pointer of type AbstractComponentClass. From there on it doesn't care if it's Active or Inactive, it just calls the virtual functions. Whoever owns or controls MainClass is the one that injects the kind that you want, either active or inactive, which could be read by configuration or however else your system decides when to toggle.
If you need to change the behaviour at run time, you'll also need a setter method that takes another AbstractComponentClass pointer and replaces the one from the constructor.

Should I use public or private variables?

I am doing a large project for the first time. I have lots of classes and some of them have public variables, some have private variables with setter and getter methods and same have both types.
I decided to rewrite this code to use primarily only one type. But I don't know which I should use (variables which are used only for methods in the same object are always private and are not subject of this question).
I know the theory what public and private means, but what is used in the real world and why?
private data members are generally considered good because they provide encapsulation.
Providing getters and setters for them breaks that encapsulation, but it's still better than public data members because there's only once access point to that data.
You'll notice this during debugging. If it's private, you know you can only modify the variable inside the class. If it's public, you'll have to search the whole code-base for where it might be modified.
As much as possible, ban getters/setters and make properties private. This follows the principle of information hiding - you shouldn't care about what properties a class has. It should be self-contained. Of course, in practice this isn't feasible, and if it is, a design that follows this will be more cluttered and harder to maintain than one that doesn't.
This is of course a rule of thumb - for example, I'd just use a struct (equivalent with a class with public access) for, say, a simple point class:
struct Point2D
double x;
double y;
Since you say that you know the theory, and other answers have dug into the meaning of public/private, getters and setters, I'd like to focus myself on the why of using accessors instead of creating public attributes (member data in C++).
Imagine that you have a class Truck in a logistic project:
class Truck {
double capacity;
// lots of more things...
Provided you are northamerican, you'll probably use gallons in order to represent the capacity of your trucks. Imagine that your project is finished, it works perfectly, though many direct uses of Truck::capacity are done. Actually, your project becomes a success, so some european firm asks you to adapt your project to them; unfortunately, the project should use the metric system now, so litres instead of gallons should be employed for capacity.
Now, this could be a mess. Of course, one possibility would be to prepare a codebase only for North America, and a codebase only for Europe. But this means that bug fixes should be applied in two different code sources, and that is decided to be unfeasible.
The solution is to create a configuration possibility in your project. The user should be able to set gallons or litres, instead of that being a fixed, hardwired choice of gallons.
With the approach seen above, this will mean a lot of work, you will have to track down all uses of Truck::capacity, and decide what to do with them. This will probably mean to modify files along the whole codebase. Let's suppose, as an alternative, that you decided a more theoretic approach.
class Truck {
double getCapacity() const
{ return capacity; }
// lots of more things...
double capacity;
A possible, alternative change involves no modification to the interface of the class:
class Truck {
double getCapacity() const
{ if ( Configuration::Measure == Gallons ) {
return capacity;
} else {
return ( capacity * 3.78 );
// lots of more things...
double capacity;
(Please take int account that there are lots of ways for doing this, that one is only one possibility, and this is only an example)
You'll have to create the global utility class configuration (but you had to do it anyway), and add an include in truck.h for configuration.h, but these are all local changes, the remaining of your codebase stays unchanged, thus avoiding potential bugs.
Finally, you also state that you are working now in a big project, which I think it is the kind of field in which these reasons actually make more sense. Remember that the objective to keep in mind while working in large projects is to create maintainable code, i.e., code that you can correct and extend with new functionalities. You can forget about getters and setters in personal, small projects, though I'd try to make myself used to them.
Hope this helps.
There is no hard rule as to what should be private/public or protected.
It depends on the role of your class and what it offers.
All the methods and members that constitute the internal workings of
the class should be made private.
Everything that a class offers to the outside world should be public.
Members and methods that may have to be extended in a specialization of this class,
could be declared as protected.
From an OOP point of view getters/setters help with encapsulation and should therefore always be used. When you call a getter/setter the class can do whatever it wants behind the scenes and the internals of the class are not exposed to the outside.
On the other hand, from a C++ point of view, it can also be a disadvantage if the class does lots of unexpected things when you just want to get/set a value. People like to know if some access results in huge overhead or is simple and efficient. When you access a public variable you know exactly what you get, when you use a getter/setter you have no idea.
