Visual C++ .net vs C++ - c++

Kindly can any one point to the main differences between C++ and Visual C++ .net?
Is Visual C++ .net a managed code like C# and VB? Does it use the same FCL and BCL? Can C# and VB dlls be consumed from a visual C++ .Net project?

C++ is a language; Visual C++ is a compiler for the C, C++, and C++/CLI languages.
What you probably mean to ask about is the difference between C++ and C++/CLI, but a quick SO search will demonstrate that question to already be answered many times over.
Is Visual C++ .net a managed code like C# and VB?
C++/CLI is, yes.
Does it use the same FCL and BCL?
Can C# and VB dlls be consumed from a visual C++ .Net project?
From a C++/CLI project, yes; and the reverse is also true.

C++ is a language.
Microsoft Visual C++ is a development environment for the C++ language. It includes a compiler, editor, debugger and much more.


Confused about Microsoft C++ offerings and terminology

I'm using C++ for the first time since pre-.Net days and I'm confused about some of their C++ offerings and how they name them.
Prior to .Net, Microsoft supported a language called C++ which was pretty close to the industry standard. But when they introduced .Net they add a lot of extensions to their C++ and called it "Managed C++".
Then in 2005 they dropped that and replaced in with "C++/CLI" which is a version of C++ that conforms to Microsoft's (ISO-certified) Common Language Infrastructure and has some syntax changes (e.g., ^ instead of * for pointing to .Net objects, etc). C++/CLI can be compiled down to the platform-neutral Common Intermediate Language (CIL). At runtime this is processed into machine code by the Common Language Runtime (CLR). Here's a diagram from Wikipedia:
Here's where I get confused:
In Visual Studio 2010 Professional I don't see the term "C++/CLI" anywhere, even though that is supposedly what Microsoft is offering. If I do File->New->Project->Other Languages it lets me select "Visual C++"
1. What is "Visual C++" and how does it relate to C++/CLI?
At the top level of "Visual C++" it lets me create an "Empty Project" and in the Project Properties for it, Common Language Runtime is set to "No Common Language Runtime Support"
2. Does "No Common Language Runtime Support" also mean no CLI/CIL and thus no C++/CLI syntax? In other words does the state of that setting determine whether this is "C++/CLI" or just plain old unmanaged C++?
Underneath "Visual C++" it also has entries for CLR and General. If I make a CLR Empty project I notice that Common Language Runtime is set to "Common Language Runtime Support /clr"
3. Is that the only difference between a Visual C++ empty project and a Visual C++ CLR empty project?
4. What is a Visual C++ "General" empty project?
5. Is all this stuff documented/explained somewhere?
EDIT: Since posting my question I've noticed that it's even more complicated. The default properties for Common Language Runtime vary on different templates under the CLR node from CLR to CLR with "Pure" MSIL to CLR with "Safe" MSIL. And that's just that one "Common Language Runtime" setting. Does Microsoft document these templates anyplace?
The Wikipedia article on Microsoft Visual Studio says:
Microsoft Visual C++ is Microsoft's implementation of the C and C++
compiler and associated languages-services and specific tools for
integration with the Visual Studio IDE. It can compile either in C
mode or C++ mode. For C, it follows the ISO C standard with parts of
C99 specification along with MS-specific additions in the form of
libraries. For C++, it follows the ANSI C++ specification along with
a few C++11 features. It also supports the C++/CLI specification to
write managed code, as well as mixed-mode code (a mix of native and
managed code). Microsoft positions Visual C++ for development in
native code or in code that contains both native as well as managed
components. Visual C++ supports COM as well as the MFC library. For
MFC development, it provides a set of wizards for creating and
customizing MFC boilerplate code, and creating GUI applications using
MFC. Visual C++ can also use the Visual Studio forms designer to
design UI graphically. Visual C++ can also be used with the Windows
API. It also supports the use of intrinsic functions, which are
functions recognized by the compiler itself and not implemented as a
library. Intrinsic functions are used to expose the SSE instruction
set of modern CPUs. Visual C++ also includes the OpenMP (version 2.0)
So, I can have a go at answering your questions (which, by the way, are too broad):
Microsoft Visual C++ (often abbreviated as MSVC or VC++) is a commercial (free version available), integrated development environment (IDE) product from Microsoft for the C, C++, and C++/CLI programming languages. It features tools for developing and debugging C++ code, especially code written for the Microsoft Windows API, the DirectX API, and the Microsoft .NET Framework.
I'd say yes.
I'd say yes, but that is a big difference in itself, even if it is the only one.
I don't know exactly. I guess an empty project is a project which is designed so that you add your own stuff to it. "General" probably means that the project is not of any specific kind.
Microsoft has tons of documentation on MSDN, but has a long tradition in confusing people between the real C++ and their own managed C++-ish language, whatever they call it today. (I have always thought that this is bad, because C++ is C++ and there are lots of names out there for your new language, and that they've done it on purpose to gain clueless users. But this last sentence is an opinion, so it doesn't belong here. Hence the brackets.)
Does "No Common Language Runtime Support" also mean no CLI/CIL and thus no C++/CLI syntax? In other words does the state of that setting
determine whether this is "C++/CLI" or just plain old unmanaged C++?
Yes it means.
When you select "Create a new project" you can select (something as) "CLR Console Application" It means C++/CLI console application.
Also you can create Managed C++ console application if in the project properties you select option as
(something as) "CLR-support, old syntax (/clr:oldSyntax)" (I have Russian edition of MS VS 2010)

Visual c++ no intellisense, how do i see what is inside a class/namespace/library?

