Advice on wrapping third party libraries - c++

I have been working a year now as a software developer for a at the computer-vision department of a company. My main job is integration of third-party software into a framework, so i usually end up writing wrapper libraries because a lot of this third party software does not work the way we want it to work(not thread safe, pain in the a** to use etc.).
Normally i just wrap the whole library and guard the calls to the library with mutual exclusions(thread safety is somehow the major problem with most extern libraries). I really enjoy doing this, as it puts you into a lot of interesting situations and you get to see a lot of interesting code. However i often think that i am not doing it properly or that my implementation is not really good. I feel like i am lacking some sort of design knowledge on how to properly do stuff like that.
Basically i want to know if there are any good guidelines or hints about designing a proper 'API ontop of broken API', or if this is always bound to be quite hackish and ugly.

I will quote an answer to another question on here the other day:
Does your current method pass testing?
Is it fast enough?
If yes, keep doing what you are doing.
As an alternative
Just ensure your new API encompasses both the intended functionality and the conventional or accidental functionality of the original. Also ensure it presents a 'fit-for-purpose' re-presentation. Take a peek at the C++ wrapping of C libraries in FOSS projects such as GTK/GTK for C++ (which just wraps the former).
If the API is broken, fix it and submit a patch ... get involved with the third-parties (I am assuming having access to the source means they won't mind this) ... You could re-write some of their API to be 'wrapping friendly' and suggest they merge some changes. If there is a problem, be the one to fix it.
Not much to it, just wrap A with B and ensure B does what A was supposed to, or is used for.

The only thing that I can add to Aiden's response is that you should also look to replace code that requires explicit initialization and termination with RAII techniques. When I've been faced with providing a façade over APIs, I always seem to run into a class that looks like:
/* a bunch of members here */
void adv_Initialize(ADVERTISER *adv, /* a bunch of arguments */);
void adv_DoStuff(ADVERTISER *adv);
void adv_Terminate(ADVERTISER *adv);
I've seen this wrapped in a C++ class in the following manner:
namespace wrapper {
class Advertiser {
Advertiser(): inited_(false) {}
void initialize(/* a bunch of arguments */) {
adv_Initialize(&adv_, ...);
inited_ = true;
void doStuff() {
void terminate() {
if (inited_) {
inited_ = false;
void validate() {
if (!inited_) {
throw std::runtime_error("instance is not valid");
bool inited_;
The problem is that the Advertiser class doesn't really make the API any easier to use or even cleaner IMHO. If you run into cases like this, then:
Use a fully parameterized constructor to ensure that invalid instances do not exist
Clean up all resources in the destructor
Write a copy constructor and assignment operator if they make sense or make them private and don't implement them.
My goal is to make sure that whatever API I am presenting/creating/wrapping works with our existing coding style. I also try to bend the API into a more OO style than it may currently be in. I have seen a number of what I call object-oriented C like the one that I presented above. If you want to make them really fit into C++, then make then truly object-oriented and take advantage of what C++ gives you:
Be careful to manage any state variables.
If actions like copying don't make sense, then hide them.
If there is any possibility of leaking resources, then find some way to prevent it from happening (usually employing RAII helps).
Restrict the creation of instances using constructors to eliminate invalid instances and other edge cases.


