Unit testing at a higher level - unit-testing

I have a legacy code base in php, and we have a few applications in python (new codebase). I am attempting to migrate the legacy pieces to the new codebase/language. Currently I can only think of the use of regression testing (meaning someone manually visiting the links the legacy code once handled) to validate and verify the code was migrated successfully. However I am a huge fan of unit testing, and want to know if it is possible to apply unit testing at a higher level. So my tests would sit above the php/python level and be unaware of the specifics of the level below it. An example would be if the php once handled a GET request. I code the unit test above the application level to verify the responses to the GET request. I then swap out the php code with python code, and have the test break until I can make it succeed. I suppose what I am trying to do is define an interface at a higher level than application level, and use that interface to unit test. Is this possible/heard of? or am I barking up the wrong tree?

What you describe are perfectly valid and good tests, albeit not unit tests - rather, integration / functional / acceptance tests. Still, such tests can be run using a conventional unit testing framework. However, there are tools specialized for this too.
I haven't got much experience in web testing, but have a look at HttpUnit or FitNesse.

Not to forget about JWebUnit


How does one write an automated integration test?

I read a lot about unit testing and integration testing, and the unit testing part I understand fairly well - isolate the object under test, and mock out dependencies using interfaces and inject those. (Or use seams to inject testable behavior).
However something that is still a mystery to me even after searching is integration testing. Every blog and link talks about testing various components together, do's and dont's, CI Servers, etc, but there's not much explanation in the way of how this is to be done.
Is an integration test automated? Or is this a manual effort? If it is automated, do I write this as code in the native language my app is in? How do I check or verify if the integration test is working as expected?
For example, if I have 4 services (a Socket Client, a Socket Server, a Database, and a Web Application) and I want to do some integration testing on how these 4 services interact with each other. How exactly how would I approach this? I know that some dummy data will be involved, but which part of my integration test is checking if the systems are working together correctly? This part is really unclear to me.
As you said about unit testing, you need to isolate the object under test, and mock out dependencies using interfaces and inject those...
Integration test is without isolating the unit... You can test two part or more (but you shouldn't have extensive integration test suits neither big test scenario). An example of integration test is testing your code with the database, you could need for that to initiate the database and clean it to have a repeatable tests.
You could have as well interface test (client execution and integration with the server for example) and so on.
Don't forget that this tests come with a downside, they are slower and harder to maintain, but they have different purpose than unit test, which is checking that units works as expected with real dependencies.
So to wrap-up if you write a test without totally isolating the unit it is an integration test, due to its nature it's better to test the logic of your code by unit test and reserve fewer integration tests when needed to test the interaction between the units.
You can also check this nice introduction https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/48237/what-is-an-integration-test-exactly
An interesting definition from "the pragmatic programmer": integration tests show that the major parts of a system work well together

What value would I get from integration tests when I already write unit tests and functional tests

We have a web application (using Grails/Groovy) and we write unit tests and functional tests.
However, we are not writing integration tests.
With unit tests, we can catch some small issues and also, it helps us writing our codebase in modular, short and readable fashion.
Functional tests obviously helps us to know when a feature is broken.
What would be get from writing integration tests? What would be the benefits of the extra time spent writing these tests?
The question is "What would be get from writing integration tests? What would be the benefits of the extra time spent writing these tests?"
Your integration tests will ensure that your components work together with cross cutting concerns such as web services, db, session etc. You only need only few integration tests - As #bagheera's comment on TestPyramid. Be aware how you write integration tests because if you go overboard, it can really slow to run all of them, and harder to work with. When you compare them to Unit Tests, you don't get much benefit of writing them.
Addtional :
You need lot of Unit Tests - you already have this and it is a good sign. You don't want tests in between this, which is called "dirty hybrids" http://blog.stevensanderson.com/2009/08/24/writing-great-unit-tests-best-and-worst-practises/
The pyramid also argues for an intermediate layer of tests that act
through a service layer of an application, what I refer to as
SubcutaneousTests. These can provide many of the advantages of
end-to-end tests but avoid many of the complexities of dealing with UI
frameworks. In web applications this would correspond to testing
through an API layer while the top UI part of the pyramid would
correspond to tests using something like Selenium or Sahi..
In addition to checking your application's plumbing as #Raedwald mentioned, integration tests are great for testing that your persistence layer is working as you expect. Are cascades set up correctly? Is everything rolled back properly if something blows up during a transaction? It's often much easier to directly check this stuff with an integration test rather than a functional test.
I find they are useful for checking the 'plumbing' of an application. For checking that your units are connected together and that delegating objects meet the preconditions of the methods they delegating to.

