Is memory allocation a system call? - c++

Is memory allocation a system call? For example, malloc and new. Is the heap shared by different processes and managed by the OS. What about private heap? If memory allocation in the heap is managed by the OS, how expensive is this?
I would also like to have some link to places where I can read more about this topic.

In general, malloc and new do not perform a system call at each invocation. However, they use a lower-level mechanism to allocate large pages of memory. On Windows, the lower mechanism is VirtualAlloc(). I believe on POSIX systems, this is somewhat equivalent to mmap(). Both of these perform a system call to allocate memory to the process at the OS level. Subsequent allocations will use smaller parts of those large pages without incurring a system call.
The heap is normally inner-process and is not shared between processes. If you need this, most OSes have an API for allocating shared memory. A portable wrapper for these APIs is available in the Boost.Interprocess library.
If you would like to learn more about memory allocation and relationship with the OS, you should take a look at a good book on operating systems. I always suggest Modern Operating Systems by Andrew S. Tanenbaum as it is very easy to read.

(Assuming an operating system with memory protection. Might not be the case e.g. in embedded devices.)
Is memory allocation a system call?
Not necessarily each allocation. The process needs to call the kernel if its heap is not large enough for the requested allocation already, but C libraries usually request larger chunks when they do so, with the aim to reduce the number of system calls.
Is the heap shared by different processes and managed by the OS. What about private heap?
The heap is not shared between processes. It's shared between threads though.
How expensive kernel memory allocation system calls are depends entirely on the OS. Since that's a very common thing, you can expect it to be efficient under normal circumstances. Things get complicated in low RAM situations.

See the layered memory management in Win32.
Memory allocation is always a system call but the allocation is made as pages. If there are space available in the committed pages, memory manager will allocate the requested space without changing the kernel mode. The best thing about HeapAlloc is, it provides fine control over the allocation where Virtual Alloc round the allocation for a single page. It may result in excessive usage in memory.
Basically the default heap and private heaps are treated same except the default heap size is specified during the linking time. The default heap size is 1 MB and grows as required.
See this article for more details
You can also find more information in this thread

Memory allocation functions and language statements like malloc/free and new/delete are not a system calls. Malloc\free is a part of the C\C++ library and new\delete is a part of C++ runtime system. Calls of both can occasionally lead to the system calls. In the other languages memory allocation implemented in the similar way.
In general memory management can't be implemented without involving OS at all, because memory is one of the main system resources, and due to this global memory management made by OS kernel. But due to the fact that the system calls are relatively expensive, peoples try to design languages and memory allocation libraries in such a way to minimize amount of system calls.
As I know heap is an intra-process entity. That is mean that all memory allocation/deallocation requests are managed entirely by process itself. Operating system knows only the heap location and size and services two types of requests from the intra-process memory management system:
add memory page at virtual address X
release memory page from virtual address X
Local memory management system request these services when it decides that it haven't enough memory in the memory pool of heap and when it decides that it have too much memory in the memory pool of heap.
Despite the fact that the memory allocation is usually designed in such a way to minimize amount of system calls it still stay about order more expensive then memory allocation on stack. This is because the memory allocation\deallocation algorithms of heap are much more complex and expensive than the same of stack.


What decides where on the heap memory is allocated?

