Links to the 3D House Builder and Blue Angle website in MIX11? - silverlight-5.0

Anyone know where I can find these two awesome websites demonstrated in MIX11?
Thanks heaps!!

You can download the source from here:

They said they're going to release the application with full source code on their site this month.


Creating Custom QR Code (Snapchat, Messenger)

A Chinese social app "Wechat" created a custom qr Code and that idea brought to west by "snapchat" and now Facebook is also utilizing it. I Know there are guidelines to create a QR Code and these guys customized it based on there needs. I was looking for help in the same path to create my own Customized QR Codes.
Solution Required: Snapchat, Messenger style barcode/qrcode reader and writer.
Please share your thoughts or if there is any opensource script.
I build Facebook like QR code scaner, but works 10-20 times faster. In repo iOS demo project and MacOS development project.
To start with you could look at the specifications of a QR code:
There is an implementation by Google in both PHP and Java:
This is all I can do for you now, if you do not provide a specific question. I can not do the implementation for you. There are several libraries out there that you could purchase a license for and then use that as your generator, but I am guessing that is not what you want.
For more information on how to use ZXing, you can just search for the tag zxing on this website and browse through the questions.
Hope that helps!

OpenCV HoughTransformation in Swift

I'm about to program a project in which I need to extract the straight lines out of an image.
The first thing that came to my mind is Hough Transformation. So I downloaded the OpenCV framework, added it to my project. Added the Bridging Header as well as the OpenCVWrapper.h and the files. But I can't find any tutorial on how to implement the hough transformation into my swift project. So what sort of files do I need to create to write the function in? And how should that function look like?
I'm happy to hear any helpful suggestion!
Kind regards
I'm also currently working on OpenCV with Swift, it indeed didn't have much tutorial about it.
About the Hound Transformation, here is the link to the documentation, hope it helps.
And this project helps a lot when I want some reference.
Good luck!

Google Glass: Vignette for Videos?

Newbie here. I just wrote an app/Glassware for Glass using GDK and I want to show it to others by making a video vignette (overlay of video from camera and glass display). I know picture vignettes are possible:
But there's no mention of vignettes for videos. Anybody know if this feature will be implemented soon or if it's possible to implement this myself? Sorry, this is not a direct programming question but I don't know where else to ask. Thanks!
You can't do this at the moment, but you could technically take two video feeds and overlay them manually in an editor to get the same feeling. If you have questions like this you should really use the Google Glass Explorers Community Forum located here:

what is the Alternative Way of TabActivity?

Hi I want to use Tab Activity(My Tab View must be at bottom) and android version 4.0 or later told that tabactivity is deprecated. so it must be a better way than it. but I could not find properly. some tutorials gave me advise to use Fragments but really I don't know anything about it. so please suggest me best tutorial or sample code for Fragments Or other best alternative way.
One suggestion is to use the Sherlock ActionBar. Inside the package there are good sample projects about Fragments, ActionBar, Navigation with tabs! I recommend ActionBarSherlock!
It also is 2.x compatible!!!
here is a link from android developer site,
and a tutorial,
Just by following above links you can create i easily.

my first Qt application, c++ (little opencv)

I am to make a little demo app to learn some Qt and c++ and if anyone know some guides that might be good for this project i am happy to hear about it.
What i wanna do:
I want to make an app where i can open a folder location of training data(images). Then i want to show the images one by one and mark ROI (rects, cirles, polygons) or bounding boxes of objects. The reason is to mark objects in pictures and then same this regions to a file for later use for image processing in matlab or similar apps.
Qt has lots of very good official tutorials
Try playing with example projects. You can start by changing an example projects to suite your needs.