When to perform my unit test and why use Moq

Q1: When is it ideal to run unit test? Should it be ran before each time I go to debug the app? Should they be ran before I commit changes to svn? I think if an app only has a couple of unit test it should be ran each time the app is about to debug. But lets say we hundreds of unit test that can take a bit of time to complete, not sure if this is ideal or not. I think then it would be better to just run them before committing or deploying.
Q2: In my app Im using a repository pattern with a service layer. I've done some research on how to test a service when the service is calling a repository and the repository is querying db. So in order for it to be a true unit test and not an integration test, I have to find a way to test without touching the database. I found people are using Moq to mock their repository. Here's where I have a problem, to me it seems if I mock a repository then I'm changing the behavior of how the method is suppose to work and to me seems like a pointless unit test. It doesn't seem you are actually testing your code. Am I completley wrong about this? Thanks for any advice.
Let me take a shot.
A1: When you refactor existing code, you should execute the corresponding unit tests (not all) and see if anything is broken by your changes. For new functionality you should implement new unit tests in parallel using TDD. You should never execute all the unit tests by your own but should use or rely on continuous integration.
A2: I had a same opinion like you. But now, I am convinced that unit testing for service layer is required. Whatever that can be covered using unit testing should be covered. At this point, the core of your services might just be a delegation to repositories but services evolves. The services takes up the responsibility of parameter validation, authorization, logging, transactions, batch-support API etc. Then, it is not only data-access but many more things. If I were in your place, I would go for unit testing of services by mocking repositories. Sometimes, services provide convenient methods on top of the repository.
Hope it might be of some help to you.
A1. When making changes to your code the more often you run the unit tests the faster you will get feedback on whether the behavior they were written to assert has been affected, so the more often the better! Unit tests should be very fast and running several hundred should only take a couple of minutes at most, but it might be worth looking into infinitest (if working with java, i expect an alternative will exist for .net etc) it is a plugin to eclipse and automatically runs your unit tests when eclipse builds your project. It is clever enough to run only the tests that have been affected since the last time it ran, e.g. if you update a test, or if you update some "application" code that is covered by some unit tests the specific tests will be executed.
A2. Unit tests will cover many different scenarios that will call your services + daos many times, using "real" services will make it difficult to guarantee the results of each call (and setting up the data for each test can be painful), but also the results can be slow. It's usually better when unit testing to mock these services and testing them independently with integration tests.

