C++ code to find BSSID OF associated network [duplicate] - c++

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Want to know the ESSID of wireless network via C++ in UBUNTU
Hello I have written the following code which is a part of a project. It is used to find the ESSID of the current associated network. But it has a flaw that it also the displays the ESSID of the network with which I am not associated i.e. if I try to associate myself with a wireless n/w and if it is unsuccessfull i.e. NO DHCP OFFERS ARE RECEIVED, then also it will display the that ESSID with which I have made my attempt.
Is it possible to find the BSSID of current associated wireless network as it is the only way with which I can mark b/w associated and non associated, e.g. with an ioctl call?
int main (void)
int errno;
struct iwreq wreq;
CStdString result = "None";
int sockfd;
char * id;
char ESSID[20];
memset(&wreq, 0, sizeof(struct iwreq));
if((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open socket \n");
fprintf(stderr, "errno = %d \n", errno);
fprintf(stderr, "Error description is : %s\n",strerror(errno));
return result ;
CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"Socket opened successfully");
FILE* fp = fopen("/proc/net/dev", "r");
if (!fp)
// TBD: Error
return result;
char* line = NULL;
size_t linel = 0;
int n;
char* p;
int linenum = 0;
while (getdelim(&line, &linel, '\n', fp) > 0)
// skip first two lines
if (linenum++ < 2)
p = line;
while (isspace(*p))
n = strcspn(p, ": \t");
p[n] = 0;
strcpy(wreq.ifr_name, p);
id = new char[IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE+100];
wreq.u.essid.pointer = id;
wreq.u.essid.length = 100;
if ( ioctl(sockfd,SIOCGIWESSID, &wreq) == -1 ) {
return ESSID;
return result;

Note: Since this question seems to be duplicated in two places, I'm repeating my answer here as well.
You didn't mention whether you were using an independent basic service set or not (i.e., an ad-hoc network with no controlling access point), so if you're not trying to create an ad-hoc network, then the BSSID should be the MAC address of the local access point. The ioctl() constant you can use to access that information is SIOCGIWAP. The ioctl payload information will be stored inside of your iwreq structure at u.ap_addr.sa_data.


poll() method not working in Linux but working in Mac

I am using C++ code snippet for port forwarding. The requirement is to do the hand shake between two ports. It should be two way communication. That is to forward what ever iscoming on the source port to destination port. And then to forward the response of the destination port to the source port.
This piece of code is working as expected on my mac system. But when I am running this code on Linux system I am facing one issue.
The C++ code that I am using is having 3 parts:
On Linux: establish_connection_to_source(); and open_connection_to_destination(); is working perfectly fine. But processconnetion(); is havng one issue.
Following is the process connection method:
void processconnetion()
buffer *todest = new buffer(socket_list[e_source].fd,socket_list[e_dest].fd);
buffer *tosrc = new buffer(socket_list[e_dest].fd,socket_list[e_source].fd);
if (todest == NULL || tosrc == NULL){
fprintf(stderr,"out of mememory\n");
unsigned int loopcnt;
profilecommuncation srcprofile(COMM_BUFSIZE);
profilecommuncation destprofile(COMM_BUFSIZE);
while (true) {
int withevent = poll(socket_list, 2, -1);
fprintf(stderr,"loopcnt %d socketswith events = %d source:0x%x dest:0x%x\n", loopcnt, withevent, socket_list[e_source].revents, socket_list[e_dest].revents);
if ((socket_list[e_source].revents | socket_list[e_dest].revents) & (POLLHUP | POLLERR)) {
// one of the connections has a problem or has Hungup
fprintf(stderr,"socket_list[e_source].revents= 0x%X\n", socket_list[e_source].revents);
fprintf(stderr,"socket_list[e_dest].revents= 0x%X\n", socket_list[e_dest].revents);
fprintf(stderr,"POLLHUP= 0x%X\n", POLLHUP);
fprintf(stderr,"POLLERR= 0x%X\n", POLLERR);
int result;
socklen_t result_len = sizeof(result);
getsockopt(socket_list[e_dest].fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &result, &result_len);
fprintf(stderr, "result = %d\n", result);
fprintf(stderr,"exiting as one connection had an issue\n");
if (socket_list[e_source].revents & POLLIN) {
if (socket_list[e_dest].revents & POLLIN) {
delete todest;
delete tosrc;
Here it is giving error - exiting as one connection had an issue that means that if ((socket_list[e_source].revents | socket_list[e_dest].revents) & (POLLHUP | POLLERR)) is returning true. The issue is with the destination port and not in case of source.
