What decides where on the heap memory is allocated? - c++

Let me clear up: I understand how new and delete (and delete[]) work. I understand what the stack is, and I understand when to allocate memory on the stack and on the heap.
What I don't understand, however, is: where on the heap is memory allocated. I know we're supposed to look at the heap as this big pool of pretty much limitless RAM, but surely that's not the case.
What is in control of choosing where on the heap memory is stored and how does it choose that?
Also: the term "returning memory to the OS" is one I come across quite often. Does this mean that the heap is shared between all processes?
The reason I care about all this is because I want to learn more about memory fragmentation. I figured it'd be a good idea to know how the heap works before I learn how to deal with memory fragmentation, because I don't have enough experience with memory allocation, nor C++ to dive straight into that.

The memory is managed by the OS. So the answer depends on the OS/Plattform that is used. The C++ specification does not specify how memory on a lower level is allocated/freed, it specifies it in from of the lifetime.
While multi-user desktop/server/phone OS (like Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, …) have similar ways to how memory is managed, it could be completely different on embedded systems.
What is in control of choosing where on the heap memory is stored and how does it choose that?
Its the OS that is responsible for that. How exactly depends - as already said - on the OS. The OS could also be a thin layer in the form of a combination of the runtime library and minimal OS like includeos
Does this mean that the heap is shared between all processes?
Depends on the point of view. The address space is - for multiuser systems - in general not shared between processes. The OS ensures that one process cannot access memory of another process, which is ensured through virtual address spaces. But the OS can distribute the whole RAM among all processes.
For embedded systems, it could even be the case, that each process has a fixed amount a preallocated memory - that is not shared between processes - and with no way to allocated new memory or free memory. And then it is up to the developer to manage that preallocated memory by themselves by providing custom allocators to the objects of the stdlib, and to construct in allocated storage.
I want to learn more about memory fragmentation
There are two ways of fragmentation. The one is given by the memory addresses exposed by the OS to the C++ runtime. And the one on the hardware/OS side (which could be the same for embedded system) . How and in which form the memory might be fragmented organized by the OS can't be determined using the function provided by the stdlib. And how the fragmentation of the address spaces of the process behaves, depends again on the os and the also on the used stdlib.

None of these details are specified in the C++ specification standard. Each C++ implementation is free to implement these details in whichever way that works for it, as long as the end result is agreeable with the standard.
Each C++ compiler, and operating system implements these low level details in its own unique way. There is no specific answer to these questions that apply to every C++ compiler and every operating system. Over time, a lot of research has went into profiling and optimizing memory allocation and deallocation algorithms for a typical C++ application, and there are some tailored C++ implementation that offer alternative memory allocation algorithm that each application will choose, that it thinks will work best for it. Of course, none of this is covered by the C++ standard.
Of course, all memory in your computer must be shared between all processes that are running on it, and your operating system is responsible for divvying it up and parceling it out to all the processes, when they request more memory. All that "returning memory to the OS" means is that a process's memory allocator has determined that it no longer needs a sufficiently large continuous memory range, that was used before but not any more, and notifies the operating system that it no longer uses it and it can be reassigned to another process.

What decides where on the heap memory is allocated?
From the perspective of a C++ programmer: It is decided by the implementation (of the C++ language).
From the perspective of a C++ standard library implementer (as an example of what may hypothetically be true for some implementation): It is decided by malloc which is part of the C standard library.
From the perspective of malloc implementer (as an example of what may hypothetically be true for some implementation): The location of heap in general is decided by the operating system (for example, on Linux systems it might be whatever address is returned by sbrk). The location of any individual allocation is up to the implementer to decide as long as they stay within the limitations established by the operating system and the specification of the language.
Note that heap memory is called "free store" in C++. I think this is to avoid confusion with the heap data structure which is unrelated.
I understand what the stack is
Note that there is no such thing as "stack memory" in the C++ language. The fact that C++ implementations store automatic variables in such manner is an implementation detail.

The heap is indeed shared between processes, but in C++ the delete keyword does not return the memory to the operating system, but keeps it to reuse later on. The location of the allocated memory is dependent on how much memory you want to access, there has to be enough space and how the OS handles memory allocations, it can be one on first, best and worst hit (Read more on that topic on google). The name RAM basically tells you where to search for your memory :D
It is however possible to get the same memory location when you have a small program and restart it multiple times.


Allocating Memory to a Program Upon Initialization in C++?

