refining a mesh in VCG - c++

Has anyone done trimesh refining in the VCG library? I would add that as a tag but I don't have high enough reputation yet. Every time I include any of the refine libraries I get the following errors:
../../../addons/ofxVCGLib/vcglib/vcg/complex/trimesh/refine.h:880: error: expected
unqualified-id before numeric constant
which is on this line:
typename TRIMESH_TYPE::FacePointer FF0;
the definition that contains that (excuse the giant c/p) looks like this:
template<class TRIMESH_TYPE, class CenterPoint>
void TriSplit(typename TRIMESH_TYPE::FacePointer f,
typename TRIMESH_TYPE::FacePointer f1,typename TRIMESH_TYPE::FacePointer f2,
typename TRIMESH_TYPE::VertexPointer vB, CenterPoint Center)
my vertex, face, & mesh are declared like so:
class innerMeshFace:public Face<myTypes, face::FFAdj, face::Mark, face::VertexRef, face::BitFlags, face::Normal3f, face::InfoOcf> {
class myVertex:
public Vertex<myTypes, vertex::Coord3f, vertex::BitFlags, vertex::TexCoord2f, vertex::Normal3f, vertex::Mark, vertex::Color4b, vertex::VFAdj, vertex::InfoOcf>
class myMesh:public tri::TriMesh< vector<myVertex>, vector<innerMeshFace> > { }
so I'm not sure if there's something in there that's I'm misunderstanding. I use the myMesh::FacePointer elsewhere in my code, I think there's something in the template pile that I'm missing. This all works fine (i.e. compiles and does what it's supposed to) until I try to include the refine.h. Any pointers from anyone w/VCG experience would be very much appreciated.

After talking to the creators, it turns out this is a problem in how GCC compiles that particular part of the library. I don't understand the details, but LLVM is fine with it, GCC is not. It works fine on Linux but as I was working with it in XCode I was having problems. It's something they're not going to be updating any time soon, so it looks like for the moment VCG mesh-refining isn't working on GCC 4.2.

I got an example of Refine working (finally!) under MingW GCC-3.4.5


Initialization of wxColourDataBase while creating a new wxColourPickerCtrl

This is my first question ever posted, so please let me know if there is anything that needs changes in my post :)
I am currently working on a dialog that is supposed to let the user change the background-color for some signal plotting. The "wxColourPickerCtrl" seems to do exactly what I need. Since there are multiple plots/pictures to be manipulated, the ColourPickerCtrls are initialized in a loop with the chosen background color as the default value:
for (const auto& [signalName, signalProperties] : properties)
wxColourPickerCtrl* selectBackgroundColor = new wxColourPickerCtrl(this, signalProperties.first, signalProperties.second.backgroundColor, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
"this" is an object of type SignalPropertiesDialog, which is directly inherited from wxDialog.
I have left out all the necessary sizer stuff, since it's not relevant for the problem (at least imo). "properties" is structured as follows:
std::map<std::string, std::pair<int, GraphPicture::Properties>> signalProperties_;
where GraphPicture::Properties contains the properties I want to manipulate:
struct Properties
wxColour backgroundColor{ *wxWHITE };
wxColour lineColor{ *wxBLACK };
int linewidth_px{ 1 };
bool isShown{ true };
The application successfully builds but immediately crashes on startup while generating those color picker objects.
wxIshiko has uploaded multiple tutorials and code snippets as examples for various wxWidgets controls, including the wxColourPickerCtrl. So I downloaded the sample code and tried to run it. Surprisingly, it worked.
While running through the code step by step I noticed the following difference:
The wxColourPickerCtrl is based on wxPickerBase. The wxPickerBase is created by calling the constructor of wxColourPickerCtrl (what I am actually doing in my code). During the construction of the wxPickerBase, the desired color is called by the name wxColourDataBase::FindName(const wxColour& color) const where the wxColourBase itself is instantiated. This is where the difference is:
When running the code snippet by wxIshiko, wxColourDataBase is instantiated correctly including the member m_map of type wxStringToColourHashMap* which is set to be NULL.
When running the code written by myself, wxColourDataBase is not correctly instantiated, and thus the member m_map is not set to be NULL, which leads to to the crash.
I have the feeling that there is nothing wrong with the way I set up the wxColourPickerCtrls. I somehow think there is a difference in the solution properties of the projects. I checked those but was not able to find any relevant differences.
I would really appreciate any hint or help since I am completely stuck on that problem.
Thank you very much in advance and have a good one,
I attached a screeny of the call stack.
Call stack
When does this code run exactly? If it is done after the library initialization (which would be the case, for example, for any code executed in your overridden wxApp::OnInit()), then wxTheColourDatabase really should be already initialized and what you observe should be impossible, i.e. if it happens it means that something is seriously wrong with your library build (e.g. it doesn't match the compiler options used when compiling your applications).
As always with such "impossible" bugs, starting with a known working code and doing bisection by copying parts of your code into the working version until it stops working will usually end up by finding a bug in your code.