Variales used in the processconnetion(); method:
socket_list is a structure of type pollfd. Following is the description:
struct pollfd {
int fd;
short events;
short revents;
pollfd socket_list[3];
#define e_source 0
#define e_dest 1
#define e_listen 2
Following is the output at the time for exit:
connecting to destination: destination IP / 32001.
loopcnt 1 socketswith events = 1 source:0x0 dest:0x10
socket_list[e_source].revents= 0x0
socket_list[e_dest].revents= 0x10
result = 0
exiting as one connection had an issue
int withevent = poll(socket_list, 2, -1); here the withevent value returned is 1
Socket List Initialisation:
guard( (socket_list[e_listen].fd = socket( PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP )), "Failed to create socket listen, error: %s\n", "created listen socket");
void guard(int n, char *msg, char *success)
if (n < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, msg, strerror(errno) );
fprintf(stderr,"n = %d %s\n",n, success);
I am not able to figure out the issue as it is working fine in mac. Any leads why this behaviour in Linux is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Where is the iteration running in this code?

I'm using NatNet SDK to receiving data from the cameras through tcp connection. In their example code below, it can print the stream data using DataHandler function while waiting for a while(c=_getchar()) loop. I have no idea why the code can both waiting for keyboard input and at the same time printing the camera's data in the DataHandler function in real time. I didn't see the code run in multi threads.
My second question is that how I can get the stream data in a for loop in the main function. If someone can tell me how to use that DataHandler to get data in the main function, that will be great.
// Copyright ?2014 NaturalPoint, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
// any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
// warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
// In no event shall NaturalPoint, Inc. or contributors be liable for any direct,
// indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages
// (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services;
// loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused
// and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability,
// or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of
// the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
This program connects to a NatNet server, receives a data stream, and writes that data stream
to an ascii file. The purpose is to illustrate using the NatNetClient class.
Usage [optional]:
SampleClient [ServerIP] [LocalIP] [OutputFilename]
[ServerIP] IP address of the server (e.g. ( defaults to local machine)
[OutputFilename] Name of points file (pts) to write out. defaults to Client-output.pts
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include "NatNetTypes.h"
#include "NatNetClient.h"
#pragma warning( disable : 4996 )
void _WriteHeader(FILE* fp, sDataDescriptions* pBodyDefs);
void _WriteFrame(FILE* fp, sFrameOfMocapData* data);
void _WriteFooter(FILE* fp);
void __cdecl DataHandler(sFrameOfMocapData* data, void* pUserData); // receives data from the server
void __cdecl MessageHandler(int msgType, char* msg); // receives NatNet error mesages
void resetClient();
int CreateClient(int iConnectionType);
unsigned int MyServersDataPort = 3130;
unsigned int MyServersCommandPort = 3131;
int iConnectionType = ConnectionType_Multicast;
//int iConnectionType = ConnectionType_Unicast;
NatNetClient* theClient;
FILE* fp;
char szMyIPAddress[128] = "";
char szServerIPAddress[128] = "";
int analogSamplesPerMocapFrame = 0;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int iResult;
// parse command line args
strcpy(szServerIPAddress, argv[1]); // specified on command line
printf("Connecting to server at %s...\n", szServerIPAddress);
strcpy(szServerIPAddress, ""); // not specified - assume server is local machine
printf("Connecting to server at LocalMachine\n");
strcpy(szMyIPAddress, argv[2]); // specified on command line
printf("Connecting from %s...\n", szMyIPAddress);
strcpy(szMyIPAddress, ""); // not specified - assume server is local machine
printf("Connecting from LocalMachine...\n");
// Create NatNet Client
iResult = CreateClient(iConnectionType);
if(iResult != ErrorCode_OK)
printf("Error initializing client. See log for details. Exiting");
return 1;
printf("Client initialized and ready.\n");
// send/receive test request
printf("[SampleClient] Sending Test Request\n");
void* response;
int nBytes;
iResult = theClient->SendMessageAndWait("TestRequest", &response, &nBytes);
if (iResult == ErrorCode_OK)
printf("[SampleClient] Received: %s", (char*)response);
// Retrieve Data Descriptions from server
