CUDA Zero Copy memory considerations - c++

I am trying to figure out if using cudaHostAlloc (or cudaMallocHost?) is appropriate.
I am trying to run a kernel where my input data is more than the amount available on the GPU.
Can I cudaMallocHost more space than there is on the GPU? If not, and lets say I allocate 1/4 the space that I need (which will fit on the GPU), is there any advantage to using pinned memory?
I would essentially have to still copy from that 1/4 sized buffer into my full size malloc'd buffer and that's probably no faster than just using normal cudaMalloc right?
Is this typical usage scenario correct for using cudaMallocHost:
allocate pinned host memory (lets call it "h_p")
populate h_p with input data-
get device pointer on GPU for h_p
run kernel using that device pointer to modify contents of array-
use h_p like normal, which now has modified contents-
So - no copy has to happy between step 4 and 5 right?
if that is correct, then I can see the advantage for kernels that will fit on the GPU all at once at least

Memory transfer is an important factor when it comes to the performance of CUDA applications. cudaMallocHost can do two things:
allocate pinned memory: this is page-locked host memory that the CUDA runtime can track. If host memory allocated this way is involved in cudaMemcpy as either source or destination, the CUDA runtime will be able to perform an optimized memory transfer.
allocate mapped memory: this is also page-locked memory that can be used in kernel code directly as it is mapped to CUDA address space. To do this you have to set the cudaDeviceMapHost flag using cudaSetDeviceFlags before using any other CUDA function. The GPU memory size does not limit the size of mapped host memory.
I'm not sure about the performance of the latter technique. It could allow you to overlap computation and communication very nicely.
If you access the memory in blocks inside your kernel (i.e. you don't need the entire data but only a section) you could use a multi-buffering method utilizing asynchronous memory transfers with cudaMemcpyAsync by having multiple-buffers on the GPU: compute on one buffer, transfer one buffer to host and transfer one buffer to device at the same time.
I believe your assertions about the usage scenario are correct when using cudaDeviceMapHost type of allocation. You do not have to do an explicit copy but there certainly will be an implicit copy that you don't see. There's a chance it overlaps nicely with your computation. Note that you might need to synchronize the kernel call to make sure the kernel finished and that you have the modified content in h_p.

Using host memory would be orders of magnitude slower than on-device memory. It has both very high latency and very limited throughput. For example capacity of PCIe x16 is mere 8GB/s when bandwidth of device memory on GTX460 is 108GB/s

Neither the CUDA C Programming Guide, nor the CUDA Best Practices Guide mention that the amount allocated by cudaMallocHost can 't be bigger than the device memory so I conclude it's possible.
Data transfers from page locked memory to the device are faster than normal data transfers and even faster if using write-combined memory. Also, the memory allocated this way can be mapped into device memory space eliminating the need to (manually) copy the data at all. It happens automatic as the data is needed so you should be able to process more data than fits into device memory.
However, system performance (of the host) can greatly suffer, if the page-locked amount makes up a significant part of the host memory.
So when to use this technique?, simple: If the data needs be read only once and written only once, use it. It will yield a performance gain, since one would've to copy data back and forth at some point anyway. But as soon as the need to store intermediate results, that don't fit into registers or shared memory, arises, process chunks of your data that fit into device memory with cudaMalloc.

Yes, you can cudaMallocHost more space than there is on the gpu.
Pinned memory can have higher bandwidth, but can decrease host performance. It is very easy to switch between normal host memory, pinned memory, write-combined memory, and even mapped (zero-copy) memory. Why don't you use normal host memory first and compare the performance?
Yes, your usage scenario should work.
Keep in mind that global device memory access is slow, and zero-copy host memory access is even slower. Whether zero-copy is right for you depends entirely on how you use the memory.

Also consider use of streams for overlapping data transfer/ kernel execution.
This provides gpu work on chunks of data


Does cudaMallocManaged() create a synchronized buffer in RAM and VRAM?

