How to wait on a Mutex with OpenMP - c++

I've a for loop that will launch processes in parallel every launched process will return a response back indicating that it is ready. I want to wait for the response and I'll abort if a certain timeout is reached.
Development environment is VS2008
Here is the pseudo code:
void executeCommands(std::vector<Command*> commands)
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < commands.size(); i++)
Command* cmd = commands[i];
DWORD pid = ProcessLauncher::launchProcess(cmd->getWorkingDirectory(), cmd->getCommandToExcecute(), cmd->params);
//Should I wait for process to become ready?
if (cmd->getWaitStatusTimeout() > 0)
//TODO: emit process launching signal
//I don't how to do this part.
//I might use QT's QWaitCondition but if there is another solution in omp
//I'd like to use it
bool timedOut;
SOMEHANDLE handle = Openmp::waitWithTimeout(cmd->getWaitStatusTimeout(), &timedOut);
mWaitConditions[pid]) = handle;
if (timedOut)
//TODO: kill process
//TODO: emit fail signal
//TODO: emit process ready signal
//TODO: emit process ready signal
void onProcessReady(DWORD sourceProcessPid)
SOMEHANDLE handle = mWaitConditions[sourceProcessPid];
if (mWaitConditions[sourceProcessPid] != 0)

As the comment above pointed out, Michael Suess did present a paper on adding this functionality to OpenMP. He is the last of several people that have proposed adding some type of wait function to OpenMP. The OpenMP language committee has taken the issue up several times. Each time it has been rejected because there are other ways to do this function already. I don't know Qt, but as long as the functions it provides are thread safe, then you should be able to use them.


The conditional variable is not working but after adding std::cout, it is working

My project is consists of two threads: one main thread and the other thread which handles another window content. So, the when the main thread wants to ask the another windows to update itself it calls the draw function which is as follows:
void SubApplicationManager::draw() {
// Zero number of applications which has finished the draw counter
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(SubApplication::draw_mutex);
SubApplication::num_draws = 0;
// Draw the sub applications.
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_subApplications.size(); i++)
// Wait until all the sub applications finish drawing.
while (true){
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(SubApplication::draw_mutex);
std::cout << SubApplication::num_draws << std::endl;
if (SubApplication::num_draws >= m_subApplications.size()) break;
The draw function just signals the other thread that a new task is received.
void SubApplication::signal_draw() {
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(task_received_mutex);
task_received = true;
The body of other thread is as follows. It waits for the task to arrive and then start to process:
void SubApplication::thread() {
clock_t start_time, last_update;
start_time = last_update = clock();
//! Creates the Sub Application
while (!done) // Loop That Runs While done=FALSE
// Draw The Scene. Watch For ESC Key And Quit Messages From DrawGLScene()
if (active) // Program Active?
// Wait here, until a update/draw command is received.
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> start_lock(task_start_mutex);
while (!task_received){
// Task received is set to false, for next loop.
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(task_received_mutex);
task_received = false;
clock_t frame_start_time = clock();
switch (task){
clock_t frame_end_time = clock();
double task_time = static_cast<float>(frame_end_time - frame_start_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
The problem is that if I run the code as it is, it never runs the other thread with task = TASK::TASK_DRAW; but if I add a std::cout << "Draw\n"; to the beginning of SubApplication::draw(), it will work as it should. I am looking for the reason which it is happening and what is the usual way to fix it?
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(task_received_mutex);
task_received = true;
Okay, the task_received_mutex protects task_received.
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> start_lock(task_start_mutex);
while (!task_received){
Oops, we're reading task_received without holding the mutex that protects it. What prevents a race where one thread reads task_received while another thread is modifying it? This could immediately lead to deadlock.
Also, you have code that claims to "Wait until all the sub applications finish drawing" but there's no call to any wait function. So it actually spins rather than waiting, which is awful.
As a starter, signal the task_start_condition under the task_start_mutex lock.
Consider locking that mutex during thread creation to avoid obvious races.
Third: it seems you have several mutexes named for "logical tasks" (draw, start). In reality, however, mutexes guard resources, not "logical tasks". So it's good practice to name them after the shared resource they should guard. _(In this case I get the impression that a single mutex could be enough/better. But we can't tell for sure from the code shown)).

