Binary file write problem in C++ - c++

This is my function which creates a binary file
void writefile()
ofstream myfile ("", ios::out | ios::binary);
streamoff offset = 1;
char c='A';
myfile.write(&c, offset );
myfile.write(&c, offset );
myfile.write(StartAddr,streamoff (16) );
cout << "Some error" << endl ;
The value of StartAddr is 1000, hence the expected output file is:
However, strangely my output file appends this:
So the final outcome is: A B C 1000 NUL NUL NUL
Please help me out with this. How to deal with this? Why is this strange behavior?

I recommend you quit with binary writing and work on writing the data in a textual format. You've already encountered some of the problems with writing data. There are still issues for you to come across about reading the data and portability. Expect more pain if you continue this route.
Use textual representations. For simplicity you can put one field per line and use std::getline to read it in. The textual representation allows you to view the data in any text editor, easily. Try using Notepad to view a binary file!
Oh, but binary data is soo much faster and takes up less space in the file. You've already wasted enough time and money than you would gain by using binary data. The speed of computers and huge memory capacities (disk and RAM) make binary representations a thing of the past (except in extreme cases).
As a learning tool, go ahead and use binary. For ease of development and quick schedules (IOW, finishing early), use textual representations.
Search Stack Overflow for "C++ micro optimization" for the justifications.

There are several issues with this code.
For starters, if you want to write individual characters t a stream, you don't need to use ostream::write. Instead, just use ostream::put, as shown here:
Second, if you want to write out a string into a file stream, just use the stream insertion operator:
myfile << StartAddr;
This is perfectly safe, even in binary mode.
As for the particular problem you're reporting, I think that the issue is that you're trying to write out a string of length four (StartAddr), but you've told the stream to write out sixteen bytes. This means that you're writing out the four bytes for the string contents, then the null terminator, and then nine bytes of whatever happens to be in memory after the buffer. In your case, this is two more null bytes, then the meaningless text that you saw after that. To fix this, either change your code to write fewer bytes or, if StartAddr is a string, then just write it using <<.

With the line myfile.write(StartAddr,streamoff (16) ); you are instructing the myfile object to write 16 bytes to the stream starting at the address StartAddr. Imagine that StartAddr is an array of 16 bytes:
char StartAddr[16] = "1000\0\0\0data.b32\0";
myfile.write(StartAddr, sizeof(StartAddr));
Would generate the output that you see. Without seeing the declaration / definition of StartAddr I cannot say for certain, but it appears you are writing out a five byte nul terminated string "1000" followed by whatever happens to reside in the next 11 bytes after StartAddr. In this case, it appears a couple of nul bytes followed by the constant nul terminated string "data.b32" (which the compiler must put somewhere in memory) are what follow StartAddr.
Regardless, it is clear that you overread a buffer.
If you are trying to write a 16 bit integer type to a stream you have a couple of options, both based on the fact that there are typically 8 bits in a byte. The 'cleanest' one would be something like:
char x = (StartAddr & 0xFF);
x = (StartAddr >> 8);
This assumes StartAddr is a 16 bit integer type and does not take into account any translation that might occur (such as potential conversion of a value of 10 [a linefeed] into a carriage return / linefeed sequence).
Alternatively, you could write something like:
myfile.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&StartAddr), sizeof(StartAddr));


Correctly formatting data for I2C (Wire.write)

