Auto generating objective-c classes from *.xsd schema file - c++

I have XSD schema files that are huge in size.
I need to create classes from these files but doing so manually is not the right way as there are some tools that create classes automatically, for e.g. Microsoft tool "XSD.exe" that converts the files into c++ classes. I wanted to use them in Xcode but I am finding it difficult to port it.
What is a good tool that can generate objcetive-c classes which can be used on iOS?
Thanks in advance,

If your generated C++ is standards compliant (no platform specific extensions), you can just use the C++.


confused how to use IDL to communicate with Ethovision

Ethovision is an old computer vision software writen in c++ used mainly for tracking mice. It has the possibility to Real Time Export this data and i have been given the task to establish a program that use this data. i am quite confused on how as i am a beginer programmer and have only done web design so far.
I have been provided with some IDL files but i have no clue what im supposed to do with them and im just really confused in general. Does any one have any general idea on what i should do/read to extract this data.
Sorry if this sounds dumb, im new at this.
Q. If its a typelib does it mean the functions are defined within that file? or are they somewhere else? If theyre defined in c++ how would i import them in another language?
No. The interface is only described in that file. But in the case of COM "type libraries", there will be GUID identifiers for
the type library
classes (co-classes)
interfaces (IUnknown/IDispatch derived)
search the registry (regedit.exe, regedt32.exe) for the typelibrary GUID to find what registered COM component implements it.
If it's a wellknown component, dropping the GUID in Google could reveal some useful documentation
You can import these in many languages that have COM interop, like VB6, C#, VB.Net, and yes even C++ provided that you either use MSVC's builtin extensions or external libraries to make it workable.
I'm going to give some pointers here assuming that you want the MSVC (Visual Studio's C++ compiler) route on windows:
Use oleview.exe to view typelibraries. You can also view dlls that have their typelibraries as embedded resources. You can then save the TLB file separately, or view the IDL
Use MIDL.EXE (The MIDL Compiler), specifically for COM
I recommand #import directive which basically does the same as generating the header/implementation files and including them in one line
TL;DR Summary
If you can, don't do this from C++. The reason is that COM interfaces speak "high level" types that just require tedious, error prone handling in C or C++ (using wrappers like CComBSTR or bstr_t).
In a language like C# you get all the marshalling and threading ("apartments") guarantees for free.

Using generated C/C++ Code from Simulink in own C++ project

I'm searching for a good tutorial or explanation for the following procedure.
I want to generate C/C++ Code from Simulink (Simulink Coder/Embedded Coder) and interface it with own C/C++ Code, such that I can use my existing algorithms from Simulink. I want to use sensor decoders explicitly in C/C++.
I know that I could use S-functions to integrate my decoders in Simulink, but I want to do the exact opposite because of several reasons.
Is there anyone who can provide me good tutorials/informations about that? Is there a standard C/C++ file structure to interface code-generated Simulink models?
Best regards
There is no standard interfacing setup (just a default), that is why you can configure the interface of the generated code. These days the tool itself includes a helpful wizard to help you defining the interface of the generated code, see
In case you are looking for C++ class generation (instead of a function-based interface), take a look at the following link:

Haxe to C++ conversion: Generate C++ source?

I'm very new to Haxe, and specifically want to use it to produce C++ code from Haxe (actually the flow would be AS3->Haxe, then Haxe->C++). My understanding is that Haxe compiles Haxe directly to a (C++) executable. But does it explicitly output the generated source?
Can/does Haxe supply the C++ code that it produces in this process? -- As I could then take and use this source within another C++ cross-compiler such as Marmalade (with modifications, of course).
I'm wondering about the intensiveness of the conversions, also. If Haxe does produce/supply the C++ source, then what does this source look like? Is e.g. memory management all packaged up into native DLLs/SOs? In that case, it seems like Haxe wouldn't be an ideal option.
(Disclaimer: I'm just trying to get some preliminary information before I go down this road. In fact, more specifically, I want to port from AS3 to C++ for Marmalade. So I want to know if it is worth writing my own converter or if Haxe provides a viable alternative.)
If you're looking to go from AS3->C++ through Haxe, then you should check out NME. It allows you to use the Flash Player API to write applications to compile to native ones (through the C++ backend), swfs and html5 applications.
Also it offers a whole workflow for assets and such. And it has pretty good integration with FlashDevelop (windows only) and MonoDevelop, but you can of course use any IDE.
Yes, Haxe outputs the source for you. Haven't ever looked into it very deeply, but it's there. When you compile for a C++ target (e.g. Windows) the source can be found under bin\cpp\windows\obj.

Generate Gui from c++ header files

Is there a project that reads a c++ header and generates GUI based on some XML schema?
You can use BOOST for compile-time reflection, using this I imagine you could build some sort of front-end for accessing the global variables. I know it must be possible, at least to some degree, using BOOST. If not directly, definitely through the boost-python library. Take a look at their type\function traits

apple's property list (plist) implementation in c++

I'm tasked with reading Apple's property list files within a c++ application. Focusing primarily on the xml-type plist files specified in OS X, which mimic a xml-type implementation.. Apple's implementation of their property list is described here:
I'm wondering if there are classes or libraries available that already can read this type of implementation within standard c++ (not Objective-C); hoping to find something rather than rolling our own. Are there any open-source implementations of this available?
PList files are not only mimicing XML, they are XML, including valid XML headers.
Any XML reader should be able to parse these files as a result. If you're looking for a logical class that abstracts the files, I'm not aware of any existing ones. Given Apple's documentation, you should be able to write one yourself with an XML reader, although it would take some work for full compatibility.
For topic starter it is too late, I know, but maybe it helps somebody
This is a C++ Property List (plist) serialization library (MIT license).
It supports both XML and binary versions of the plist format and is designed to
be cross platform with minimal dependencies.
Is that target-specific?
For Windows, there is a crude solution which consists of using the functions of iTunes dynamic libraries to parse plist files (either binary or plain text format work).
That's a code originally written to interface an iPod, but you can easily extract the few functions you are interested in.
The repository is on this project page:
Look for the file iPoTApi.h and iPoTApi.cpp, the function TranslatePLIST of the class CiPoTApi.
I wish there were a better solution, at the time I tried to compile it from Apple's sources targeted at Windows but it is a real nightmare, and files are missing. So using their libraries was a considerable shortcut.