AWS ElasticBeanstalk in a production environment - amazon-web-services

I wonder about the choice of AWS Elastic Beanstalk as an environment for the production system. Do you have some experience in this regard?

More info as I have been using EB for more than 8 months...
So far so good, elastic beanstalk has its limitation though.
It is designed for service handling, but when you just want a processing unit, you need to do something additional for ELB and autoscaling.
Fixed in latest release: No VPC yet, so your Elastic Beanstalk is still exposed to the internet., but VPC support is limited and need manually config through config files.
Fixed in latest release: Not easy to customize the webserver (e.g. tomcat) you have to use your own images.
Limited tuning option on the webserver parameter.
From my experience, reliability is OK not great, the main problem is the EB automation scripts sometime can stuck you environment.
But overall I like it.

We deployed our Java webapplication (all three environments) Beta, Staging and live on ElasticBeanStalk. They are doing well, so far we haven't faced any issues with Elastic Beanstalk.


Why Elastic beanstalk restore to old version

why Elastic beanstalk restore to old version in AWS.
i try to deploy simple leraval project to aws.
Elastic Beanstalk is a service that makes it easy to deploy, run, and scale web applications and services on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform. When you deploy your application to Elastic Beanstalk, it creates an environment for your application and manages the details of the infrastructure and application components for you.
In some cases, Elastic Beanstalk may automatically restore your application to a previous version if it detects that the new version you are deploying is not working correctly. This can happen if the new version is not compatible with the environment or if it is causing errors. Restoring to a previous version can help prevent downtime or other issues with your application.
It is important to carefully test your application before deploying it to Elastic Beanstalk, to ensure that it is compatible with the environment and will run smoothly. This can help prevent issues like an automatic restoration to a previous version

AWS - What are the exact differences between EC2, Beanstalk and LightSail?

What are the exact differences between EC2, Beanstalk and LightSail in AWS?
What are good real time scenarios in which I should use these services?
They are all based on EC2, the compute service from AWS allowing you to create EC2 instances (virtual machines in the cloud).
Lightsail is packaged in a similar way than Virtual Private Server, making it easy for anyone to start with their own server. It has a simplified management console and many options are tuned with default values that maximize availability and security.
Elastic Beanstalk is a service for application developers that provisions an EC2 instance and a load balancer automatically. It creates the EC2 instance, it installs an execution environment on these machines and will deploy your application for you (Elastic Beanstalk support Java, Node, Python, Docker and many others)
Behind the scenes, Elastic Beanstalk creates regular EC2 instances that you will see in your AWS Console.
And EC2 is the bare service that allows the other to be possible. If you choose to create an EC2 instance, you will have to choose your operating system, manage your ssh key, install your application runtime and configure security settings by yourself. You have full control of that virtual machine.
In simple terms:
EC2 - virtual host or an image. which you can use it to install apps and have a machine to do whatever you like.
Lightsail - is similar but more user friendly management option and good for small applications.
Beanstalk - an orchestration tool, which does all the work to create an EC2, install application, software and give you freedom from manual tasks in creating an environment.
More details at -
I don't know if my scenario is typical in any way, but here are the differences that were critical for me. I'm happier EC2 than EB:
just a remote linux machine with shell (command line) access
tracable application-level errors, easy to see what is wrong with your application
you can use AWS web console panel or AWS command line tool to manage
you will need repeated steps if you want to reproduce same environment
some effort to get proper shell access (eg fix security rule to your IP only)
no load balancer provided by default
Elastic Beanstalk
a service that creates a EC2 instance with a programming language of your choice (eg Python, PHP, etc)
runs one application on that machine (for python -
upload applications as .zip file, extra effort needed to use your git source
need to get used to environment vs applications mental model
application level errors hidden deep in the server logs, logs downloaded in separate menu
can be managed by web console, but also needs another CLI tool in addition to AWS CLI (you end up installing two CLI tools)
provides load balancer and other server-level services, takes away the manual setup part
great for scaling stable appications, not so much for trial-and-see experimentaion
probably more expensive than just an EC2 instance
Amazon EC2 is a virtual host, in other words, it is a server where you can SSH configure your application, install dependencies and so on, like in your local machine. EC2 has a dozen of AMI (Amazon Machine Image: it is some kind of operating system of your EC2 server, for instance, you can have EC2 running on Linux based OS or in windows OS). To summarize, it is a great idea if you need a machine in your hands.
Amazon Lightsail is a simple tool that you can deploy and manage application with small management of servers. You can find it very practical if your application is small, For instance, it will perfectly fit your application if you use Wordpress or other CMS.
AWS Elastic Beanstalk is an orchestration tool. You can manage your application within that service, it is more elevated then AWS Light Sail.
If you still do not understand the differences, you can take a look at each service overview.
There is also an answer in Quora
I have spent only 10 mins on these technologies but here is my first take.
EC2 - a baremetal service. It gives you a server with an OS. That is it. There is nothing else installed on it. So if you need a webserver (nginx) or python, you'll need to do it yourself.
Beanstalk - helps you deploy your applications. Say you have a python/flask application which you want to run on a server. Traditionally you'll have to build the app, move the deployable package to another machine where a web server should be installed, then move the package into some directory in the web server. Beanstalk does all this for you automatically.
LightSail - I haven't tried it but it seem to be an even simpler option to create a server with pre-installed os/software.
In summary, these seem to make application deployment more easier by pre-configuring the server/EC2s with the required software packages and security policies (eg. port nos. etc.).
I am not an expert so I could be wrong.