unique_ptr as general purpose dispose object

Suppose I have a situation, where I have an SDK which provides certain interface, which implies some manual resources management or state changes. It is supposed to be used like this:
// SDK has state B by default
Is it a good idea to incapsulate state changes as custom allocator/deleter for unique_ptr object or, probably, it would be better to get this behaviour through some manual Dispose pattern implementation.
Since it's not a resource allocation, I have doubts. It might cause confusion and make code cryptic.
My other concern is that I need a return code from both init and clean up steps. I could use lambdas and get those through captures, but it looks even more cryptic.
Maybe someone tried it already and saw how it makes code look after a while?
Generally, it is best to design the interface of the code in such a way that it is easy to use and intuitive, or, put differently, that it's hard to use it wrongly. In particular, if the interface is able to prevent bugs by refusing compilation, it can save a lot of debugging time.
One possibility to achieve such an interface would be something that can be loosely related to the std::mutex <---> std::unique_lock mechanics:
class state_guard {
std::unique_ptr<SDK_type>& SDK;
state_guard(std::unique_ptr<SDK_type>& s) : SDK{ s } {
~state_guard() {
void something(state_guard&, ...);
void requiring(state_guard&, ...);
void stateA(state_guard&, ...);
std::unique_ptr<SDK_type> SDK{ get_sdk() };
state_guard guard{ SDK };
something(guard, ...);
requiring(guard, ...);
stateA(guard, ...);
By forcing to pass the guard as a function argument (even if it is unused in the respective function), the user cannot forget to set to stateA (and thanks to RAII, to reset it to stateB).

Programming pattern for components that are toggleable at runtime

I'm wondering if there is some kind of logical programming pattern or structure that I should be using if sometimes during runtime a component should be used and other times not. The obvious simple solution is to just use if-else statements everywhere. I'm trying to avoid littering my code with if-else statements since once the component is toggled on, it will more than likely be on for a while and I wonder if its worth it to recheck if the same component is active all over the place when the answer will most likely not have changed between checks.
A brief example of what I'm trying to avoid
class MainClass
// constructors, destructors, etc
ComponentClass m_TogglableComponent;
// somewhere else in the codebase
if (m_TogglableComponent.IsActive())
// do stuff
// somewhere totally different in the codebase
if (m_TogglableComponent.IsActive())
// do some different stuff
Looks like you're headed towards a feature toggle. This is a common occurrence when there's a piece of functionality that you need to be able to toggle on or off at run time. The key piece of insight with this approach is to use polymorphism instead of if/else statements, leveraging object oriented practices.
Martin Fowler details an approach here, as well as his rationale:
But for a quick answer, instead of having state in your ComponentClass that tells observers whether it's active or not, you'll want to make a base class, AbstractComponentClass, and two base classes ActiveComponentClass and InactiveComponentClass. Bear in mind that m_TogglableComponent is currently an automatic member, and you'll need to make it a pointer under this new setup.
AbstractComponentClass will define pure virtual methods that both need to implement. In ActiveComponentClass you will put your normal functionality, as if it were enabled. In InactiveComponentClass you do as little as possible, enough to make the component invisible as far as MainClass is concerned. Void functions will do nothing and functions return values will return neutral values.
The last step is creating an instance of one of these two classes. This is where you bring in dependency injection. In your constructor to MainClass, you'll take a pointer of type AbstractComponentClass. From there on it doesn't care if it's Active or Inactive, it just calls the virtual functions. Whoever owns or controls MainClass is the one that injects the kind that you want, either active or inactive, which could be read by configuration or however else your system decides when to toggle.
If you need to change the behaviour at run time, you'll also need a setter method that takes another AbstractComponentClass pointer and replaces the one from the constructor.