Especially if you only do a small project, spending your time writing getters/setters and adjusting them all accordingly when you decide to change your variable name/type/... produces lots of busywork for little gain. You'd better spend that time writing code that does something useful.
C++ code commonly doesn't use getters/setters when they don't provide real gain. If you design a 1,000,000-line project with lots of modules that have to be as independent as possible it might make sense, but for most normal-sized code you write day to day they are overkill.
There are some data types whose sole purpose is to hold well-specified data. These can typically be written as structs with public data members. Aside from that, a class should define an abstraction. Public variables or trivial setters and getters suggest that the design hasn't been thought through sufficiently, resulting in an agglomeration of weak abstractions that don't abstract much of anything. Instead of thinking about data, think about behavior: this class should do X, Y, and Z. From there, decide what internal data is needed to support the desired behavior. That's not easy at first, but keep reminding yourself that it's behavior that matters, not data.
Private member variables are preferred over public member variables, mainly for the reasons stated above (encapsulation, well-specified data, etc..). They also provide some data protection as well, since it guarantees that no outside entity can alter the member variable without going through the proper channel of a setter if need be.
Another benefit of getters and setters is that if you are using an IDE (like Eclipse or Netbeans), you can use the IDE's functionality to search for every place in the codebase where the function is called. They provide visibility as to where a piece of data in that particular class is being used or modified. Also, you can easily make the access to the member variables thread safe by having an internal mutex. The getter/setter functions would grab this mutex before accessing or modifying the variable.
I'm a proponent of abstraction to the point where it is still useful. Abstraction for the sake of abstraction usually results in a cluttered mess that is more complicated than its worth.
I've worked with complex rpgies and many games and i started to follow this rule of thumb.
Everything is public until a modification from outside can break something inside, then it should be encapsulated.(corner count in a triangle class for example)
I know info hiding principles etc but really don't follow that.
Public variables are usually discouraged, and the better form is to make all variables private and access them with getters and setters:
private int var;
public int getVar() {
return var;
public void setVar(int _var) {
var = _var;
Modern IDEs like Eclipse and others help you doing this by providing features like "Implement Getters and Setters" and "Encapsulate Field" (which replaces all direct acccesses of variables with the corresponding getter and setter calls).

OOP vs macro problem

I came across this problem via a colleague today. He had a design for a front end system which goes like this:
class LWindow
//Interface for common methods to Windows
class LListBox : public LWindow
//Do not override methods in LWindow.
//Interface for List specific stuff
class LComboBox : public LWindow{} //So on
The Window system should work on multiple platforms. Suppose for the moment we target Windows and Linux. For Windows we have an implementation for the interface in LWindow. And we have multiple implementations for all the LListBoxes, LComboBoxes, etc. My reaction was to pass an LWindow*(Implementation object) to the base LWindow class so it can do this:
void LWindow::Move(int x, int y)
p_Impl->Move(x, y); //Impl is an LWindow*
And, do the same thing for implementation of LListBox and so on
The solution originally given was much different. It boiled down to this:
#define WindowsCommonImpl {//Set of overrides for LWindow methods}
class WinListBox : public LListBox
WindowsCommonImpl //The overrides for methods in LWindow will get pasted here.
//LListBox overrides
//So on
Now, having read all about macros being evil and good design practices, I immediately was against this scheme. After all, it is code duplication in disguise. But I couldn't convince my colleague of that. And I was surprised that that was the case. So, I pose this question to you. What are the possible problems of the latter method? I'd like practical answers please. I need to convince someone who is very practical (and used to doing this sort of stuff. He mentioned that there's lots of macros in MFC!) that this is bad (and myself). Not teach him aesthetics. Further, is there anything wrong with what I proposed? If so, how do I improve it? Thanks.
EDIT: Please give me some reasons so I can feel good about myself supporting oop :(
Going for bounty. Please ask if you need any clarifications. I want to know arguments for and vs OOP against the macro :)
Your colleague is probably thinking of the MFC message map macros; these are used in important-looking places in every MFC derived class, so I can see where your colleague is coming from. However these are not for implementing interfaces, but rather for details with interacting with the rest of the Windows OS.