Let me clear up: I understand how new and delete (and delete[]) work. I understand what the stack is, and I understand when to allocate memory on the stack and on the heap.
What I don't understand, however, is: where on the heap is memory allocated. I know we're supposed to look at the heap as this big pool of pretty much limitless RAM, but surely that's not the case.
What is in control of choosing where on the heap memory is stored and how does it choose that?
Also: the term "returning memory to the OS" is one I come across quite often. Does this mean that the heap is shared between all processes?
The reason I care about all this is because I want to learn more about memory fragmentation. I figured it'd be a good idea to know how the heap works before I learn how to deal with memory fragmentation, because I don't have enough experience with memory allocation, nor C++ to dive straight into that.
The memory is managed by the OS. So the answer depends on the OS/Plattform that is used. The C++ specification does not specify how memory on a lower level is allocated/freed, it specifies it in from of the lifetime.
While multi-user desktop/server/phone OS (like Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, …) have similar ways to how memory is managed, it could be completely different on embedded systems.
What is in control of choosing where on the heap memory is stored and how does it choose that?
Its the OS that is responsible for that. How exactly depends - as already said - on the OS. The OS could also be a thin layer in the form of a combination of the runtime library and minimal OS like includeos
Does this mean that the heap is shared between all processes?
Depends on the point of view. The address space is - for multiuser systems - in general not shared between processes. The OS ensures that one process cannot access memory of another process, which is ensured through virtual address spaces. But the OS can distribute the whole RAM among all processes.
For embedded systems, it could even be the case, that each process has a fixed amount a preallocated memory - that is not shared between processes - and with no way to allocated new memory or free memory. And then it is up to the developer to manage that preallocated memory by themselves by providing custom allocators to the objects of the stdlib, and to construct in allocated storage.
I want to learn more about memory fragmentation
There are two ways of fragmentation. The one is given by the memory addresses exposed by the OS to the C++ runtime. And the one on the hardware/OS side (which could be the same for embedded system) . How and in which form the memory might be fragmented organized by the OS can't be determined using the function provided by the stdlib. And how the fragmentation of the address spaces of the process behaves, depends again on the os and the also on the used stdlib.
None of these details are specified in the C++ specification standard. Each C++ implementation is free to implement these details in whichever way that works for it, as long as the end result is agreeable with the standard.
Each C++ compiler, and operating system implements these low level details in its own unique way. There is no specific answer to these questions that apply to every C++ compiler and every operating system. Over time, a lot of research has went into profiling and optimizing memory allocation and deallocation algorithms for a typical C++ application, and there are some tailored C++ implementation that offer alternative memory allocation algorithm that each application will choose, that it thinks will work best for it. Of course, none of this is covered by the C++ standard.
Of course, all memory in your computer must be shared between all processes that are running on it, and your operating system is responsible for divvying it up and parceling it out to all the processes, when they request more memory. All that "returning memory to the OS" means is that a process's memory allocator has determined that it no longer needs a sufficiently large continuous memory range, that was used before but not any more, and notifies the operating system that it no longer uses it and it can be reassigned to another process.
What decides where on the heap memory is allocated?
From the perspective of a C++ programmer: It is decided by the implementation (of the C++ language).
From the perspective of a C++ standard library implementer (as an example of what may hypothetically be true for some implementation): It is decided by malloc which is part of the C standard library.
From the perspective of malloc implementer (as an example of what may hypothetically be true for some implementation): The location of heap in general is decided by the operating system (for example, on Linux systems it might be whatever address is returned by sbrk). The location of any individual allocation is up to the implementer to decide as long as they stay within the limitations established by the operating system and the specification of the language.
Note that heap memory is called "free store" in C++. I think this is to avoid confusion with the heap data structure which is unrelated.
I understand what the stack is
Note that there is no such thing as "stack memory" in the C++ language. The fact that C++ implementations store automatic variables in such manner is an implementation detail.
The heap is indeed shared between processes, but in C++ the delete keyword does not return the memory to the operating system, but keeps it to reuse later on. The location of the allocated memory is dependent on how much memory you want to access, there has to be enough space and how the OS handles memory allocations, it can be one on first, best and worst hit (Read more on that topic on google). The name RAM basically tells you where to search for your memory :D
It is however possible to get the same memory location when you have a small program and restart it multiple times.

Why we use memory managers?