I would like to allocate a set amount of memory for the program upon initialization so that other programs cannot steal memory from it. Essentially, I would like to create a Heap for my program (without having to program a heap module all for myself).
If this is not possible, can you please refer me to a heap module that I can import into my project?
Using C++17.
Edit: More specifically, I am trying to for example specify that it is only allowed to malloc 4MB of data for example. If it tries to allocate anymore, it should throw an error.
What you ask is not possible with the features provided by ISO C++.
However, on most common platforms, reserving physical RAM is possible using platform-specific extensions. For example, Linux provides the function mlock and Microsoft Windows provides the function VirtualLock. But, in order to use these functions, you must either
know which memory pages the default allocator is using for memory allocation, which can get messy and complicated, or
use your own implementation of a memory allocator, so that it can itself call mlock/VirtualLock whenever it receives memory from the operating system.
Your own implementation of a memory allocator could be as simple as forwarding all memory allocation request to the operating system's kernel, for example using mmap on Linux or VirtualAlloc on Windows. However, this has the disadvantage that the granularity of all memory allocation requests is the size of a memory page, which on most systems is at least 4096 bytes. This means that even very small memory allocation requests of a few bytes will actually take 4096 bytes of memory. This would be a big waste of memory. Also, in your question, you stated that you wanted to preallocate a certain amount of memory when you start your application, so that you can use that memory later to satisfy smaller memory allocation requests. This cannot be done using the method described above.
Therefore, you may want to consider using a "proper" memory allocator implementation, which is able to satisfy several smaller allocation requests using a single memory page. See this list on Wikipedia for a list of common implementations.
That said, what you describe may be an XY problem, depending on what operating system you are using. For example, in contrast to Windows, Linux will typically overcommit memory. This means that the Linux kernel will allow applications to allocate more memory than is actually available, on the assumption that most applications will not use all the memory they request. Therefore, a call to std::malloc or new will seldom fail on Linux (but it is still possible, depending on the configuration). Instead, under low memory conditions, the Linux OOM killer (out of memory killer) will start killing processes that are taking up large amounts of memory, in order to free up memory and to keep the system running.
For this reason, the methods described above are likely to work on Microsoft Windows, but on Linux, they could be counterproductive, as they would make your process more likely to fall prey to the OOM killer.
However, even if you are able to accomplish what you want using the methods described above, I generally don't recommend that you use these methods, as this behavior is unfair towards the other processes in the system. Generally, you should leave the task of deciding which process gets (fast) physical memory and which process gets (slow) swap space to the operating system, as the operating system can do a better job of fairly distributing its resources among its processes.
If you want to force actual allocation of memory pages to your process, there's no way around managing your own memory.
In C++, the canonical way to do this would be to write an implementation for operator new() and operator delete() (the global ones!) which are responsible to perform the actual memory allocation. The function signatures are:
void* operator new (size_t size);
void operator delete (void *pointer);
and you'll need to include the #include <new> header.
Your implementation can do its work via one of three possible routes:
It allocates the memory using the C function malloc(), and immediately touches each memory page by writing a value to it. This forces the system kernel to actually back the memory region with real memory.
It allocates the memory using malloc(), and proceeds to call mlockall(). This is the nuclear option for when you absolutely must avoid all paging, including paging of code segments and shared libraries.
It asks the kernel directly for some chunks of memory using mmap() and proceeds to lock them into RAM via mlock(). The effect is similar to the previous option, but it is targeted only at the memory you allocated for your operator new() implementation.
The first method works independent of the OS kernel, the other two assume a Linux kernel.
With GCC, you can perform the memory allocation before main() is called by using the __attribute__((constructor)).
Writing such a memory allocator is not rocket science. It's not even a lot of code if done right. I once wrote an operator new()/operator delete() implementation that fits into 170 lines, including all my special features, comments, empty lines, and the license declaration. It's really not that hard.
I would like to allocate a set amount of memory for the program upon initialization so that other programs cannot steal memory from it.
Why would you want to do that?
it is not your business to decide if your program is more important than others !
Imagine your program running in parallel with some printing utility driving the printer. This is a common occurrence: I have downloaded some long PDF document (e.g. several hundred pages, like the C++ standard n3337), and I want to print it on paper to study it in a train, an airplane, at home and annotate it with a pencil and paper. The printing is likely to last more than an hour, and require computing resources (e.g. on Linux some CUPS printer driver converting PDF to PCL). During the printing, I could use your program.
If I am a user of your program, you have decided (at my place) that printing that document is less important for me than using your program (while the printer is slowly spitting pages).
Leave the allocation and management of memory to the operating system of your user.
There are of course important exceptions to that common sense rule. A typical medical robot used in neurosurgery has some embedded software with constraints different of a web server software. See also this draft report. For Linux, read Advanced Linux Programming then syscalls(2).
More specifically, I am trying to for example specify that it is only allowed to malloc 4MB of data for example.
This is really simple. Some OSes provide the ability to limit resources (on Linux, see setrlimit(2)...). Write your own malloc routine, above operating system specific primitives such as (on Linux) mmap(2). See also this, this and that answers (all focused on Linux; adapt them to your particular operating system). You probably can find open source implementations of malloc (on github or gitlab) for your particular operating system. For Linux, look here, then study the source code of glibc or musl-libc. In C++, study the source code of GCC or Clang (probably ::operator new is using malloc)

