Accessing a certain address in memory - c++

Why can we access to a certain place in our memory in O(1)?

Quick answer: You can't!
The system's main memory, the chips on the board, can however be addressed with a direct access. Just give the correct address and the bus will return the memory at that location (likely in a block).
Once you get into the CPU however memory access is very different. There are several caches, several cores with caches, and possibly other CPUs with caches. Though accessing main memory can be done directly, it is slow, that is why we have all these caches. But this now means that inside the CPU the memory isn't directly accessible.
When the CPU needs to access memory it thus goes into a lookup mode. It also has a locking system to share memory between the caches correctly. Different addresses will actually take different periods of time to access, depending on whether you are reading or writing, and where the most recent cache of that memory resides. This is something known as NUMA (non-uniform memory access). While the time complexity here is probably bound by a constant (so possibly/technicall O(1)) it probably isn't what most people are thinking of as constant time.
It gets more complicated than this. The CPU provides page tables for memory so that the OS can provide virtual memory to the applications (that is, it can partition the address spaces) and load memory on demand. These tables are map-like structures. When you access memory the CPU decides if the address you want is loaded, or if the OS has to retrieve it first. These maps are a function of the total memory size, so are not linear time, though very likely amortized constant time. (If you're running a virtual machine you can add another layer of tables on top here -- one reason why VMs run slightly slower).
This is just a brief overview. Hopefully enough to give you the impression that memory access isn't really constant time and depends on many things. Keep in mind however that so much optimization is employed at these levels that a high-level C program will likely appear to have constant time access.

Memory in modern computer systems is random access, so as long as you know the address of memory you need to access, the computer can go directly to that memory location and read/write to that location.
This is opposed to some [older] systems such as tape memory where the tape had to be physically spooled to access certain areas, thus farther locations take longer time to access.
Not sure what you mean by allocate in O(1) as allocating memory is typically not O(1) when dealing with typical heap on every day computers.

That depends on the computing model that you use, in the Turing machine model, neither operation is O(1), in the random access model, access is O(1), which, since that is the case for most modern hardware using RAM makes that model useful. I assume you are using a model that for the sake of simplicity also allows O(1) allocation as a close approximation to most modern implementations on a machine that is under light memory usage load.

Why can you access in O(1)? Because memory access is by address. If you know the address you want to access, then the hardware can go directly to it and fetch whatever is there in a single operation.
As for allocations being O(1), I'm not sure that is always the case. It is up to the OS to allocate a new block of memory, and the algorithm that it uses to do that may not necessarily be O(1) in all cases. For instance, if you request a large block of memory and there is no contiguous block large enough to satisfy the request, the OS may do things like page out other data or relocate information from other processes so as to create a large enough contiguous block to satisfy the request.
Though if you want to take an extremely simplified view of allocation as being "returning the address of the first byte of available memory" then it's easy to see why that could be an O(1) operation. The system just needs to return the address of the last allocated byte + 1, so as long as it tracks what the last allocated byte is after every allocation and as long as you assume an unlimited memory space, then computing the next free address is always O(1).


Is allocating array an expensive operation in fortran?