C++ logging wrapper design

I would like to add a log to my application. I've picked a logging library but I'd like to be able to switch to a different library without having to alter any code that uses logging.
Therefore, I need some sort of logging wrapper that is flexible enough to utilize pretty much any underlying logging library's functionality.
Any suggestions for such a wrapper's design?
EDIT: one feature I must have in this wrapper is component tagging. I want my algorithm class to have "X:" appear ahead of its log lines, and my manager class to have "Y:" appear. How to propagate this these tags onto the underling log and how to build the component tag naming mechanism is one major design question here.
Your best bet is to make the interface as simple as possible. Completely separate the logging user's interface from how the logging actually gets implemented.
Cross-cutting concerns always are expensive to maintain, so making things any more complicated will make you hate life.
Some library only wants something simple like this:
void logDebug(const std::string &msg);
void logWarning(const std::string &msg);
void logError(const std::string &msg);
They shouldn't add or specify any more context. No one can use the information anyway, so don't over design it.
If you start adding more information to your logging calls it makes it harder to reuse the client code that uses it. Usually you will see this surface when components are used at different levels of abstraction. Especially when some low level code is providing debug information that is only relevant to higher levels.
This doesn't force your logging implementation (or even the interface the logging implementation conforms to!) into anything either, so you can change it whenever.
Insofar as the tagging, that is a high level concern. I'm going to speculate that it doesn't belong in the log, but that is neither here nor there.
Keep it out of the logging message specification. Low level code shouldn't give a flying truck who you or your manager is.
I don't know how you specify X or Y in your example. How you do that isn't really obvious from the description we are given. I'm going to just use a string for demonstration, but you should replace it with something type safe if at all possible.
If this is always on, then just having an instance context (probably a global variable) might be appropriate. When you log in, set the context and forget about it. If it ever isn't set, throw with extreme prejudice. If you can't throw when it isn't set, then it isn't always on.
void setLoggingContext("X:");
If this changes at different levels of abstraction, I would consider a stack based RAII implementation.
LoggingTag tag("X:");
I'm not sure what your requirements are in the scenario when different stack frames pass in different values. I could see where either the top or the bottom of the stack would be reasonable for differing use cases.
void foo() {
LoggingTag tag("X:");
void bar() {
LoggingTag tag("Y:");
void baz() {
Either way this shouldn't affect how you add a message to the log. The baz function doesn't have the context to specify the LoggingTag. It's very important that using logWarning doesn't know about tags for this reason.
If you wanted to tag based on some type, you could do something simple like this.
struct LoggingTag {
LoggingTag(const std::string &tag_) : tag(tag_) {}
template<typename T>
static LoggingTag ByType() {
return LoggingTag(typeid(T).name());
std::string tag;
void foo() {
LoggingTag tag = LogginTag::ByType<int>();
This wouldn't force someone to use typeid(T).name() if they didn't want to, but gave you the convenience.
I like this approach:
class Log {
virtual logString(const std::string&)=0;
template <typename T>
Log& operator<<(Log& logger, const T& object) {
std::stringstream converter;
converter << object;
return logger;
Simple and quick! All you need to do is reimplement the logString method...
Take a look at zf_log library. It is very small (~2000k lines, ~10KB when compiled) and fast (see comparison table in It is very close to what you describe as wrapper. It gives you an abstract API that you can use in your project and allows to specify what actual logging implementation to use. See custom_output.c example where syslog is used as output facility. It also could be used privately inside libraries without risk of getting into conflict with other code that could use this library (see ZF_LOG_LIBRARY_PREFIX define for more info).
Even if it's not exactly what you are looking for, I guess it could be a good example for your wrapper thing.

Friendship not inherited - what are the alternatives?

