Django: the role of the project name - django

I am thinking of stating a new Django project and I have to choose a project name now, so I can type:
djangoadmin startproject <something>
This raises doubts, I'm not sure of the name, and I think that I might want to change it in the future. So, I have two questions:
What role does project name play in the project code and deployment?
What steps do I need to take to change my project's name?
Thank you!

Main project name is used as a base for your namespace.
By default, you will have in line: "ROOT_URLCONF = 'something.urls'".
To change a project name, you need to change every single import that is referring to it.
Of course you can always use modules without 'something' prefix, then you must ensure that there will be no name/namespace conflict between modules. I'm using this option, because I can have same code in a few copies without additional hassle.

Late to this party, but for future reference this may help somebody. I've just had to change a project name because it clashed with the name of a third-part app. It's easier to change a project name than an app name! (Django 1.11)
Folder structure
If using a virtual environment in venv, generate an up to date requirements.txt with pip freeze
Rename both project/ folders to newproject
Change project to newproject in the python files:, look for DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE, look for DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE and WSGI_APPLICATION, and a comment. You can and should leave the name of the database and the database user unchanged, assuming you want to keep the data., in a triple-quoted string, DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE plus a comment
If using a virtual environment, you need to recreate it. I renamed venv to old.venv, then virtualenv-3 venv, then use pip install and the requirements file you generated at 1. Trash old.venv when sure the new one is working AOK.
/path/to/project will also feature in system config files such as /etc/nginx and a .service file for gunicorn, which will need changing to /path/to/newproject.
Restart the server and test. Should be working.
Now you can add an app called project to your INSTALLED_APPS!
I now know that it's a good idea to call in-house Django projects ${my_org_name}_something, or similar, so they won't clash with third-party apps.


Why django-admin startproject creates nested project folders?

django-admin startproject mysite creates something like this:
I know if I add a period at the end of command (django-admin startproject mysite .) the second folder will not be created, but I don't understand what is the rationale behind creating nested project folders. Maybe I'm missing something critical?
A project is a collection of one or more apps. When you create a project by default, a default app of the same name is made within a folder of the same name. Thus you end up with a nested folder structure like /myproject/myproject.
I suppose why it doesn't dump all the default/root app files in the root of the project folder is because that would make it a bit more complex to manage multiple apps. The default app is structurally the same as other apps. Django relies on certain conventions, including special filenames and certain folder structure, to tell what's what.
In a structure like this:
You can refer to myapp from within myproject, and Django can locate myproject very cheaply due to these folder conventions (and likewise the other way around).
You can tell which app is the default app by examining, which will have a line like this within def main()
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'myproject.settings')
The command django-admin startproject mysite creates a project. Django
defines a project as a container for one or more apps. The command creates a project and an app.
If am correct you are attempting to create an app inside another app.
One may decide to nest an app due to various reasons such as close association or dependencies of apps
a website may have a public site and an administrator site. The public site(app)
may have public account user(another app) implemented as a user model.
The administrator site may have private account user.
Therefore one may seek to contain public user model inside the public site
and the same for private user account.
The command django-admin startproject mysite . is the wrong command to use. You don't nest projects, you nest apps.
To create an app use python startapp mysite, then cd into the app
then use python startapp nestedsite to nest it.
See [][1]

How can I change the name(s) of folders in my Django project without destroying its ability to find its own parts?

I'm reading through Two Scoops of Django and the authors note that best practices involve having a config folder and an apps folder. I've been building a Django project for the last few months here & there and want to get in the habit of complying with these practices, but when I change the name of my <project_name> folder (with the wsgi, settings, etc.), Django can't seem to find the contents of the folder anymore.
How do I change this folder name and put the project apps into an app folder without breaking the connections they have?
Restoring connection can be a painful process and even if you restore the connections, there is no guarantee it will always work (eg, some 3rd party app may fail because of dependency issues which you forgot to change).
I do like to separate my created apps and project folder to be visibly different too. For this, I create parent folder which would be my entire django installation and then inside the created folder I create the project while telling that this is the directory I'd like to use. Lets say I want to create blog project:
$ mkdir blog
$ cd blog
$ django-admin startproject blog_project .
This will give you a blog folder and inside it you will get blog_project folder and beloved

Installing Pinax, where is my deployment folder?

