Comparisons, Pros, Cons, and When to Use?
This is a spin-off from a garbage collection thread where what I thought was a simple answer generated a lot of comments about some specific smart pointer implementations so it seemed worth starting a new post.
Ultimately the question is what are the various implementations of smart pointers in C++ out there and how do they compare? Just simple pros and cons or exceptions and gotchas to something you might otherwise think should work.
I've posted some implementations that I've used or at least glossed over and considered using as an answer below and my understanding of their differences and similarities which may not be 100% accurate so feel free to fact check or correct me as needed.
The goal is to learn about some new objects and libraries or correct my usage and understanding of existing implementations already widely in use and end up with a decent reference for others.
std::auto_ptr - Perhaps one of the originals it suffered from first draft syndrome only providing limited garbage collection facilities. The first downside being that it calls delete upon destruction making them unacceptable for holding array allocated objects (new[]). It takes ownership of the pointer so two auto pointers shouldn't contain the same object. Assignment will transfer ownership and reset the rvalue auto pointer to a null pointer. Which leads to perhaps the worst drawback; they can't be used within STL containers due to the aforementioned inability to be copied. The final blow to any use case is they are slated to be deprecated in the next standard of C++.
std::auto_ptr_ref - This is not a smart pointer it's actually a design detail used in conjunction with std::auto_ptr to allow copying and assignment in certain situations. Specifically it can be used to convert a non-const std::auto_ptr to an lvalue using the Colvin-Gibbons trick also known as a move constructor to transfer ownership.
On the contrary perhaps std::auto_ptr wasn't really intended to be used as a general purpose smart pointer for automatic garbage collection. Most of my limited understanding and assumptions are based on Herb Sutter's Effective Use of auto_ptr and I do use it regularly although not always in the most optimized way.
std::unique_ptr - This is our friend who will be replacing std::auto_ptr it will be quite similar except with the key improvements to correct the weaknesses of std::auto_ptr like working with arrays, lvalue protection via private copy constructor, being usable with STL containers and algorithms, etc. Since it's performance overhead and memory footprint are limited this is an ideal candidate for replacing, or perhaps more aptly described as owning, raw pointers. As the "unique" implies there is only one owner of the pointer just like the previous std::auto_ptr.
std::shared_ptr - I believe this is based off TR1 and boost::shared_ptr but improved to include aliasing and pointer arithmetic as well. In short it wraps a reference counted smart pointer around a dynamically allocated object. As the "shared" implies the pointer can be owned by more than one shared pointer when the last reference of the last shared pointer goes out of scope then the object will be deleted appropriately. These are also thread safe and can handle incomplete types in most cases. std::make_shared can be used to efficiently construct a std::shared_ptr with one heap allocation using the default allocator.
std::weak_ptr - Likewise based off TR1 and boost::weak_ptr. This is a reference to an object owned by a std::shared_ptr and will therefore not prevent the deletion of the object if the std::shared_ptr reference count drops to zero. In order to get access to the raw pointer you'll first need to access the std::shared_ptr by calling lock which will return an empty std::shared_ptr if the owned pointer has expired and been destroyed already. This is primarily useful to avoid indefinite hanging reference counts when using multiple smart pointers.
boost::shared_ptr - Probably the easiest to use in the most varying scenarios (STL, PIMPL, RAII, etc) this is a shared referenced counted smart pointer. I've heard a few complaints about performance and overhead in some situations but I must have ignored them because I can't remember what the argument was. Apparently it was popular enough to become a pending standard C++ object and no drawbacks over the norm regarding smart pointers come to mind.
boost::weak_ptr - Much like previous description of std::weak_ptr, based on this implementation, this allows a non-owning reference to a boost::shared_ptr. You not surprisingly call lock() to access the "strong" shared pointer and must check to make sure it's valid as it could have already been destroyed. Just make sure not to store the shared pointer returned and let it go out of scope as soon as you're done with it otherwise you're right back to the cyclic reference problem where your reference counts will hang and objects will not be destroyed.
