Create a safe, escaped path base/file name, check if safe - c++

I wonder if there is a generic way to produce filesystem safe filenames that is portable. That is, I have a user entered string and would like to produce a file with a name that as closely resembles the name they have chosen. The resulting name must not include any path reference or other special file-system special name or tag.
Currently I just replace a bunch of known bad characters with other characters, or empty strings. For example, given the name ABC / DEF* : A Company? I'd produce the string ABC - DEF - A Company. My choice for replacement characters is totally arbitrary as I don't know of a generic escape symbol.
So my related questions are:
Is there a method (perhaps in boost filesystem) that can tell me if the name refers strictly to a file without a path?
Is there a function that tells me if the name is "safe" to use as a file (this may be an additional check from 1 for some filesystems)?
Is there a function to convert a string into a reasonable safe name?
Addtional Notes
For #1 I thought to just compare a boost path::filename() to the original object, if they are the same then I have a file. However this still allows things like '..' and '.' But that might be okay if there is a good solution for #2
In theory I'd have to provide a directory in which the file would reside, since different file-systems may have different requirements. But a global solution for the OS would also be okay.
I already have a function that just replaces a bunch of commonly known unsafe characters.
Common file dialogs cannot be used to do the filtering since the interface may not always allow them and in some cases the user isn't directly aware of the relationship to the file (advanced users would however).

According to POSIX fully portable filenames, the only portable filenames are those that contain only A–Za–z0–9._- and are max 14 characters long.
That said, a more practical approach is to assume that modern filesystems can cope with longer filenames and to simply replace all characters which are not explicitly marked as "safe" with _. Sometimes, instead of replacing with _, those characters are hex-encoded, like in URLs: sample%20file.txt. KDE applications use this, for example.
As for implementation, it's as simple as s/[^A-Za-z0-9.-]/_/.

How portable is portable? Many systems had limits on length, and some
probably still do. Is disinguishing between names an issue? Some
systems distinguish case, and others don't. What about a final .xxx?
For some systems, it is significant, for others, it's just text.
Neglecting length, the safest bet is to take the opposite approach:
create a set of known safe characters, and convert everything outside of
that to a specific character. ASCII alphanumerics, and '_' seem
pretty safe, and you're probably OK (today) with '-', but I doubt the
list goes much further. And depending on what you're doing with these
names, you might want to force them to a single case, either upper or


Encode/decode certain text sequences in Qt

I have a QTextEdit where the user can insert arbitrary text. In this text, there may be some special sequences of characters which I wish to translate automatically. And from the translated version, I wish I could go back to the sequences.
Take for instance this:
QMessageBox::information(0, "Foo", MAGIC_TRANSLATE(myTextEdit->text()));
If the user wrote, inside myTextEdit's text, the sequence \n, I would like that MAGIC_TRANSLATE converted the string \n to an actual new line character.
In the same way, if I give a text with a new line inside it, a MAGIC_UNTRANSLATE will convert the newline with a \n string.
Now, of course I can implement these two functions by myself, but what I am asking is if there is something already made, easy to use, in Qt, which allows me to specify a dictionary and it does the rest for me.
Note that sequences with common prefix can create some conflicts, for example converting:
\foo -> FOO
\foobar -> FOOBAR
can give rise to issues when translating the text asd \foobar lol, because if \foo is searched and replaced before \foobar, then the resulting text will be asd FOObar lol instead of the (more natural) asd FOOBAR lol.
I hope to have made clear my needs. I believe that this may be a common task, so I hope there is a Qt solution which takes into account this kind of issues when having conflicting prefixes.
I am sorry if this is a trivial topic (as I think it may be), but I am not familiar at all with encoding techniques and issues, and my knowledge of Qt encoding cover only very simple Unicode-related issues.
Btw, in my case a data-oriented approach, based on resources or external files or anything that does not requires a recompilation would be great.
It sounds like your question is, "I want to run a sequence of regular expression or simple string replacements to map between two encodings of some text".
First you need to work out your mapping, exactly. As you say, if your escape sequences like \foo and \foobar are fiddly, you might find that you don't have a bidirectional, lossless mapping. No library in the world can help you if your design or encoding is flawed.
When you end up with a precise design (which we can't help you on given the complete lack of information provided on the purpose of this function), you'll probably find that a sequence of string replacements is fine. If it really is more complicated, then some QRegExps should be enough.
It is always a bit ugly to self-answer questions, but... Maybe this solution is useful to someone.
As suggested by Nicholas in his answer, a good strategy is to use replacement. It is simple and effective in most cases, for example in the plain C/C++ escaping:
\n \r \t etc
This works because they are all different. It will always work with a replacement if the sequences are all different and, in particular, if no sequence is a prefix to another sequence.
For example, if your sequences are the one aboves plus some greek letters, you will not like the \nu sequence, which should be translated to ν.
Instead, if the replacing function tests for \n before \nu, the result is wrong.
Assuming that both sequences will be translated in two completely different entities, there are two solutions: place a close-sequence character, for example \nu;, or just replace by longest to shorter strings. This ensure that any sequence which is prefix of another one is not replaced before it.
For various reasons, I tried another way: using a trie, which is a tree of all the prefixes of a dictionary of words. Long story short: it works fairly well and probably works faster than (most) regexes and replacements.
Regex are state machines and it is not rare to re-process the input, with a trie, you avoid to re-match characters twice, so you go pretty fast.
Code for tries is pretty easy to find on the internet, and the modifications to do efficient matching are trivial, so I will not write the code here.