Setting up proper testing for Django for TDD

I've been ignoring the need to test my project for far to long.
So I spent more than a day looking for ways to implement tests for my current apps and trying to get some TDD going for new apps.
I found a lot of "tutorials" with the steps: "1. Install this 2. Install that 3. Install thisnthat 4. Done!",
but noone seems to talk about how to structure your tests, both file and code wise.
And noone ever talks about how to set up a CI server, or just integrate the testing with the deployment of your project.
A lot of people mention fabric, virtualenv and nose - but noone describes how they work with them together as a whole.
What I keep finding is detailed information about how you set up a proper Rails environment with testing and CI etc...
Does anyone else feel that the Django community lacks in this area, or is it just me? :)
Oh, and does anyone else have any suggestions on how to do it?
As I see it, there are several parts to the problem.
One thing you need are good unit tests. The primary characteristic of unit tests is that they are very fast, so that they can test the combinatorial possibilities of function inputs and branch coverage. To get their speed, and to maintain isolation between tests, even if they are running in parallel, unit tests should not touch the database or network or file system. Such tests are hard to write in Django projects, because the Django ORM makes it so convenient to scatter database access calls throughout your product code. Hence any tests of Django code will inevitably hit the database. Ideally, you should approach this by limiting the database access in your product code to a thin data access layer built on top of the django ORM, which exposes methods pertinent to your application. Another approach is for your tests to mock out the ORM calls. In the worst case, you will give up on this: Your unit tests become integration tests: They actually hit the database, cross multiple layers of your architecture, and take minutes to run, which discourages developers from running them frequently enough.
The implication of this is that writing integration tests is easy - the canonical style of Django tests covers this perfectly.
The final, and hardest part of the problem, is running your acceptance tests. The defining characteristic of acceptance tests is that they invoke your application end-to-end, as a user does in production, to prove that your application actually works. Canonical dhango tests using the django testrunner fall short of this. They do not issue actually HTTP requests (instead, they examine the url config to figure out what middleware and view would get called to handle a particular request, and then they call it, in process.) This means that such tests are not testing your webserver config, nor any javascript, or rendering in the browser, etc. To test this, you need something like selenium.
Additionally, we have many server-side processes, such as cron jobs, which use code from our Django project. Acceptance tests which involve these processes should invoke the jobs just like cron does, as a new process.
Both these scenarios have some problems. Firstly, you can't simply run such tests under the Django test runner. If you try to do so, then you will find that the test data you have written during the test setup (either using the django fixtures mechanism, or by simply calling "MyModel().save()" in a test) are in a transaction which your product code, running in a different process, is not party to. So your tests have to commit the changes they make before the product code can see them. This interferes with the clean-up between tests that Django's testrunner helpfully does, so you have to switch it into a different mode, which does explicit deletes rather than rolling back. Sadly, this is much slower. At last night's London Django user group, a couple of Django core developers assured me that this scenario also has other complications (which I confess I don't know what they are), which it is best to avoid by not running acceptance tests within the Django test runner at all, but creating them as a completely stand-alone set of tests.
If you do this, then your immediate problem is that you have lost the benefits the Django test runnner provides: Namely it creates a test database, and cleans it between each test. You will have to create some equivalent mechanism for yourself. You will need your product code to run against a test database if it is being invoked as part of a test. You need to be absolutely certain that if product code is run as part of a test, even on a production box, then it can NEVER accidentally touch the production database, so this mechanism has to be absolutely failsafe. Forgetting to set an environment variable in a test setup, for example, should not cause a blooper in this regard.
This is all before even considering the complications that arise from deployment, having parts of your project in different repos, dependent on each other, creating pip-installable packages, etc.
All in all, I'd love to hear from someone who feels they have found a good solution to this problem. It is far from a trivial issue as some commenters imply.
Harry Percival is creating a Django / TDD / Selenium tutorial (and accompanying workshop, if you live in London.) His book reads like a hands-on tutorial, and goes into great detail on the subject:
In my experience, fine-grained unit tests for web apps are not worth it, the setup/teardown is too expensive and the tests are too fragile. The only exception is isolated components, especially those with clear inputs & outputs and complicated algorithms. Do unit-test those to the smallest details.
I had the best testing experience using a semi-functional testing tool called testbrowser, which simulates browser actions in Python. For integration with Django, install the homophony app (disclaimer: I am the author of the app).
Testbrowser may be a little too coarse for test-driven development, but it's the best testing tool of the ones I have used so far. Most importantly, it scales up fairly well, whereas unit tests and browser-based functional test tools tend to become very brittle as your app grows in size.
As for a CI tool, go with Buildbot or Jenkins.
I use a combination of Django's excellent extension of the python unittest framework for testing api's / models / helper functions, and selenium for in browser testing. Selenium has great instructions for how to set it up and write tests in python.

Integration testing - can it be done right?