boost::scoped_ptr - This is a simple smart pointer class with little overhead probably designed for a better performing alternative to boost::shared_ptr when usable. It's comparable to std::auto_ptr especially in the fact that it can't be safely used as an element of a STL container or with multiple pointers to the same object.
boost::intrusive_ptr - I've never used this but from my understanding it's designed to be used when creating your own smart pointer compatible classes. You need to implement the reference counting yourself, you'll also need to implement a few methods if you want your class to be generic, furthermore you'd have to implement your own thread safety. On the plus side this probably gives you the most custom way of picking and choosing exactly how much or how little "smartness" you want. intrusive_ptr is typically more efficient than shared_ptr since it allows you to have a single heap allocation per object. (thanks Arvid)
boost::shared_array - This is a boost::shared_ptr for arrays. Basically new [], operator[], and of course delete [] are baked in. This can be used in STL containers and as far as I know does everything boost:shared_ptr does although you can't use boost::weak_ptr with these. You could however alternatively use a boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<>> for similar functionality and to regain the ability to use boost::weak_ptr for references.
boost::scoped_array - This is a boost::scoped_ptr for arrays. As with boost::shared_array all the necessary array goodness is baked in. This one is non-copyable and so can't be used in STL containers. I've found almost anywhere you find yourself wanting to use this you probably could just use std::vector. I've never determined which is actually faster or has less overhead but this scoped array seems far less involved than a STL vector. When you want to keep allocation on the stack consider boost::array instead.
QPointer - Introduced in Qt 4.0 this is a "weak" smart pointer which only works with QObject and derived classes, which in the Qt framework is almost everything so that's not really a limitation. However there are limitations namely that it doesn't supply a "strong" pointer and although you can check if the underlying object is valid with isNull() you could find your object being destroyed right after you pass that check especially in multi-threaded environments. Qt people consider this deprecated I believe.
QSharedDataPointer - This is a "strong" smart pointer potentially comparable to boost::intrusive_ptr although it has some built in thread safety but it does require you to include reference counting methods (ref and deref) which you can do by subclassing QSharedData. As with much of Qt the objects are best used through ample inheritance and subclassing everything seems to be the intended design.
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer - Very similar to QSharedDataPointer except it doesn't implicitly call detach(). I'd call this version 2.0 of QSharedDataPointer as that slight increase in control as to exactly when to detach after the reference count drops to zero isn't particularly worth a whole new object.
QSharedPointer - Atomic reference counting, thread safe, sharable pointer, custom deletes (array support), sounds like everything a smart pointer should be. This is what I primarily use as a smart pointer in Qt and I find it comparable with boost:shared_ptr although probably significantly more overhead like many objects in Qt.
QWeakPointer - Do you sense a reoccurring pattern? Just as std::weak_ptr and boost::weak_ptr this is used in conjunction with QSharedPointer when you need references between two smart pointers that would otherwise cause your objects to never be deleted.
QScopedPointer - This name should also look familiar and actually was in fact based on boost::scoped_ptr unlike the Qt versions of shared and weak pointers. It functions to provide a single owner smart pointer without the overhead of QSharedPointer which makes it more suitable for compatibility, exception safe code, and all the things you might use std::auto_ptr or boost::scoped_ptr for.
There is also Loki which implements policy-based smart pointers.
Other references on policy-based smart pointers, addressing the problem of the poor support of the empty base optimization along with multiple inheritance by many compilers:
Smart Pointers Reloaded
A Proposal to Add a Policy-Based Smart Pointer Framework to the Standard Library
In addition to the ones given, there are some safety oriented ones too:
mse::TRefCountingPointer is a reference counting smart pointer like std::shared_ptr. The difference being that mse::TRefCountingPointer is safer, smaller and faster, but does not have any thread safety mechanism. And it comes in "not null" and "fixed" (non-retargetable) versions that can be safely assumed to always be pointing to a validly allocated object. So basically, if your target object is shared among asynchronous threads then use std::shared_ptr, otherwise mse::TRefCountingPointer is more optimal.