I am connecting multiple Arduino Mega units together to create a bank of IO all controlled by a master on an I2C bus.
I had it working with the slave populating a string with the status of the analog inputs etc. each separated by a colon. The string would then be looped through with a Wire.write.
The initial reqNo would tell the master which batch were being returned. E.g. batch 0 would be analog 0 - 5, batch 1 would be analog 6 - 11 etc.
It was all working, until further reading led me to an article that advocated against using strings due to memory usage and related issues. I have tried to refactor my code to avoid the use of strings however, now I am getting strings like this:
returned instead of my expected output.
I think this is an encoding issue or similar? Could anyone please offer advice on what I'm doing wrong or another way of achieving this please. It's pretty important that the device functions for very long periods of time without reboots or any issues which is why I was pretty keen to remove Strings if this could cause issues.
Master code:
int i=0;
char res[32]="";
Slave code:
void requestStatus(){
int i;
}else if(reqNo==1){
}else if(reqNo==2){
There are two problems with your code, first:
// master side
// slave side
you are treating integer values as if they were ASCII encoded, they are not. You have to convert them to ASCII at some point (e.g. master side). Consider using sscanf or snprintf for conversion.
Second, you are not NUL terminating a C string.
Wire.write(reqNo); for instance will write a character of code 0 1 or 2, not the character '0' or '1' or '2' if this what you expected
It was all working, until further reading led me to an article that advocated against using strings due to memory usage and related issues.
I assume it was talking about the String objects and not c-strings (nul terminated char arrays).
Those use dynamic memory allocation and cause heap fragmentation. C-strings are usually statically allocated (char res[32];), and are cleaned up cleanly from the stack, if they are defined inside a function.
write only accepts a single byte, an array of bytes (or chars) with explicit length or a c-string.
Passing it an int will only convert it to a byte and only keep the lower 8 bits.
What you need is the ˙print˙ method. It converts integers to characters on the fly. It doesn't use String or c-strings.
You should replace all of your Wire.write with Wire.print.
Also in your master code, you are not nul terminating the res char array, which will cause problems, since there is no explicit end of the string. You should also make sure, you don't write more than 31 characters into it (nul terminator also counts as a character), and cause buffer overflow.

Converting a uint8_t to its binary representation

I have a variable of type uint8_t which I'd like to serialize and write to a file (which should be quite portable, at least for Windows, which is what I'm aiming at).
Trying to write it to a file in its binary form, I came accross this working snippet:
uint8_t m_num = 3;
unsigned int s = (unsigned int)(m_num & 0xFF);
file.write((wchar_t*)&s, 1); // file = std::wofstream
First, let me make sure I understand what this snippet does - it takes my var (which is basically an unsigned char, 1 byte long), converts it into an unsigned int (which is 4 bytes long, and not so portable), and using & 0xFF "extracts" only the least significant byte.
Now, there are two things I don't understand:
Why convert it into unsigned int in the first place, why can't I simply do something like
file.write((wchar_t*)&m_num, 1); or reinterpret_cast<wchar_t *>(&m_num)? (Ref)
How would I serialize a longer type, say a uint64_t (which is 8 bytes long)? unsigned int may or may not be enough here.
uint8_t is 1 byte, same as char
wchar_t is 2 bytes in Windows, 4 bytes in Linux. It is also depends on endianness. You should avoid wchar_t if portability is a concern.
You can just use std::ofstream. Windows has an additional version for std::ofstream which accepts UTF16 file name. This way your code is compatible with Windows UTF16 filenames and you can still use std::fstream. For example
int i = 123;
std::ofstream file(L"filename_in_unicode.bin", std::ios::binary);
file.write((char*)&i, sizeof(i)); //sizeof(int) is 4
std::ifstream fin(L"filename_in_unicode.bin", std::ios::binary);*)&i, 4); // output: i = 123
This is relatively simple because it's only storing integers. This will work on different Windows systems, because Windows is always little-endian, and int size is always 4.
But some systems are big-endian, you would have to deal with that separately.
If you use standard I/O, for example fout << 123456 then integer will be stored as text "123456". Standard I/O is compatible, but it takes a little more disk space and can be a little slower.
It's compatibility versus performance. If you have large amounts of data (several mega bytes or more) and you can deal with compatibility issues in future, then go ahead with writing bytes. Otherwise it's easier to use standard I/O. The performance difference is usually not measurable.
It is impossible to write unit8_t values to a wofstream because a wofstream only writes wide characters and doesn't handle binary values at all.
If what you want to do is to write a wide character representing a code point between 0 and 255, then your code is correct.
If you want to write binary data to a file then your nearest equivalent is ofstream, which will allow you to write bytes.
To answer your questions:
wofstream::write writes wide characters, not bytes. If you reinterpret the address of m_num as the address of a wide character, you will be writing a 16-bit or 32-bit (depending on platform) wide character of which the first byte (that is, the least significant or most significant, depending on platform) is the value of m_num and the remaining bytes are whatever happens to occur in memory after m_num. Depending on the character encoding of the wide characters, this may not even be a valid character. Even if valid, it is largely nonsense. (There are other possible problems if wofstream::write expects a wide-character-aligned rather than a byte-aligned input, or if m_num is immediately followed by unreadable memory).
If you use wofstream then this is a mess, and I shan't address it. If you switch to a byte-oriented ofstream then you have two choices. 1. If you will only ever be reading the file on the same system, file.write(&myint64value,sizeof(myint64value)) will work. The sequence in which the bytes of the 64-bit value are written will be undefined, but the same sequence will be used when you read back, so this doesn't matter. Don't try do something analogous with wofstream because it's dangerous! 2. Extract each of the 8 bytes of myint64value separately (shift right by a multiple of 8 bits and then take the bottom 8 bits) and then write it. This is fully portable because you control the order in which the bytes are written.