Filename with an extra ":" or a "-" c++

I want to create a filename with characters like ":","-".
i tried the following code to append the date and time to my filename.
Str.Format(_T("%d-%d-%d-%d:%d:%d.log"),systemTime.wDay ,systemTime.wMonth ,systemTime.wYear,systemTime.wHour,systemTime.wMinute,systemTime.wSecond);
std::wstring NewName=filename.c_str() + Str;
MoveFileEx(oldFilename.c_str(), NewName.c_str(), 2 )
MoveFileEx fails with windows ErrorCode 123(ERROR_INVALID_NAME).So i think the issue is with my new Filename which contain ":" and "-"
Indeed, you cannot use the : character in windows file names. Replace it with something else. If a program depends on the name then modify it to interpret the alternative delimiter.
"I want to create..." No you don't. Different systems impose different constraints on what is legal in a filename. Most modern systems do allows fairly long names (say more than a 100 characters), and don't impose a format on them (although Windows does still handle anything after the last ., if there is one, specially, so you want to be careful there). If you're not concerned about portability, you can simply follow the rules of the system you're on: under Unix, no '/' or '\0' (but I'd also avoid anything a Unix shell would consider a meta-character: anything in ()[]{}<>!$|?*" \ and the backtick, at least), and I'd avoid starting a filename with a '-'. Windows formally forbids anything in <>:"/\|?*; here to, I'd avoid anything other programs might consider special (including using two %, which could be interpreted as a shell variable), and I'd also be careful that if there was a ., the final .something was meaningful to the system. (If the filename already ends with something like .log, there's no problem with additional dots before that.)
In most cases, it's probably best to be conservative; you never know what system you'll be using in the future. In my own work (having been burned by creating a filename witha a colon under Linux, and not being able to even delete it later under Windows), I've pretty much adopted the rule of only allowing '-', '_' and the alphanumeric characters (and forbidding filenames which differ only in case—more than a few people I know will only use lower case for letters). That's far more restrictive than just Unix and Windows, but who knows what the future holds. (It's also too liberal for some of the systems I've worked on in the past. These are hopefully gone for good, however.)
Windows does not allow few special character for creating as a file name.
But, for creating file name using current date and time you can use this formatting.
CTime CurrentTime( CTime::GetCurrentTime() );
SampleFileName = CurrentTime.Format( _T( " %m_%d_%y %I_%M_%S" ) ) + fileExtension;
For more time formating, Please refer this

How to parse numbers like "3.14" with scanf when locale expects "3,14"