mse::TScopeOwnerPointer is similar to boost::scoped_ptr, but works in conjunction with mse::TScopeFixedPointer in a "strong-weak" pointer relationship kind of like std::shared_ptr and std::weak_ptr.
mse::TScopeFixedPointer points to objects that are allocated on the stack, or whose "owning" pointer is allocated on the stack. It is (intentionally) limited in it's functionality to enhance compile-time safety with no runtime cost. The point of "scope" pointers is essentially to identify a set of circumstances that are simple and deterministic enough that no (runtime) safety mechanisms are necessary.
mse::TRegisteredPointer behaves like a raw pointer, except that its value is automatically set to null_ptr when the target object is destroyed. It can be used as a general replacement for raw pointers in most situations. Like a raw pointer, it does not have any intrinsic thread safety. But in exchange it has no problem targeting objects allocated on the stack (and obtaining the corresponding performance benefit). When run-time checks are enabled, this pointer is safe from accessing invalid memory. Because mse::TRegisteredPointer has the same behavior as a raw pointer when pointing to valid objects, it can be "disabled" (automatically replaced with the corresponding raw pointer) with a compile-time directive, allowing it to be used to help catch bugs in debug/test/beta modes while incurring no overhead cost in release mode.
Here is an article describing why and how to use them. (Note, shameless plug.)
Short Version:
Is there any acceptable reason for using non-smart pointers in modern C++?
Long Version:
we have a huge product that contains lot's of old C++ code and now we are trying to refactor it to the modern C++ era. Along with all the old fashioned code, there is huge amount of pointers passing around (mostly with SAL annotations to provide some sense of security) and I was wondering if we should change all of them to smart pointers or maybe leave some of them as is?
Trying to convert some of these codes, I ended up with a code that is simply arguable for over using smart pointers.
So the question is: is there such a thing as over using smart pointers?
Or in other words: is there any acceptable scenario for non-smart pointers these days?
Smart pointers (unique_ptr and shared_ptr) should be OWNING pointers (i.e., responsible for destruction of the object). The bottom line of using them is that any object created by new should be shoved into a unique_ptr ASAP, to prevent memory leaks. After that, the unique_ptr should end up being moved:
either into a shared_ptr if ownership should be shared,
or into a unique_ptr if ownership is determined by a scope (of a block, or the lifetime of an object).
releases should be rare. If your code passes non-owning pointers around, these should be:
raw pointers if they may be null, (obtained by get)
references if they may not be null, (obtained by get)
unique_ptrs by value if the aim of the call is transferring ownership. (in which case you'll need to move them)
Factory methods should return unique_ptrs by value. (because then, if you don't assign the return value of the factory method, the object is immediately de-allocated)
And check out Ali's answer regarding links to some philosophical points of handling legacy code. (Which I totally agree on)
Short Version:
Is there any acceptable reason for using non-smart
pointers in modern C++?
Short answer:
Definitely, if they only serve for observation, that is, they don't own the pointee. However, try to use references instead of pointers even in this case; use pointers only if you really need to make them optional (initialize with null_ptr then reassign later, for example).
Long Version:
we have a huge product that contains lot's of old C++ code and now we are trying to refactor it to the modern C++ era. [...]
Long answer:
As I am reading these lines this answer comes to mind:
Advice on working with legacy code
I wish I could upvote this answer more than once. I would quote: "[...] for each re-factor we have made we can justify 'this specific change will make the actual task we are doing now easier'. Rather than 'this is now cleaner for future work'."
Long story short, don't do big refactoring unless you really need to.
So the question is: is there such a thing as over using smart pointers?
In my opinion, std::shared_ptr is overused. It is very comfortable to use, and it gives you the illusion that you don't have to think about ownership issues. But that is not the whole picture. I fully agree with Sean Parent: "a shared pointer is as good as a global variable." Shared pointers can also introduce very difficult ownership issues, etc.
On the other hand, if you need to allocate something on the heap, use a unique_ptr. You can't overuse it, if you really need heap allocation. In my experience, using unique_ptr also leads to cleaner and easier to understand code, as the ownership issues become self-explanatory.