In a MPI PIC code I am writing, the array size I actually need in storing particles in a processor fluctuates with time, with size changing between [0.5n : 1.5n], where n is an average size.
Presently, I allocate arrays of the largest size, i.e, 1.5*n, in this case, for once in each processor and use them without changing thier size afterward.
I am considering an alternative way: i.e., re-allocating all the arrays each time step with their correct sizes, so that I can save memory. But I worry whether re-allocating arrays is expensive and this overhead will slow the code substantially.
Can this issue be verified only by actually profiling the code, or, there is a simple principle inicating that the allocation operating is cheap enough so that we do not need worry about its overhead?
Someone said:
"ALLOCATE does not imply physical memory allocation. For example, you can ALLOCATE an array up to the size of your virtual memory limit, then use it as a sparse array, using physical memory pages only as the space is addressed."
Is this true in Fortran?
There is no single correct answer to this question. And a complete answer would need to explain how a typical Fortran memory allocator works, AND how typical virtual memory systems work. (That is too broad for a StackOverflow Q&A.)
But here are a couple of salient points.
When you reallocate an array you have the overhead of copying the data in the old array to the new array.
Reallocating an array doesn't necessarily reduce your processes actual memory usage. Memory is requested from the OS in large regions (memory segments) and the Fortran allocator then manages the memory it has been given and responds to the application's allocate and deallocate requests. When an array is deallocated, the memory can't be handed back to the OS because there will most likely be other allocated arrays in the same region.
In fact, repeated allocation and deallocation of variable sized arrays can lead to fragmentation ... which further increases memory usage.
What does this mean for you?
That's not clear. It will depend on exactly what your application's memory usage patterns are. And it will depend on how your Fortran runtime's memory allocator works.
But my gut feeling is that you are probably better off NOT trying to dynamically resize arrays to (just) save memory.
Someone said: "ALLOCATE does not imply physical memory allocation. For example, you can ALLOCATE an array up to the size of your virtual memory limit, then use it as a sparse array, using physical memory pages only as the space is addressed."
That is true, but it is not the complete picture.
You also need to consider what happens when an application's virtual memory usage exceeds the physical memory pages available. In that scenario, when the application tries to access a virtual memory page that is not in physical memory the OS virtual memory system needs to "page" another VM page out of physical RAM and "page" in the VM page that the application wants. This will entail writing the existing page (if it is dirty) to the paging device and then reading in the new one. This is going to take a significant length of time, and it will impact on application performance.
If the ratio of available physical RAM to the application's VM working set is too out of balance, the entire system can go into "virtual memory thrashing" ... which can lead to the machine becoming non-responsive and even crashing.
In short if you don't have enough physical RAM, using virtual memory to implement huge sparse arrays can be disaster prone.
It is worth noting that the compute nodes on a large-scale HPC cluster will often be configured with ZERO backing storage for VM swapping. If an application then attempts to use more RAM than is present on the compute node it will error out. Immediately.
Is this true in Fortran?
Yes. Fortran doesn't have any special magic ...
Fortran is no different than say,C , because Fortran allocate typically does not call any low-level system functions but tends to be implemented using malloc() under the hood.
"Is this true in Fortran?"
The lazy allocation you describe is highly system dependent. It is indeed valid on modern Linux. However, it does not mean that it is a good idea to just allocate several 1 TB arrays and than just using certain sections of them. Even if it works in practice on one computer it may very much fail on a different one or on a different operating system or CPU family.
Re-allocation takes time, but it is the way to go to keep your programs standard conforming and undefined-behaviour free. Reallocating every time step may easily bee too slow. But in your previous answer we have showed you that for continuously growing arrays you typically allocate in a geometric series, e.g. by doubling the size. That means that it will only be re-allocated logarithmically often if it grows linearly.
There may be a concern of exceeding the system memory when allocating to the new size and having two copies at the same size. This is only a concern when your consumption high anyway. C has realloc() (which may not help anyway) but Fortran has nothing similar.
Regarding the title question, not every malloc takes the same time. There are is internal bookkeeping involved and the implementations do differ. Some points are raised at and also to some extent at Minimizing the amount of malloc() calls improves performance?

Is there a downside to a significant overestimation in a reserve()?

