Symfony2, Doctrine 2: getResult Object - doctrine-orm

$posts = $em->find('Application\BlogBundle\Entity\Post',1);
print_r ($posts);
Why I got it?
Barii\BlogBundle\Entity\Post Object ( [id:Barii\BlogBundle\Entity\Post:private] => 1 [title:Application\BlogBundle\Entity\Post:private] => something [body:Application\BlogBundle\Entity\Post:private] => content )
instead of a simple array like this:
array ( [id] => 1,
[title] => "something",
[body] => "content" )
I use it with Symfony 2.

You have a couple options here. As far as I know, you can't find results as arrays from entity repositories by default. Instead, you can do one of two things:
First, you could implement a toArray() method on your entity object (perhaps through a mapped superclass) that simply returns an array of properties.
Second, you could use Doctrine Query Language to pull the information that you need using the getArrayResult() method, perhaps something like this:
$query = $em->createQuery('SELECT p FROM Application\BlogBundle\Entity\Post p WHERE');
$query->setParameter('tid', $postId);
$result = $query->getArrayResult(); // shortcut for $query->getResult(Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
More in-depth documentation on DQL can be found here.


Can't see custom attributes set on a user from their Google_Service_Directory_User object

When a custom attribute is set on a user from googles admin page I am unable to see it in their Google_Service_Directory_User object the client has this scope and is able to see the users data but no attributes are shown.
I would have expected it to be in the customSchemas but that is null for all the users
When requesting user's informations, you need to set the projection parameter to FULL when using the method users.get (projection parameter is also avaible with method users.list). Default settings to not return custom schemas. You can have more informations here (Google documentation).
You seem to be using PHP (I've never coded in PHP so I may be wrong), so the request should look like this:
$optParams = array(
'userKey' => '',
'projection' => 'full', // or maybe 'FULL' ?
$results = $service->users->get($optParams);
If you only want the return some of the schemas, then use :
$optParams = array(
'userKey' => '',
'projection' => 'custom', // or maybe 'CUSTOM' ?,
'customFieldMask' => 'A comma-separated list of schema names'
$results = $service->users->get($optParams);

CakePHP reading Cookie with multiple dots

I am using CakePHP to develop a website and currently struggling with cookie.
The problem is that when I write cookie with multiple dots,like,
and then read, cakePHP doesn't return nested array but it returns,
'' => '82',
'' => '1'
I expected something like
(int) 1 => array(
Actually I didn't see the result for the first time when I read after I write them. But from second time, result was like that. Do you know what is going on?
I'm afraid it doesn't look as if multiple dots are supported. If you look at the read() method of the CookieComponent (, you see this:
277: if (strpos($key, '.') !== false) {
278: $names = explode('.', $key, 2);
279: $key = $names[0];
280: }
and that explode() method is being told to explode the name of your cookie into a maximum of two parts around the dot.
You might be best serializing the data you want to store before saving and then deserializing after reading as shown here:

Parsing a big json then multiple small jsons

My english is not the best, but I will try to explain what I want. So, we have a big json which has a lot of data, now because the server cant show us all the data at the same time, there will be multiple links to small json inside this big json, like when there are 20 comment on a page, and after that there is a "Show more comments" button. My problem is that I dont know how to do this, how to request the smaller json, the parse it. Another question is how to parse a json which links at the end to another json, something like when requestiong a json from graph api and at the end it has
[paging] => stdClass Object
[previous] =>$group_id$/feed?access_token=$valid_token$&__paging_token=$paging_token$&__previous=1
[next] =>$group_id$/feed?access_token=$valid_token$&limit=25&until=1375310522&__paging_token=$paging_token$
When the link from the [next] is opened, it shows more post from that group, then again at its end there is a next link.
As for the first question, I have a bit longer example from the facebook graph api comments
[comments] => stdClass Object
[data] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 53575265890127
[from] => stdClass Object
[name] => Pop Dan
[id] => 10000897827962
[message] => Random message
[can_remove] => 1
[created_time] => 2013-08-18T20:01:44+0000
[like_count] => 0
[user_likes] =>
... more coments...
[paging] => stdClass Object
[cursors] => stdClass Object
[after] => NTM1ODIxODE5ODA2NTQ0
[before] => NTM1NzUyNjU2NDgwMTI3
next] =>$group_id$_$post_id$/comments?access_token=$accestoken$&limit=25&after=NTM1ODIxODE5ODA2NTQ0
There I want to continue parsing the json from the [next] and then print it in the same html page, without any breaks or anything between comments. Thanks ;)
Some of the details depend on the language you are using for querying graph api.
Json returned from graph api can consist of json arrays and json objects. Json objects can further have named value entities
If you are doing it in android then first of all you have to get the inner json object from the response first. you can do it in this way
GraphObject go = response.getGraphObject();
JSONObject jso = go.getInnerJSONObject();
Now to get an object from the json you can use
and to get json array you can use
other languages will have similar interfaces
For general understanding of json refer to this link
Regarding your second question you should understand that next is just another query to the graph node but with different parameters. How the parameters can be set depends on the api but in Android you can pur parameters as follows
Bundle params=r.getParameters();
params.putString("offset", ""+25);
r is the object of type Request