Interesting talks from Sean Parent on how to avoid / reduce the usage of pointers are:
Inheritance Is The Base Class of Evil
Value Semantics and Concepts-based Polymorphism
Hope this helps.
Yes, raw pointers still have a uses as an "optional reference". I.e. a T* is similar to a T&. Neither implies ownership, but a T* can be a nullptr.
Check out the talks here: (especially Stroustrup's talk).
The short answer is no, assuming "modern C++" is >= c++11
The long answer is that wasn't always the case and trying to restructure a large project is almost always hard. The way we think about problems is constrained by the tools we have to solve them. There are many cases when doing such refactoring when it simply makes more sense to use pointers than try to re-express basic logic to be class and smart pointer friendly. I think it's less of a case where smart pointers are over-used and more of a case when classes are under used. YMMV ;-)
Of course there are use cases for raw pointers in modern C++:
interfaces that must be compile-able as pure C (although the implementation itself may make use of those C++ features, that are not also C features, like classes, or smart-pointers)
code that is extremely low level, so low level, that even the simplest smart-pointer proves as being to heavy-weight
Of course those are rather rare cases and for by far the most use cases of pointers smart pointers should be just fine for new code, BUT:
If the existing code works fine with raw pointers, why invest time to rewrite it and risk to add bugs when converting it to a smart-pointer using version?
Don't refactor code, that is working fine, just because the new code better follows modern programming-standards. These programming standards are not existing for their own sake, but to make working with some code easier, so don't do refactoring, which will cost you more time than they can save you in the future.
That means: If it will cost you more time to check, which of those pointers can be safely converted into smart-pointers and which can't and to hunt the bugs, that your refactoring may have introduced, than you will be able to save on future maintenance work due to the refactoring, then simply don't refactor and let it stay as it is.
If the refactoring will save more time than it costs for only some parts of the code base, then consider to only refactor those parts of the code base.
I read in a few articles that raw pointers should almost never be used. Instead they should always be wrapped inside smart pointers, whether it's scoped or shared pointers.
However, I noticed that frameworks like Qt, wxWidgets and libraries like Boost never return nor expect smart pointers, as if they were not using them at all. Instead, they return or expect raw pointers. Is there any reason for that? Should I stay away from smart pointers when I write a public API, and why?
Just wondering why smart pointers are recommended when many major projects seem to avoid them.
Apart from the fact that many libraries were written before the advent of standard smart pointers, the biggest reason is probably the lack of a standard C++ Application Binary Interface (ABI).
If you’re writing a header-only library, you can pass around smart pointers and standard containers to your heart’s content. Their source is available to your library at compile time, so you rely on the stability of their interfaces alone, not of their implementations.
But because of the lack of standard ABI, you generally cannot pass these objects safely across module boundaries. A GCC shared_ptr is probably different from an MSVC shared_ptr, which too can differ from an Intel shared_ptr. Even with the same compiler, these classes are not guaranteed to be binary compatible between versions.
The bottom line is that if you want to distribute a prebuilt version of your library, you need a standard ABI on which to rely. C doesn’t have one, but compiler vendors are very good about interoperability between C libraries for a given platform—there are de facto standards.
The situation is not as good for C++. Individual compilers can handle interoperation between their own binaries, so you have the option of distributing a version for every supported compiler, often GCC and MSVC. But in light of this, most libraries just export a C interface—and that means raw pointers.
Non-library code should, however, generally prefer smart pointers over raw.
There can be many reasons. To list few of them:
Smart pointers became part of standard just recently. Till then they
were part of other libraries
Their primary use is to avoid memory leaks; many libraries
don't have their own memory management; Generally they provide
utilities and APIs
They are implemented as wrapper, since they are actually objects and not pointers. Which has additional time/space cost, compared to raw pointers; The users of the libraries may not want to have such overheads
Edit: Using smart pointers is a completely developer's choice. It depends on various factors.
