IIS7/.NET web services - Error when one web service calls another - web-services

I need a little help solving an issue regarding .NET web services. I have a desktop application that consumes my main web service. One of the methods gets some report data, but in order to do that, web service (A) calls a method in web service (B). Depending what parameters I pass into "A"s method, it either works or fails. If I pass in a filter, the dataset is pretty small, when I don't pass in a filter obviously the dataset is very large. Additionally, if I run web service "A" in debug mode and point my desktop app to the local version (meanwhile B is on our production server), it works wether I filter the data or not. The error I get is a 502 Bad Gateway on production, and a 502 - Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server.
We have a web farm with some ARR's, so I went into the web farm's ARR, and found "Proxy" settings and adjusted the timeout to 1200 seconds (whereas my app usually fails within 20-30 seconds) and I'm still receive this error. The HTTP version is in "Pass through" mode with the "keep alive" checkbox checked.
We have no issues using a windows service consuming a web service or anything like that, just when one web service consumes another web service.
I'm not using any sessions in my web service methods, and I believe the webmethod I call in web service "B" does have a cacheduration value set of 5 minutes.
I'm scratching my head on this for my lack of knowledge of IIS 7, and many other things. If anyone has any ideas or can point me in the right direction I would certainly appreciate it.

I thought I'd come here and answer this question in case anyone else ran into the same issue. This issue was not server related at all. It was code related. In my code I had a datatable (c#), and was doing a datatable.select(....) where I would pass in a filter with many "OR"'s. Ex. Filter = 'x' OR 'y' OR 'z' etc etc. I had around 100 of these, which caused the datatable.select method to produce a stackoverflow exception. I changed the code to do an "IN (x,y,z)" and it works fine now. Hope this helps someone.


Why are my coldfusion soap webservices 10 times slower in production vs development?

It appears this issue is caused by a bug related specifically to using Axis2 with ColdFusion and we have been able
to replicate the issue in our production environment on two different servers by
switching between Axis1 and Axis2. My original tests to compare the
two were apparently thwarted by an override in an Application.cfc
which forced Axis2.
We ran into a memory leak today which forced us to speed up the resolution to this issue. It resembled the leak
discussed here though we aren't sure if it is the exact same
Our primary webservices are in Axis1 and we only switched to Axis2 for
this new set of webservices because we needed document literal style
for SalesForce and with Axis1 an invalid wsdl was being created (did
not properly describe all object types in arrays). So now we have it as
Axis1 and using a manually manipulated wsdl. Not entirely sure if it
will work out with SalesForce but as far as a general fix this works.
I am investigating an issue with our coldfusion based soap webservices in our production environment. It appears that the time between the return statement in the webservices method code and actually receiving a response can be significant and appears to directly correspond to the size of the response and/or number of objects.
In development a particular request that returns 1000 records takes about 6 seconds to return. However in production that same hit takes 50+ seconds to return. I added some timing code and found that the actual function code takes less than 1 second to run at the start of the request, meaning that generating the response is taking coldfusion about 50 seconds in production. Hitting the webservice with simple http request does not have the same slowness so seems to be soap/axis specific. The resulting xml is about 1MB which I have compared and found no differences. I also copied out settings from cfadmin in both environments to compare and could find no performance related setting differences.
Both environments are at the same CF 10 update level. The server monitor shows no significant memory usage. I also ran the request from in the server to make sure there wasn't some slow connection issues or https slowing things down but the results are the same.
Any suggestions or solution would be appreciated.
Additional notes...
CPU sits at about 17% for most of the time of the request which is a lot of work to be doing. Something is happening very inefficiently
I tried switching instance to Axis1 and back again followed by an instance restart and additional tests with no change in results
One possibility is that you have them throttled - check the "request tuning" in your CF administrator. By default the setting for "number of simultaneous web service requests" is 10. Are you looping and hitting the server? In production is there more traffic?
In server monitor enable profiling and monitoring, then click on "statistics". On the far right there is a little chart icon. click on it and you will see a chart and a counter legend in the top right. Then run your code. Does the "web services running" reach a threshold and cross into "web services queued" - if so you need to increase that threshold.
One more clue - in the server monitor do NOT run the "memory profiling for more than a few seconds - say 30. If you don't you will have performance problems for sure.