Doctrine findBy with OR condition

Is it possible to use OR statement in Doctrine findBy() method?
I know that given array is interpreted as case1 AND case2...
Like this
$this->repos['notif']->findBy(array('status' => 1, 'status' => 2, 'status' => 3);
Stands for
SELECT * FROM `notif` WHERE status=1 AND status=2 AND status=3;
Now I need something to stand for:
SELECT * FROM `notif` WHERE status=1 OR status=2 OR status=3;
Is there a way to get all cases?
You can write:
$this->repos['notif']->findBy(array('status' => array(1, 2, 3)));
and that should work too.
I know that this is old question. Anyways, it's possible to use Criteria for the complex queries (in Doctrine 2 at least):
$criteria = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria();
->orWhere($criteria->expr()->contains('domains', 'a'))
->orWhere($criteria->expr()->contains('domains', 'b'));
$groups = $em
As far as I know this is not a supported feature by Doctrine to use IN() queries with findby. You could do two things:
Implement a findByStatus(array $statusTypes) method in your (custom) 'notif' repository class. If you like this approach I can give you a example.
Convert your findBy to the following:
$qb = $this->repos['notif']->createQueryBuilder('n');
$data = $qb->where($qb->expr()->in('status', array(1,2,3)))->getQuery()->getResult();
That should work either :)
If you are using MongoDB and need more complex queries, like "less than" linked together with OR, but cannot use a query builder, this also works with this syntax:
'$or' => array(
array('foo' => array('$lt' => 1234)),
array('$and' => array(
array('bar' => 45678),
array('baz' => array('$lt' => 89013))
Or as a solution for your question:
'$or' => array(
array('status' => 1),
array('status' => 2),
array('status' => 3),

Returning a Doctrine "find()" result as a class

So, I know that the result of a Doctrine "find()" (Doctrine 2) call results in a Doctrine-based class, but I'm trying to output just the relevant data back over a SOAP connection (don't ask) and don't want all of the Doctrine metadata to come through too.
For example, my result of a find('Account',1) gives me a class back with properties on it for firstName, lastName, and emailAddress. A property on the class also relates to the Hardware model and lets me tap into the associated results there. What I want to be returned, though, is something like:
object(stdClass)#15 (5) {
string(12) "test company"
string(5) "chris"
string(7) "smith"
["hardware"]=> array(
[0] => object(stdClass)#15 (5) {
string(12) "host1",
[1] => object(stdClass)#16 (5) {
string(12) "host2",
[2] => object(stdClass)#17 (5) {
string(12) "host3"
It seems like there should be an automatic way to do this sort of thing so I don't have to write a custom filtering method/class just to strip out the data I need. Any tips from Doctrine devs out there?
I think this might be something you are looking for:
$em->getRepository('namespace\entity')->createQueryBuilder('a')->where('criteria = 1')->getQuery()->getArrayResult();
But you need to modify the where.
Try to unwrap the related object:
But forget the standard class thing, the only way to get it is to convert your objects to an array and then cast them to objects. Anyway, if it's a SOAP connection, I suppose you should use arrays instead of objects.