I have seen that lot of code bases specially server codes have basic (sometimes advanced) memory managers. Is the real purpose of memory manager is to reduce number of malloc calls or mainly for the purpose of memory analysis, corruption check or may be other application centric purposes.
Is the argument of saving malloc calls reasonable enough as malloc in itself is a memory manager. The only performance gain I can reason is when we know that system always ask for same size memory.
Or the reason for having memory manager is that free does not return memory to OS but saves in the list. So over the lifetime of the process, the heap usage of the process may increase if we keep on doing malloc/free because of fragmentation.
mallocis a general purpose allocator - "not slow" is more important than "always fast".
Consider a feature that would be a 10% improvement in many common cases, but might cause significant performance degradation in a few rare cases. An application specific allocator can avoid the rare case and reap the benefits. A general purpose allocator should not.
Besides number of calls to malloc, there are other relevant attributes:
locality of allocations
On current hardware, this easily the most important factor for performance. An application has more knowledge of the access patterns and can optimize the allocations accordingly.
A general purpose allocator must allow calls to malloc and free from different threads. This usually requires a lock or similar concurrency handling. If the heap is very busy, this leads to massive contention.
An application that knows that some high-frequency alloc/frees come only from one thread can use its own thread-specific heap, which not only avoids contention for these allocations, but also increases their locality and takes load off the default allocator.
This is still a problem for long running applications on systems with limited physical memory or address space. Fragmentation may require more and more memory or address space from the OS, even without the actual working set increasing. This is a significant problem for applications that need to run uninterrupted.
Last time I looked deeper into allocators (which is probably half a decade past), the consensus was that naive attempts to reduce fragmentation often conflict with the never slow rule.
Again, an application that knows (some of its) allocation patterns can take a lot of load from the default allocator. One very common use case is building a syntax tree or something similar: there are gazillions of small allocations which are never freed individually, only as a whole. Such a pattern can be served efficiently with a very trivial allocator.
resilence and diagnostics
Last not least the diagnostic and self-protection capabilities of the default allocator may not be sufficient for many applications.
Why do we have custom memory managers rather than the built-in ones?
Number one reason is probably that the codebase was originaly written 20-30years ago when the provided one wasn't any good and nobody dares change it.
But otherwise, as you say because the application needs to manage fragmentation, grab memory at startup to ensure that memory will always be available, for security or a bunch of other reasons - most of which could be acheived by correct use of the built-in manager.
C and C++ are designed to be stripped down. They don't do much that is not explicitly asked for, so when a program asks for memory, it gets the minimum possible effort required to deliver that memory.
In other words, if you don't need it, you don't pay for it.
If finer-grained control of the memory is required, that's the domain of the programmer. If the programmer wishes to trade bare metal speed for a system that will provide higher performance on the target hardware in conjunction with the program's often unique goals, better debugging support, or simply likes the look and feel and warm fuzzies that come from using a manager, that is up to them. The programmer either writes something smarter or finds a third party library to do what they want.
You briefly touched on a lot of the different reasons why you would use a memory manager in your question.
Is the real purpose of a memory manager to reduce the number of malloc calls or mainly for the purpose of memory analysis, corruption check or other application centric purposes?
This is the big question. A memory manager in any application can be generic (like malloc) or it can be more specific. The more specialized the memory manager becomes it is likely to be more efficient at the specific task it is supposed to accomplish.
Take this overly-simplified example:
#define MAX_OBJECTS 1000
Foo globalObjects[MAX_OBJECTS];
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
void * mallocObjects[MAX_OBJECTS] = {0};
void * customObjects[MAX_OBJECTS] = {0};
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
mallocObjects[i] = malloc(sizeof(Foo));
customObjects[i] = &globalObjects[i];
In the above I am pretending that this global object list is our "custom memory allocator." This is just to simplify what I am explaining.
When you allocate with malloc there is no guarantee it is right next to the previous allocation. Malloc is a general purpose allocator and does a good job at that but doesn't necessarily make the most efficient choice for every application.
With a custom allocator you might be able to up front allocate room for 1000 custom objects and since they are a fixed size return the exact amount of memory you need to prevent fragmentation and to efficiently allocate that block.
There is also the difference between memory abstraction and custom memory allocators. STL allocators are arguably an abstraction model and not a custom memory allocator.
Take a look at this link for some more information on custom allocators and why they are useful: link
There are many reasons why we would want to do this and it really depends on the application itself. In fact all the reasons you mentioned are valid.
I once built a very simple memory manager that kept track of shared_ptr allocations in order for me to see what was not being released properly on application end.
I would say stick to your runtime unless you need something that it does not provide.
Memory managers are used basically to manage efficiently your memory reservation. Normally processes have access to a limited amount of memory (4GB in 32bits systems), from this you have to subtract the virtual memory space reserved for the kernel (1GB or 2GB depending on your OS configuration). Thus, virtually the process has access let's say to 3GB of memory that will be used to hold all of its segments (code, data, bss, heap and stack).
Memory managers (malloc for example) try to fulfill the different memory reservation requests issued by the process by requesting new memory pages to the OS (using sbrk or mmap system calls). Every time this happens it implies an extra cost on the program execution since the OS has to look for a suitable memory page to be assigned to the process (Physical memory is limited and all the running processes want to use it), update the process tables (TMP, etc). These operations are time consuming and hit the process execution and performance. Thus, the memory manager normally try to request the needed pages to fulfill the process reservations cleverly. For example it could ask for some more pages to avoid calling more mmap calls in the near future. Additionally, it tries to deal with issues like fragmentation, memory alignment, etc. This basically unloads the process from this responsibility, otherwise everybody writing some program that needs dynamic memory allocation has to perform this manually!
Actually, there are cases where one could be interested in doing the memory management manually. This is the case for embedded or high availability systems which have to run for 24/365. In these cases even if the memory fragmentation is low it could become a problem after very long period of running (1 year for example). So, one of the solutions that are used in this case is to use a memory pool to allocate before hand the memory for the application objects. After-wards each time you need memory for some object you just use the already reserved memory.
For server based or any application that needs to run for long periods of time or indefinitely, the main issue is paged memory fragmentation. After a long series of mallocs / new and free / delete, paged memory can end up with gaps in the pages that waste space and could eventually run out of virtual address space. Microsoft deals with this with it's .NET framework, by occasionally pausing a process to repack paged memory for a process.
To avoid slowdown during repacking of memory in a process, a server type application can use multiple processes for the application, so that during repacking of one process, the other process(es) take more of the load.