I used TDD as a development style on some projects in the past two years, but I always get stuck on the same point: how can I test the integration of the various parts of my program?
What I am currently doing is writing a testcase per class (this is my rule of thumb: a "unit" is a class, and each class has one or more testcases). I try to resolve dependencies by using mocks and stubs and this works really well as each class can be tested independently. After some coding, all important classes are tested. I then "wire" them together using an IoC container. And here I am stuck: How to test if the wiring was successfull and the objects interact the way I want?
An example: Think of a web application. There is a controller class which takes an array of ids, uses a repository to fetch the records based on these ids and then iterates over the records and writes them as a string to an outfile.
To make it simple, there would be three classes: Controller, Repository, OutfileWriter. Each of them is tested in isolation.
What I would do in order to test the "real" application: making the http request (either manually or automated) with some ids from the database and then look in the filesystem if the file was written. Of course this process could be automated, but still: doesn´t that duplicate the test-logic? Is this what is called an "integration test"? In a book i recently read about Unit Testing it seemed to me that integration testing was more of an anti-pattern?
IMO, and I have no literature to back me on this, but the key difference between our various forms of testing is scope,
Unit testing is testing isolated pieces of functionality [typically a method or stateful class]
Integration testing is testing the interaction of two or more dependent pieces [typically a service and consumer, or even a database connection, or connection to some other remote service]
System integration testing is testing of a system end to end [a special case of integration testing]
If you are familiar with unit testing, then it should come as no surprise that there is no such thing as a perfect or 'magic-bullet' test. Integration and system integration testing is very much like unit testing, in that each is a suite of tests set to verify a certain kind of behavior.
For each test, you set the scope which then dictates the input and expected output. You then execute the test, and evaluate the actual to the expected.
In practice, you may have a good idea how the system works, and so writing typical positive and negative path tests will come naturally. However, for any application of sufficient complexity, it is unreasonable to expect total coverage of every possible scenario.
Unfortunately, this means unexpected scenarios will crop up in Quality Assurance [QA], PreProduction [PP], and Production [Prod] cycles. At which point, your attempts to replicate these scenarios in dev should make their way into your integration and system integration suites as automated tests.
Hope this helps, :)
ps: pet-peeve #1: managers or devs calling integration and system integration tests "unit tests" simply because nUnit or MsTest was used to automate it ...
What you describe is indeed integration testing (more or less). And no, it is not an antipattern, but a necessary part of the sw development lifecycle.
Any reasonably complicated program is more than the sum of its parts. So however well you unit test it, you still have not much clue about whether the whole system is going to work as expected.
There are several aspects of why it is so:
unit tests are performed in an isolated environment, so they can't say anything about how the parts of the program are working together in real life
the "unit tester hat" easily limits one's view, so there are whole classes of factors which the developers simply don't recognize as something that needs to be tested*
even if they do, there are things which can't be reasonably tested in unit tests - e.g. how do you test whether your app server survives under high load, or if the DB connection goes down in the middle of a request?
* One example I just read from Luke Hohmann's book Beyond Software Architecture: in an app which applied strong antipiracy defense by creating and maintaining a "snapshot" of the IDs of HW components in the actual machine, the developers had the code very well covered with unit tests. Then QA managed to crash the app in 10 minutes by trying it out on a machine without a network card. As it turned out, since the developers were working on Macs, they took it for granted that the machine has a network card whose MAC address can be incorporated into the snapshot...
What I would do in order to test the
"real" application: making the http
request (either manually or automated)
with some ids from the database and
then look in the filesystem if the
file was written. Of course this
process could be automated, but still:
doesn´t that duplicate the test-logic?
Maybe you are duplicated code, but you are not duplicating efforts. Unit tests and integrations tests serve two different purposes, and usually both purposes are desired in the SDLC. If possible factor out code used for both unit/integration tests into a common library. I would also try to have separate projects for your unit/integration tests b/c
your unit tests should be ran separately (fast and no dependencies). Your integration tests will be more brittle and break often so you probably will have a different policy for running/maintaining those tests.
Is this what is called an "integration
Yes indeed it is.
In an integration test, just as in a unit test you need to validate what happened in the test. In your example you specified an OutfileWriter, You would need some mechanism to verify that the file and data is good. You really want to automate this so you might want to have a:
Class OutFilevalidator {
function isCorrect(fName, dataList) {
// open file read data and
// validation logic
You might review "Taming the Beast", a presentation by Markus Clermont and John Thomas about automated testing of AJAX applications.
YouTube Video
Very rough summary of a relevant piece: you want to use the smallest testing technique you can for any specific verification. Spelling the same idea another way, you are trying to minimize the time required to run all of the tests, without sacrificing any information.
The larger tests, therefore are mostly about making sure that the plumbing is right - is Tab A actually in slot A, rather than slot B; do both components agree that length is measured in meters, rather than feet, and so on.
There's going to be duplication in which code paths are executed, and possibly you will reuse some of the setup and verification code, but I wouldn't normally expect your integration tests to include the same level of combinatoric explosion that would happen at a unit level.
Driving your TDD with BDD would cover most of this for you. You can use Cucumber / SpecFlow, with WatiR / WatiN. For each feature it has one or more scenarios, and you work on one scenario (behaviour) at a time, and when it passes, you move onto the next scenario until the feature is complete.
To complete a scenario, you have to use TDD to drive the code necessary to make each step in the current scenario pass. The scenarios are agnostic to your back end implementation, however they verify that your implementation works; if there is something that isn't working in the web app for that feature, the behaviour needs to be in a scenario.
You can of course use integration testing, as others pointed out.