Creating C++ Blocking Function for Existing Asynchronous code

I have a C++ plugin I have written for a proprietary software which makes an asynchronous call to a function called OpenLibrary. To know when the library load has completed, I must register for a specific event. Then, when that event is triggered, an OnEvent routine is called. This logic is somewhat sterilized for proprietary reasons, but the asynchronous call and onEvent trigger works correctly. Unfortunately, since the OpenLibrary call is asynchronous, the loop is not blocked and continues without waiting for the EVENT_LIBRARY_LOADED event. I need to process the files serially.
void MyApp::main()
for(int i=0; i<total; ++i) {
pData->RegisterEvent( EVENT_LIBRARY_LOADED, this );
pData->OpenLibrary("c:/path/file.dat"); // asynchronous call
void MyApp::OnEvent( ID eventType )
if (eventType == EVENT_LIBRARY_LOADED) {
qDebug() << "Library load has completed";
The plugin requires VS2008 and also takes advantage of the Qt library.
I would like to create a function called waitForEvent, where subsequent code is blocked until the event has occurred then waitForEvent can return control back to the calling routines loop. This way, I can stay inside my main routines loop and simply wait for the event before continuing. Any suggestions appreciated.
UPDATE: I have tried both excellent suggestions below by Tas, but in either case, I get the same result. The WaitForSingleObject OR the condition_variable.wait BOTH prevent the EVENT_LIBRARY_LOADED event from triggering the OnEvent function from being called, which freezes the loop.
Any more suggestions appreciated.
If boost libraries are an option, use boost::condition_variable
You've already made it clear C++11 isn't an option (otherwise you could use std::condition_variable). boost::condition_variable will accomplish what you need to do, and it's very simple to use. You only need to call wait and notify_one:
void MyApp::main()
for(int i=0; i<total; ++i) {
pData->RegisterEvent( EVENT_LIBRARY_LOADED, this );
pData->OpenLibrary("c:/path/file.dat"); // asynchronous call
condition_variable.wait(); // wait until we've been signaled
void MyApp::OnEvent( ID eventType )
if (eventType == EVENT_LIBRARY_LOADED) {
qDebug() << "Library load has completed";
// signal completion:
Otherwise you could use Windows Event objects
These work very similar to the above but are a little more complicated to use (and also OS specific).
HANDLE hEvent = ::CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
void MyApp::main()
for(int i=0; i<total; ++i) {
// Prepare signal (otherwise if the signal has been Set already, Wait will return instantly)
pData->RegisterEvent( EVENT_LIBRARY_LOADED, this );
pData->OpenLibrary("c:/path/file.dat"); // asynchronous call
// wait for event to signal:
::WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE);
void MyApp::OnEvent( ID eventType )
if (eventType == EVENT_LIBRARY_LOADED) {
qDebug() << "Library load has completed";
// Signal event:

