Django multiple select with JS - django

Can anyone tell me, how(if it's possible) can I make select with JavaScript such as autogenerated select in admin panel (using which we select user permissions)?

It's possible, see another post about re-using the date widget but this will be too much trouble, you'd better try to use another widget which you will install, and so, know every dependencies and gotchas.
Here is another Multiselect for Django for example :
...for this really cool jquery UI widget :


Django admin on adding a new FK show in modal instead of a popup

Hello I am wondering how to make the add_form to show in modal instead of a popup when adding a new foreign key instance of a field in the django admin.
When pressing the + button on FK I want the form in a modal instead of a popup
This isn't currently possible with django admin. You could implement it yourself, but you would need to:
1) write the code for the modal with the form that you want yourself, you'd also need to handle
2) Then extend the original template to open the modal, handle the requests etc, update or reload the original page.
Tbh, it would be far more effort than it's worth for something cosmetic like a modal. I'm sorry that this probably isn't the answer you're after, but it really won't be worth the hours that it would require to make this happen :(
If it's really critical that you need a modal for this, you probably shouldn't be using the admin site at all (it's not designed to be a production ready site).

How to make editable fields in frontend for Django objects

I need to make objects editable in frontend by clicking on it and enable a form field to edit the text. i.e. in a ToDo-list which tasks can be edited by clicking on the task like shown in the following graphics:
I am working with Django 2.x and unfortunately, I'm a little inexperienced.
Is it a good practice to realize this with REST API and/or Angular/React?
I would be glad about a few experiences, how something is feasible.
I have found a good solution to implement the desired functionality with Jeditable

How can I implement 'select all' button in Django?

I'd like to implement select all button (e.g select all and deleting) in Django 1.9.7 but I can't find any post about it in Google Since, I'm not a non-native-english person, I'm not good at googling in correct english. Could anybody give me advices or keywords so that I can googling based on it?
Well this depends on how you implemented your table with Django. Putting javascript/bootstrap/etc aside, there are some samples on how you can implement select all in javascript. Like this.
Deleting those items requires defining a form and processing it's data in the serverside and deleting your model items. This also depends on how you are passing data between your view and your model.

django - Add another model without Popup

Is there any magic why to do this in admin panel of django?
Let me know
Off the top of my head, you could use JS to grab the popup link and load the HTML in a div on the page. But that means you need to override the admin template. This QA should be helpful.
It also means you need to capture the saving of the new house. So, when someone presses save, depending on the response, the div either closes or shows the errors WITHOUT refreshing th page. I'm not sure but I think you'll also need to override the admin view that does this to send back json responses.
You could use JS to mute that link and call up your own url, which would allow you to create your own view with your own custom form that does this. This would give you a bit more control without having to hack away at the Admin functionality.
e.g /house/ajax_add
You'll need to refresh the options in the House dropdown though. So I don't think you can avoid extending the template, now that I think about it.
It seems like a lot of trouble, really. No magic way that I know of, but it's possible.
To avoid popups, you might want to look at
Django-fm allows to create AJAX forms for creating, editing, deleting
objects in Django. This is a very personalized approach to quickly
build admin-like interfaces.
A live example can be found on
I'm not sure how this integrates with the current admin site, but with some changes it should not be hard.

How to replace ManytoMany widget against an iPad compatible widget?

Personally I don't think Django's built-in widget for ManyToManyField relationship is particularly good. Especially when it comes down to use it on an iPad, the widget is neither intuitive nor practical (you have no ctrl button to hold down to multi select).
So I am battling this issue now for one week, trying to make a formset with forms that include each a dropdown.
My attempts to achieve the solution above, have also been fruitless so far.
So I thought maybe its a good time to take a step back and ask the community:
What would you do in my shoes? If you were given a requirement like this, how would you replace the M2M widget? What options do I have?
I just found out about the admin M2M widget according to this question on Stackoverflow.
It is a bit big and not very pretty, but would do the job.
I have found this tutorial and followed every step. But the widget is still showing as a plain M2M widget instead of the admin one. The css and js are loaded correctly (no indication of 404) but still the old widget shows up.
Many Thanks,
Try using chosen library. You can download it from here:
To integrate it with django try django-chosen application. You could install it from PIP or directly download sources from github.