Let's suppose we have a method that creates and uses possibly very big vector<foo>s.
The maximum number of elements is known to be maxElems.
Standard practice as of C++11 is to my best knowledge:
vector<foo> fooVec;
//... fill fooVec using emplace_back() / push_back()
But what happens if we have a scenario where the number of elements is going to be significantly less in the majority of calls to our method?
Is there any disadvantage to the conservative reserve call other than the excess allocated memory (which supposably can be freed with shrink_to_fit() if necessary)?
There is likely to be some downside to using a too-large reserve, but how much is depends both on the size and context of your reserve() as well as your specific allocator, operating system and their configuration.
As you are probably aware, on platforms like Windows and Linux, large allocations are generally not allocating any physical memory or page table entries until it is first accessed, so you might imagine large, unused allocations to be "free". Sometimes this is called "reserving" memory without "committing" it, and I'll use those terms here.
Here are some reasons this might not be as free as you'd imagine:
Page Granularity
The lazy commit described above only happens at a page granularity. If you are using (typical) 4096 byte pages, it means that if you usually reserve 4,000 bytes for a vector that will usually contains elements taking up 100 bytes, the lazy commit buys you nothing! At least the whole page of 4096 bytes has to be committed and you don't save physical memory. So it isn't just the ratio between the expected and reserved size that matters, but the absolute size of the reserved size that determines how much waste you'll see.
Keep in mind that many systems are now using "huge pages" transparently, so in some cases the granularity will be on the order of 2 MB or more. In that case you need allocations on the order of 10s or 100s of MB to really take advantage of the lazy allocation strategy.
Worse Allocation Performance
Memory allocators for C++ generally try to allocate large chunks of memory (e.g., via sbrk or mmap on Unix-like platforms) and then efficiently carve that up into the small chunks the application is requesting. Getting these large chunks of memory via say a system call like mmap may be several orders of magnitude slower than the fast path allocation within the allocator which is often only a dozen instructions or so. When you ask for large chunks that you mostly won't use, you defeat that optimization and you'll often be going down the slow path.
As a concrete example, let's say your allocator asks mmap for chunks of 128 KB which it carves up to satisfy allocations. You are allocating about 2K of stuff in a typical vector, but reserve 64K. You'll now pay a mmap call for every other reserve call, but if you just asked for the 2K you ultimately needed, you'd have about 32 times fewer mmap calls.
Dependence on Overcommit Handling
When you ask for a lot of memory and don't use it, you can get into the situation where you've asked for more memory than your system supports (e.g., more than your RAM + swap). Whether this is even allowed depends on your OS and how it is configured, and no matter what you are up for some interesting behavior if you subsequently commit more memory simply by writing it. I means that arbitrary processes may be killed, or you might get unexpected errors on any memory write. What works on one system may fail on another due to different overcommit tunables.
Finally, it makes managing your process a bit harder since the "VM size" metric as reported by monitoring tools won't have much relationship to what your process may ultimately commit.
Worse Locality
Allocating more memory than you need makes it likely that your working set will be more sparsely spread out in the virtual address space. The overall effect is a reduction in locality of reference. For very small allocations (e.g., a few dozen bytes) this may reduce the within-same-cache-line locality, but for larger sizes the main effect is likely to be to spread your data onto more physical pages, increasing TLB pressure. The exact thresholds will depend a lot on details like whether hugepages are enabled.
What you cite as standard C++11 practice is hardly standard, and probably not even good practice.
These days I'd be inclined to discourage the use of reserve, and let your platform (i.e. the C++ standard library optimised to your platform) deal with the reallocation as it sees fit.
That said, calling reserve with an excessive amount may well also effectively be benign due to modern operating systems only giving you the memory if you actually use it (Linux is particularly good at that). But relying on this could cause you trouble if you port to a different operating system, whereas simply omitting reserve is less likely to.
You have 2 options:
You don't call reserve and let the default implementation of the vector figure out the size, which uses exponential growth.
You call reserve(maxElems) and shrink_to_fit() afterwards.
The first option is less likely to give you a std::bad_alloc (even though modern OS's probably will never throw this if you don't touch the last block of the reserved memory)
The second option is less likely to invoke multiple calls to reserve, the first option will most likely have 2 calls : the reserve and the shrink_to_fit() (which might be a no-op depending on the implementation since it's non-binding) while option 2 might have significant more. Less calls = better performance.
If you are on linux reserve will call malloc which only allocates virtual memory, but not physical. Physical memory will be used when you actually insert elements to a vector. That's why you can considerably overestimate reserve size.
If you can estimate maximum vector size you can reserve it just once on start to avoid reallocations and no physical memory will be wasted.
But what happens if we have a scenario where the number of elements is going to be significantly less in the majority of calls to our method?
The allocated memory simply remains unused.
Is there a downside to a significant overestimation in a reserve()?
Yes, at least a potential downside: The memory that was allocated for the vector can not be used for other objects.
This is especially problematic in embedded systems that do not usually have virtual memory, and little physical memory to spare.
Concerning programs running inside an operating system, if the operating system does not "over commit" the memory, then this can still easily cause the virtual memory allocation of the program to reach the limit given to the process.
Even in over committing system, particularly gratuitous overestimation can in theory result in exhaustion of virtual address space. But you need pretty big numbers to achieve that on 64 bit architectures.
Is there any disadvantage to the conservative reserve call other than the excess allocated memory (which supposably can be be freed with shrink_to_fit() if necessary)?
Well, this is slower than initially allocating exactly correct amount of memory, but the difference might be marginal.

Does memory fragmentation slows down New/Malloc?