About std::basic_ostream::write

I'm reading up on the write method of basic_ostream objects and this is what I found on cppreference:
basic_ostream& write( const char_type* s, std::streamsize count );
Behaves as an UnformattedOutputFunction. After constructing and checking the sentry object, outputs the characters from successive locations in the character array whose first element is pointed to by s. Characters are inserted into the output sequence until one of the following occurs:
exactly count characters are inserted
inserting into the output sequence fails (in which case setstate(badbit) is called)
So I get that it writes a chunk of characters from a buffer into the stream. And the number of characters are the bytes specified by count. But there are a few things of which I'm not sure. These are my questions:
Should I use write only when I want to specify how many bytes I want to write to a stream? Because normally when you print a char array it will print the entire array until it reaches the null byte, but when you use write you can specify how many characters you want written.
char greeting[] = "Hello World";
std::cout << greeting; // prints the entire string
std::cout.write(greeting, 5); // prints "Hello"
But maybe I'm misinterpreting something with this one.
And I often see this in code samples that use write:
stream.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer), sizeof(buffer));
Why is the reinterpret_cast to char* being use? When should I know to do something like that when writing to a stream?
If anyone can help me with these two question it would be greatly appreciated.
•Should I use write only when I want to specify how many bytes I want to write to a stream?
Yes - you should use write when there's a specific number of bytes of data arranged contiguously in memory that you'd like written to the stream in order. But sometimes you might want a specific number of bytes and need to get them another way, such as by formatting a double's ASCII representation to have specific width and precision.
Other times you might use >>, but that has to be user-defined for non builtin types, and when it is defined - normally for better but it may be worse for your purposes - it prints whatever the class designer choose, including potentially data that's linked from the object via pointers or references and static data of interest, and/or values calculated on the fly. It may change the data representation: say converting binary doubles to ASCII representations, or ensuring a network byte order regardless of the host's endianness. It may also omit some of the object's data, such as cache entries, counters used to manage but not logically part of the data, array elements that aren't populated etc..
Why is the reinterpret_cast to char* being use? When should I know to do something like that when writing to a stream?
The write() function signature expects a const char* argument, so this conversion is being done. You'll need to use a cast whenever you can't otherwise get a char* to the data.
The cast reflects the way write() treats data starting at the first byte of the object as 8-bit values without any consideration of the actual pre-cast type of the data. This ties in with being able to do things like say a write() of the last byte of a float and first 3 bytes of a double appearing next in the same structure - all the data boundaries and interpretation is lost after the reinterpret_cast<>.
(You've actually got to be more careful of this when doing a read() of bytes from an input stream... say you read data that constituted a double when written into memory that's not aligned appropriately for a double, then try to use it as a double, you may get a SIGBUS or similar alignment exception from your CPU or degraded performance depending on your system.)
basic_ostream::write and its counterpart basic_istream::read, is used to perform unformatted I/O on a data stream. Typically, this is raw binary data which may or may not contain printable ascii characters.
The main difference between read/write and the other formatted operators like <<, >>, getline etc. is that the former doesn't make any assumptions on the data being worked on -- you have full control over what bytes get read from and written to the stream. Compared to the latter which may skip over whitespaces, discard or ignore them etc.
To answer your second question, the reinterpret_cast <char *> is there to satisfy the function signature and to work with the buffer a byte at a time. Don't let the type char fool you. The reason char is used is because it's the smallest builtin primitive type provided by the language. Perhaps a better name would be something like uint8 to indicate it's really an unsigned byte type.