Let's say I have to read a file, containing a bunch of floating-point numbers. The numbers can be like 1e+10, 5, -0.15 etc., i.e., any generic floating-point number, using decimal points (this is fixed!). However, my code is a plugin for another application, and I have no control over what's the current locale. It may be Russian, for example, and the LC_NUMERIC rules there call for a decimal comma to be used. Thus, Pi is expected to be spelled as "3,1415...", and
sscanf("3.14", "%f", &x);
returns "1", and x contains "3.0", since it refuses to parse past the '.' in the string.
I need to ignore the locale for such number-parsing tasks.
How does one do that?
I could write a parseFloat function, but this seems like a waste.
I could also save the current locale, reset it temporarily to "C", read the file, and restore to the saved one. What are the performance implications of this? Could setlocale() be very slow on some OS/libc combo, what does it really do under the hood?
Yet another way would be to use iostreams, but again their performance isn't stellar.
My personal preference is to never use LC_NUMERIC, i.e. just call setlocale with other categories, or, after calling setlocale with LC_ALL, use setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");. Otherwise, you're completely out of luck if you want to use the standard library for printing or parsing numbers in a standared form for interchange.
If you're lucky enough to be on a POSIX 2008 conforming system, you can use the uselocale and *_l family of functions to make the situation somewhat better. There are at least 2 basic approaches:
Leave the default locale unset (at least the troublesome parts like LC_NUMERIC; LC_CTYPE should probably always be set), and pass a locale_t object for the user's locale to the appropriate *_l functions only when you want to present things to the user in a way that meets their own cultural expectations; otherwise use the default C locale.
Have your code that needs to work with data for interchange keep around a locale_t object for the C locale, and either switch back and forth using uselocale when you need to work with data in a standard form for interchange, or use the appropriate *_l functions (but there is no scanf_l).
Note that implementing your own floating point parser is not easy and is probably not the right solution to the problem unless you're an expert in numerical computing. Getting it right is very hard.
POSIX.1-2008 specifies isalnum_l(), isalpha_l(), isblank_l(), iscntrl_l(), isdigit_l(), isgraph_l(), islower_l(), isprint_l(), ispunct_l(), isspace_l(), isupper_l(), and isxdigit_l().
Here's what I've done with this stuff in the past.
The goal is to use locale-dependent numeric converters with a C-locale numeric representation. The ideal, of course, would be to use non-locale-dependent converters, or not change the locale, etc., etc., but sometimes you just have to live with what you've got. Locale support is seriously broken in several ways and this is one of them.</rant>
First, extract the number as a string using something like the C grammar's simple pattern for numeric preprocessing tokens. For use with scanf, I do an even simpler one:
" %1[-+0-9.]%[-+0-9A-Za-z.]"
This could be simplified even more, depending on how what else you might expect in the input stream. The only thing you need to do is to not read beyond the end of the number; as long as you don't allow numbers to be followed immediately by letters, without intervening whitespace, the above will work fine.
Now, get the struct lconv (man 7 locale) representing the current locale using localeconv(3). The first entry in that struct is const char* decimal_point; replace all of the '.' characters in your string with that value. (You might also need to replace '+' and '-' characters, although most locales don't change them, and the sign fields in the lconv struct are documented as only applying to currency conversions.) Finally, feed the resulting string through strtod and see if it passes.
This is not a perfect algorithm, particularly since it's not always easy to know how locale-compliant a given library actually is, so you might want to do some autoconf stuff to configure it for the library you're actually compiling with.
I am not sure how to solve it in C.
But C++ streams (can) have a unique locale object.
std::stringstream dataStream;
// Note: You must imbue the stream before you do anything wit it.
// If any operations have been performed then an imbue() can
// be silently ignored by the stream (which is a pain to debug).
dataStream << "3.14";
float x;
dataStream >> x;