printf("\n\n[SampleClient] Requesting Data Descriptions...");
sDataDescriptions* pDataDefs = NULL;
int nBodies = theClient->GetDataDescriptions(&pDataDefs);
printf("[SampleClient] Unable to retrieve Data Descriptions.");
printf("[SampleClient] Received %d Data Descriptions:\n", pDataDefs->nDataDescriptions );
for(int i=0; i < pDataDefs->nDataDescriptions; i++)
printf("Data Description # %d (type=%d)\n", i, pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].type);
if(pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].type == Descriptor_MarkerSet)
// MarkerSet
sMarkerSetDescription* pMS = pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].Data.MarkerSetDescription;
printf("MarkerSet Name : %s\n", pMS->szName);
for(int i=0; i < pMS->nMarkers; i++)
printf("%s\n", pMS->szMarkerNames[i]);
else if(pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].type == Descriptor_RigidBody)
// RigidBody
sRigidBodyDescription* pRB = pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].Data.RigidBodyDescription;
printf("RigidBody Name : %s\n", pRB->szName);
printf("RigidBody ID : %d\n", pRB->ID);
printf("RigidBody Parent ID : %d\n", pRB->parentID);
printf("Parent Offset : %3.2f,%3.2f,%3.2f\n", pRB->offsetx, pRB->offsety, pRB->offsetz);
else if(pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].type == Descriptor_Skeleton)
// Skeleton
sSkeletonDescription* pSK = pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].Data.SkeletonDescription;
printf("Skeleton Name : %s\n", pSK->szName);
printf("Skeleton ID : %d\n", pSK->skeletonID);
printf("RigidBody (Bone) Count : %d\n", pSK->nRigidBodies);
for(int j=0; j < pSK->nRigidBodies; j++)
sRigidBodyDescription* pRB = &pSK->RigidBodies[j];
printf(" RigidBody Name : %s\n", pRB->szName);
printf(" RigidBody ID : %d\n", pRB->ID);
printf(" RigidBody Parent ID : %d\n", pRB->parentID);
printf(" Parent Offset : %3.2f,%3.2f,%3.2f\n", pRB->offsetx, pRB->offsety, pRB->offsetz);
else if(pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].type == Descriptor_ForcePlate)
// Force Plate
sForcePlateDescription* pFP = pDataDefs->arrDataDescriptions[i].Data.ForcePlateDescription;
printf("Force Plate ID : %d\n", pFP->ID);
printf("Force Plate Serial : %s\n", pFP->strSerialNo);
printf("Force Plate Width : %3.2f\n", pFP->fWidth);
printf("Force Plate Length : %3.2f\n", pFP->fLength);
printf("Force Plate Electrical Center Offset (%3.3f, %3.3f, %3.3f)\n", pFP->fOriginX,pFP->fOriginY, pFP->fOriginZ);
for(int iCorner=0; iCorner<4; iCorner++)
printf("Force Plate Corner %d : (%3.4f, %3.4f, %3.4f)\n", iCorner, pFP->fCorners[iCorner][0],pFP->fCorners[iCorner][1],pFP->fCorners[iCorner][2]);
printf("Force Plate Type : %d\n", pFP->iPlateType);
printf("Force Plate Data Type : %d\n", pFP->iChannelDataType);
printf("Force Plate Channel Count : %d\n", pFP->nChannels);
for(int iChannel=0; iChannel<pFP->nChannels; iChannel++)
printf("\tChannel %d : %s\n", iChannel, pFP->szChannelNames[iChannel]);
printf("Unknown data type.");
// Unknown
// Create data file for writing received stream into
char szFile[MAX_PATH];
char szFolder[MAX_PATH];
GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, szFolder);
if(argc > 3)
sprintf(szFile, "%s\\%s", szFolder, argv[3]);
sprintf(szFile, "%s\\Client-output.pts",szFolder);
fp = fopen(szFile, "w");
printf("error opening output file %s. Exiting.", szFile);
_WriteHeader(fp, pDataDefs);
// Ready to receive marker stream!
printf("\nClient is connected to server and listening for data...\n");
int c;
bool bExit = false;
while(c =_getch())
case 'q':
bExit = true;
case 'r':
case 'p':
sServerDescription ServerDescription;
memset(&ServerDescription, 0, sizeof(ServerDescription));
printf("Unable to connect to server. Host not present. Exiting.");
return 1;
case 'f':
sFrameOfMocapData* pData = theClient->GetLastFrameOfData();
printf("Most Recent Frame: %d", pData->iFrame);
case 'm': // change to multicast
iConnectionType = ConnectionType_Multicast;
iResult = CreateClient(iConnectionType);
if(iResult == ErrorCode_OK)
printf("Client connection type changed to Multicast.\n\n");
printf("Error changing client connection type to Multicast.\n\n");
case 'u': // change to unicast
iConnectionType = ConnectionType_Unicast;
iResult = CreateClient(iConnectionType);
if(iResult == ErrorCode_OK)
printf("Client connection type changed to Unicast.\n\n");
printf("Error changing client connection type to Unicast.\n\n");
case 'c' : // connect
iResult = CreateClient(iConnectionType);
case 'd' : // disconnect
// note: applies to unicast connections only - indicates to Motive to stop sending packets to that client endpoint
iResult = theClient->SendMessageAndWait("Disconnect", &response, &nBytes);
if (iResult == ErrorCode_OK)
printf("[SampleClient] Disconnected");
// Done - clean up.
