Build libiconv library - c++

I want to convert S-JIS string to EUC string. I searched on the internet and find out libiconv library which can do that. I downloaded version 1.9 for windows and did converting.
However, there are some characters which this library can not convert. I also found new version of libiconv 1.13 but there is no library for windows to download, just have source to build.
I tried to build in cygwin and get some files as the below.
Could you please to guide me to build library.

I do not have experience about using libiconv under windows. But it seems that your problem is mainly a compiling problem.
libiconv.dll: the file where libiconv function entrys is stored : in my opinion, should be a lib file used to link the entry address information to your programm
Besides, these file, you also need the "header" files that libiconv should provide.
You include the header file when you edit your code using libicon, and add the file to your link file list when you compile your code.
If you want run your program, you should put the libiconv.dll under the exe file folder.
As well, if you want to run your program out of cygwin environment, you may also need to copy cygwin1.dll under your exe folder.
Just some suggestion, wish it could help you.


Missing libgcc_s_seh-1.dll starting the .exe on Windows

I have a CMake-based C++ project. Until now I build and ran the project via CLion. Everything worked fine until I tried to run the .exe-file directly (not via CLion).
When I navigate to the cmake build directory in order to start my program via the executable file, it fails with the following message in the popup: Cannot continue the code execution because libgcc_s so-1.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may resolve the issue.
I have the following questions
If I interpret the error message correctly, then this dll is missing on my computer. So I ask myself, why does my program still work when I start it via the development environment (CLion), although the error message expressly states that the source code requires this dll?
Is it the fault of my application/source code that the error appears or rather the current state of my computer? If the former, how can I prevent this error from appearing for other users?
What is the best way to fix this error? It's obvious that I need to download this dll, but where is the best place to put it (which directory and environment variable to use on Window)?
Which source is trustworthy to download this dll? I don't want to download any malware under this dll-name.
Optional: What kind of library is that? What functionalities does it offer?
Additional information
I use CMake as my build tool, CLion as the IDE and MinGW as the compiler.
What I have did so far?
I made sure it still works through the IDE.
I found this dll does not exist in the MinGW installation folder.
I searched the web for more information. Unfortunately, there are only pages unknown to me that only offer the download of this dll. That doesn't satisfy me.
I found the cause of my problem: I had two MingGW installations on my machine. Once the installation that comes with CLion and a separate one. The latter did not have the required dll. However, CLion used its own installation, which in turn owns the DLL. So the solution was to remove the separate installation and include the path to the CLion installation's bin/ directory in the PATH environment variable.
This file is part of MinGW-w64 when using SEH as exception model (as opposed to Dwarf or SJLJ). You need to distribute the .dll files your .exe file(s) depend on in the same folder as the .exe file(s).
If you don't have that file, then you probably have been using libraries compiled with different versions of GCC/MinGW(-w64). I recommend building everything with the same compiler to ensure stable binaries.
Tools like Dependency Walker can help you figure out which .dll files your .exe file depends on.
Or use the command line tool copypedeps -r from to copy the .exe files along with it's dependencies.

How to use C++ libraries?