Short background:
I'm developing a system that should run for months and using dynamic allocations.
The question:
I've heard that memory fragmentation slows down new and malloc operators because they need to "find" a place in one of the "holes" I've left in the memory instead of simply "going forward" in the heap.
I've read the following question:
What is memory fragmentation?
But none of the answers mentioned anything regarding performance, only failure allocating large memory chunks.
So does memory fragmentation make new take more time to allocate memory?
If yes, by how much? How do I know if new is having a "Hard time" finding memory on the heap ?
I've tried to find what are the data structures/algorithms GCC uses to find a "hole" in the memory to allocate inside. But couldn't find any descent explanation.
Memory allocation is platform specific, depending on the platform.
I would say "Yes, new takes time to allocate memory. How much time depends on many factors, such as algorithm, level of fragmentation, processor speed, optimizations, etc.
The best answer for how much time is taken, is to profile and measure. Write a simple program that fragments the memory, then measure the time for allocating memory.
There is no direct method for a program to find out the difficulty of finding available memory locations. You may be able to read a clock, allocate memory, then read again. Another idea is to set a timer.
Note: in many embedded systems, dynamic memory allocation is frowned upon. In critical systems, fragmentation can be the enemy. So fixed sized arrays are used. Fixed sized memory allocations (at compile time) remove fragmentation as an defect issue.
Edit 1: The Search
Usually, memory allocation requires a call to a function. The impact of the this is that the processor may have to reload its instruction cache or pipeline, consuming extra processing time. There also may be extra instruction for passing parameters such as the minimal size. Local variables and allocations at compile time usually don't need a function call for allocation.
Unless the allocation algorithm is linear (think array access), it will require steps to find an available slot. Some memory management algorithms use different strategies based on the requested size. For example, some memory managers may have separate pools for sizes of 64-bits or smaller.
If you think of a memory manager as having a linked list of blocks, the manager will need to find the first block greater than or equal in size to the request. If the block is larger than the requested size, it may be split and the left over memory is then created into a new block and added to the list.
There is no standard algorithm for memory management. They differ based on the needs of the system. Memory managers for platforms with restricted (small) sizes of memory will be different than those that have large amounts of memory. Memory allocation for critical systems may be different than those for non-critical systems. The C++ standard does not mandate the behavior of a memory manager, only some requirements. For example, the memory manager is allowed to allocate from a hard drive, or a network device.
The significance of the impact depends on the memory allocation algorithm. The best path is to measure the performance on your target platform.

Is it possible to partially free dynamically-allocated memory on a POSIX system?

I have a C++ application where I sometimes require a large buffer of POD types (e.g. an array of 25 billion floats) to be held in memory at once in a contiguous block. This particular memory organization is driven by the fact that the application makes use of some C APIs that operate on the data. Therefore, a different arrangement (such as a list of smaller chunks of memory like std::deque uses) isn't feasible.
The application has an algorithm that is run on the array in a streaming fashion; think something like this:
std::vector<float> buf(<very_large_size>);
for (size_t i = 0; i < buf.size(); ++i) do_algorithm(buf[i]);
This particular algorithm is the conclusion of a pipeline of earlier processing steps that have been applied to the dataset. Therefore, once my algorithm has passed over the i-th element in the array, the application no longer needs it.
In theory, therefore, I could free that memory in order to reduce my application's memory footprint as it chews through the data. However, doing something akin to a realloc() (or a std::vector<T>::shrink_to_fit()) would be inefficient because my application would have to spend its time copying the unconsumed data to the new spot at reallocation time.
My application runs on POSIX-compliant operating systems (e.g. Linux, OS X). Is there any interface by which I could ask the operating system to free only a specified region from the front of the block of memory? This would seem to be the most efficient approach, as I could just notify the memory manager that, for example, the first 2 GB of the memory block can be reclaimed once I'm done with it.
If your entire buffer has to be in memory at once, then you probably will not gain much from freeing it partially later.
The main point on this post is basically to NOT tell you to do what you want to do, because the OS will not unnecessarily keep your application's memory in RAM if it's not actually needed. This is the difference between "resident memory usage" and "virtual memory usage". "Resident" is what is currently used and in RAM, "virtual" is the total memory usage of your application. And as long as your swap partition is large enough, "virtual" memory is pretty much a non-issue. [I'm assuming here that your system will not run out of virtual memory space, which is true in a 64-bit application, as long as you are not using hundreds of terabytes of virtual space!]
If you still want to do that, and want to have some reasonable portability, I would suggest building a "wrapper" that behaves kind of like std::vector and allocates lumps of some megabytes (or perhaps a couple of gigabytes) of memory at a time, and then something like:
for (size_t i = 0; i < buf.size(); ++i) {
The done method will simply check if the value if i is (one element) past the end of the current buffer, and free it. [This should inline nicely, and produce very little overhead on the average loop - assuming elements are actually used in linear order, of course].
I'd be very surprised if this gains you anything, unless do_algorithm(buf[i]) takes quite some time (certainly many seconds, probably many minutes or even hours). And of course, it's only going to help if you actually have something else useful to do with that memory. And even then, the OS will reclaim memory that isn't actively used by swapping it out to disk, if the system is short of memory.
In other words, if you allocate 100GB, fill it, leave it sitting without touching, it will eventually ALL be on the hard-disk rather than in RAM.
Further, it is not at all unusual that the heap in the application retains freed memory, and that the OS does not get the memory back until the application exits - and certainly, if only parts of a larger allocation is freed, the runtime will not release it until the whole block has been freed. So, as stated at the beginning, I'm not sure how much this will actually help your application.
As with everything regarding "tuning" and "performance improvements", you need to measure and compare a benchmark, and see how much it helps.
Is it possible to partially free dynamically-allocated memory on a POSIX system?
You can not do it using malloc()/realloc()/free().
However, you can do it in a semi-portable way using mmap() and munmap(). The key point is that if you munmap() some page, malloc() can later use that page:
create an anonymous mapping using mmap();
subsequently call munmap() for regions that you don't need anymore.
The portability issues are:
POSIX doesn't specify anonymous mappings. Some systems provide MAP_ANONYMOUS or MAP_ANON flag. Other systems provide special device file that can be mapped for this purpose. Linux provides both.
I don't think that POSIX guarantees that when you munmap() a page, malloc() will be able to use it. But I think it'll work an all systems that have mmap()/unmap().
If your memory region is so large that most pages surely will be written to swap, you will not loose anything by using file mappings instead of anonymous mappings. File mappings are specified in POSIX.
If you can do without the convenience of std::vector (which won't give you much in this case anyway because you'll never want to copy / return / move that beast anyway), you can do your own memory handling. Ask the operating system for entire pages of memory (via mmap) and return them as appropriate (using munmap). You can tell mmap via its fist argument and the optional MAP_FIXED flag to map the page at a particular address (which you must ensure to be not otherwise occupied, of course) so you can build up an area of contiguous memory. If you allocate the entire memory upfront, then this is not an issue and you can do it with a single mmap and let the operating system choose a convenient place to map it. In the end, this is what malloc does internally. For platforms that don't have sys/mman.h, it's not difficult to fall back to using malloc if you can live with the fact that on those platforms, you won't return memory early.
I'm suspecting that if your allocation sizes are always multiples of the page size, realloc will be smart enough not to copy any data. You'd have to try this out and see if it works (or consult your malloc's documentation) on your particular target platform, though.
mremap is probably what you need. As long as you're shifting whole pages, you can do a super fast realloc (actually the kernel would do it for you).