Architecture Design for API of Cloud Service

I've a local application that process the user input for 3 second (approximately) and then return an answer (output) to the user.
(I don't want to go into details about my application in purpose of not complicate the question and keep it a pure architectural question)
My Goal:
I want to make my application a service in the cloud and expose API
(for the upcoming website and for clients that will connect the service without install the software locally)
Possible Solutions:
Deploy WCF on the cloud and use my application there, so clients can invoke the service and use my application on the cloud. (RPC style)
Use a Web-API that will insert the request into queue and then a worker role will dequeue requests and post the results to a DB, so the client will send one request for creating a request in the queue, and another request for getting the result (which the Web-API will get from the DB).
The Problems:
If I go with the WCF solution (#1) I cant handle great loads of requests, maybe 10-20 simultaneously.
If I go with the WebAPI-Queue-WorkerRole solution (#2) sometimes the client will need to request the results multiple times its can be a problem.
If I go with the WebAPI-Queue-WorkerRole solution (#2) the process isn't sync, the client will not get the result once the process of his request is done, he need to request the result.
In the WebAPI-Queue-WorkerRole solution (#2), can I somehow alert the client once his request has processed and done ? so I can save the client multiple request (for the result).
Asking multiple times for the result isn't old stuff ? I remmemeber that 10 - 15 years ago its was accepted but now ? I know that VirusTotal API use this kind of design.
There is a better solution ? one that will handle great loads and will be sync or async (returning result to the client once it done) ?
Thank you.
If you're using Azure, why not simply fire up more servers and use load balancing to handle more load? In that way, as your load increases, you have more servers to handle the requests.
Microsoft recently made available the Azure Service Fabric, which gives you a lot of control over spinning up and shutting down these services.

How to know if the asynchronous connection is working?

I am working on oracle SOA, I created a asynchrous connection and I was able to get the message that I was successful. Now as a client, how can I check if my service is working correctly. I am a newbie, any help would be appreciated.
As a client you don't. you can't, know the service is working. That is the, um, magic of SOA. You submit your request and just have to trust that the service will keep its side of the contact.
So, this service does something. Eventually. There must be some tangible output - an order placed, a password reset, a report generated. At that point the service should communicate the outcome to the client by some mechanism depending on the nature of your application and the service in question - probably email or SMS, but perhaps a record in a table or a generated web page.
This it really a design or architectural question. A Service is a process: there's a triggering action - the client's submission - and an outcome, which is what the client wants (or an exception). In between is a set of business sub-routines which are largely invisible to the client (although a long running service might have windows, like Amazon's order tracking service).
You need to design your service so that it communicates the outcome to the client in some fashion. The precise details will obviously depend on what your service does.

I need some help with web services

Here is my scenario: I have an iPhone app (written in Monotouch but that has nothing to do with the design) that has consumables. I give 25 free consumables when the app is installed. If the user deletes the app and re-installs it, he now gets the same 25 free consumables. I need a way to prevent this.
So I came up with the idea of a database on a server (my website host?), which would have a list of UDIDs. If the user's UDID is in the database (that means he has already installed the app) a response is sent back to the app to set the consumable count to zero. If the UDID is not in the d/b, then it is added and the response is so indicated (new app).
I am thinking of using REST (simpler) and a Linux host for the server side. My questions are:
Is there a better way of doing this?
What is the language of choice on the server?
What about sqlREST? (looks very good to me, but will it work in the above scenario?)
Well, I can tell you what MY language of choice would be: ASP.NET/C# in combination with an SQL Server DB. I have my website running at a hoster which offers this combination for just a few bucks per month.
You don't even need webservices. You could just setup an ASPX page on your server and call it using NSString.FromUrl (or whatever the method is called): "mycounter.aspx?udid=1234". Everytime the page gets called, it increases the count of the passed in device ID and the only thing it ever outputs is the number of remaining requests.
Your client parses that response to integer and if it is zero, informs the user.
You should proably add some hashing to make sure that evil Krumelur won't go to your URL and call it for random device IDs, rendering them unusable. :-)
The answer really depends on your web host. And what they support. That probably depends on your transaction volume and so on.
Since you are using Monotouch I'm going to assume you are comfortable in .net/c# world.
I would look at a WCF web service written in c#. This in turn would use SQL server for storage. Of course you could just go straight to a SQL server stored procedure.
sqlREST looks interesting but at a glance it looks like you need to be running the Appache + Tomcat stack for that to work.
if you just want the lowest possible bar to get it working then I agree with the other poster... ASP.NET + SQL server would get it done too.

First call to web service each day is slow

While building this web service and the app that calls it, we have noticed that the first call to the web service each day is extremely slow. It even will time out on some days. However, every call after that work great. Can anybody shed light on why this might be and how we can get rid of this pain?
Thanks in advance!
If it's an ASP.NET web service, it may be the CLR initializing and loading and verifying the assemblies for the first time. You may want to consider pre-compilation
Agree with the other answers on caching, initialization, etc. As far as a workaround, one possibility may be to set up some sort of daily task (SQL Server job, Windows service, something else?) to simulate a hit to the service each day, so that your users don't experience this first slow request.
If it is an ASP.NET web service, then you might want to check the settings of the application pool the web service is running in, especially the idle timeout which defaults to 20 minutes in IIS7.
Configuring IIS7 idle-timeout
Even if it is not an ASP.NET web service, other web servers will have equivalent configuration settings you have to tweak to keep your web service alive overnight.
Can you duplicate the same behavior on your database? It could just be the db needing to optimise the query for the first run (Maybe the parameter is today's date?).
Are there a lot of static constructors or set up code in the Global.asax class? Because IIS recycles worker processes periodically, the start up code may be running again.
The rule for optimization is: don't guess. Put in profiling to find out exactly what is slow, and then work to make that faster. Everything already posted provides excellent tips on where to start looking for slowness.