I'm trying to set up Pinax and I'm new to everything involved (Django, Pinax, webservers, etc). I'm following
When I generate a project using:
(mysite-env)$ pinax-admin setup_project -b basic mysite
The directory structure I get is:
apps settings.pyc
dev.db __init__.pyc requirements static urls.pyc
fixtures locale templates
Which as far as I can tell is missing the deployment folder (when you compare to the directory structure shown here : It doesn't seem to be effecting anything yet, but it makes me nervous. What is going on and is the fact I'm missing the deployment folder going to cause problems in the future?
I'm running Ubuntu and using python 2.7. I had the same behaviour with Windows 7, python 2.6
The new Django versions have made the old pinax pretty much useless. Now Django supports project templates and Pinax is separated into several smaller projects regarding starter projects (such as pinax-project-account) and apps (such as django-user-account).
The current way to use pinax is to choose a starter project, and then running something like:
$ startproject --template= <project_name>
and then install requirements:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
This will create a new Django project using the starter-project as a template, which already includes a few apps (like django-user-account) and templates (with bootstrap!). The project is ready to run, and already includes a bunch of functionality (like user registration, login and management).
Also, Django has changed the project directory structure a bit, so now it doesn't really look like that anymore.

Cannot start any django app

I am a newbie at Django and everytime I try to run
python panel/ startapp %app% (panel is my project) it gives me the error:
Error: '%app%' conflicts with the name of an existing Python module and cannot be used as an app name. Please try another name.
Am I doing something wrong?
Surely companies or contacts or stats is not the name of an existing Python module?
This is a fun one - your project and your app need to have different names. You probably created a project, then tried to startapp with the same name.
I was confused as well, until I realized that a Django project is a container for applications; this sequence makes it a bit clearer:
# first create a Project (container). startproject Project
# create multiple apps
cd Project
python startapp polls
python startapp hello
Perhaps you need to
cd panel
python startapp yourappname
I'm not sure running the command from a directory above your project will work properly.
I had the same issue because I was trying to "restart" my app after carrying out changes, but startapp is meant to be used once to create a new app. To view changes, syncronize app with DB with python migrate and restart the server with python runserver instead.
From the django-admin docs
( does essentially the same thing as django-admin)
startapp <app_label> [destination]
django-admin startapp
Creates a Django app directory structure for
the given app name in the current directory or the given destination.
By default the directory created contains a file and other
app template files. (See the source for more details.) If only the app
name is given, the app directory will be created in the current
working directory.
If the optional destination is provided, Django will use that existing
directory rather than creating a new one. You can use ‘.’ to denote
the current working directory.
For example:
django-admin startapp myapp /Users/jezdez/Code/myapp
This message is displayed if you run "startapp" twice with the same app name. As pointed out above by the OP it doesn't reload the app, it creates one.
You should choose different names for your project and app in Codes:
django-admin startproject **my_project**
python startapp **my_app**
You need to create the directory before using the commands. Suppose you want a polls app inside apps folder.
mkdir apps apps/polls
python startapp polls apps/polls
I guess maybe you have already created the app's dir in panel dir manually. The command 'startapp' is to create an app automatically. If you already have one there, it fails.
I reproduced the issue and there's actually something not working as I expected.
I wonder if we stumbled upon a Django's bug, or a limitation that I don't understand.
Having a project called "project" and an empty folder app/newapp
…I tried:
python startapp newapp apps/newapp
It returns:
CommandError: 'newapp' conflicts with the name of an existing Python module and cannot be used as an app name. Please try another name.
But if I target ANY other route in which the last folder is not called the same name as the app I'm starting, it works.
So I ended up doing:
python startapp newapp apps/main
Using Django 2.1.3.
if you want to make an empty directory that will contain your new app
└── blog
├── ...
