Enable scrolling of Appcelerator window with vertical layout - appcelerator-mobile

I'm using Appcelerator mobile, and have a window with a vertical layout. The window contains an arbitrary number of stacked labels containing arbitrary text of various lengths. The total text may exceed the size of the window, and roll off the bottom of the screen.
I'd like to make the window scrollable, vertically, so the the user can continue reading to the end of the text. What is the best way to do this? Unless I'm missing it, KitchenSink doesn't demonstrate anything like this. I don't know the height of the various label, as it may vary from invocation to invocation, so absolute positioning won't work (or at least not easily).
I'm tempted to see if I can just stick it in a table.
My existing code looks something like this:
var win =Ti.UI.createWindow({layout: "vertical"});
win.add(Ti.UI.createLabel({text: "long text here", height: "auto"});
win.add(Ti.UI.createLabel({text: "more long text here", height: "auto"});
win.add(Ti.UI.createLabel({text: "even more long text here", height: "auto"});

What you want to do is add a ScrollView (use Ti.UI.createScrollView) to your window and add your labels to that ScrollView.
Documentation for the ScrollView object is here: http://developer.appcelerator.com/apidoc/mobile/1.0/Titanium.UI.ScrollView


GTK Treeview fixed width

I have a window structured in the following manner:
Window>VBox>Scrolled Window>Tree View>Columns
My issue arises when I label the last column (it must be a dynamic assignment). If the label winds up being too long, the containing window gets stretched horizontally. Instead, I would like a scroll bar to appear at the bottom of the Scrolled Window to deal with it, leaving the window at its original width.
However, it looks like the closest I can come is fixing the height of the Tree View. Surely there's a way to fix the width?
Do you have some code to look at? I have done this many times in python and never had any trouble. Also, you link to the fixed height property of the Tree View rows, you actually need the requested width property of the scrolled window. That link also has a link to set the size of the window.

Set horizontal scroll of CListBox row back after resetting content

I got a multiple selection CListBox with horizontal scroll bar enabled and showed correctly. Problem is, that when I use function
lst.ResetContent() and fill it back, I can't find way to scroll text in the rows back to the same position. I tried to use
lst.SetScrollPos(SB_HORZ, horizScroll, TRUE); , where horizScroll = lst.GetScrollPos(SB_HORZ); This works correctly on scroll bar itself, but
text in the row stays not scrolled (manual scrolling functions OK).
Structure of my program is:
CListBox lst;
int horizScroll;
/*Periodically doing code bellow*/
//Get current scroll position
horizScroll = lst.GetScrollPos(SB_HORZ);
//Reset current content
//Add item into CListBox (UNICODE in my application)
lst.AddString(L"Some longer text then width of CListBox");
//Calculate horizontal extent and set it through
//Try to scroll text (scrolls only scroll bar, not text itself)
lst.SetScrollPos(SB_HORZ, horizScroll, TRUE);
Thanks in advance!
As "rrirower" answered correctly,
message does the job. Scroll position from horizScroll works perfectly. I suggest posting this message twice, because if you do it only once, text is re-scrolled visually from beginning to the wanted position. When you post it twice, text visually stays at the correct position and scroll bar just quickly comes to the right place.
If I understand you correctly, you're trying to scroll the text in the list box horizontally using the program code. If you use Spy++, you'll see that when you manually scroll, using the mouse, a series of WM_HSCROLL messages is posted to the list box control. You can accomplish the same thing by doing this...
You need to calculate the position (I used 250 above), but, the above code should move the text and the scroll bar horizontally.
After some reading it seems that Invalidate should do the trick. Since as I understand you have one text line this should be fine, however if the painting itself is complex and requires resources you can use ScrollWindowEx and then InvalidateRect on the rectangle returned by the latter to repaint only the changed area.

Scrolling in C++ Builder RadioGroup

I have RadioGroup with many buttons. Now when I add an item, they become smaller and smaller. How is it possible to make them scrollable?
TRadioGroup does not natively support scrolling. However, what you can do instead is the following:
place a TGroupBox on your UI.
place a TScrollBox onto the TGroupBox, set its Align property to alClient, and its BorderStyle property to bsNone.
place a TRadioGroup onto the TScrollBox, clear its Caption property, and set its Left property to -2 and its Top property to -15 (or whatever the TRadioGroup.Font is set to plus a few extra pixels). This positioning is needed because you cannot turn off the TRadioGroup's borders or the space reserved for its Caption.
Tweak the TScrollBox.HorzScrollBar.Range and TScrollBox.VertScrollBar.Range properties so they do not scroll far enough to see the TRadioGroup's right and bottom borders.
This way, the buttons appear as if they are part of the TGroupBox, but with the added scrollbar(s).
TRadioGroup component doesn't have an embedded scrollbar, but you can put the radio group on a TScrollBox for a similar effect.
You can use the Buttons collection to refer each button, e.g.
RadioGroup->Buttons[0]->Height = 5;
RadioGroup->Buttons[1]->Top = RadioGroup->Buttons[0]->Top + 10;
Anyway a TComboBox could also be a good choice.

Dynamically adjust the width of combobox so the entire string can be shown

I am using a combobox control to show names stored in a database ( I need to preserve space, that is why I use it instead of a listview, for example ).
My problem is that sometimes text is longer than the combobox so part of it can not be seen.
Is there a way to resize combobox' listbox so it can entirely show text, or at least to enable some kind of horizontal scrolling so the user can scroll to see the entire text?
Looking through combobox documentation, I haven't found any style that can solve my problem. Trying to add WS_HSCROLL as a style in my CreateWindowEx call didn't help either.
Thank you.
You are looking for the CB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT message.
An application sends the CB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT message to set the width, in pixels, by which a list box can be scrolled horizontally (the scrollable width). If the width of the list box is smaller than this value, the horizontal scroll bar horizontally scrolls items in the list box. If the width of the list box is equal to or greater than this value, the horizontal scroll bar is hidden or, if the combo box has the CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL style, disabled.
Specifies the scrollable width of the list box, in pixels
This parameter is not used.

QTableWidget show scroll bar

I would like the horizontal scroll bar to appear whenever there is text eliding. Such that the user won't have to resize the whole GUI. How would I do this?
This is what I have coded:
I also tried enabling scrollbar to appear always, but scrolling to the very right doesn't do anything.
If I set textElideMode to ElideNone , the text from the 2nd column is partially hidden and no scrollbar appears.
QHeaderView::Stretch will stretch the column width to the available space. Use QHeaderView::ResizeToContents to make the column wide enough to display the content, resulting in a horizontal scroll bar if necessary.
This will have a couple of side effects of which I'm not sure you want them.
There will probably be no more ellipsis in the elided text.
If all of the values in your Hash column are very small, then that column will be very thin, so there might be 'empty' space next to that column.