Dynamic allocation in uClinux

I'm new to embedded development, and the big differences I see between traditional Linux and uClinux is that uClinux lacks the MMU.
From this article:
Without VM, each process must be located at a place in memory where it can be run. In the simplest case, this area of memory must be contiguous. Generally, it cannot be expanded as there may be other processes above and below it. This means that a process in uClinux cannot increase the size of its available memory at runtime as a traditional Linux process would.
To me, this sounds like all data must reside on the stack, and that heap allocation is impossible, meaning malloc() and/or "new" are out of the question... is that accurate? Perhaps there are techniques/libraries which allow for managing a "static heap" (i.e. a stack based area from which "dynamic" allocations can be requested)?
Or am I over thinking it? Or over simplifying it?
Under regular Linux, the programmer does not need to deal with physical resources. The kernel takes care of this, and a user space process sees only its own address space. As the stack grows, or malloc-type requests are made, the kernel will map free memory into the process's virtual address space.
In uClinux, the programmer must be more concerned with physical memory. The MMU and VM are not available, and all address space is shared with the kernel. When a user space program is loaded, the process is allocated physical memory pages for the text, stack, and variables. The process's program counter, stack pointer, and data/bss table pointers are set to physical memory addresses. Heap allocations (via malloc-type calls) are made from the same pool.
You will not have to get rid of heap allocation in programs. You will need to be concerned with some new issues. Since the stack cannot grow via virtual memory, you must size it correctly during linking to prevent stack overflows. Memory fragmentation becomes an issue because there's no MMU to consolidate smaller free pages. Errant pointers become more dangerous because they can now cause unintended writes to anywhere in physical memory.
It's been a while since I've worked with uCLinux (it was before it was integrated into the main tree), but I thought malloc was still available as part of the c library. There was a lot higher chance of doing Very Bad Things (tm) in memory since the heap wasn't isolated, but it was possible.
yes you can use malloc in user space applications on uclinux ,but then you have to increase the size of stack of user space application(before running the program cause stack size would be static),so that when malloc runs it will get the space it needs.
for e.g. uclinux on arm-cortex
arm toolchain provides command to find and change size of stack used by binary of user application then you can tranfer it to your embedded system and run
----- > arm-uclinuxeabi-flthdr

When HeapCreate function is used or in what cases do you need a number of heaps?