├── blog-ext #this empty dir that will contain the new app
so instead of typing :
python newapp blog/blog-ext
it should be :
django-admin startapp newapp blog/blog-ext
Try classic "mysite" or "myproject". You can delete it anytime you want, so if it will accepted, then all your privious ideas conflict with Python modules.
Edit: I tried all your ideas, there was no error for me. So, if you installed support libraries or modules for django, then some of them can contains such names.
this error is because of the name conflicts between the app name and project had given same name for your app and project .your project and app need to be different name .if you had given the same name the above mentioned error will occur .
understand the difference between app and project
Projects vs. apps
What’s the difference between a project and an app? An app is a Web application that does something – e.g., a Weblog system, a database of public records or a simple poll app. A project is a collection of configuration and apps for a particular Web site. A project can contain multiple apps. An app can be in multiple projects.
first create the project.
then create the app.
NOTE: name for app and project should be different
first create a project with projectname startproject Projectname .
Then create app with appname. (to create your app make sure you are in the same directory and type this command)
python startapp Appname
It's the process how I got my doubt clear.
First, I created a directory inside my project directory and put,,, &
Then I ran python runserver & It work well.
Then as suggested on that page I used startapp command. I got this error :
CommandError: 'ucportal' conflicts with the name of an existing Python
module and cannot be used as an app name. Please try another name.
After that I deleted that directory and ran startapp command with same name and it worked fine.
So 'startapp' command is to create an app automatically. If you already have one there, it fails.
Answer given by #DAG worked for me.
I ran into this issue while trying to set up a Wagtail project.
Before creating the app, I had created and activated a virtualenv (using virtualenvwrapper) with the same name: $APPNAME. When I then ran wagtail start $APPNAME, Django looks for naming conflics in the $PYTHONPATH which in this instance points to /Users/User/.virtualenvs.
Naturally, this results in a conflict as /Users/User/.virtualenvs/$APPNAME already exists.
None of these answers helped me. In the end I ended up creating an app with a different name and then just renaming the directory to the app name I wanted all along. Note that you also will need to change the class name in to match your app name.
Just Simply Use This command
for Django Project Creation
python -m django startproject name_of_django_Project
for Django App Creation
python -m django startapp App_name
I had the same issue when working with wagtail cms. I got this error even there is no such a created app. This occurs when there is an app already that has the same name you need to create inside the site-packages directory.
Once you get this error, you need to check the following directory,
If there is a package with the name same you want to create then you need to remove that package. Also make sure to check that package is important or not before deleting.
The application directory should be created first.
Example: apps/practice
The command appears to be duplicated, but it is correct.
Example: python startapp practice ./apps1/practice

Django + Virtualenv: commands fail with ImportError of project name

This is blowing my mind because it's probably an easy solution, but I can't figure out what could be causing this.
So I have a new dev box and am setting everything up. I installed virtualenv, created a new environment for my project under ~/.virtualenvs/projectname
Then, I cloned my project from github into my projects directory. Nothing fancy here. There are no .pyc files sitting around so it's a clean slate of code.
Then, I activated my virtualenv and installed Django via pip. All looks good so far.
Then, I run python syncdb within my project dir. This is where I get confused:
ImportError: No module named projectname
So I figured I may have had some references of projectname within my code. So I grep (ack, actually) through my code base and I find nothing of the sorts.
So now I'm at a loss, given this environment why am I getting an ImportError on a module named projectname that isn't referenced anywhere in my code?
I look forward to a solution .. thanks guys!
Is projectname exactly (modulo suffix) the name of the directory the project is in? Wild guess, but I know Django does some things with the current directory…
Also, what is trying to import projectname? Do you get a traceback? If not, try running with py --traceback syncdb and see what happens.