I am a Python developer and I have not used C++ since university. I am doing scientific programming with python, mainly. I wanted to try C++ to see if it is better performance-wise.
I am quite new in C++. I have found dlib library, which seemed a good library as it had many interesting features. But when I downloaded it, I found several folder full of .h and .cpp files.
In Python, I would have installed a wanted library using pip or something, then use it in my project using import.
Is there a similar installation for c++ libraries? Or do I have to look among all those .h and .cpp files and decide which ones I need in my project then copy them? Or how do I use the dlib library?
I have searched a lot on google but I could not find any indication on how to use a c++ library or install a new package to be used.
I use Visual Studio Community 2017 and Windows 10 if that matters.
To integrate a library, you need two kinds of things:
header files (usually *.h) with the declarations required to let the compiler know about the features in the library (a little similar to an import statement);
compiled library files (usually *.lib) containing the precompiled executable code itself, to let the linker assemble the final executable file.
In some cases (especially for templated code), a library can be made of header files only. In other cases, the package doesn't contain a ready-made library file and you have to build it yourself or manually include the source files (*.c/cpp) in your project.
Not speaking of the innumerable optional settings that you may have to adjust to comply with the specifics of the generated code, such as function calling convention, struct alignment...
Last but not least, some libraries are connected to at run-time only. They are called Dynamic Link Libraries and involve yet different procedures.
All of this is relatively complex and close to black magic for beginners. If you are very lucky, you will find some library documentation telling you which options to use for your compiler. If you can, start from an existing sample project that works!
For dlib, check
Be ready for a cultural shock when you will compare to the ease of use of the Python modules.
It is quite a broad question, but I'll do my best.
First of all, in C++ libraries consist of header files and precompiled part (.lib,.dll on Windows, .a, .so on Linux). To use them in your project you have to inform your program (and compiler) about features that library has (by #including their header file) and linker to include that library binaries.
pip is package manager, which automatically downloads, builds and installs library that you want in your system. In C++ there is no such single tool at the moment and there steps must be done more or less manually.
For dowloading you usually end up with git or downloading the zip archive with source (do it here). Once you have sources you have to build it.
In order to achieve multiplatformity libraries usually does not get shipped with concrete build system description (Visual Studio Project on Windows or makefile on Linux etc.), but are created in more general tool CMake, which abstracts them. E.g. dlib does that. With use of CMake (For start I recommend CMake-GUI, which is installed with CMake on Windows) you can generate Visual Studio Project, which later you can open and compile to generate .lib file. How exactly to do it follow dlib compilation description.
Once you have you lib and headers files on your disk you can add headers and .lib to your Visual Project and use as any other C++ library. (Seems old, but should work)
As far as I know, there are no tools similar to pip for C++. What you have to do depends on your working environment and the respective library.
In case of dlib there are instructions on the project homepage for Visual Studio. Basically, it involves compiling the whole library alongside your own project by copying a single source file to it and setting up include pathes.
Compiling on Windows Using Visual Studio 2015 or Newer
All you need to do is create an empty console project. Then add dlib/all/source.cpp to it and add the folder containing the dlib folder to the #include search path. Then you can compile any example program by adding it to your project.
Again, note that dlib will only be able to work with jpeg and png files if you link in libjpeg and libpng. In Visual Studio, the easiest way to do this is to add all the libjpeg, libpng, and zlib source files in the dlib/external folder into your project and also define the DLIB_PNG_SUPPORT and DLIB_JPEG_SUPPORT preprocessor directives. If you don't know how to configure Visual Studio then you should use CMake as shown above since it will take care of everything automatically.
You have to download them, put them in your project directory, and then include them almost the same way you would do in python. You need to include only the .h files.
Example for test.h:
#include "test.h"
Hope this helps!

installing external 'library?' in codeblocks

I'm new to programming and wanted to check this program called primesieve.
I have windows 7 with codeblocks ide.
I tried searching for a way to execute the program but couldnt find anything useful.
I have never added a library (is that called a library?) before so please help.
Installing c library in codeblocks
cant install GMP library in codeblocks
You should have received a .h (or .hpp) file and a .lib file, most likely with the names primesieve.h (or primesieve.hpp) and primesieve.lib (or something similar).
If you didn't receive those files in your download, then you may have to download the source. It should definitely have the .h/.hpp file, but it's possible you'll need to generate the .lib file yourself. There should be instructions for your system.
You need to include the .h/.hpp file in your source code. You need to link against the .lib file. This part is described in the articles you linked.

Installing C++ libraries(specifically Audiere) on windows?

Hey this is probably a really easy beginner question but I'm trying to use the library Audiere to play some music files in Qt. I tried to install the library the way the tutorial said(i.e put the header file in MinGw's Include folder.
Yet i Keep getting the same error message:
cannot find -laudiered
So my main question is can you guys teach me how to install a library on windows? I don't really understand the qmake stuff so i just use the Qtcreator IDE to compile and run my program.
Including the header only provide's the library's declarations, which is fine for the compiler. You're getting a linker error because you haven't told it where to find the library's binary implementation files (.lib for static libraries on Windows).
You need to inform the linker of where to locate the necessary files. Most libraries will provide information on this in their documentation, but you can also try locating them yourself in the library's folders.
I downloaded and had a quick look at Audiere. The file you need to link to is in the /lib folder.
See this question for how to do it in QT Creator.

Netbeans C++ using MinGW and the libnoise library

Using netbeans 7.2 and the most recent version of MinGW (using installer) I can't use the libnoise library. I am properly including the header files, the auto completion confirms this, however the library is simply not working. There is a .lib file and a .dll. I have tried every possible combination of adding them under project > properties > Build > Linker as well as putting the .dll in the base project directory. Despite all this I am still getting undefined reference errors whenever I try and run the code. Does anyone know what to do?
I know that it is possible to link import library files (*.lib) with MinGW, but I still suggest to recompile libnoise.
With the current Makefile, this is not very easy and may break. Thus I've written a CMake script, which doesn't only work on Windows, but should work on all CMake supported platforms. In addition to this, I've cleaned up the directory structure. The code itself hasn't been touched and when you build a library it should essentially be the same as the current one.
libnoise on GitHub
After you've built your shared library, you'll have a libnoise.dll.a and libnoise.dll file. You then add libnoise.dll.a to the linking settings and put the DLL itself next to the binary, or in the working directory.
You have to link the lib file (= adding it to linker libraries) and put the dll to
<project root>/dist/<...>/
(where your exe is put to). There's no need to add the dll to linker too.
Can you please post the error message you get?