Windows API has a set of function for heap creation and handling: HeapCreate, HeapAlloc, HeapDestroy and etc.
I wonder what is the use for another heap in a program?
From fragmentation point of view, you will get external fragmentation where memory is not reused among heaps. So even if low-fragmentation heaps are used, stil there is a fragmentation.
Memory management of additional heaps seems to be low-level. So they are not easy to use.
In addition, additional heap can probably be emulated using allocations from heap and managing allocated memory.
So what is the usage? Did you use it?
One use case might be a long-running complex process that does a lot of memory allocation and deallocation. If the user wants to interrupt the process, then an easy way to clean up the memory currently allocated might be to have everything on a private heap and then simply destroy the heap.
I have seen this technique used in an embedded system (which wasn't using Windows, so it didn't use those exact API functions). The custom memory allocator had a feature to "mark" a specific state of the heap and then "rewind" to that point if a process was aborted.
One reason that is only important in rare situations, but immensely important there: memory allocated by new/malloc isn't executable on modern Windows systems. Hence if you write for example a JIT, you will have to use HeapCreate with HEAP_CREATE_ENABLE_EXECUTE.
Use: Very very very rarily.
I once worked on a projected that used the heap management as a crude garbage collector (no destructors). There was a section of the code that went off a did some work without regard to memory management (using a separate heap). Then when it was done we just destroyed that heap to re-claim all the memory.
One use is for fixed size objects. If you need to do a lot of allocation/deallocation of objects that are all the same size (i.e. small message buffers) a private heap avoids fragmentation issues.
You might also dedicate a heap per thread - for locality of reference or to reduce locking (which is required when a heap is shared across threads).
One use case I see more often than not is in malware.
The malware would have a packed binary somewhere in its .rsrc section, allocate an executable private heap, and then run the code there. Its a very effective technique
One usage not mentioned here is to avoid heap contention.
You could create a thread-local heap which is not thread-safe, passing HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE flag to HeapCreate.
Since only one thread can access the heap, no locks are required and contention is alleviated.

Deallocation doesn't free memory in Windows/C++ Application

My Windows/C++ application allocates ~1Gb of data in memory with the operator new and processes this data. After processing the data is deleted.
I noticed that if I run the processing again without exiting the application, the second call to the operatornew to allocate ~1Gb of data fails.
I would expect Windows to deliver the memory back. Could this be managed in a better way with some other Win32 calls etc.?
I don't think this is a Windows problem. Check if you used delete or delete[] correctly. Perhaps it would help if you post the code that is allocating/freeing the memory.
In most runtime environments memory allocated to an application from the operating system remains in the application, and is seldom returned back to the operating system. Freeing a memory block allows you to reuse the block from within the application, but does not free it to the operating system to make it available to other applications.
Microsoft's C runtime library tries to return memory back to the operating system by having _heapmin_region call _heap_free_region or _free_partial_region which call VirtualFree to release data to the operating system. However, if whole pages in the corresponding region are not empty, then they will not be freed. A common cause of this is the bookkeeping information and storage caching of C++ containers.
This could be due to memory fragmentation (in reality, address space fragmentation), where various factors have contributed to your program address space not having a 1gb contiguous hole available. In reality, I suspect a bug in your memory management (sorry) - have you run your code through leak detection?
Since you are using very large memory blocks, you should consider using VirtualAlloc() and VirtualFree(), as they allow you to allocate and free pages directly, without the overhead (in memory and time) of interacting with a heap manager.
Since you are using C++, it is worth noting that you can construct C++ objects in the memory you allocate this way by using placement new.
This problem is almost certainly memory fragmentation. On 32 bit Windows the largest contiguous region you can allocate is about 1.1GB (because various DLLs in your EXE preventa larger contiguous range being available). If after deallocating a memory allocation (or a DLL load, or a memory mapped file) ends up in the middle of your previous 1GB region then there will no longer be a 1GB region available for your next call to new to allocate 1GB. Thus it will fail.
You can visualize this process using VM Validator.