resource/tutorials to implement a microsoft sync framework - microsoft-sync-framework

I am looking for the resource/tutorials to implement a microsoft sync framework. I want to create a application to achieve Bidirectional synchronization. I have already gone through MSDN. As I am new to this, I want simple tutorials and implementation guides

seems to be a duplicate post of this same question: Implementation Microsoft Sync Framework
anyway, if you install Sync Framework itself, the documentation comes with tutorials/walkthroughs especially on database synchronization.
for database sync, you can take a look at:
Tutorial: Synchronizing SQL Server and SQL Server Compact
Tutorial: Synchronizing SQL Server and SQL Express

Have you checked out this screencast?


Create a SharePoint workflow programmatically

I am working on a copy of a SharePoint 2007 site for a client.
I would like to be able to automate as much of the update process as I can with minimal disruption to the client's system when the updates are ready for production.
To that effect, I was wondering if anyone knows how to automate creating a SharePoint workflow (created using SPD 2007) in another SharePoint server/site.
Perhaps I haven't searched enough yet, but I have not discovered if there is a way to do this with web services, which I believe would be my preference.
I do not believe I have the ability to use STSadm on this, as the hosting for the SharePoint site is separate.
I think I can export the workflows in a personal web package and I'll admit, I haven't experimented with this yet on workflows, but my current experience with other exports, such as lists, is that guids seem to get messed up between sites. Even if this is not an issue, I'm not sure if there is a way of automating the import process (without STSadm).
I'm hoping not to have to work through a long list of manual procedures (that could accidentally get missed) when implementing these changes on the target production site.
My preference is to be able to create some sort of update batch or application that will make the changes quickly and that I can test before implementing on the production system.
This entails quite a few things, but for now, I'd like to focus on getting workflows into the target system.
Any suggestions on where to get started would be welcome.
SharePoint Designer workflows are not portable between sites. (Reference) 1
For your situation, I would recommend taking the Visual Studio workflow route. Take a look at this tutorial: How to Create Custom SharePoint Workflows in Visual Studio 2008. The key for you is how you will associate it to lists.
The other option is to create a custom Workflow Activity (2007 has less options that 2010). You will still have to create the workflow using SharePoint Designer and add your custom activity to it in each site.
1. Yes, there is the "hack way" of trying to do it by copying the XML and changing the GUIDs... but it is error prone and difficult.
SharePoint 2010 gives more flexibility for workflows and thus the first #Kit Menke statement isn't true for readers using SP2010 (i see that this is tagged as sharepoint2007, but i'm making it clear for readers using SP2010)
However, if you publish a workflow template to a SharePoint site
collection, you can download that template as a WSP file and then
deploy it to other site collections.
Read more about Workflow deployment process (SharePoint Foundation 2010)

using libdrizzle as an async mysql connector

I'm interested in using libdrizzle as a generic asynchronous-capable connector for mysql db for a c++ application (actually as a backend for hiberlite). Since early this year libdrizzle is no longer a separate project and its merged in the same drizzle project, so installing as a separate dependency (unrelated to the rest of drizzle) might have become slightly more complex.
I'm wondering if people has used this library for interfacing to MySql or MariaDB, probably make some mickey mouse benchmarks to have a rough idea how it stands relative to the synchronous default driver.
Also, comments on difficulties to install, setup, pitfalls (the documentation is essentially nonexistent) would be greatly appreciated.
You might want to take a look at ngx_drizzle (drizzle-nginx-module) at github.
From module description:
This is an nginx upstream module integrating libdrizzle into Nginx in a non-blocking and streamming way.
Essentially it provides a very efficient and flexible way for nginx internals to access MySQL, Drizzle, as well as other RDBMS's that support the Drizzle or MySQL wired protocol. Also it can serve as a direct REST interface to those RDBMS backends.
If you're using MySQL, then MySQL 5.0 ~ 5.5 is required. We're not sure if MySQL 5.6+ work; reports welcome!

Connecting to oracle database using C++, the basics

i have a question about the theory here, i'm just starting a project which is based on C++ applications integrating with oracle DB's, i've came to two choices, OCCI, and OCI
the OCCI is said to be aimed at C++ environment, but i was wondering, if it would be any good to use the OCI libraries from my C++ app since it is said to have better performance, or would i run into compatibility issues ?
thanks in advance :)
You can have a look at OTL it's a wrapper above the OCI or OCCI (not sure) will give some templates and samples to start with oracle connection in c++.
In my case, my company have about a thousand stores.
To connect Oracle / Oracle thru an MS C++ multi-thread service we perform the following tests on each thread:
Validate DNS (gethostbyname)
Try to open SCManager of the store (OpenSCManager)
Verify if Oracle Service exists on the store (OpenService)
Verify if Oracle Service is running (QueryServiceStatus)
After all, we try to connect (ado->Open)
This procedures minimize possible errors like 0xE06D7363 when connecting to a external server.

MS Access backend for django

I've been working on a modification of the django-pyodbc package so that it could be used with MS Access.
I need this for a legacy database we are tied to at my organization, and have been doing a rather hacky job specific to my situation, but have also been making useful, generalizable progress in terms of adapting SQL syntax for MS Access.
My question is, is this a project that anyone else in the world is interested in? should I clean up my code and try to fully generalize it, or is everyone else in the world able to solve their MS Access problems by moving to SQL server?
I would move the data to SQL Server if that is an option.
If moving the data is not an option and if my Django app is already connecting to SQL Server, I might just create a linked server on SQL Server and go through SQL Server instead.

Connecting and Fetching a record form sequel server 2005

I have a windows application in visual C++. I am not using MFC, in this application I have connect to SQL server 2005 and fetch records form a database file. Can any one guide me how this can done. Thanks in advance.
I would say, you could use some wrapper framework around the odbc calls. Currently I was working on a project where SQL server communication was involved so I found this wrapper framework: TinyODBC which is a minimalistic ODBC wrapper library. It's pretty trivial how can one use it, but I have to admit I had to patch it for a little more functionality. But otherwise it is a useful choice of ODBC communication. Now, you can use the native SQL driver via ODBC. Since it's a minimal framework, if you go through the tutorial you'll be ready to create new application with it.
The complete list of accessing methods is listed here. Most popular choices for C++ programmers are SQL Server Native Client and MDAC/Windows DAC, both support OLEDB and ODBC interfaces. A comparison of SQL Server Native Client and MDAC/WIndows DAC is here.
There are other wrappers built on top of OLEDB and ODBC such as ADO or TynyODBC, which can help you to write more readable code.