Why do we need to create an object in heap?

why can we use the stack for all our needs?
NOTE: it will be very good if you give an example while explaining because it is easier to understand with examples.
sorry for bad English.
In practice the call stack is limited and small. The typical limit is a few megabytes. In contrast, you could often allocate gigabytes in heap memory.
(on some systems, you might configure the system to have a larger stack; but you need to tell your users if you need that)
Also, and most importantly, the call stack is a stack, so has a LIFO (last in first out) discipline. In many cases, you want to release objects in an order unrelated to their allocation or just in a "first allocated, first destroyed" order (and that is impossible on a stack).
Consider reading something about garbage collection, e.g. the GC handbook. It teaches you useful concepts and terminology about dynamic memory allocation (even for C programs with manual memory management). Read also about the virtual address space of your process (se also this answer, at least for Linux).
Another advantage of dynamic memory allocation is that the same executable can run on various computers (with various resources, in particular different amount of RAM), but won't be able to process the same amount of data. If you had to allocate all the memory statically, this would not be the case (e.g. a C program with 50 gigabytes of static data could not even start on my laptop).

Dynamic memory allocation and memory block metadata

I have a question about low level stuff of dynamic memory allocation.
I understand that there may be different implementations, but I need to understand the fundamental ideas.
when a modern OS memory allocator or the equivalent allocates a block of memory, this block needs to be freed.
But, before that happends, some system needs to exist to control the allocation process.
I need to know:
How this system keeps track of allocated and unallocated memory. I mean, the system needs to know what blocks have already been allocated and what their size is to use this information in allocation and deallocation process.
Is this process supported by modern hardware, like allocation bits or something like that?
Or is some kind of data structure used to store allocation information.
If there is a data structure, how much memory it uses compared to the allocated memory?
Is it better to allocate memory in big chunks rather than small ones and why?
Any answer that can help reveal fundamental implementation details is appreciated.
If there is a need for code examples, C or C++ will be just fine.
"How this system keeps track of allocated and unallocated memory." For non-embedded systems with operating systems, a virtual page table, which the OS is in charge of organizing (with hardware TLB support of course), tracks the memory usage of programs.
AS FAR AS I KNOW (and the community will surely yell at me if I'm mistaken), tracking individual malloc() sizes and locations has a good number of implementations and is runtime-library dependent. Generally speaking, whenever you call malloc(), the size and location is stored in a table. Whenever you call free(), the table entry for the provided pointer is looked up. If it is found, that entry is removed. If it is not found, the free() is ignored (which also indicates a possible memory leak).
When all malloc() entries in a virtual page are freed, that virtual page is then released back to the OS (this also implies that free() does not always release memory back to the OS since the virtual page may still have other malloc() entries in it). If there is not enough space within a given virtual page to support another malloc() of a specified size, another virtual page is requested from the OS.
Embedded processors usually don't have operating systems, virtual page tables, nor multiple processes. In this case, virtual memory is not used. Instead, the entire memory of the embedded processor is treated like one large virtual page (although the addresses are actually physical addresses) and memory management follows a similar process as previously described.
Here is a similar stack overflow question with more in-depth answers.
"Is it better to allocate memory in big chunks rather than small ones and why?" Allocate as much memory as you need, no more and no less. Compiler optimizations are very smart, and memory will almost always be managed more efficiently (i.e. reducing memory fragmentation) than the programmer can manually do. This is especially true in a non-embedded environment.