Specifically, these macros implement part of Windows' message pump system, where "messages" representing requests for MFC classes to do stuff gets directed to the correct handler functions (e.g. mapping the messages to the handlers). If you have access to visual studio, you'll see that these macros wrap the message map entries in a somewhat-complicated array of structs (that the calling OS code knows how to read), and provide functions to access this map.
As MFC users, the macro system makes this look clean to us. But this works mostly because underlying Windows API is well-specified and won't change much, and most of the macro code is generated by the IDE to avoid typos. If you need to implement something that involves messy declarations then macros might make sense, but so far this doesn't seem to be the case.
Practical concerns that your colleague may be interested in:
duplicated macro calls. Looks like you're going to need to copy the line "WindowsCommonImpl" into each class declaration - assuming the macro expands to some inline functions. If they're only declarations and the implementations go in a separate macro, you'll need to do this in every .cpp file too - and change the class name passed into the macro every time.
longer recompile time. For your solution, if you change something in the LWindow implementation, you probably only need to recompile LWindow.cpp. If you change something in the macro, everything that includes the macro header file needs to be recompiled, which is probably your whole project.
harder to debug. If the error has to do with the logic within the macro, the debugger will probably break to the caller, where you don't see the error right away. You may not even think to check the macro definition because you thought you knew exactly what it did.
So basically your LWindow solution is a better solution, to minimize headaches down the road.
Does'nt answer your question directly may be, but can't help from telling you to Read up on the Bridge Design pattern in GOF. It's meant exactly for that.
Decouple an abstraction from its
implementation so that the two can
vary independently.
From what I can understand, you are already on the right path, other than the MACRO stuff.
My reaction was to pass an
LWindow*(Implementation object) to the
base LWindow class so it can do this:
LListBox and LComboBox should receive an instance of WindowsCommonImpl.
In the first solution, inheritance is used so that LListBox and LComboBox can use some common methods. However, inheritance is not meant for this.
I would agree with you. Solution with WindowsCommonImpl macro is really bad. It is error-prone, hard to extend and very hard to debug. MFC is a good example of how you should not design your windows library. If it looks like MFC, you are really on a wrong way.
So, your solution obviously better than macro-based one. Anyway, I wouldn't agree it is good enough. The most significant drawback to me is that you mix interface and implementation. Most practical value of separating interface and implementation is ability to easily write mock objects for testing purposes.
Anyway, it seems the problem you are trying to solve is how to combine interface inheritance with implementation inheritance in C++. I would suggest using template class for window implementation.
// Window interface
class LWindow
// ListBox interface (inherits Window interface)
class LListBox : public LWindow
// Window implementation template
template<class Interface>
class WindowImpl : public Interface
// Window implementation
typedef WindowImpl<LWindow> Window;
// ListBox implementation
// (inherits both Window implementation and Window interface)
class ListBox : public WindowImpl<LListBox>
As I remember WTL windows library is based on the similar pattern of combining interfaces and implementations. I hope it helps.
Oh man this is confusing.
OK, so L*** is a hierarchy of interfaces, that's fine. Now what are you using the p_Impl for, if you have an interface, why would you include implementation in it?
The macro stuff is of course ugly, plus it's usually impossible to do. The whole point is that you will have different implementations, if you don't, then why create several classes in the first place?
OP seems confused. Here' what to do, it is very complex but it works.
Rule 1: Design the abstractions. If you have an "is-A" relation you must use public virtual inheritance.
struct Window { .. };
struct ListBox : virtual Window { .. };
Rule 2: Make implementations, if you're implementing an abstraction you must use virtual inheritance. You are free to use inheritance to save on duplication.
class WindowImpl : virtual Window { .. };
class BasicListBoxImpl : virtual ListBox, public WindowImpl { .. };
class FancyListBoxImpl : public BasicListBoxImpl { };
Therefore you should read "virtual" to mean "isa" and other inheritance is just saving on rewriting methods.
Rule3: Try to make sure there is only one useful function in a concrete type: the constructor. This is sometimes hard, you may need some default and some set methods to fiddle things. Once the object is set up cast away the implementation. Ideally you'd do this on construction:
ListBox *p = new FancyListBoxImpl (.....);
Notes: you are not going to call any abstract methods directly on or in an implementation so private inheritance of abstract base is just fine. Your task is exclusively to define these methods, not to use them: that's for the clients of the abstractions only. Implementations of virtual methods from the bases also might just as well be private for the same reason. Inheritance for reuse will probably be public since you might want to use these methods in the derived class or from outside of it after construction to configure your object before casting away the implementation details.
