How to draw a flowchart in Enterprise Architect? - flowchart

Does anyone know any tutorials on how to draw a flowchart in EA? I'm having problems with using connectors. How do I connect it without another connector if possible?

First check that you are really drawing a flowchart diagram - it should be this one: insert diagram->Strategic Modeling->Flow Chart.
Some tutorial can be found on the sparx webpage:

How to make a flow chart :
1.Go to "project Browser"(its in the right side of the tool ) and select "new model from pattern".
2.Select Strategic Modelling (a window with flow chart option will pop up )
3.Select Flow chart.
Connectors :
U can easily connect two on ----> and then the first box ...u get a dotted line drag it till second box done.
TO Bend the connectors:select the connector, right click on the connector and click on Bend Line at SLide the cursor to bend line to the extent u want.
I am too using the tool for first time and had this problem of Bending the connectors .Hope this what u were expecting.
Tutorial Link By Meson is good enough:-) Thanks


bootstrap4 on ember.js: how do I build this exact top navbar and left side navbar

what I would like to do in RED BOX:
hello. obviously I am new and very much a beginner.
I am using ember.js for my application frontend and bootstrap to ease the styling process. I want to build a top fixed menu bar like the picture attached and a left navigation bar with scrolling like the picture attached. maybe because I am new thats why I am unable to use the manuals properly to land me at this point.
if anyone choose to help, need to know 1st that if there are already defined builtin components in ember.js to solve this issue (I am using ember v3.18), I am unable to find any.
2nd, if 1st question answer is no, then how can I build it - or are there any suggestive codes available online for me to learn from?

How to add mouseover tooltip in google charts sankey diagram

and have been using Google Charts to visualize my data. I have tried to search for the answer to this question but couldn't not find anyone having the same problem as mine, or maybe my problem is really basic. Appreciate if someone can give me a hand.
I built a sankey diagram by following the steps listed in Google Charts - Sankey Diagram.
Here is my chart:
However I would like to add tooltip to each line/path/link so when users mouseover, they can see the value and other details of the line.
According to Google Charts (the link above), I can fire a mouseover event using 'onmouseover' and 'onmouseout', but Google Charts does not show how to do it for Sankey diagram.
I then came over an example of using 'onmouseover' and 'onmouseout' in a Google Bar Chart:
So I copied the code, modified and pasted into my code., 'onmouseover', barMouseOver);, 'onmouseout', barMouseOut);
function barMouseOver(e) {
function barMouseOut(e) {
chart.setSelection([{'row': null, 'column': null}]);
When I mouseover, I got the error message "undefined is not a function". You can see the error message appears at the top of the chart when you mouseover the lines.
I tried to use another alternative showed by Google Charts documentation by adding a another column to my data and set its role as 'tooltip' but it didn't work for my chart because Google Sankey Diagram can only accept 3 columns.
Appreciate if someone can have a look or refer me to any solution available. Thanks.

GDK : How to show status similar to 'Recording" and 'Complete"

I'm developing a GDK app where I need to provide an user experience to display status text similar to video recording status that Glass provides ( displaying "Recording" status then displaying progress indicator and finally showing 'Complete' text ). Appreciate your input.
Right now, you'll need to write your own UI logic to do this (perhaps by using a Dialog with a custom layout that has the appropriate centered label and icon, with a progress bar at the bottom, and changing the label and dismissing the dialog when the action is complete).
You may want to follow issue 271 in our issue tracker, which covers the progress indicator part of this flow.
Tony is right. There is no way to do this naively but you can build it yourself. You can create a layout that is build exactly like the menu is built in the GDK, and then just update the setcontentview() with a new layout each time you want to move to the next card. Also you can build a layout with the holo horizontal progressbar to get the general idea but it won't be like the one Google uses.
Also wanted to add that I have built a repo that you can drop into your project for this. Here is the link:

Changing Slots on Qt Menu Bar (with image)

this is more of a functionality question than programming question but I can't find any other idiot operators like me out there that are having the same problem as me, or haven't figured it out themselves.
I've got a good basic understanding of CLI C++ so I want to get into the Qt Framework. I'm using their tutorials to get started...
The tutorial says that all I need is to "right-click an action and select Go to slot > triggered()."
The image below shows in red circles two of the primary places I've tried right clicking. I've also tried going through the menu and looking for things but to no avail. (Question continued below picture.)
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong here or am I reading this wrong? Thanks in advance.
FYI the open button and save button under central widget is for the Open and Save buttons I added, NOT for the menu toolbar open and save functions.
Near the bottom of Qt Creator find the tabs "Action Editor" and "Signals & Slots Editor". Click the "Action Editor" tab to show a list of all the actions in your UI. You should be able to right-click these items and select "Go to slot...".

Using Google Annotated Time Line Chart Without Flash

I want a similar behavior Chart as Google Annotated Time Line Chart to display my Time Series Data from DataBase In our environment we are restricted using Flash .
But i see that Google Annotated Time Line Chart works only with Flash .
I want a similar behavior as of Google Annotated Time Line Chart showing two charts , where the below Chart helps us to select a Range and the Upper Chart displays the Zoomed Area .
I wanted to develop this by taking two divs , but i am struck up as how to maintain synchronization between these two divs (Chart Div and Slider Div)
If anybody developed has developed Google Annotated Time Line Chart Without Flash , please give some inputs as how to develop this .
Thank you very much for reading .
check out
I believe you can do simple annotations also using data roles 'annotation' and 'annotationtext' (not too much styling though). You can find more info here
I just ran into this:
It's not free but it looks interesting.
there is no other way to make charts in Google without Flash at the moment