Here is a similar stack overflow question with more in-depth answers (note that it pertains to C and not C++, however it is still relevant to this discussion).
Well, there are more than one way to achieve that.
I once had to wrote a malloc() (and free()) implementation for educational purpose.
This is from my experience, and real world implementation surely vary.
I used a double linked list.
Memory chunk returned to the user after calling malloc() were in fact a struct containing relevant information to my implementation (ie the next and prev pointer, and a is_used byte).
So when a user request N bytes I allocated N + sizeof(my_struct) bytes, hiding next and prev pointers at the begenning of the chunk, and returning what's left to the user.
Surely, this is poor design for a program that use a lot of small allocation (because each allocation takes up to N + 2 pointers + 1 byte).
For a real world implementation, you can take a look to the code of good and well known memory allocator.
Normally there exist two different layers.
One layer lives at application level, usually as part of the C standard library. This is what you call through functions like malloc and free (or operator new in C++, which in turn usually calls malloc). This layer takes care of your allocations, but does not know about memory or where it comes from.
The other layer, at OS level, does not know and does not care anything about your allocations. It only maintains a list of fixed-size memory pages that have been reserved, allocated, and accessed, and with each page information such as where it maps to.
There are many different implementations for either layer, but in general it works like this:
When you allocate memory, the allocator (the "application level part") looks whether it has a matching block somewhere in its books that it can give to you (some allocators will split a larger block in two, if need be).
If it doesn't find a suitable block, it reserves a new block (usually much larger than what you ask for) from the operating system. sbrk or mmap on Linux, or VirtualAlloc on Windows would be typical examples of functions it might use for that effect.
This does very little apart from showing intent to the operating system, and generating some page table entries.
The allocator then (logically, in its books) splits up that large area into smaller pieces according to its normal mode of operation, finds a suitable block, and returns it to you. Note that this returned memory does not necessarily even exist as phsyical memory (though most allocators write some metadata into the first few bytes of each allocated unit, so they necessarily pre-fault the pages).
In the mean time, invisibly, a background task zeroes out memory pages that were in use by some process once but have been freed. This happens all the time, on a tentative base, since sooner or later someone will ask for memory (often, that's what the idle task does).
Once you access an address in the page that contains your allocated block for the first time, you generate a fault. The page table entry of this yet non-existent page (it logically exists, just not phsyically) is replaced with a reference to a page from the pool of zero pages. In the uncommon case that there is none left, for example if huge amounts of memory are being allocated all the time, the OS swaps out a page which it believes will not be accessed any time soon, zeroes it, and returns this one.
Now the page becomes part of your working set, it corresponds to actual phsyical memory, and it accounts towards your process' quota. While your process is running, pages may be moved in and out of your working set, or may be paged out and in, as you exceed certain limits, and according to how much memory is needed and how it is accessed.
Once you call free, the allocator puts the freed area back into its books. It may tell the OS that it does not need the memory any more instead, but usually this does not happen as it is not really necessary and it is more efficient to keep around a little extra memory and reuse it. Also, it may not be easy to free the memory because usually the units that you allocate/deallocate do not directly correspond with the units the OS works with (and, in the case of sbrk they'd need to happen in the correct order, too).
When the process ends, the OS simply throws away all page table entries and adds all pages to the list of pages that the idle task will zero out. So the physical memory becomes available to the next process asking for some.

Is there a way to get the range of memory addresses that are available on the heap?