return ErrorCode_OK;
// Establish a NatNet Client connection
int CreateClient(int iConnectionType)
// release previous server
delete theClient;
// create NatNet client
theClient = new NatNetClient(iConnectionType);
// set the callback handlers
theClient->SetDataCallback( DataHandler, theClient ); // this function will receive data from the server
// [optional] use old multicast group
// print version info
unsigned char ver[4];
printf("NatNet Sample Client (NatNet ver. %d.%d.%d.%d)\n", ver[0], ver[1], ver[2], ver[3]);
// Init Client and connect to NatNet server
// to use NatNet default port assignments
int retCode = theClient->Initialize(szMyIPAddress, szServerIPAddress);
// to use a different port for commands and/or data:
//int retCode = theClient->Initialize(szMyIPAddress, szServerIPAddress, MyServersCommandPort, MyServersDataPort);
if (retCode != ErrorCode_OK)
printf("Unable to connect to server. Error code: %d. Exiting", retCode);
return ErrorCode_Internal;
// get # of analog samples per mocap frame of data
void* pResult;
int ret = 0;
int nBytes = 0;
ret = theClient->SendMessageAndWait("AnalogSamplesPerMocapFrame", &pResult, &nBytes);
if (ret == ErrorCode_OK)
analogSamplesPerMocapFrame = *((int*)pResult);
printf("Analog Samples Per Mocap Frame : %d", analogSamplesPerMocapFrame);
// print server info
sServerDescription ServerDescription;
memset(&ServerDescription, 0, sizeof(ServerDescription));
printf("Unable to connect to server. Host not present. Exiting.");
return 1;
printf("[SampleClient] Server application info:\n");
printf("Application: %s (ver. %d.%d.%d.%d)\n", ServerDescription.szHostApp, ServerDescription.HostAppVersion[0],
printf("NatNet Version: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", ServerDescription.NatNetVersion[0], ServerDescription.NatNetVersion[1],
ServerDescription.NatNetVersion[2], ServerDescription.NatNetVersion[3]);
printf("Client IP:%s\n", szMyIPAddress);
printf("Server IP:%s\n", szServerIPAddress);
printf("Server Name:%s\n\n", ServerDescription.szHostComputerName);
return ErrorCode_OK;
// DataHandler receives data from the server
void __cdecl DataHandler(sFrameOfMocapData* data, void* pUserData)
NatNetClient* pClient = (NatNetClient*) pUserData;
int i=0;
printf("FrameID : %d\n", data->iFrame);
printf("Timestamp : %3.2lf\n", data->fTimestamp);
printf("Latency : %3.2lf\n", data->fLatency);
// FrameOfMocapData params
bool bIsRecording = ((data->params & 0x01)!=0);
bool bTrackedModelsChanged = ((data->params & 0x02)!=0);
printf("Models Changed.\n");
// timecode - for systems with an eSync and SMPTE timecode generator - decode to values
int hour, minute, second, frame, subframe;
bool bValid = pClient->DecodeTimecode(data->Timecode, data->TimecodeSubframe, &hour, &minute, &second, &frame, &subframe);
// decode to friendly string
char szTimecode[128] = "";
pClient->TimecodeStringify(data->Timecode, data->TimecodeSubframe, szTimecode, 128);
printf("Timecode : %s\n", szTimecode);
// Other Markers
printf("Other Markers [Count=%d]\n", data->nOtherMarkers);
for(i=0; i < data->nOtherMarkers; i++)
printf("Other Marker %d : %3.2f\t%3.2f\t%3.2f\n",
// Rigid Bodies
printf("Rigid Bodies [Count=%d]\n", data->nRigidBodies);
for(i=0; i < data->nRigidBodies; i++)
// params
// 0x01 : bool, rigid body was successfully tracked in this frame
bool bTrackingValid = data->RigidBodies[i].params & 0x01;
printf("Rigid Body [ID=%d Error=%3.2f Valid=%d]\n", data->RigidBodies[i].ID, data->RigidBodies[i].MeanError, bTrackingValid);
printf("\tRigid body markers [Count=%d]\n", data->RigidBodies[i].nMarkers);
for(int iMarker=0; iMarker < data->RigidBodies[i].nMarkers; iMarker++)
printf("MarkerID:%d", data->RigidBodies[i].MarkerIDs[iMarker]);
printf("\tMarkerSize:%3.2f", data->RigidBodies[i].MarkerSizes[iMarker]);
printf("\tMarkerPos:%3.2f,%3.2f,%3.2f\n" ,
// skeletons
printf("Skeletons [Count=%d]\n", data->nSkeletons);
for(i=0; i < data->nSkeletons; i++)