In an Nvidia developer blog: An Even Easier Introduction to CUDA the writer explains:
To compute on the GPU, I need to allocate memory accessible by the
GPU. Unified Memory in CUDA makes this easy by providing a single
memory space accessible by all GPUs and CPUs in your system. To
allocate data in unified memory, call cudaMallocManaged(), which
returns a pointer that you can access from host (CPU) code or device
(GPU) code.
I found this both interesting (since it seems potentially convenient) and confusing:
returns a pointer that you can access from host (CPU) code or device
(GPU) code.
For this to be true, it seems like cudaMallocManaged() must be syncing 2 buffers across VRAM and RAM. Is this the case? Or is my understanding lacking?
In my work so far with GPU acceleration on top of the WebGL abstraction layer via GPU.js, I learned the distinct performance difference between passing VRAM based buffers (textures in WebGL) from kernel to kernel (keeping the buffer on the GPU, highly performant) and retrieving the buffer value outside of the kernels to access it in RAM through JavaScript (pulling the buffer off the GPU, taking a performance hit since buffers in VRAM on the GPU don't magically move to RAM).
Forgive my highly abstracted understanding / description of the topic, since I know most CUDA / C++ devs have a much more granular understanding of the process.
So is cudaMallocManaged() creating synchronized buffers in both RAM
and VRAM for convenience of the developer?
If so, wouldn't doing so come with an unnecessary cost in cases where
we might never need to touch that buffer with the CPU?
Does the compiler perhaps just check if we ever reference that buffer
from CPU and never create the CPU side of the synced buffer if it's
not needed?
Or do I have it all wrong? Are we not even talking VRAM? How does
this work?
So is cudaMallocManaged() creating synchronized buffers in both RAM and VRAM for convenience of the developer?
Yes, more or less. The "synchronization" is referred to in the managed memory model as migration of data. Virtual address carveouts are made for all visible processors, and the data is migrated (i.e. moved to, and provided a physical allocation for) the processor that attempts to access it.
If so, wouldn't doing so come with an unnecessary cost in cases where we might never need to touch that buffer with the CPU?
If you never need to touch the buffer on the CPU, then what will happen is that the VA carveout will be made in the CPU VA space, but no physical allocation will be made for it. When the GPU attempts to actually access the data, it will cause the allocation to "appear" and use up GPU memory. Although there are "costs" to be sure, there is no usage of CPU (physical) memory in this case. Furthermore, once instantiated in GPU memory, there should be no ongoing additional cost for the GPU to access it; it should run at "full" speed. The instantiation/migration process is a complex one, and what I am describing here is what I would consider the "principal" modality or behavior. There are many factors that could affect this.
Does the compiler perhaps just check if we ever reference that buffer from CPU and never create the CPU side of the synced buffer if it's not needed?
No, this is managed by the runtime, not compile time.
Or do I have it all wrong? Are we not even talking VRAM? How does this work?
No you don't have it all wrong. Yes we are talking about VRAM.
The blog you reference barely touches on managed memory, which is a fairly involved subject. There are numerous online resources to learn more about it. You might want to review some of them. here is one. There are good GTC presentations on managed memory, including here. There is also an entire section of the CUDA programming guide covering managed memory.

File Based Memory Pool - Is it Possible?

Whenever a new / malloc is used, OS create a new(or reuse) heap memory segment, aligned to the page size and return it to the calling process. All these allocations will constitute to the Process's virtual memory. In 32bit computing, any process can scale only upto 4 GB. Higher the heap allocation, the rate of increase of process memory is higher. Though there are lot of memory management / memory pools available, all these utilities end up again in creating a heap and reusing it effeciently.
mmap (Memory mapping) on the other hand, provides the ablity to visualize a file as memory stream, and enables the program to use pointer manipulations directly on file. But here again, mmap is actually allocating the range of addresses in the process space. So if we mmap a 3GB file with size 3GB and take a pmap of the process, you could see the total memory consumed by the process is >= 3GB.
My question is, is it possible to have a file based memory pool [just like mmaping a file], however, does not constitute the process memory space. I visualize something like a memory DB, which is backed by a file, which is so fast for read/write, which supports pointer manipulations [i.e get a pointer to the record and store anything as if we do using new / malloc], which can grow on the disk, without touching the process virtual 4GB limit.
Is it possible ? if so, what are some pointers for me to start working.
I am not asking for a ready made solution / links, but to conceptually understand how it can be achieved.
It is generally possible but very coplicated. You would have to re-map if you wanted to acces different 3Gb segments of your file, which would probably kill the performance in case of scattered access. Pointers would only get much more difficult to work with, as remmpaing changes data but leaves the adresses the same.
I have seen STXXL project that might be interesting to you; or it might not. I have never used it so I cannot give you any other advice about it.
What you are looking for, is in principle, a memory backed file-cache. There are many such things in for example database implementations (where the whole database is way larger than the memory of the machine, and the application developer probably wants to have a bit of memory left for application stuff). This will involve having some sort of indirection - an index, hash or some such to indicate what area of the file you want to access, and using that indirection to determine if the memory is in memory or on disk. You would essentially have to replicate what the virtual memory handling of the OS and the processor does, by having tables that indicate where in physical memory your "virtual heap" is, and if it's not present in physical memory, read it in (and if the cache is full, get rid of some - and if it's been written, write it back again).
However, it's most likely that in today's world, you have a machine capable of 64-bit addressing, and thus, it would be much easier to recompile the application as a 64-bit application, usemmap or similar to access the large memory. In this case, even if RAM isn't sufficient, you can access the memory of the file via the virtual memory system, and it takes care of all the mapping back and forth between disk and RAM (physical memory).