Qt timers cannot be stopped from another thread

I'm writing my first Qt program and getting now in troubles with:
QObject::killTimer: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
QObject::startTimer: timers cannot be started from another thread
My program will communicate to a CANOpen bus for that I'm using the Canfestival Stack. The Canfestival will work with callback methods. To detects timeout in communication I setup a timer function (somehow like a watchdog). My timer package consist out of a "tmr" module, a "TimerForFWUpgrade" module and a "SingleTimer" module. The "tmr" module was originally C programmed so the static "TimerForFWUpgrade" methods will interface it. The "tmr" module will be part of a C programed Firmware update package.
The timer will work as follows. Before a message is sent I will call TMR_Set method. An then in my idle program loop with TMR_IsElapsed we check for a timer underflow. If TMR_IsElapsed I will do the errorhandling. As you see the TMR_Set method will be called continuously and restart the QTimer again and again.
The above noted errors are appearing if I start my program. Can you tell me if my concept could work? Why does this errors appear? Do I have to use additional threads (QThread) to the main thread?
Thank you
Run and Idle loop:
void run
// start communicate with callbacks where TMR_Set is set continously
while(TMR_IsElapsed(TMR_NBR_CFU) != 1);
// if TMR_IsElapsed check for errorhandling
Module tmr (interface to C program):
extern "C"
void TMR_Set(UINT8 tmrnbr, UINT32 time)
TimerForFWUpgrade::set(tmrnbr, time);
INT8 TMR_IsElapsed(UINT8 tmrnbr)
return TimerForFWUpgrade::isElapsed(tmrnbr);
Module TimerForFWUpgrade:
SingleTimer* TimerForFWUpgrade::singleTimer[NR_OF_TIMERS];
TimerForFWUpgrade::TimerForFWUpgrade(QObject* parent)
for(unsigned char i = 0; i < NR_OF_TIMERS; i++)
singleTimer[i] = new SingleTimer(parent);
void TimerForFWUpgrade::set(unsigned char tmrnbr, unsigned int time)
if(tmrnbr < NR_OF_TIMERS)
time *= TimerForFWUpgrade::timeBase;
char TimerForFWUpgrade::isElapsed(unsigned char tmrnbr)
if(true == singleTimer[tmrnbr]->isElapsed())
return 1;
return 0;
Module SingleTimer:
SingleTimer::SingleTimer(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent),
pTime(new QTimer(this)),
connect(pTime, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slot_setElapsed()));
void SingleTimer::set(unsigned int time)
myElapsed = false;
bool SingleTimer::isElapsed()
return myElapsed;
void SingleTimer::slot_setElapsed()
myElapsed = true;
Use QTimer for this purpose and make use of SIGNALS and SLOT for the purpose of starting and stopping the timer/s from different threads. You can emit the signal from any thread and catch it in the thread which created the timer to act on it.
Since you say you are new to Qt, I suggest you go through some tutorials before proceeding so that you will know what Qt has to offer and don't end up trying to reinvent the wheel. :)
VoidRealms is a good starting point.
You have this problem because the timers in the static array is created in Thread X, but started and stopped in Thread Y. This is not allowed, because Qt rely on thread affinity to timeout timers.
You can either create, start stop in the same thread or use signal and slots to trigger start and stop operations for timers. The signal and slot solution is a bit problematic Because you have n QTimer objects (Hint: how do you start the timer at position i?)
What you can do instead is create and initialize the timer at position tmrnbr in
TimerForFWUpgrade::set(unsigned char tmrnbr, unsigned int time)
singleTimer[tmrnbr] = new SingleTimer(0);
which is executed by the same thread.
Futhermore, you don't need a SingleTimer class. You are using Qt5, and you already have all you need at your disposal:
SingleTimer::isElapsed is really QTimer::remainingTime() == 0;
SingleTimer::set is really QTimer::setSingleShot(true); QTimer::start(time);
SingleTimer::slot_setElapsed becomes useless
ThusSingleTimer::SingleTimer becomes useless and you dont need a SingleTimer class anymore
I got the errors away after changing my timer concept. I'dont use anymore my SingleTimer module. Before the QTimer I won't let timeout and maybe because of that I run into problems. Now I have a cyclic QTimer that times out every 100ms in slot function I will then count the events. Below my working code:
TimerForFWUpgrade::TimerForFWUpgrade(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent),
pTime(new QTimer(this))
connect(pTime, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slot_handleTimer()));
void TimerForFWUpgrade::set(unsigned char tmrnbr, unsigned int time)
if(tmrnbr < NR_OF_TIMERS)
if(timeBase != 0)
myTimeout[tmrnbr] = time / timeBase;
myTimeout[tmrnbr] = 0;
myTimer[tmrnbr] = 0;
myElapsed[tmrnbr] = false;
myActive[tmrnbr] = true;
char TimerForFWUpgrade::isElapsed(unsigned char tmrnbr)
if(tmrnbr < NR_OF_TIMERS)
if(true == myElapsed[tmrnbr])
return 1;
return 0;
return 0; // NOK
void TimerForFWUpgrade::slot_handleTimer()
for(UINT8 i = 0; i < NR_OF_TIMERS; i++)
if(myActive[i] == true)
if(myTimeout[i] < myTimer[i])
myTimer[i] = 0;
myElapsed[i] = true;
myActive[i] = false;

How to trace resource deadlocks?