how to deploy MEAN stack app on AWS elastic beanstalk?

I'm trying to deploy my mean stack app on AWS using elastic beanstalk but there doesn't seem to be a tutorial good enough that can help me through it.
I would also like to know if I should really deploy it on elastic beanstalk or Lightsail?
Can you share any articles, videos or anything good enough to help me. It will be helpful to a lot of people.
Angular Version : 7
Node Version: 10.14.1
elastic beanstalk will be the option for production while you can use light sail for testing dev enviroment
now if we talk about the deploying Mean stack app
Open Elastic Bean stalk console and you will get option to choose Webserver
Choose web server with apache, tomcat, nginx, configure it as per your requirement
at last you will get option for upload your application
Upload your app using zip file (if dist folder is output then direct deploy dist in elastic beanstalk)

Recommendation: Deploy Docker application to AWS

I got a local Docker stack running Node.js, MongoDB and Nginx.
It runs perfectly using docker-compose up --build.
Now it's time to deploy my application to a production environment.
I have considered EC2 Container Service and EC2, but can you recommend an easier approach? The learning curve is steep!
For MongoDB -
Use AWS quick start MongoDB
For rest of the docker stack i.e NodeJS & Nginx -
Use the AWS ElasticBeanstalk Multi Container Deployment
Elastic Beanstalk supports Docker, as documented here. Elastic Beanstalk would manage the EC2 resources for you so that you, which should make things a bit easier on you.
You can install Kontena to AWS and use that to deploy your application to production environment (of course other cloud providers are also supported). Transition from Docker Compose is very smooth since kontena.yml uses similar syntax and keys as docker-compose.yml.
With Kontena you will have private image registry, load balancer and secret management built-in that are very useful when running containers in production.

Hosting web services project in Amazon

Hi We have built a java based web services project with using jboss server. How do I host this application with Amazon cloud? This web services act as back end for a mobile android app.
I am looking for PaaS option of Jboss server and Postgres database. I could create a postgres database. But could not find Jboss server.
My understanding is in PaaS, Jboss and Postgres should be able to scale up itself as per demand.
Another option provided by Amazon is EC2 as far as I have understood. But if I go with EC2, I will have install and set up jboss and postgres on my own. Then does it scale up by itself as per demand?
Please guide.
If you want to deploy your web application to AWS and ensure its scalability, you have basically two options:
EC2 instance [IaaS] - The disadvantage is, as you mentioned in your question, that you have to configure everything manually. Some external mechanism for scaling has to be used. Amazon provides its AutoScaling service which can be configured to launch new EC2 instances based on utilization or some other metric.
Elastic Beanstalk [PaaS] - This service has the auto-scaling already built in and manages the EC2 instances with your application on its own (it takes care about launching them, deploying the app etc). The disadvantage is that JBoss server is not support at the moment (you would have to switch to Tomcat).
There is a way, how to make JBoss work on Elastic Beanstalk, however. ELB has newly added the support for Docker so if you make your JBoss API run in Docker, you can deploy it to ELB and scale it without much effort and configuration.
As for the database, mentioned in your question, Amazon has plenty of choices, Postgres included, in their RDS service.