Rule 4: There is a standard implementation for many abstractions, known as delegation which is one you were talking about:
struct Abstract { virtual void method()=0; };
struct AbstractImpl_Delegate: virtual Abstract {
Abstract *p;
AbstractImpl_Delegate (Abstract *q) : p(q) {}
void method () { p->method(); }
This is a cute implementation since it doesn't require you to know anything about the abstraction or how to implement it... :)
I found that
the preprocessor #define directive to
define constants is not as precise.
Macros are apparently not as precise, I did not even know that...
The classic hidden dangers of the preprocessor like:
#define PI_PLUS_ONE (3.14 + 1)`
By doing so, you avoid the possibility
that an order of operations issue will
destroy the meaning of your constant:
x = PI_PLUS_ONE * 5;`
parentheses, the above would be
converted to
x = 3.14 + 1 * 5;

Advice on wrapping third party libraries

I have been working a year now as a software developer for a at the computer-vision department of a company. My main job is integration of third-party software into a framework, so i usually end up writing wrapper libraries because a lot of this third party software does not work the way we want it to work(not thread safe, pain in the a** to use etc.).
Normally i just wrap the whole library and guard the calls to the library with mutual exclusions(thread safety is somehow the major problem with most extern libraries). I really enjoy doing this, as it puts you into a lot of interesting situations and you get to see a lot of interesting code. However i often think that i am not doing it properly or that my implementation is not really good. I feel like i am lacking some sort of design knowledge on how to properly do stuff like that.
Basically i want to know if there are any good guidelines or hints about designing a proper 'API ontop of broken API', or if this is always bound to be quite hackish and ugly.
I will quote an answer to another question on here the other day:
Does your current method pass testing?
Is it fast enough?
If yes, keep doing what you are doing.
As an alternative
Just ensure your new API encompasses both the intended functionality and the conventional or accidental functionality of the original. Also ensure it presents a 'fit-for-purpose' re-presentation. Take a peek at the C++ wrapping of C libraries in FOSS projects such as GTK/GTK for C++ (which just wraps the former).
If the API is broken, fix it and submit a patch ... get involved with the third-parties (I am assuming having access to the source means they won't mind this) ... You could re-write some of their API to be 'wrapping friendly' and suggest they merge some changes. If there is a problem, be the one to fix it.
Not much to it, just wrap A with B and ensure B does what A was supposed to, or is used for.
The only thing that I can add to Aiden's response is that you should also look to replace code that requires explicit initialization and termination with RAII techniques. When I've been faced with providing a façade over APIs, I always seem to run into a class that looks like:
/* a bunch of members here */
void adv_Initialize(ADVERTISER *adv, /* a bunch of arguments */);
void adv_DoStuff(ADVERTISER *adv);
void adv_Terminate(ADVERTISER *adv);
I've seen this wrapped in a C++ class in the following manner:
namespace wrapper {
class Advertiser {
Advertiser(): inited_(false) {}
void initialize(/* a bunch of arguments */) {
adv_Initialize(&adv_, ...);
inited_ = true;
void doStuff() {
void terminate() {
if (inited_) {
inited_ = false;
void validate() {
if (!inited_) {
throw std::runtime_error("instance is not valid");
bool inited_;
The problem is that the Advertiser class doesn't really make the API any easier to use or even cleaner IMHO. If you run into cases like this, then:
Use a fully parameterized constructor to ensure that invalid instances do not exist
Clean up all resources in the destructor
Write a copy constructor and assignment operator if they make sense or make them private and don't implement them.
My goal is to make sure that whatever API I am presenting/creating/wrapping works with our existing coding style. I also try to bend the API into a more OO style than it may currently be in. I have seen a number of what I call object-oriented C like the one that I presented above. If you want to make them really fit into C++, then make then truly object-oriented and take advantage of what C++ gives you:
Be careful to manage any state variables.
If actions like copying don't make sense, then hide them.
If there is any possibility of leaking resources, then find some way to prevent it from happening (usually employing RAII helps).
Restrict the creation of instances using constructors to eliminate invalid instances and other edge cases.