How to fix a ticket with a commit in Fossil - fossil

So, I think in Redmine/Git it is possible to fix an issue using the commit comment:
git commit -m "Fixes #123"
Is something like this possible in Fossil? How?

To associate a commit and a ticket you can simply put the ID of the ticket in the commit message.
You can associate the check-in with the ticket in the same way.
In the UI they will appear as clickable links, and will have a strike through them when the status is Closed.
I don't know of a way to do change the status of a ticket just by entering a specific message, but you could say:
$fossil commit -m "Fixed [d4fdff0914]"
New_Version: 05cb7c01d1e9a0129fda0464bee0a7ada5244a6a
$fossil ticket set d4fdff0914 status Fixed
ticket set succeeded for UID d4fdff09148c5e5c4918a64a699d91103eeaaeef
and it would have the same effect.
If you're creative, it might not be too much trouble to set something up to do this automatically.


Running a postman-collection only starts the first one

I have a postman collection with 3 requests in it. When I click on "Run Collection" normally all 3 requests are sent. Yesterday I figured out that only the first one is triggered, the others are ignored. I have cloned the collection, I have re-created the collection, I've updated postman... don't know what else to do..
I am on version 9.4.1 - maybe someone has an idea, thanks.
If someone wants to see my collection, here is the JSON-link:
I've removed the API key for the requests.
I had to remove the postman.setNextRequest in my first request - this somehow broke it.

Django: Message is not receieving

I am using Django Postman for the intercommunication between two user of my django website .
But when i am sending a message to another user .It is not delivered to the recepient .
I shows me as sent message .In
Here is setting
############################# Django postman
And once the messages is sent it is storing properly in the Dtabase but it is not appearing to the recepient inbox.
Please tell me what might I am doing wrong here .
I encountered seemingly identical problem, in my case cause was default moderation.
To better diagnose if this is the case, you can:
check your 'invisible' messages in database, for example using phpmyadmin. If there's 'p' as m moderation_status or anything suspicious under moderation_... columns, this track is probably good;
dig into code: locate postman/ and experiment with class MessageManager, method inbox (since other message directories are fine, this one is suspicious). Any of filters there might be cause of your problem - for me it was obviously 'moderation_status'. Even if your case is different, this is good starting point for further debugging.
Use case: let's assume moderation issues
I see that you have
set, but perhaps you have left moderation function somewhere, or something gets overwritten in your configuration? Postman's Quick Start Guide indicates that both are necessary:
To disable the moderation feature (no control, no filter):
Set this option to True
Do not provide any auto-moderation functions
I'd suggest removing all other postman specific options from your, leaving only POSTMAN_AUTO_MODERATE_AS = True and check if there are any utility functions that could potentially interfere with Message objects.
For further reference, more information about moderation is here:

Diagnosing a Sporadic Django/ Postgres "DatabaseError: current transaction is aborted"

I have a "DatabaseError: current transaction is aborted" that comes and goes (to be specific, 11 times out of 841) in a Django 1.3 project using Postgres. The project is a quiz site and the error occurs when a user submits the answer form in the view. From the database's perspective, the process involves a number of queries and looks like this:
Gather all of the correct answers for the question (they are multiple choice and may need more than one answer)*
Grab the user's profile
Save this answer
Query for the user's new point total
Save the total to their profile
Check to see if they qualify for a new reward
Award new reward if they do
Somewhere in that tortured process, this error crops up (I'm guessing because one query isn't waiting for the others). Is there a way for me, in production (i.e., DEBUG = False), to log the database errors just in this case? I'm on WebFaction and the Postgres error logs are not available to me. Could I steal something from this middleware example to fire in just this specific case?
Alternatively, is there a better way to find this error or should I be wrapping the individual queries in transactions (unfortunately they aren't all in the same place in the code, not sure if wrapping the view in a transaction decorator would help)?
*Just to confuse matters, the multiple right answers requirement was added in the middle of development and then dropped right before we went live, so I could simplify this process somewhat, basically skipping steps 1 and 4, but I'd like to know a general answer to this sort of mysterious issue.
You haven't said where in your 7 steps you have transactions that begin and end. That would be helpful to know.
One source of "transaction aborted" messages is due to deadlocks. More details would be in the PostgreSQL logs.
But the bottom line is that you will continue to have a painful and time-consuming experience debugging PostgreSQL if you can't get access to your PostgreSQL error messages. Take that up with WebFaction. If they can't helpful and your time is worth much, your bottom line costs will be lower by moving to an environment that provides this fundamental feature.
You have to enable autocommit for the transaction. In your DATABASES entry, include:
'OPTIONS': {'autocommit': True,},
By default, Django opens a transaction at the first query. By using this option, you manually have to start a transaction (e.g. using #commit_on_success). Since there is no transaction open anymore, you'll get the actual error that was previously masked by the transaction error.
The autocommit setting will be the new default for Django 1.6, see

Vtiger: I can't add a To Do event

If I got to calendar, click on To Do, then try to add an event, the form pops up, I fill it out, press save, but no Event gets added.
In the SQL error log's I see an error like this:
2011-09-29 14:57:07 EDT ERROR: null value in column "visibility" violates not-null constraint
2011-09-29 14:57:07 EDT STATEMENT: insert into
values('235','Testing','2011-09-29','19:50',NULL,'2011-09-29','Not Started',NULL,'High','0','Task',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'0')
So, for some reason, it is trying to add a To-Do while inserting null values. My biggest problem is that I cannot locate the origin of the query. So, basically, the most important thing I am asking is what file takes the data that was input into the todosave form and turns it into a query.
I don't know if many people on here use Vtiger, but I couldn't figure this out so I went ahead and posted anyway. The official documentation is not very helpful in my opinion.
Thanks for everything, have a good day.
This might be an isolated case, but was any of the modules modified recently? In this case, I would assume that it would be the Calendar module. I've tested this on the demo website and on my vTiger installation and it works fine..
Perhaps you can download a fresh copy of vTiger and replace the modules/Calendar all its content.
By the way, another place to ask if you have any questions, is the vTiger forums.
Usually you can ask it in the Help - 5.2.1 section. Hope this helps!

skipping shippingmethod step in magento onepage checkout

Busy on a project and I need to skip the shipping method step. Shop contains simple and grouped products. There is no need for shipping so I tried:
- disabling the shipping methods results in not able to checkout
- only turning on the free shipping results in the step still visible
changing template code and deleting the shipping_methods section from progress.phtml or setting is_show to false results in no able to checkout
changing the template as above and and the opcheckout.js so it skips the shipping_methods step and goes to payment results in shipping_address not pointing to payment (skipping shipping_methods).
What am I missing? Can anyone help me out?
Thanks in advance!
You can use virtual products instead of simple.
Or you can make some code changes like in this article.