In performance critical systems, you may not want to use smart
pointers which generates overhead
The project which needs the backward compatibility, you may not want
to use the smart pointers which has C++11 specific features
Edit2 There is a string of several downvotes in the span of 24 hours because of below passage. I fail to understand why the answer is downvoted even though below is just an add-on suggestion and not an answer.
However, C++ always facilitates you to have the options open. :) e.g.
template<typename T>
struct Pointer {
#ifdef <Cpp11>
typedef std::unique_ptr<T> type;
typedef T* type;
And in your code use it as:
Pointer<int>::type p;
For those who say that a smart pointer and a raw pointer are different, I agree with that. The code above was just an idea where one can write a code which is interchangeable just with a #define, this is not compulsion;
For example, T* has to be deleted explicitly but a smart pointer does not. We can have a templated Destroy() to handle that.
template<typename T>
void Destroy (T* p)
delete p;
template<typename T>
void Destroy (std::unique_ptr<T> p)
// do nothing
and use it as:
In the same way, for a raw pointer we can copy it directly and for smart pointer we can use special operation.
Pointer<X>::type p = new X;
Pointer<X>::type p2(Assign(p));
Where Assign() is as:
template<typename T>
T* Assign (T *p)
return p;
template<typename T>
... Assign (SmartPointer<T> &p)
// use move sematics or whateve appropriate
There are two issues with smart pointers (pre C++11):
non-standards, so each library tend to reinvent its own (NIH syndrom & dependencies issues)
potential cost
The default smart pointer, in that it is cost-free, is unique_ptr. Unfortunately it requires C++11 move semantics, which only appeared recently. All other smart pointers have a cost (shared_ptr, intrusive_ptr) or have less than ideal semantics (auto_ptr).
With C++11 around the corner, bringing a std::unique_ptr, one would be tempted to think that it is finally over... I am not so optimistic.
Only a few major compilers implement most of C++11, and only in their recent versions. We can expect major libraries such as QT and Boost to be willing to retain compatibility with C++03 for a while, which somewhat precludes the wide adoption of the new and shiny smart pointers.
You shouldn't stay away from smart pointers, they have their use especially in applications where you have to pass a object around.
Libraries tend to either just return a value or populate a object. They don't usually have objects that need to be used in a lot of places, so there is no need for them to use smart pointers (at least not in their interface, they may use them internally).
I could take as example a library we have been working on, where after a few months of development I realized we only used pointers and smart pointers in a few classes (3-5% of all classes).
Passing variables by reference was enough in most places, we used smart pointers whenever we had a object that could be null, and raw pointers when a library that we used forced us to.
Edit (I can't comment because of my reputation):
passing variables by reference is very flexible: if you want the object to be readonly you can use a const reference (you can still do some nasty casts to be able to write the object) but you get the maximum of protection possible (it's the same with smart pointers).
But I do agree that it's much nicer to just return the object.
Qt pointlessly re-invented many parts of the Standard library in an attempt to become Java. I believe that it does actually have its own smart pointers now, but in general, it is hardly a pinnacle of design. wxWidgets, as far as I'm aware, was designed long before usable smart pointers were written.
As for Boost, I fully expect that they use smart pointers wherever appropriate. You might have to be more specific.
In addition, don't forget that smart pointers exist to enforce ownership. If the API has no ownership semantics, then why use a smart pointer?
Good question. I don't know the specific articles to which you refer, but I have read similar things from time to time. My suspicion is that the writers of such articles tend to harbor a bias against C++-style programming. If the writer programs in C++ only when he must, then returns to Java or such as soon as he can, then he doesn't really share the C++ mindset.
One suspects that some or most of the same writers prefer garbage-collecting memory managers. I don't, but I think differently than they do.
Smart pointers are great, but they have to keep reference counts. The keeping of reference counts bears costs -- often modest costs, but costs nonetheless -- at runtime. There is nothing wrong with saving these costs by using bare pointers, especially if the pointers are managed by destructors.
One of the excellent things about C++ is its support for embedded-systems programming. The use of bare pointers is part of that.