Custom submodules in pytorch / libtorch C++

Full disclosure, I asked this same question on the PyTorch forums about a few days ago and got no reply, so this is technically a repost, but I believe it's still a good question, because I've been unable to find an answer anywhere online. Here goes:
Can you show an example of using register_module with a custom module?
The only examples I’ve found online are registering linear layers or convolutional layers as the submodules.
I tried to write my own module and register it with another module and I couldn’t get it to work.
My IDE is telling me no instance of overloaded function "MyModel::register_module" matches the argument list -- argument types are: (const char [14], TreeEmbedding)
(TreeEmbedding is the name of another struct I made which extends torch::nn::Module.)
Am I missing something? An example of this would be very helpful.
Edit: Additional context follows below.
I have a header file "model.h" which contains the following:
struct TreeEmbedding : torch::nn::Module {
torch::Tensor forward(Graph tree);
struct MyModel : torch::nn::Module{
size_t embeddingSize;
TreeEmbedding treeEmbedding;
MyModel(size_t embeddingSize=10);
torch::Tensor forward(std::vector<Graph> clauses, std::vector<Graph> contexts);
I also have a cpp file "model.cpp" which contains the following:
MyModel::MyModel(size_t embeddingSize) :
treeEmbedding = register_module("treeEmbedding", TreeEmbedding{});
This setup still has the same error as above. The code in the documentation does work (using built-in components like linear layers), but using a custom module does not. After tracking down torch::nn::Linear, it looks as though that is a ModuleHolder (Whatever that is...)
I will accept a better answer if anyone can provide more details, but just in case anyone's wondering, I thought I would put up the little information I was able to find:
register_module takes in a string as its first argument and its second argument can either be a ModuleHolder (I don't know what this is...) or alternatively it can be a shared_ptr to your module. So here's my example:
treeEmbedding = register_module<TreeEmbedding>("treeEmbedding", make_shared<TreeEmbedding>());
This seemed to work for me so far.