I have written/am writing a piece of physics analysis code, initially for myself, that will now hopefully be used and extended by a small group of physicists. None of us are C++ gurus. I have put together a small framework that abstracts the "physics event" data into objects acted on by a chain of tools that can easily be swapped in and out depending on the analysis requirements.
This has created two halves to the code: the "physics analysis" code that manipulates the event objects and produces our results via derivatives of a base "Tool"; and the "structural" code that attaches input files, splits the job into parallel runs, links tools into a chain according to some script, etc.
The problem is this: for others to make use of the code it is essential that every user should be able to follow every single step that modifies the event data in any way. The (many) extra lines of difficult structural code could therefore be daunting, unless it is obviously and demonstrably peripheral to the physics. Worse, looking at it in too much detail might give people ideas - and I'd rather they didn't edit the structural code without very good reason - and most importantly they must not introduce anything that affects the physics.
I would like to be able to:
A) demonstrate in an obvious way that
the structural code does not edit the
event data in any way
B) enforce this once other users
begin extending the code themselves
(none of us are
expert, and the physics always comes
first - translation: anything not
bolted down is fair game for a nasty
In my ideal scenario the event data would be private, with the derived physics tools inheriting access from the Tool base class. Of course in reality this is not allowed. I hear there are good reasons for this, but that's not the issue.
Unfortunately, in this case the method of calling getters/setters from the base (which is a friend) would create more problems than it solves - the code should be as clean, as easy to follow, and as connected to the physics as possible in the implementation of the tool itself (a user should not need to be an expert in either C++ or the inner workings of the program to create a tool).
Given that I have a trusted base class and any derivatives will be subject to close scrutiny, is there any other roundabout but well tested way of allowing access to only these derivatives? Or any way of denying access to the derivatives of some other base?
To clarify the situation I have something like
class Event
// The event data (particle collections etc)
class Tool
virtual bool apply(Event* ev) = 0;
class ExampleTool : public Tool
bool apply(Event* ev)
// do something like loop over the electron collection
// and throw away those will low energy
The ideal would be to limit access to the contents of Event to only these tools for the two reasons (A and B) above.
Thanks everyone for the solutions proposed. I think, as I suspected, the perfect solution I was wishing for is impossible. dribeas' solution would be perfect in any other setting, but its precisely in the apply() function that the code needs to be as clear and succinct as possible as we will basically spend all day writing/editing apply() functions, and will also need to understand every line of these written by each of the others. Its not so much about capability as readability and effort. I do like the preprocessor solution from "Useless". It doesn't really enforce the separation, but someone would need to be genuinely malicious to break it. To those who suggested a library, I think this will definitely be a good first step, but doesn't really address the two main issues (as I'll still need to provide the source anyway).
There are three access qualifiers in C++: public, protected and private. The sentence with the derived physics tools inheriting access from the Tool base class seems to indicate that you want protected access, but it is not clear whether the actual data that is private is in Tool (and thus protected suffices) or is currently private in a class that befriends Tool.
In the first case, just make the data protected:
class Tool {
type data;
In the second case, you can try to play nasty tricks on the language, like for example, providing an accessor at the Tool level:
class Data {
type this_is_private;
friend class Tool;
class Tool {
static type& gain_acces_to_data( Data& d ) {
return d.this_is_private;
class OneTool : public Tool {
void foo( Data& d ) {
operate_on( gain_access_to_data(d) );
But I would avoid it altogether. There is a point where access specifiers stop making sense. They are tools to avoid mistakes, not to police your co-workers, and the fact is that as long as you want them to write code that will need access to that data (Tool extensions) you might as well forget about having absolute protection: you cannot.
A user that wants to gain access to the data might as well just use the newly created backdoor to do so:
struct Evil : Tool {
static type& break_rule( Data & d ) {
return gain_access_to_data( d );
And now everyone can simply use Evil as a door to Data. I recommend that you read the C++FAQ-lite for more insight on C++.
Provide the code as a library with headers to be used by whoever wants to create tools. This nicely encapsulates the stuff you want to keep intact. It's impossible to prevent hacks if everyone has access to the source and are keen to make changes to anything.
There is also the C-style approach, of restricting visibility rather than access rights. It is enforced more by convention and (to some extent) your build system, rather than the language - although you could use a sort of include guard to prevent "accidental" leakage of the Tool implementation details into the structural code.
-- ToolInterface.hpp --
class Event; // just forward declare it
class ToolStructuralInterface
// only what the structural code needs to invoke tools
virtual void invoke(std::list<Event*> &) = 0;
-- ToolImplementation.hpp --
class Event
// only the tool code sees this header
// if you really want to prevent accidental inclusion in the structural code
-- StructuralImplementation.hpp --
#error "someone leaked tool implementation details into the structural code"
Note that this kind of partitioning lends itself to putting the tool and structural code in seperate libraries - you might even be able to restrict access to the structural code seperately to the tool code, and just share headers and the compiled library.

What is the meaning of a C++ Wrapper Class?