Read large amount of ASCII numbers and write in binary form

I have data files with about 1.5 Gb worth of floating-point numbers stored as ASCII text separated by whitespace, e.g., 1.2334 2.3456 3.4567 and so on.
Before processing such numbers I first translate the original file to binary format. This is helpful because I can choose whether to use float or double, reduce file size (to about 800 MB for double and 400 MB for float), and read in chunks of the appropriate size once I am processing the data.
I wrote the following function to make the ASCII-to-binary translation:
template<typename RealType=float>
void ascii_to_binary(const std::string& fsrc, const std::string& fdst){
RealType value;
std::fstream src(fsrc.c_str(), std::fstream::in | std::fstream::binary);
std::fstream dst(fdst.c_str(), std::fstream::out | std::fstream::binary);
while(src >> value){
dst.write((char*)&value, sizeof(RealType));
// RAII closes both files
I would like to speed-up acii_to_binary, and I seem unable to come up with anything. I tried reading the file in chunks of 8192 bytes, and then try to process the buffer in another subroutine. This seems very complicated because the last few characters in the buffer may be whitespace (in which case all is good), or a truncated number (which is very bad) - the logic to handle the possible truncation seems hardly worth it.
What would you do to speed up this function? I would rather rely on standard C++ (C++11 is OK) with no additional dependencies, like boost.
Thank you.
I tried to implement your suggestion as follows:
template<typename RealType=float>
void ascii_to_binary(const std::string& fsrc, const std::string& fdst{
std::vector<RealType> buffer;
typedef typename std::vector<RealType>::iterator VectorIterator;
std::fstream src(fsrc, std::fstream::in | std::fstream::binary);
std::fstream dst(fdst, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::binary);
size_t k = 0;
while(k<65536 && src >> buffer[k]) k++;
dst.write((char*)&buffer[0], buffer.size());
But it does not seem to be writing the data! I'm working on it...
I did exactly the same thing, except that my fields were separated by tab '\t' and I had to also handle non-numeric comments on the end of each line and header rows interspersed with the data.
Here is the documentation for my utility.
And I also had a speed problem. Here are the things I did to improve performance by around 20x:
Replace explicit file reads with memory-mapped files. Map two blocks at once. When you are in the second block after processing a line, remap with the second and third blocks. This way a line that straddles a block boundary is still contiguous in memory. (Assumes that no line is larger than a block, you can probably increase blocksize to guarantee this.)
Use SIMD instructions such as _mm_cmpeq_epi8 to search for line endings or other separator characters. In my case, any line containing an '=' character was a metadata row that needed different processing.
Use a barebones number parsing function (I used a custom one for parsing times in HH:MM:SS format, strtod and strtol are perfect for grabbing ordinary numbers). These are much faster than istream formatted extraction functions.
Use the OS file write API instead of the standard C++ API.
If you dream of throughput in the 300,000 lines/second range, then you should consider a similar approach.
Your executable also shrinks when you don't use C++ standard streams. I've got 205KB, including a graphical interface, and only dependent on DLLs that ship with Windows (no MSVCRTxx.dll needed). And looking again, I still am using C++ streams for status reporting.
Aggregate the writes into a fixed buffer, using a std::vector of RealType. Your logic should work like this:
Allocate a std::vector<RealType> with 65,536 default-constructed entries.
Read up to 65,536 entries into the vector, replacing the existing entries.
Write out as many entries as you were able to read in.
If you read in exactly 65,536 entries, go to step 2.
Stop, you are done.
This will prevent you from alternating reads and writes to two different files, minimizing the seek activity significantly. It will also allow you make far fewer write calls, reducing copying and buffering logic.

Most efficient to read file into separate variables using fstream

I have tons of files which look a little like:
What would be the most efficient way to save the 12, 3 and 125 as separate integer variables, and the BINARYDATA as a char-vector?
I'd really like to use fstream, but I don't exactly know how to (got it working with std::strings, but the BINARYDATA part was all messed up).
The most efficient method for reading data is to read many "chunks", or records into memory using the fewest I/O function calls, then parsing the data in memory.
For example, reading 5 records with one fread call is more efficient than 5 calls to fread to read in a record. Accessing memory is always faster than accessing external data such as files.
Some platforms have the ability to memory-map a file. This may be more efficient than reading the using I/O functions. Profiling will determine the most efficient.
Fixed length records are always more efficient than variable length records. Variable length records involve either reading until a fixed size is read or reading until a terminal (sentinel) value is found. For example, a text line is a variable record and must be read one byte at a time until the terminating End-Of-Line marker is found. Buffering may help in this case.
What do you mean by Binary Data? Is it a 010101000 char by char or "real" binary data? If they are real "binary data", just read the file as binary file. First read 2 bytes for the first int, next 1 bytes for -, 2 bytes for 3,and so on, until you read the first pos of binary data, just get file length and read all of it.