Update: A commenter has correctly observed that C++'s new unique_ptr (available since TR1) does not count references. The commenter also has a different definition of "smart pointer" than I have in mind. He may be right about the definition.
Further update: The comment thread below is illuminating. All of it is recommended reading.
There are also other types of smart pointers. You might want a specialized smart pointer for something like network replication (one that detects if it's accessed and sends any modifications to the server or some such), keeps a history of changes, marks the fact that it was accessed so it can be investigated when you save data to disk and so on. Not sure if doing that in the pointer is the best solution but using the built in smart pointer types in libraries could result in people being locked into them and loosing the flexibility.
People can have all kinds of different memory management requirements and solutions beyond smart pointers. I might want to manage memory myself, I could be allocating space for things in a memory pool so it's allocated in advance and not at runtime (useful for games). I might be using a garbage collected implementation of C++ (C++11 makes this possible although none exist yet). Or maybe I'm just not doing anything advanced enough to worry about bothering with them, I can know that I'm not going to forget to uninitialized objects and so on. Maybe I'm just confident in my ability to manage memory without the pointer crutch.
Integration with C is another issue too.
Another issue is smart pointers are part of the STL. C++ is designed to be usable without the STL.
It also depends on what domain you work in. I write game engines for a living, we avoid boost like the plague, in games the overhead of boost isn't acceptable. In our core engine we ended up writing our own version of stl (Much like the ea stl).
If i was to write a forms application, i might consider using smart pointers; but once memory management is second nature not having granular control over memory becomes quiet annoying.
I'm in the process of porting some code from Objective C to C++. I'm not as familiar with C++ design patterns as I am with Objective C. In the Cocoa world, there is the very common pattern of writing a factory method that returns an "autoreleased" object. Somethings as simple as:
- (MyClass *)load {
MyClass* obj = [[MyClass alloc] init];
return [obj autorelease];
This is simple and easy to understand. The method owns the memory it allocates, but can hand it back to the caller, while simultaneously relinquishing ownership. It doesn't have to know or care what the caller does with that memory. If it retains it, the object will survive. If it is completely ignored, the memory will be freed sometime after the current call stack is unwound.
I'm approaching this with some trepidation in C++, because its non ref-counted environment doesn't seem to have anything quite as clean as autorelease, or any kind of ownership policy that is as well defined as those in the Cocoa frameworks. What are the best practices for this kind of pattern in C++?
I'm aware of auto_ptr, but there are also multitudes of concerns with its use, and it seems to have too many shortcomings to be as ubiquitous as autorelease (weird copy semantics, no support for arrays, incompatibility with STL containers, etc).
Boost smart pointers are also an obvious candidate, and some even implement their own reference counting. It seems a little strange to me to have to lean on a 3rd party library for something this mundane though.
Another option that reeks of C would be to just not release the returned memory, but indicate via come commonly adopted naming convention that the caller now owns the returned object. This seems a bit archaic, and is prone to invisible leaks should the caller accidentally ignore the return value.
The "best practices" in the C++03 world (that is, pre-C++11) are one of two things:
Do nothing. This is essentially memory ownership by assumption/convention. If a function returns a pointer, you should know who owns it. Usually, the documentation will tell you. There is no specific syntax for ownership of memory or of transferring ownership.
This is how an unfortunately large amount of C++ code out there manages memory. It can work, so long as everyone knows what they should be doing and who is responsible for what.
Use some form of smart pointer. std::auto_ptr is odd, but that's about as lightweight as it gets in C++03. No, you can't stick them in standard containers, but it does define a specific pattern of ownership. A boost::shared_ptr is a more effective one, and is more useful in many other places.
C++11 offers std::unique_ptr, which is essentially a "fixed" auto_ptr. It relies on C++11 language features (object movement), so you can't just write one in C++03. You can store them in standard containers and everything. But you can't just pass them around. As the name suggests, they're unique: only one of them can exist which points to that object. When that unique_ptr is destroyed, it deletes the object it references.
