Doctrine2 random query - doctrine-orm

I want to fetch 2 rows from my database randomly with doctrine2, and I can't manage to do it. I figured out that there is no possibility to do it easily with RAND(), but then which is the best solution?
And from the table I want to select rows which are for example for sale, I mark it with 1 in is_sale, so because of this I couldn't do it with simple offset.

When asking this question on Twitter just now, I got pointed to this post about selecting random records. This guy makes a very valid point on the performance of using RAND(). I guess it's better to generate the random id's in the application, then select those records using Doctrine.


Google Sheets Array formula for counting the number of values in each column

I'm trying to create an array formula to auto-populate the total count of values for each column as columns are added.
I've tried doing this using a combination of count and indirect, as well as tried my hand at query, but I can't seem to get it to show unique value counts for each column.
This is my first time attempting to use query, and at first it seemed possible from reading through the documentation on the query language, but I haven't been able to figure it out.
Here's the shared document:
I know I can do this by writing a custom function in apps script, but I'd like to use the built-in functions if I can for performance reasons (there is going to be a lot of data), and I want quick refresh rates.
In B3 try
=ArrayFormula(IF(LEN(B5:5), COUNTIF(IF(B6:21<>"", COLUMN(B6:21)), COLUMN(B6:21)),))

Django - Where IN with multiple columns/fields

I have a query that needs to fetch from a table that meets two columns requirements exactly. So if I have users table with columns, age and score.
SELECT * FROM users where (age, score) IN ((5,6), (9,12), (22,44)..);
In my web app, I am getting these pairs from an ajax request, and the number could be quite big. How do I construct a query for this in Django?
I am working on Postgres database
One solution I come up with, would be to use django.db.models.Q object and construct exactly same query as you've written:
ques = Q(age=5) & Q(score=6) | Q(age=9) & Q(score=12) ...
This would return the desired queryset, but, I'd be concerned about the size of the iteration performance of the received values (using ajax).
On the other hand, I don't recall better solution for now. If something comes up, would update the answer. Hope, this helps.

ColdFusion 9 - Top n random query results

I've got a series of queries that I do to get 5 results at random, the problem is that it is taking a while to get through them, mostly because it involves a loop to assign a rand value that I can order by (which Railo can do in-query)
I was wondering if anyone has dealt with this and knows of a way of speeding it up.
I'm below 200ms, which isn't bad but I'm sure it can be sped up.
You probably don't need to use QoQ at all.
One option might be to write your original query as:
SELECT TOP 5 whatever,you,need
FROM table
ORDER BY rand()
Update the syntax depending on which database server you're using.
Another option, which could be done for both regular queries and QoQ, would be:
select only the primary keys
shuffle the array (i.e. createObject("java","java.util.Collections").shuffle(Array))
use the first five items in the array to select the fields you need.
No looping or updating, just two simple selects.
Of course if your primary key is just an auto-incrementing integer, you might get away with SELECT MAX(Id) then use RandRange to pick your five items.
For Microsoft SQL Server (v2005+) this query syntax will get 5 random records:
FROM table
I'm on Railo (ColdFusion 9) and neither TOP nor NEWID() works in a Query of Query (QoQ). If you happen to fall into this use case, and you must act upon a QoQ, then here's a solution:
<cfquery name="randomizedQueryObject" dbtype="query" maxrows="10">
SELECT *, RAND() as rand
FROM someQueryObject
This returns 10 random items from a larger result set and works in a QoQ. Short and simple.

Updating two tables, retrieving Foreign Key

I am inserting data into two tables, however I can not figure out (after hours of Googling) how to insert data into the second table after retrieving the new ID created after the first update?
I'm using <CFINSERT>.
use <CFQUERY result="result_name"> and the new ID will be available at result_name.generatedkey .. <cfinsert> and <cfupdate>, while easy and fast for simple jobs, they are pretty limited.
I have never used cfinsert myself, but this blog post from Ben Forta says you may not be able to use cfinsert if you need a generated key
Yes, I realize that blog post is old, but it doesn't appear much has changed.
Why not use a traditional INSERT statement wrapped in a <cfquery> tag?

MongoDB: what is the most efficient way to query a single random document?

I need to pick a document from a collection at random (alternatively - a small number of successive documents from a randomly-positioned "window").
I've found two solutions: 1 and 2. The first is unacceptable since I anticipate large collection size and wish to minimize the document size. The second seems ineffective (I'm not sure about the complexity of skip operation). And here one can find a mention of querying a document with a specified index, but I don't know how to do it (I'm using C++ driver).
Are there other solutions to the problem? Which is the most efficient?
I had a similar issue once. In my case, I had a date property on my documents. I knew the earliest date possible in the dataset so in my application code, I would generate a random date within the range of EARLIEST_DATE_IN_SET and NOW and then query mongodb using a GTE query on the date property and simply limit it to 1 result.
There was a small chance that the random date would be greater than the highest date in the data set, so i accounted for that in the application code.
With an index on the date property, this was a super fast query.
It seems like you could mold solution 1 there, (assuming your _id key was an auto-inc value), then just do a count on your records, and use that as the upper limit for a random int in c++, then grab that row.
Likewise, if you don't have an autoinc _id key, just create one with your results.. having an additional field with an INT shouldn't add that much to your document size.
If you don't have an auto-inc field Mongo talks about how to quickly add one here:
Auto Inc Field.