Aspose.PDF Triggers Breakpoint

I implemented Aspose.Cells and Aspose.PDF into our companies existing application.
While I had some trouble with this (mostly caused by the fact that I tried to implement both APIs into the exat same file which was a bad idea)
I figured out how to make it work more or less.
My Problem now is while Aspose.Cells works perfectly fine and doesn't seem to have any unusual behavior Aspose.PDF already struggles with setting the license and even when I eventually got this to work I can't even initiate a Aspose::Pdf::Document.
So the first totally unusual thing is the way I had to set the License in the Example code given with the Aspose Package and in the official resources the license is set like this.
auto lic = System::MakeObject<Aspose::Pdf::License>();
This code won't run on my machine and cause the error.
Rough Translation
food.exe triggered a breakpoint
food.exe Hat einen Haltepunkt ausgelöst
The same happens when I initialise a System::String with a emtpy constructor like this.
auto lic = System::MakeObject<Aspose::Pdf::License>();
System::String str;
BUT if I initialise the System::String with an empty String in the first place setting the license seems to work just fine so this works.
auto lic = System::MakeObject<Aspose::Pdf::License>();
System::String str(u"");
If this code above works and I try to make an object from Aspose::Pdf::Document this will crash.
void Aspose_pdf::helloWorld()
auto doc = System::MakeObject<Aspose::Pdf::Document>();
I actually have no idea what's going on. I am not using any using namespace commands at the moment.
Would be greate if someone had an idea how to fix this.
The error occures exactly in smart_ptr.h in the following function.
typename std::enable_if<!IsSmartPtr<T>::value, SmartPtr<T> >::type MakeObject(Args&&... args)
System::Detail::OwnNextObject ownershipSentry;
T *const object = ::new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return SmartPtr<T>(object);
in the second line so T *const object = ::new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
is "causing" the error or atleast here the error will ne triggered.
Here you will find a simple example of how my code looks in general.
I Started with implementing Aspose.Pdf into my Programm so I edited my
Additional Library directories,additional dependencies, additional include directories,preprozessor definitions and my stacksize to fit these settings given in the Aspose.Pdf examples.
After this I created my Aspose_Pdf class and tested it. worked perferctly so far.
After this I made the same edits to fit Aspose.Cells aswell. Also I created a class Aspose_Cells and tested it. While this worked now my Aspose_Pdf class stoped working. After a little time passed I managed to atleast get the License Activation for Aspose_Pdf to work from this point on I had the problems described above.
Additional Dependencies:
Additional Librariedirectories:
additional Includedirectories
I've never heard about Aspose.Pdf neither I know how does System::MakeObject< work. But for me it looks that all the code might be simplified to next:
Aspose::Pdf::License^ lic = gcnew Aspose::Pdf::License();
System::String^ str = "C:\\foo\\fooproj\\Aspose.Total.C++.lic";
When it comes to Pdf.Document the initialization might look like this:
Aspose::Pdf::Document^ doc = gcnew Aspose::Pdf::Document();

OpenCV. FisherFace "model->predict"

First time question here, tx in advance.
I am trying to use code from opencv tutorial that use the fisherface algorithim.
I am able to create the fisherface model and train it,detect faces but fail on the recognition part model->predict.
I am also pretty new to C++ and trying to debug this problem myself but I guess I still need help here.
Jumping in at line model->predict(face_im)
I get to the following line of code in operations.hpp and fail immediately without any description of the error.
template<typename _Tp> inline _Tp* Ptr<_Tp>::operator -> () { return obj; }
executing this line jumps back out to the main and breaks with error
Access violation reading location 0x00000019.
agh, I hope this is not to vague but how can i analyze my problem here?
Again tx in advance and if more info is needed ..sure thing
I've come to a conclusion; it was a scoping problem. By moving the declaration out of main, I was able to get it to work fine.
I guess it was very vague. It's still a bit unclear to me, but I suppose I need to brush up on my C++.

Implementation of active appearance models

I'm having an internship in the field of computer vision, and i am really interested to know some details about the implementation of the Active Appearence Models aam-opencv that exists in the Google Code site.
In fact, i downloaded aam-opencv.tar.gz then built it with cmake and i solved some syntax problems but the only error that i am still having when i try to generate the solution is the following :
This function should return something:
aamImage* delaunay:: warpImageToMeanShape(aamImage*input)
I wonder if there is something missing in that function, or is it a compiler problem.
Please give me an answer or just guide me to complete the missing part of that function.
I would really appreciate if anyone kindly help me.
Thank you.
I suppose that is not used in code function, so it is not important what it return. Some C++ compilers allow to write such code and give only warning, another treat as errors:
ReturnType f()
looks like you use not the same compiler as author of source code. So just add something like:
aamImage* delaunay:: warpImageToMeanShape(aamImage*input)
return NULL;