sSkeletonData skData = data->Skeletons[i];
printf("Skeleton [ID=%d Bone count=%d]\n", skData.skeletonID, skData.nRigidBodies);
for(int j=0; j< skData.nRigidBodies; j++)
sRigidBodyData rbData = skData.RigidBodyData[j];
printf("Bone %d\t%3.2f\t%3.2f\t%3.2f\t%3.2f\t%3.2f\t%3.2f\t%3.2f\n",
rbData.ID, rbData.x, rbData.y, rbData.z, rbData.qx, rbData.qy, rbData.qz, rbData.qw );
printf("\tRigid body markers [Count=%d]\n", rbData.nMarkers);
for(int iMarker=0; iMarker < rbData.nMarkers; iMarker++)
printf("MarkerID:%d", rbData.MarkerIDs[iMarker]);
printf("\tMarkerSize:%3.2f", rbData.MarkerSizes[iMarker]);
printf("\tMarkerPos:%3.2f,%3.2f,%3.2f\n" ,
// labeled markers
bool bOccluded; // marker was not visible (occluded) in this frame
bool bPCSolved; // reported position provided by point cloud solve
bool bModelSolved; // reported position provided by model solve
printf("Labeled Markers [Count=%d]\n", data->nLabeledMarkers);
for(i=0; i < data->nLabeledMarkers; i++)
bOccluded = ((data->LabeledMarkers[i].params & 0x01)!=0);
bPCSolved = ((data->LabeledMarkers[i].params & 0x02)!=0);
bModelSolved = ((data->LabeledMarkers[i].params & 0x04)!=0);
sMarker marker = data->LabeledMarkers[i];
int modelID, markerID;
theClient->DecodeID(marker.ID, &modelID, &markerID);
printf("Labeled Marker [ModelID=%d, MarkerID=%d, Occluded=%d, PCSolved=%d, ModelSolved=%d] [size=%3.2f] [pos=%3.2f,%3.2f,%3.2f]\n",
modelID, markerID, bOccluded, bPCSolved, bModelSolved, marker.size, marker.x, marker.y, marker.z);
// force plates
printf("No Plates\n");
printf("Force Plate [Count=%d]\n", data->nForcePlates);
for(int iPlate=0; iPlate < data->nForcePlates; iPlate++)
printf("Force Plate %d\n", data->ForcePlates[iPlate].ID);
for(int iChannel=0; iChannel < data->ForcePlates[iPlate].nChannels; iChannel++)
printf("\tChannel %d:\t", iChannel);
if(data->ForcePlates[iPlate].ChannelData[iChannel].nFrames == 0)
printf("\tEmpty Frame\n");
else if(data->ForcePlates[iPlate].ChannelData[iChannel].nFrames != analogSamplesPerMocapFrame)
printf("\tPartial Frame [Expected:%d Actual:%d]\n", analogSamplesPerMocapFrame, data->ForcePlates[iPlate].ChannelData[iChannel].nFrames);
for(int iSample=0; iSample < data->ForcePlates[iPlate].ChannelData[iChannel].nFrames; iSample++)
printf("%3.2f\t", data->ForcePlates[iPlate].ChannelData[iChannel].Values[iSample]);
// MessageHandler receives NatNet error/debug messages
void __cdecl MessageHandler(int msgType, char* msg)
printf("\n%s\n", msg);
/* File writing routines */
void _WriteHeader(FILE* fp, sDataDescriptions* pBodyDefs)
int i=0;
if(!pBodyDefs->arrDataDescriptions[0].type == Descriptor_MarkerSet)
sMarkerSetDescription* pMS = pBodyDefs->arrDataDescriptions[0].Data.MarkerSetDescription;
fprintf(fp, "<MarkerSet>\n\n");
fprintf(fp, "<Name>\n%s\n</Name>\n\n", pMS->szName);
fprintf(fp, "<Markers>\n");
for(i=0; i < pMS->nMarkers; i++)
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", pMS->szMarkerNames[i]);
fprintf(fp, "</Markers>\n\n");
fprintf(fp, "<Data>\n");
fprintf(fp, "Frame#\t");
for(i=0; i < pMS->nMarkers; i++)
fprintf(fp, "M%dX\tM%dY\tM%dZ\t", i, i, i);
void _WriteFrame(FILE* fp, sFrameOfMocapData* data)
fprintf(fp, "%d", data->iFrame);
for(int i =0; i < data->MocapData->nMarkers; i++)
fprintf(fp, "\t%.5f\t%.5f\t%.5f", data->MocapData->Markers[i][0], data->MocapData->Markers[i][1], data->MocapData->Markers[i][2]);
fprintf(fp, "\n");
void _WriteFooter(FILE* fp)
fprintf(fp, "</Data>\n\n");
fprintf(fp, "</MarkerSet>\n");
void resetClient()
int iSuccess;
printf("\n\nre-setting Client\n\n.");
iSuccess = theClient->Uninitialize();
if(iSuccess != 0)
printf("error un-initting Client\n");
iSuccess = theClient->Initialize(szMyIPAddress, szServerIPAddress);
if(iSuccess != 0)
printf("error re-initting Client\n");
Very likely NatNetClient() or client->Initialize() is creating a new thread in the background. Since I do not have access to their code, I can't validate reliably.