Im new to c++ and i dont have anyidea what functions/variables are in the System namespace and so on. I know that there is no intellisense in CLR projects at least in 2010. What im asking is were is the documentation? or a good place to get it? is there one build into visual c++ or do i have to constantly google it?
Here is a link to the .NET Framework class library:
However, you state you are looking to develop in C++. C++ does not target the .NET Framework unless you are using C++/CLI to develop managed applications.

Do my C++ apps depend on the .Net framework?

I'm using Visual Studio as my IDE. Will my C++ applications depend on .Net, the way C#, VB.NET and ASP.NET do?
No, only the Visual Studio IDE depends on .NET, not your C++ programs written in it.
(Unless you use .NET libraries of course.)

Do I have to use "Visual" C++ in VS 2008?

I am new to Visual Studio 2008 (.NET Framework 3.5) and am Developing a Windows Form application.
Starting the IDE, the only options for a New Project are under the categories:
Visual Basic
Visual C#
Visual C++
I did Visual C++ -> CLR -> Windows Forms Application
However, the template code is in the "Visual C++" syntx.
How do I create a new GUI project with plain vanilla C/C++ using Visual Studio 2008?
Please note, the last time I did this was with MFC in Visual Studio C++ 6.0
If I am missing the underlying principal please explain.
Thank You!
Long story short - you cannot.
Windows Forms is a .NET framework and not a C++ framework. This in turn means that you cannot use C++ to work with it. What Microsoft did is invented their own language that is C++-ish, but compiles into CLI bytecode (likely with native code mix-in, but I am not sure). Before it was "Managed C++", now it is C++/CLI (what you have linked as an example is not C++, but C++/CLI).
For plain C++ projects you have to choose "Win32 Project", "Win32 Console Application" or "Empty Project".. But then you cannot work with Windows Forms. Your options would be to use other GUI libraries like GTK, Qt, WxWidgets. There are tons of GUI frameworks. Or perhaps you would prefer sticking with Win32 API. My personal choice is Qt. And no Visual Studio at all.
Hope it clarifies things a bit for you. Good luck!
The "Visual" is just the name of the product. It's not a different language. c++/cli however, is a different language, and that's what you're seeing. If you want to make a Windows Form application, you will have to use .net. C++/cli is a .net language, C++ is not. You can make actual C++ applications with Visual C++, just not Windows Form applications.
First, there is no such thing as "Visual C++", in terms of a language. There is C++/CLI, which is a sort of variation of C++ that has extensions for building .NET libraries and programs using a C++-like language.
Windows Forms is a technology based on the CLR: common language runtime. AKA: .NET. You cannot build a Windows Forms application with just ISO C++. At some point, you have to talk to the CLR, which is at minimum going to require some COM support. And you'd probably be better off with C++/CLI and doing it that way.
Visual in this case means Windows Programming. And that include designing GUI (Graphical User Interface) for your application which will work in Windows environment. The language itself is C++.
You have two options available to develop Window Application.
Use Window API's only
Use a frame such as MFC,WPF etc
The language is always C++ but it has accommodation for Windows and therefore Visual C++.
Btw if you want plain C/C++, choose Visual C++ and start a console application. Make sure you select empty project.

What is the difference between "VC++" and "C++"?

Someone asked me how familiar I am with VC++ and how familiar I am with C++. What is the difference?
C++ is the actual language, VC++ is Microsoft's Visual C++, an IDE for C++ development.
C++ is the programming language, Visual C++ is Microsoft's implementation of it.
When people talk about learning Visual C++, it usually has more to do with learning how to use the programming environment, and how to use the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFCs) for Windows rather than any language issues. Visual C++ can and will compile straight C and C++.
C++ is the name of a programming language that has been approved by international standards committees (ANSI/ISO).
VC++ (“Visual C++”) is the product name of Microsoft's C++ compiler and sometimes, but not officially, the IDE it's shipped with (“Visual Studio”).
Well, Visual C++ used to stand for the Microsoft C++ compiler plus the MFC library. Basically there's no difference in the language itself, but VC++ includes a library, and some IDE support, for easily building GUIs.
vc++ is a development environment and c++ is a language
VC++ means different things to different people. You can use the Visual Studio environment to build (almost) standard C++ applications. You can also use it for Micrososft-specific additions - which vary from version to version. For example, the MFC components for windows applications, or the newer C++/CLI for .NET applications
VC++ is short for Visual C++, and is an IDE (integrated development environment) developed by Microsoft, included as part of Visual Studio. C++ is a language.
C++ is a language, VC++ (Visual C++) is a Microsoft development environment which was a forerunner to Visual Studio which helps you write C++.
You can know everything there is to know about C++ and never have seen VC++.
VC++ is IDE developed by Microsoft using microsoft c++ compiler.while C++ is the programming language.
Visual C++ and C++ are two entirely different things. They are related, though.
C++ is a high-level programming language that a compiler translates into machine code a computer can understand and execute.
Visual C++ is a tool created by Microsoft to make writing, compiling and debugging C++ source code easier. Visual C++ is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
In some cases, they refer to its corresponding C++ implementation and its compilers.
C++ refers to standard headers/functions and its GCC C++ compiler.
VC++ refers to Microsoft implementation of C++ standard and its VC++
They are not compatible with each other. Linux network/threading functions, numeric data types are different than its Windows counterpart. You can't compile Linux C++ code directly in Windows without using third-party GCC ports such as Cygwin/MinGW.
Most academic/research tools and libraries are written in C++ (GCC), and one will have the hard time to compile those in VC++.