It seems to me that this is how memory works in C++:
If you use new then you are asking the compiler's implementation to give you some memory (any memory) from the heap.
If you use the placement new syntax, the you are asking to re-allocate a specific memory location that you already know the address of (let's just assume it is also from the heap) which presumably was also originally allocated from the new operator at some point.
My question is this:
Is there anyway to know which memory locations are available to your program a priori (i.e. without re-allocating memory from the heap that was already given to you by the new operator)?
Is the memory in the heap contiguous? If so, can you find out where it starts and where it ends?
p.s. Just trying to get as close to the metal as possible as fast as possible...
Not in any portable way. Modern operating systems tend to use paging (aka virtual memory) anyway, so that the amount of memory available is not a question that can be easily answered.
There is no requirement for the memory in the heap to be contiguous, if you need that you are going to have to write your own heap, which isn't so hard to do.
The memory available to your program "a priori" contains the variables you have defined. The compiler has calculated exactly how much the program needs. There is nothing "extra" you can use for something else.
New objects you need to create dynamically are allocated from the free store (aka heap), possibly by using new but more often by using containers from the library like std::vector.
The language standard says nothing about how this works in any detail, just how it can be used.
It is very difficult question. In modern operating system there are such subsystem as memory manager. When your program executes new operator, there are two options:
if there is enough memory available to program, you get pointer to memory in your program's heap
if there isn't enough memory, execution is given to memory manager of operating system and it decides what to do: give more memory to your program (let's say that it will resize your heap) or refuse and throw exception.
Is there anyway to know which memory locations are available to your program a priori (i.e. without re-allocating memory from the heap that was already given to you by the new operator)?
I want to emphasize that it depends on version of OS and on environment.
Is the memory in the heap contiguous?
No, it may be non-contiguous.
The contiguity of addresses received from successive calls to new or malloc() isn't defined. The C runtime and operating system are free to return pointers willy-nilly all over the address space from successive news. (And in fact, it's likely to do so, since good allocators draw from different pools depending on the size of the allocation to reduce fragmentation, and those pools will be in different pages.)
However, bytes within a single allocation in new are guaranteed to be contiguous, so if you do
int *foo = new int[1024 * 1024]
you'll get a million contiguous words.
If you really need a large, contiguous allocation, you'll probably need to use operating-system-specific functions to do so (unless someone has hidden this behind some Boost library I'm unaware of). On Windows, VirtualAlloc(). On POSIX, mmap().

Is memory allocation a system call?

Is memory allocation a system call? For example, malloc and new. Is the heap shared by different processes and managed by the OS. What about private heap? If memory allocation in the heap is managed by the OS, how expensive is this?
I would also like to have some link to places where I can read more about this topic.
In general, malloc and new do not perform a system call at each invocation. However, they use a lower-level mechanism to allocate large pages of memory. On Windows, the lower mechanism is VirtualAlloc(). I believe on POSIX systems, this is somewhat equivalent to mmap(). Both of these perform a system call to allocate memory to the process at the OS level. Subsequent allocations will use smaller parts of those large pages without incurring a system call.
The heap is normally inner-process and is not shared between processes. If you need this, most OSes have an API for allocating shared memory. A portable wrapper for these APIs is available in the Boost.Interprocess library.
If you would like to learn more about memory allocation and relationship with the OS, you should take a look at a good book on operating systems. I always suggest Modern Operating Systems by Andrew S. Tanenbaum as it is very easy to read.
(Assuming an operating system with memory protection. Might not be the case e.g. in embedded devices.)
Is memory allocation a system call?
Not necessarily each allocation. The process needs to call the kernel if its heap is not large enough for the requested allocation already, but C libraries usually request larger chunks when they do so, with the aim to reduce the number of system calls.
Is the heap shared by different processes and managed by the OS. What about private heap?
The heap is not shared between processes. It's shared between threads though.
How expensive kernel memory allocation system calls are depends entirely on the OS. Since that's a very common thing, you can expect it to be efficient under normal circumstances. Things get complicated in low RAM situations.
See the layered memory management in Win32.
Memory allocation is always a system call but the allocation is made as pages. If there are space available in the committed pages, memory manager will allocate the requested space without changing the kernel mode. The best thing about HeapAlloc is, it provides fine control over the allocation where Virtual Alloc round the allocation for a single page. It may result in excessive usage in memory.
Basically the default heap and private heaps are treated same except the default heap size is specified during the linking time. The default heap size is 1 MB and grows as required.
See this article for more details
You can also find more information in this thread
Memory allocation functions and language statements like malloc/free and new/delete are not a system calls. Malloc\free is a part of the C\C++ library and new\delete is a part of C++ runtime system. Calls of both can occasionally lead to the system calls. In the other languages memory allocation implemented in the similar way.
In general memory management can't be implemented without involving OS at all, because memory is one of the main system resources, and due to this global memory management made by OS kernel. But due to the fact that the system calls are relatively expensive, peoples try to design languages and memory allocation libraries in such a way to minimize amount of system calls.
As I know heap is an intra-process entity. That is mean that all memory allocation/deallocation requests are managed entirely by process itself. Operating system knows only the heap location and size and services two types of requests from the intra-process memory management system:
add memory page at virtual address X
release memory page from virtual address X
Local memory management system request these services when it decides that it haven't enough memory in the memory pool of heap and when it decides that it have too much memory in the memory pool of heap.
Despite the fact that the memory allocation is usually designed in such a way to minimize amount of system calls it still stay about order more expensive then memory allocation on stack. This is because the memory allocation\deallocation algorithms of heap are much more complex and expensive than the same of stack.