You can either create a synchronous look in the main and always send and receive messages via NatNetClient::SendMessageAndWait
To receive data asyncronously, you need to figure out a way to poll on stdin (for getch) and also wait on a lock simultaneously. I am not sure how to do this on Microsoft console. If you figure that out, then when the handler gets control, de-queue the message into a link-list and wakup a mutex to notify the main.
The NatNet sample spins off a different thread for handling the data using the DataHandler function. The following line is where this happens:
theClient->SetDataCallback( DataHandler, theClient );
I would recommend doing the processing strictly in the DataHandler function. However, if talking between threads in necessary, then it's worth looking into the C++ 11 libraries
#include <threads>
#include <mutex>
Specifically mutex is used to lock and unlock threads in C++. You could create a global variable and write to it using the DataHandler function, then use that global variable in your main function. The problem is that you may read and write the data at the same time, because main and DataHandler are on different threads. So you can use the mutex library to lock a thread while reading or writing that global variable (meaning only that thread is allowed to run while doing that process).
Note: The NatNet sample actually uses a UDP transmission not TCP.

range downloads in http

I need to download a html page in chunks. I had build a GET reuest whick can download a certain range of data. But i am unsuccessful in doing this in a repetitive manner.
Basically I have to reciver first 0-99 bytes then 100-199 and so on...
Also I would be grateful to know how toh know the exact size of receiving file beforehand using c or c++ code.
Following is my code.
i have exempted connectig to sockets etc. as it have been done successfully.
int c=0,s=0;
get = build_get_query(host, page,s);
fprintf(stderr, "Query is:\n<<START>>\n%s<<END>>\n", get);
//Send the query to the server
int sent = 0;
cout<<"sending "<<c<<endl;
while(sent < strlen(get))
tmpres = send(sock, get+sent, strlen(get)-sent, 0);
if(tmpres == -1)
perror("Can't send query");
sent += tmpres;
//now it is time to receive the page
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
int htmlstart = 0;
char * htmlcontent;
cout<< "reciving "<<c<<endl;
while((tmpres = recv(sock, buf, BUFSIZ, 0)) > 0)
if(htmlstart == 0)
/* Under certain conditions this will not work.
* If the \r\n\r\n part is splitted into two messages
* it will fail to detect the beginning of HTML content
htmlcontent = strstr(buf, "\r\n\r\n");
if(htmlcontent != NULL)
htmlstart = 1;
htmlcontent += 4;
htmlcontent = buf;
fprintf(stdout, htmlcontent);
memset(buf, 0, tmpres);
if(tmpres < 0)
perror("Error receiving data");
char *build_get_query(char *host, char *page,int i)
char *query;
char *getpage = page;
int j=i+99;
char tpl[100] = "GET /%s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\nRange: bytes=%d-%d\r\nUser- Agent: %s\r\n\r\n";
if(getpage[0] == '/')
getpage = getpage + 1;
fprintf(stderr,"Removing leading \"/\", converting %s to %s\n", page, getpage);
query = (char *)malloc(strlen(host)+strlen(getpage)+8+strlen(USERAGENT)+strlen(tpl)-5);
sprintf(query, tpl, getpage, host, i , j, USERAGENT);
return query;
Also I would be grateful to know how toh know the exact size of receiving file beforehand using c or c++ code.
If the server supports a range request to the specific resource (which is not guaranteed) then the answer will look like this:
HTTP/1.1 206 partial content
Content-Range: bytes 100-199/12345
This means that the response will contain the bytes 100..199 and that the total size of the content is 12345 bytes.
There are lots of questions here which deal with parsing HTTP headers so I will not go into the detail on how to specifically use C/C++ to extract these data from the header.
Please note also that you are doing a HTTP/1.1 request and thus must deal with possible chunked responses and implicit keep alive. I really recommend to use existing HTTP libraries instead of doing it all by hand and doing it wrong. If you really want to implement it all by your own please study the specification of HTTP.

Detect USB hardware keylogger

I need to determine is there hardware keylogger that was plugged to PC with USB keyboard. It needs to be done via software method, from user-land. However wiki says that it is impossible to detect HKL using soft, there are several methods exists. The best and I think only one overiew that present in net relating that theme is "Detecting Hardware Keyloggers, by Fabian Mihailowitsch - youtube".
Using this overview I am developing a tool to detect USB hardware keyloggers. The sources for detecting PS/2 keyloggers was already shared by author and available here. So my task is to make it worked for USB only.
As suggested I am using libusb library to interfere with USB devices in system.
So, there are methods I had choosen in order to detect HKL:
Find USB keyboard that bugged by HKL. Note that HKL is usually
invisible from device list in system or returned by libusb.