Parse an XML in standard C/C++ without additional libraries

I have an XML (assuming it is valid) and I must parse it and store it in a tree.
What is the best approach to parse it, without using other libraries, just basic manipulation of strings?
Keep in mind that I don't have to validate it, just parse and memorize it into a tree.
The basic structure of XML is quite simple:
<tagname [attribute[="value"] ...]>content</tagname>
where the content may contain both normal text and more XML structures, or the special form
<tagname [attribute[="value"] ...]/>
which is equivalent to
<tagname [attribute[="value"] ...]></tagname>
that is,. empty content.
So if you don't need to interpret a DTD or do other fancy things, you can do the following:
Check that the first non-whitespace character is <. If not, you don't have XML and can just give an error and exit.
Now follows the tag name, until the first whitespace, or the / or the > character. Store that.
If the next non-whitespace character is /, check that it is followed by >. If so, you've finished parsing and can return your result. Otherwise, you've got malformed XML, and can exit with an error.
If the character is >, then you've found the end of the begin tag. Now follows the content. Continue at step 6.
Otherwise what follows is an argument. Parse that, store the result, and continue at step 3.
Read the content until you find a < character.
If that character is followed by /, it's the end tag. Check that it is followed by the tag name and >, and if yes, return the result. Otherwise, throw an error.
If you get here, you've found the beginning of a nested XML. Parse that with this algorithm, and then continue at 6.
Reading XML looks simple but doing it correctly involves a few complexities you don't really want to deal with. Indeed, writing a simple XML parser effectively amounts to creating yet another XML library. I have done it and an incomplete version of this is sitting somewhere on my disk. Even if you don't need to validate your XML structure:
whether you validate or not, you need to deal with entity references like < and the variety of character entity references like A and
the plain body of an XML document is relatively simple but the header a major pain to deal with in particular the DTD: there are two versions thereof which are slightly different and you probably need to process the inline DTD
even the body isn't entirely trivial because of these annoying character data segments
even without validation you may need to support external entity references
the characters to be accepted and/or rejected for various parts of XML are also somewhat interesting
note that XML is defined in terms of Unicode and proper handling of this isn't entirely trivial either: just using char or wchar_t just doesn't cut it.
The first version I implemented was a nice little iterator intended to pop out all the elements encountered. This allowed for the nice feature of easily stopping and continuing the parsing at the choice of the iterator user. Unfortunately, I didn't get it to fly when trying to copy with the various entity references. It would parse simple XML files nice and fast but some quirks in the specification I just didn't get right.
What worked best for me was creating a simple recursive decent parser combined with a suitable stack of buffers to somewhat transparently deal with entity references. However, to finish this completely I still need to deal with some encoding issues and in the end I just had higher priority projects to work on (in my spare time, that is).
In summary: it can be done, obviously, as others did. It is probably a somewhat pointless exercise unless you have a really bright idea which makes your implementation uniquely better suited than the alternatives.
The best and only approach is to re-implement such a library from scratch without using any other libraries...
You're welcome to use existing libraries like pugixml, for example. It's installation is as simple as adding the files to your project and start using it. It's lightweight compared to other validating parsers, such as Xerces.

Multi-language input validation with UTF-8 encoding

To check a user input english name is valid, I would usually match the input against regular expression such as [A-Za-z]. But how can I do this if multi-language(like Chinese, Japanese etc.) support is required with utf8 encoding?
You can approximate the Unicode derived property \p{Alphabetic} pretty succintly with [\pL\pM\p{Nl}] if your language doensn’t support a proper Alphabetic property directly.
Don’t use Java’s \p{Alpha}, because that’s ASCII-only.
But then you’ll notice that you’ve failed to account for dashes (\p{Pd} or DashPunctuation works, but that does not include most of the hyphens!), apostrophes (usually but not always one of U+27, U+2BC, U+2019, or U+FF07), comma, or full stop/period.
You probably had better include \p{Pc} ConnectorPunctuation, just in case.
If you have the Unicode derived property \p{Diacritic}, you should use that, too, because it includes things like the mid-dot needed for geminated L’s in Catalan and the non-combining forms of diacritic marks which people sometimes use.
But then you’ll find people who use ordinal numbers in their names in ways that \p{Nl} (LetterNumber) doesn’t accomodate, so you throw \p{Nd} (DecimalNumber) or even all of \pN (Number) into the mix.
Then you realize that Asian names often require the use of ZWJ or ZWNJ to be written correctly in their scripts, so then you have to add U+200D and U+200C to the mix, which are both \p{Cf} (Format) characters and indeed also JoinControl ones.
By the time you’re done looking up the various Unicode properties for the various and many exotic characters that keep cropping up — or when you think you’re done, rather — you’re almost certain to conclude that you would do a much better job at this if you simply allowed them to use whatever Unicode characters for their name that they wish, as the link Tim cites advises. Yes, you’ll get a few jokers putting in things like “əɯɐuʇƨɐ⅂ əɯɐuʇƨɹᴉℲ”, but that just goes with the territory, and you can’t preclude silly names in any reasonable way.
Think about whether you really need to validate the user's name. Maybe you should let users call themselves whatever they want.
You certainly should never use [A-Za-z], because some people have names with apostrophes or hyphens. It can be quite insulting to prevent someone from using their real name just because it doesn't follow your arbitrary rules for what a name should look like.
In PHP I use this nasty hack:
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE');
preg_match('/^[[:alpha:]]+$/', $name);
That includes "Umlauts" (i.e. 'ä','ö' and the like) plus accented vowels (è,í,etc.).
But it falls short to validate for Cyrillic (Russia, Bulgaria, ...) or Chinese characters...