I have a little trouble in understanding a wrapper class. It would be great if some one could help providing apt examples.
What is a C++ Wrapper Class and what are the circumstances of writing it ?
What is it's use any way ?
A "wrapper class" is a de facto term meaning a class that "wraps around" a resource; i.e, that manages the resource. When people write a wrapper, then, they are doing something like this:
class int_ptr_wrapper
int_ptr_wrapper(int value = 0) :
mInt(new int(value))
// note! needs copy-constructor and copy-assignment operator!
delete mInt;
int* mInt;
This class manages ("wraps") a pointer to an int. All resources should be wrapped in some fashion, for cleanliness (no explicit clean up code or noise) and correctness (destructor is guaranteed to run; cannot forget to clean up, and safe with exceptions).
This pattern is called Scoped-bound Resource Management (SBRM), though a far more common (but most esoteric) name is Resource-Acquisition is Initialization (RAII). The idea is to bind a resource's clean-up to a destructor, for the reasons given above: the scope handles the rest.
Note that I said it was missing a copy-constructor and copy-assignment operator. This is due to the Rule of Three. (See linked question for detailed explanation.) The simplest way to correctly implement this rule is with the copy-and-swap idiom, explained here.
Sometimes, it's not pragmatic to write wrapper class for resource clean-up, usually when the resource is unique or used once. (Or with transactional programming.) The solution to this is called scope guard, a way of writing clean-up code inside the function that needs it.
You may find more information by searching for it in your favorite search provider (that is, Google), or going to the "primary" document here. Note that Boost provides a utility for this, as it usually does for good idioms.
A wrapper is just some smallish class whose purpose is to provide a different interface than the thing it wraps. For example, it is common to take a C API and write one or more classes that "wrap" it to provide an object-oriented interface rather than a procedural one.
You asked for circumstances of writing wrapper classes.For example, if you are in a company that makes use of different types of cameras, let us say USB, firewire etc. Each of the manufacturers will provide a different set of functions through an API to start the camera, set the parameters and read the image stream from it.
Now the programmer who builds the applications in your company need to be insulated from all the specific details in the various APIs. Now, what you can do is write a wrapper class around the APIs for each of the cameras or smarter, just one class with simple functions, wrapping around the existing code provided by the API.
For instance, we can design classes
with some member functions like
setFrameRate(int fps),
getImgFrame(*framebuffer), etc.
The programmers in your company can then use MyUSBCameraWrapperClass usbcam; usbcam.setFrameRate(30), etc. You get the point??
A wrapper class is a class that wraps a functionality with another interface.
Suppose you have the function f():
void f() { std::cout << "hello\n"; }
A simple wrapper class might be
class C {
f() { std::cout << "hello\n"; }
You might write a wrapper when your existing codebase expects a particular interface. This is the essence of the adapter design pattern. Or you might wrap a function in a class if you wish to maintain state for that function. Or you might wrap a function in a class' constructor or destructor if you want it to conveniently and automatically be called for you in a correct and deterministic manner. And the list goes on.
I use two kinds:
resource wrappers for function pairs provided by the OS like
UNIXs: open/close, mmap/munmap, dlopen/dlclose
Windows: CreateFile/DestroyHandle, CreateFileMapping/CloseHandle, LoadLibrary/FreeLibrary
functional wrappers for functions provided by the OS like
UNIXs: write, read, dlsym
Windows: ReadFile, WriteFile, GetProcAddress
The resource wrapper makes certain, that compiler generated code worries about the destruction of the resource created by the constructor via what is today called RAII. It is easy to combine such classes via base/member class relationships into complex classes.
In case of the creation function fails, a system error exception is thrown, providing rich error information about the error.
The functional wrapper is used instead of the plain OS function. Also in case of failure a system exception is being thrown.
This way somebody using my code doesn't need a debugger and debug code to find out what is failing in a complex environment with many libraries and processes and remote machines.
Also these wrappers provide some OS abstraction -- the code using them does not have to worry about OS differences.