File Based Memory Pool - Is it Possible?

Whenever a new / malloc is used, OS create a new(or reuse) heap memory segment, aligned to the page size and return it to the calling process. All these allocations will constitute to the Process's virtual memory. In 32bit computing, any process can scale only upto 4 GB. Higher the heap allocation, the rate of increase of process memory is higher. Though there are lot of memory management / memory pools available, all these utilities end up again in creating a heap and reusing it effeciently.
mmap (Memory mapping) on the other hand, provides the ablity to visualize a file as memory stream, and enables the program to use pointer manipulations directly on file. But here again, mmap is actually allocating the range of addresses in the process space. So if we mmap a 3GB file with size 3GB and take a pmap of the process, you could see the total memory consumed by the process is >= 3GB.
My question is, is it possible to have a file based memory pool [just like mmaping a file], however, does not constitute the process memory space. I visualize something like a memory DB, which is backed by a file, which is so fast for read/write, which supports pointer manipulations [i.e get a pointer to the record and store anything as if we do using new / malloc], which can grow on the disk, without touching the process virtual 4GB limit.
Is it possible ? if so, what are some pointers for me to start working.
I am not asking for a ready made solution / links, but to conceptually understand how it can be achieved.
It is generally possible but very coplicated. You would have to re-map if you wanted to acces different 3Gb segments of your file, which would probably kill the performance in case of scattered access. Pointers would only get much more difficult to work with, as remmpaing changes data but leaves the adresses the same.
I have seen STXXL project that might be interesting to you; or it might not. I have never used it so I cannot give you any other advice about it.
What you are looking for, is in principle, a memory backed file-cache. There are many such things in for example database implementations (where the whole database is way larger than the memory of the machine, and the application developer probably wants to have a bit of memory left for application stuff). This will involve having some sort of indirection - an index, hash or some such to indicate what area of the file you want to access, and using that indirection to determine if the memory is in memory or on disk. You would essentially have to replicate what the virtual memory handling of the OS and the processor does, by having tables that indicate where in physical memory your "virtual heap" is, and if it's not present in physical memory, read it in (and if the cache is full, get rid of some - and if it's been written, write it back again).
However, it's most likely that in today's world, you have a machine capable of 64-bit addressing, and thus, it would be much easier to recompile the application as a 64-bit application, usemmap or similar to access the large memory. In this case, even if RAM isn't sufficient, you can access the memory of the file via the virtual memory system, and it takes care of all the mapping back and forth between disk and RAM (physical memory).