How to connect to mysql using wxwidget? - c++

Hello I am new to wxwidgets and dont know how to connect to the mysql database. I was wondering if any one could give me some hint or simple program sample. Thanks

You connect to a mysql db in just the same was as from any C++ program. wxWidgets is irrelevant.
There are lots of ways to achieve what you want. You will have to hunt around to find what works for you. Here is a stackoverflow question to get you started.


How to create a database in Clion using C++?

I have a already created game and want to include a login system using a real database, no files. The game is written in C++ with SFML in Clion. I am also on Linux Mint.
I am new to this so I am wondering how to go about it. What kind of tools would i use? Hope this question is not to close asking for recommendation. I just don't know where to start.
Easiest way is to use SQLite. You can read about it here -
But if you want "real" SQL database, you can go with MySQL -

C++ qt embedded mysql server

I'm using QT 5 with MingW 4.7 and i'm trying to start a program with an embedded mysql server.
My current program uses a mysql server, but the server has to be manually started (so out of the program). This isn't user friendly of-course.
I did some research and I need to use the libmysqld library . But I don't know how.
Can anyone give me an example how to use this?
You can use an embedded mysql server within Qt. There are no that many difficulties with that at all. If you could point any you faced I can help you with that, indeed you should link your application with libmysqld and then just start a mysql process within your application (there are plenty documentation available about that). But as was pointed in comments - are you sure you want to do that. There are many nicer embedded solutions available like SQLLite (included in Qt)...
Documentation and examples
You probably will need to have a look on mysql driver supplied with Qt and may be fork it for embedded version, but that needs a bit closer look. But again I don't see really issues with that

What to learn to be able to send files online using c++ on windows?

What to learn to be able to send files online using c++ on windows ?
i know c++, and i got a program that does some benchmark and saves into a text file, i want that text file to be sent to me after the benchmarking is done, so what should i search for ? tried searching found something called sockets and something about server and clients in linux, kinda dunno what to search for.
this isn't a homework, just want to do it for fun xD, and would help me in future if i want someone who knows nothing about whats happening to test something for me (the file would have all i need and it will be sent to me).
I think you better off just emailing the file after a benchmark is done, and doing it using some bash or Python scripting rather than C++ or any other low level language. Here is an example of sending email using Python. Another option would be to upload to the FTP or use rsync to transfer file over SSH. And in any case, do not write your own client-server application for this.
If you still want to use C++, here is an example of sending email using POCO.
you will find some official documentation on Win32 sockets here:
This tutorial seems pretty good and simple:
Have a nice day!

Getting started with SQL express from a c++ console application

Right now I am writing a little c++ console program using VS2010 Express. The next thing I want to do is to access a SQL database from within this program.
I've downloaded SQL server 2008 express. I've managed to set up a little db using the db gui.
My question now is, how do I access this db from within my program. Which header files do I need, how do I connect? About the basic tempering with the db itself I have found many tutorials, but this tiny bit that closes the gap between a program and the connection to the db drives me nuts... If any one has a nice tip to a tutorial or book, please let me know.
I've also tried to start a new project in VS, and was hoping to find some kind of setup wizard for a "sql project" that would get me one the way but did not find such a wiz...
Microsoft doesn't provide much for SQL connectivity from C++ console applications. There are a number of libraries such as SOCI and DTL that can help though.

MultiOS "Jet Database" for C++/Qt?

Hopefully I can articulate this well: I'm porting an application I made years ago from VB6 (I know, I know!) to C++/Qt. In my original application, one thing I liked was that I didn't need an actual SQL server running, I could just use MS Access .mdb files. I was wondering if something similar exists for Qt that will work on multiple OSes - a database stored in a file, pretty much, but that I can still run SQL queries with. Not sure if something like this exists or not, but any help appreciated, thanks!
I second the comment by "Mosg". Have a look at SQLite.
Yeap, here is the full list.