Detect Keyghost HKL by: Interrupt read from USB HID device, send usb reset (libusb_reset_device), read interrupt again. If data returned on last read is not nulls then keylogger detected. It is described on page 45 of Mihailowitsch's presentation
Time measurement. The idea is measure time of send/receive packets using control transfer for original keyboard for thousands times. In case HKL has been plugged, program will measure time again and then compare the time with the original value. For HKL it have to be much(or not so much) greater.
Algorithm is:
Send an output report to Keyboard(as Control transfer) (HID_REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT 0x02 )
Wait for ACKed packet
Repeat Loop (10.000 times)
Measure time
Below is my code according to steps of detection.
1. Find USB keyboard
libusb_device * UsbKeyboard::GetSpecifiedDevice(PredicateType pred)
if (_usbDevices == nullptr) return nullptr;
int i = 0;
libusb_device *dev = nullptr;
while ((dev = _usbDevices[i++]) != NULL)
struct libusb_device_descriptor desc;
int r = libusb_get_device_descriptor(dev, &desc);
if (r >= 0)
if (pred(desc))
return dev;
return nullptr;
libusb_device * UsbKeyboard::FindKeyboard()
return GetSpecifiedDevice([&](libusb_device_descriptor &desc) {
bool isKeyboard = false;
auto dev_handle = libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid(_context, desc.idVendor, desc.idProduct);
if (dev_handle != nullptr)
unsigned char buf[255] = "";
// product description contains 'Keyboard', usually string is 'USB Keyboard'
if (libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(dev_handle, desc.iProduct, buf, sizeof(buf)) >= 0)
isKeyboard = strstr((char*)buf, "Keyboard") != nullptr;
return isKeyboard;
Here we're iterating through all USB devices in system and checks their Product string. In my system this string for keyboard is 'USB keyboard' (obviously).
Is it stable way to detect keyboard through Product string? Is there other ways?
2. Detect Keyghost HKL using Interrupt read
int UsbKeyboard::DetectKeyghost(libusb_device *kbdev)
int r, i;
int transferred;
unsigned char answer[PACKET_INT_LEN];
unsigned char question[PACKET_INT_LEN];
for (i = 0; i < PACKET_INT_LEN; i++) question[i] = 0x40 + i;
libusb_device_handle *devh = nullptr;
if ((r = libusb_open(kbdev, &devh)) < 0)
ShowError("Error open device", r);
return r;
r = libusb_set_configuration(devh, 1);
if (r < 0)
ShowError("libusb_set_configuration error ", r);
goto out;
printf("Successfully set usb configuration 1\n");
r = libusb_claim_interface(devh, 0);
if (r < 0)
ShowError("libusb_claim_interface error ", r);
goto out;
r = libusb_interrupt_transfer(devh, 0x81 , answer, PACKET_INT_LEN,
&transferred, TIMEOUT);
if (r < 0)
ShowError("Interrupt read error ", r);
goto out;
if (transferred < PACKET_INT_LEN)
ShowError("Interrupt transfer short read %", r);
goto out;
for (i = 0; i < PACKET_INT_LEN; i++) {
if (i % 8 == 0)
printf("%02x, %02x; ", question[i], answer[i]);
return 0;
I've got such error on libusb_interrupt_transfer:
libusb: error [hid_submit_bulk_transfer] HID transfer failed: [5] Access denied
Interrupt read error - Input/Output Error (LIBUSB_ERROR_IO) (GetLastError() - 1168)
No clue why 'access denied', then IO error, and GetLastError() returns 1168, which means - Element not found (What element?). Looking for help here.
Time measurement. Send output report and wait for ACK packet.
int UsbKeyboard::SendOutputReport(libusb_device *kbdev)
const int PACKET_INT_LEN = 1;
int r, i;
unsigned char answer[PACKET_INT_LEN];
unsigned char question[PACKET_INT_LEN];
for (i = 0; i < PACKET_INT_LEN; i++) question[i] = 0x30 + i;
for (i = 1; i < PACKET_INT_LEN; i++) answer[i] = 0;
libusb_device_handle *devh = nullptr;
if ((r = libusb_open(kbdev, &devh)) < 0)
ShowError("Error open device", r);
return r;
r = libusb_set_configuration(devh, 1);
if (r < 0)
ShowError("libusb_set_configuration error ", r);
goto out;
printf("Successfully set usb configuration 1\n");
r = libusb_claim_interface(devh, 0);
if (r < 0)
ShowError("libusb_claim_interface error ", r);
goto out;
printf("Successfully claim interface\n");
r = libusb_control_transfer(devh, CTRL_OUT, HID_SET_REPORT, (HID_REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT << 8) | 0x00, 0, question, PACKET_INT_LEN, TIMEOUT);
if (r < 0) {
ShowError("Control Out error ", r);
goto out;
r = libusb_control_transfer(devh, CTRL_IN, HID_GET_REPORT, (HID_REPORT_TYPE_INPUT << 8) | 0x00, 0, answer, PACKET_INT_LEN, TIMEOUT);
if (r < 0) {
ShowError("Control In error ", r);
goto out;
return 0;
Error the same as for read interrupt:
Control Out error - Input/Output Error (LIBUSB_ERROR_IO) (GetLastError() - 1168
How to fix please? Also how to wait for ACK packet?