You can transfer ownership of a unique_ptr only by giving it away. That is, you cannot share ownership. You can return ownership, which means that the caller now owns it. You can pass ownership to another function, which means that that function owns it. But no two entities can own an object through a unique_ptr.
unique_ptr would be the preferred method of handling a function like this. If the user wants to store it non-uniquely themselves, then they can release it into a std::shared_ptr (which was also adopted into C++11).
I would look at the shared_ptr in boost.
The C++ world is all about libraries. Because no one owns C++ (unlike Objective-C), it grows as the community sees the need.
Well the most c++-like option is using smart pointers..
From what I read, reference counting pointers are your best bet, in the c++11 standard you can use the shared_ptr
I came to know that smart pointer is used for resource management and supports RAII.
But what are the corner cases in which smart pointer doesn't seem smart and things to be kept in mind while using it ?
Smart pointers don't help against loops in graph-like structures.
For example, object A holds a smart pointer to object B and object B - back to object A. If you release all pointers to both A and B before disconnection A from B (or B from A) both A and B will hold each other and form a happy memory leak.
Garbage collection could help against that - it could see that both object are unreachable and free them.
I would like to mention performance limitations. Smart pointers usually use atomic operations (such as InterlockedIncrement in Win32 API) for reference counting. These functions are significantly slower than plain integer arithmetic.
In most cases, this performance penalty is not a problem, just make sure you don't make too many unnecessary copies of the smart pointer object (prefer to pass the smart pointer by reference in function calls).
This is quite interesting: Smart Pointers.
It's a sample chapter from "Modern C++ Design" by Andrei Alexandrescu.
Watch out at the transitions - when assigning between raw and smart pointers. Bad smart pointers - like _com_ptr_t - make it worse by allowing implicit conversions. Most errors happen at the transition.
Watch out for cycles - as mentioned, you need weak pointers to break the cycles. However, in a complex graph that's not always easy to do.
Too much choice - most libraries offer different implementations with different advantages / drawbacks. Unfortunately, most of the time these different variants are not compatible, which becomes a probem when mixing libraries. (say, LibA uses LOKI, LibB uses boost). Having to plan ahead for enable_shared_from_this sucks, having to decide naming conventions between intrusive_ptr, shared_ptr and weak_ptr for a bunch of objects sucks.
For me, the single most e advantage of shared_ptr (or one of similar functionality) is that it is coupled to its destruction policy at creation. Both C++ and Win32 offers so many ways of getting rid of things it's not even funny. Coupling at construction time (without affecting the actual type of the pointer) means I have both policies in one place.
Beside technical limitations (already mentioned : circular dependencies), i'd say that the most important thing about smart pointers is to remember that it's still a workaround to get heap-allocated-objects deleted.
Stack allocation is the best option for most cases - along with the use of references - to manage the lifetime of objects.
The following article is a very interesting paper
Smart Pointers: Can't Live With 'Em, Can't Live Without 'Em
Here are a few things
There's no definite entity which destroys the object. Often it is desired to know exactly when and how an object is being destroyed
Circular dependencies - If they exist you'll have a memory leak. That's usually where weak_ptr come to the rescue.
There is a problem with reference counting in certain types of data structures that have cycles. There can also be problems with accessing smart pointers from multiple threads, concurrent access to reference counts can cause problems. There's a utility in boost called atomic.hpp that can mitigate this problem.
Many people run into problems when using smart pointers mixed with raw pointers (to the same objects). A typical example is when interacting with an API that uses raw pointers.
For example; in boost::shared_ptr there is a .get() function that returns the raw pointer. Good functionality if used with care, but many people seem to trip on it.
IMHO it's an example of a "leaky abstraction".
Raymond Chen is notoriously ambivalent about smart pointers. There are issues about when the destructor actually runs (please note, the destructor runs at a well-defined time in a well-defined order; it's just that once in a while you'll forget that it's after the last line in your function).
Also remember that "smart pointer" is a pretty big category. I include std::vector in that category (a std::vector is essentially a smart array).