CUDA pinned memory and coalescing

On a compute capability 2.x device how would I make sure that the gpu uses coalesced memory access when using mapped pinned memory and assuming that normally when using global memory the 2D data would require padding?
I can't seem to find information about this anywhere, perhaps I should be looking better or perhaps I am missing something. Any pointers in the right direction are welcome...
The coalescing approach should be applied when using zero copy memory. Quoting the CUDA C BEST PRACTICES GUIDE:
Because the data is not cached on the GPU, mapped
pinned memory should be read or written only once, and the global loads and stores
that read and write the memory should be coalesced.
Quoting the "CUDA Programming" book, by S. Cook
If you think about what happens with access to global memory, an entire cache line is brought in from memory on compute 2.x hardware. Even on compute 1.x hardware the same 128 bytes, potentially reduced to 64 or 32, is fetched from global memory.
NVIDIA does not publish the size of the PCI-E transfers it uses, or details on how zero copy is actually implemented. However, the coalescing approach used for global memory could be used with PCI-E transfer. The warp memory latency hiding model can equally be applied to PCI-E transfers, providing there is enough arithmetic density to hide the latency of the PCI-E transfers.

Advantages of anonymous mmap over malloc under memory pressure

I am running some large array processing code (on a Pentium running Linux). The sizes of the arrays are large enough for the processes to swap. So far it is working, probably because i try to keep my read and writes contiguous. However, I will soon need to handle larger arrays. In this scenario, would switching over to anonymous mmapped blocks help ?
If so would you please explain why.
In my shallow understanding, mmap implements a memory mapped file mounted from a tmpfs partition which under memory pressure would fall back to the swapping mechanism. What I would like to understand is how does mmap do it better than the standard malloc (for the sake or argument I am assuming that it is indeed better, I do not know if it is so).
Note: Please do not suggest getting a 64 bit and more RAM. That, unfortunately, is not an option.
The memory that backs your malloc() allocations is handled by the kernel in much the same way as the memory that backs private anonymous mappings created with mmap(). In fact, for large allocations malloc() will create an anonymous mapping with mmap() to back it anyway, so you are unlikely to see much difference by explicitly using mmap() yourself.
At the end of the day, if your working set exceeds the physical memory size then you will need to use swap, and whether you use anonymous mappings created with mmap() or malloc() is not going to change that. The best thing you can do is to try and refactor your algorithm so that it has good locality of reference, which will reduce the extent to which swap hurts you.
You can also try to give the kernel some hints about your usage of the memory with the madvise() system call.
The key difference here is that with malloc(3)-ed input buffers you ask the kernel to copy the data from file-mapped pages that are already in memory, while with mmap(2) you just use those pages. The first approach doubles the amount of physical memory required to back up both your and in-kernel buffers, while the second approach shares that physical memory and only increases number of virtual mappings for the useland process.

OpenGL Buffer Object internal workings?

I've started to use Pixel Buffer Objects and while I understand how to use them and the gist of what they're doing, I really don't know what's going on under the hood. I'm aware that the OpenGL spec allows for leeway in regards to the exact implementation, but that's still beyond me.
So far as I understand, the Buffer Object typically resides server side in GRAM; though this apparently may vary depending on target and usage. This makes perfect sense as this would be why OpenGL calls on the BOs would operate so fast. But in what such instances would it reside in AGP or system memory? (side question: does PCI-e have an equivalent of AGP memory?)
Also, glMapBuffers() returns a pointer to a block of memory of the BO so the data may be read/written/changed. But how is this done? The manipulations are taking place client side, so the data still has to go from server to client some how. If it is, how is is better than glReadPixels()?
PBOs are obviously better than glReadPixels() as is obvious by the performance difference, I just don't understand how.
I haven't used FBOs yet, but I've heard they're better to use. Is this true? if so, why?
I can't tell you in what memory the buffer object will be allocated. Actually you mostly answered that question yourself, so you can hope that a good driver will actually do it this way.
glMapBuffer can be implemented the same way as memory mapped files. Remember the difference between physical memory and virtual address space: when you write to a memory location, the address is mapped through a page table to a physical location. If the required page is marked as swapped out an interrupt occurs and the system loads the required page from the swap to the RAM. This mechanism can be used to map files and other resources (like GPU memory) to your process's virtual address space. When you call glMapBuffer, the system allocates some address range (not memory, just addresses) and prepares the relevant entries in page table. When you try to read/write to these addresses the system loads/sends it to the GPU. Of course this would be slow, so some buffering is done on the way.
If you constantly transfer data between CPU and GPU, I doubt that PBOs will be faster. They are faster when you make many manipulations on the GPU (like load from frame buffer, change a few texels with CPU and use it as a texture again on the GPU). Well, they can be faster in case of integrated graphics processor or AGP memory, because in that case glMapBuffer can map the addresses directly to the physical memory, effectively eliminating one copy operation.
Are FBOs better? For what? They are better when you need to render to texture. That's again because they eliminate one data copy operation.