I've wrote a timer using std::thread - here is how it looks like:
TestbedTimer::TestbedTimer(char type, void* contextObject) :
Timer(type, contextObject) {
this->active = false;
if (this->active) {
this->active = false;
try {
} catch (const std::system_error& e) {
std::cout << "Caught system_error with code " << e.code() <<
" meaning " << e.what() << '\n';
if(timer != nullptr) {
delete timer;
void TestbedTimer::run(unsigned long timeoutInMicroSeconds){
this->active = true;
timer = new std::thread(&TestbedTimer::sleep, this, timeoutInMicroSeconds);
void TestbedTimer::sleep(unsigned long timeoutInMicroSeconds){
unsigned long interval = 500000;
if(timeoutInMicroSeconds < interval){
interval = timeoutInMicroSeconds;
while((timeoutInMicroSeconds > 0) && (active == true)){
if (active) {
timeoutInMicroSeconds -= interval;
/// set the sleep time
std::chrono::microseconds duration(interval);
/// set thread to sleep
if (active) {
void TestbedTimer::interrupt(){
this->active = false;
I'm not really happy with that kind of implementation since I let the timer sleep for a short interval and check if the active flag has changed (but I don't know a better solution since you can't interrupt a sleep_for call). However, my program core dumps with the following message:
thread is joinable
Caught system_error with code generic:35 meaning Resource deadlock avoided
thread has rejoined main scope
terminate called without an active exception
Aborted (core dumped)
I've looked up this error and as seems that I have a thread which waits for another thread (the reason for the resource deadlock). However, I want to find out where exactly this happens. I'm using a C library (which uses pthreads) in my C++ code which provides among other features an option to run as a daemon and I'm afraid that this interfers with my std::thread code. What's the best way to debug this?
I've tried to use helgrind, but this hasn't helped very much (it doesn't find any error).
** EDIT: The code above is actually not exemplary code, but I code I've written for a routing daemon. The routing algorithm is a reactive meaning it starts a route discovery only if it has no routes to a desired destination and does not try to build up a routing table for every host in its network. Every time a route discovery is triggered a timer is started. If the timer expires the daemon is notified and the packet is dropped. Basically, it looks like that:
void Client::startNewRouteDiscovery(Packet* packet) {
AddressPtr destination = packet->getDestination();
void Client::startRouteDiscoveryTimer(const Packet* packet) {
RouteDiscoveryInfo* discoveryInfo = new RouteDiscoveryInfo(packet);
/// create a new timer of a certain type
Timer* timer = getNewTimer(TimerType::ROUTE_DISCOVERY_TIMER, discoveryInfo);
/// pass that class as callback object which is notified if the timer expires (class implements a interface for that)
/// start the timer
timer->run(routeDiscoveryTimeoutInMilliSeconds * 1000);
AddressPtr destination = packet->getDestination();
runningRouteDiscoveries[destination] = timer;
If the timer has expired the following method is called.
void Client::timerHasExpired(Timer* responsibleTimer) {
char timerType = responsibleTimer->getType();
switch (timerType) {
// if this happens its a bug in our code
logError("Could not identify expired timer");
delete responsibleTimer;
I hope that helps to get a better understanding of what I'm doing. However, I did not to intend to bloat the question with that additional code.

When is it more appropriate to use a pthread barrier instead of a condition wait and broadcast?

I am coding a telemetry system in C++ and have been having some difficulty syncing certain threads with the standard pthread_cond_timedwait and pthread_cond_broadcast.
The problem was that I needed some way for the function that was doing the broadcasting to know if another thread acted on the broadcast.
After some hearty searching I decided I might try using a barrier for the two threads instead. However, I still wanted the timeout functionality of the pthread_cond_timedwait.
Here is basically what I came up with: (However it feels excessive)
Listen Function: Checks for a period of milliseconds to see if an event is currently being triggered.
bool listen(uint8_t eventID, int timeout)
int waitCount = 0;
while(waitCount <= timeout)
globalEventID = eventID;
if(getUpdateFlag(eventID) == true)
return true;
threadSleep(); //blocks for 1 millisecond
return false;
Trigger Function: Triggers an event for a period of milliseconds by setting an update flag for the triggering period
bool trigger(uint8_t eventID, int timeout)
int waitCount = 0;
while(waitCount <= timeout)
setUpdateFlag(eventID, true); //Sets the update flag to true
if(globalEventID == eventID)
return true;
threadSleep(); //blocks for 1 millisecond
setUpdateFlag(eventID, false);
return false;
My questions: Is another way to share information with the broadcaster, or are barriers really the only efficient way? Also, is there another way of getting timeout functionality with barriers?
Based on your described problem:
Specifically, I am trying to let thread1 know that the message it is
waiting for has been parsed and stored in a global list by thread2,
and that thread2 can continue parsing and storing because thread1 will
now copy that message from the list ensuring that thread2 can
overwrite that message with a new version and not disrupt the
operations of thread1.
It sounds like your problem can be solved by having both threads alternately wait on the condition variable. Eg. in thread 1:
while (!message_present)
pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex);
message_present = 0;
and in thread 2:
while (message_present)
pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex);
message_present = 1;