Thank you.
I've spent a day on searching and debbuging. So currently my problem is only to
send Output report via libusb_control_transfer. The 2nd method with interrupt read is unnecessary to implement because of Windows denies access to read from USB device using ReadFile.
It is only libusb stuff left, here is the code I wanted to make work (from 3rd example):
// sending Output report (LED)
// ...
unsigned char buf[65];
buf[0] = 1; // First byte is report number
buf[1] = 0x80;
r = libusb_control_transfer(devh, CTRL_OUT,
HID_SET_REPORT/*0x9*/, (HID_REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT/*0x2*/ << 8) | 0x00,
0, buf, (uint16_t)2, 1000);
The error I've got:
[ 0.309018] [00001c0c] libusb: debug [_hid_set_report] Failed to Write HID Output Report: [1] Incorrect function
Control Out error - Input/Output Error (LIBUSB_ERROR_IO) (GetLastError() - 1168)
This error occures right after DeviceIoControl call in libusb internals.
What means "Incorrect function" there?

USB Mass Storage linux [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I am new in linux device driver. I wan to write a C/C++ code to perform file transfer from raspberry pi to usb flash drive. I having difficult for the starting point, so i try on libusb for HID device sample code from signal11 and the code works fine for detecting my optical mouse with its device ID. Then i try to obtain usb flash drive vendor id somehow it give me very wired number. Finally i come out with a very silly try out by writing a bash script for cp a file to usb flash drive and activate the script in C++ and it works but i feel it is not a proper way to do it. Then i start with SCSI protocol and i very hard to understand how it works.Any guideline is appreciated.
int scsi_get_serial(int fd, void *buf, size_t buf_len) {
// we shall retrieve page 0x80 as per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SCSI_Inquiry_Command
unsigned char inq_cmd[] = {INQUIRY, 1, 0x80, 0, buf_len, 0};
unsigned char sense[32];
struct sg_io_hdr io_hdr;
int result;
memset(&io_hdr, 0, sizeof (io_hdr));
io_hdr.interface_id = 'S';
io_hdr.cmdp = inq_cmd;
io_hdr.cmd_len = sizeof (inq_cmd);
io_hdr.dxferp = buf;
io_hdr.dxfer_len = buf_len;
io_hdr.dxfer_direction = SG_DXFER_FROM_DEV;
io_hdr.sbp = sense;
io_hdr.mx_sb_len = sizeof (sense);
io_hdr.timeout = 5000;
result = ioctl(fd, SG_IO, &io_hdr);
if (result < 0)
return result;
if ((io_hdr.info & SG_INFO_OK_MASK) != SG_INFO_OK)
return 1;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
//char *dev = "/dev/sda";
char *dev = "/dev/sg2";
char scsi_serial[255];
int rc;
int fd;
fd = open(dev, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
if (fd < 0) {
memset(scsi_serial, 0, sizeof (scsi_serial));
rc = scsi_get_serial(fd, scsi_serial, 255);
// scsi_serial[3] is the length of the serial number
// scsi_serial[4] is serial number (raw, NOT null terminated)
if (rc < 0) {
printf("FAIL, rc=%d, errno=%d\n", rc, errno);
} else
if (rc == 1) {
printf("FAIL, rc=%d, drive doesn't report serial number\n", rc);
} else {
if (!scsi_serial[3]) {
printf("Failed to retrieve serial for %s\n", dev);
return -1;
printf("Serial Number: %.*s\n", (size_t) scsi_serial[3], (char *) & scsi_serial[4]);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
I get this serial number: 00/1F
Then i try write this in test.sh
cp /home/Desktop/stl4.pdf /media/mini_flash
and run system("./test.sh") in C++
The question seems contradictory, at first you say you want to copy a file using a kernel driver, which seems strange to say the least. Then you say you use libusb, which is an userspace library. Then you say that you try to execute a shell script with cp.
Maybe what you want is simply a code snippet that copies a file form an userspace C/C++ program? Try one of these snippets.
In detail, if all you want to do is a C++ equivalent of cp /home/Desktop/stl4.pdf /media/mini_flash, then this is enough:
ifstream in("/home/Desktop/stl4.pdf",ios::binary);
ofstream out("/media/mini_flash/stl4.pdf",ios::binary);