Adding to middle of std::vector - c++

Is there a way to add values to the middle of a vector in C++? Say I have:
vector <string> a;
// a gets filled up with "abcd", "wertyu", "dvcea", "eafdefef", "aeefr", etc
and I want to break up one of the strings and put all of the pieces back into the vector. How would I do that? the strings I break can be anywhere, index = 0, somewhere in the middle, or index = a.size() - 1.

You can insert into a vector at position i by writing
v.insert(v.begin() + i, valueToInsert);
However, this isn't very efficient; it runs in time proportional to the number of elements after the element being inserted. If you're planning on splitting up the strings and adding them back in, you are much better off using a std::list, which supports O(1) insertion and deletion everywhere.

You can do that, but it will be really slow:
int split = 3; // where to split
a.insert(a.begin()+index, a[index].substr(0, split));
a[index+1] = a[index+1].substr(split);

in this example dynamically find the vector middle and insert new element.
std::vector <std::string> friends;
// finding middle using size() / 2
int middleIndexRef = friends.size() / 2;
friends.insert(friends.begin() + middleIndexRef, "Bob");


Shrink QVector to last 10 elements & rearrange one item

I'm trying to find the most "efficient" way or, at least fast enough for 10k items vector to shrink it to last 10 items and move last selected item to the end of it.
I initially though of using this method for shrinking :
QVector<QModelIndex> newVec(listPrimary.end() - 10, listPrimary.end());
But that does not work, and I'm not sure how to use the Qt interators / std to get it to work...
And then once that's done do this test
QVector Class has a method that does what you want:
QVector QVector::mid(int pos, int length = ...) const
Returns a sub-vector which contains elements from this vector, starting at position pos. If length is -1 (the default), all elements after pos are included; otherwise length elements (or all remaining elements if there are less than length elements) are included.
So as suggested in the comments, you can do something like this:
auto newVec = listPrimary.mid(listPrimary.size() - 10);
You do not have to pass length because its default value ensures that all elements after pos are included.

C++ - read 1000 floats and insert them into a vector of size 10 by keeping the lowest 10 numbers only

So I am pretty new to c++ and I am not sure if there is a data structure already created to facilitate what I am trying to do (so I do not reinvent the wheel):
What I am trying to do
I am reading a file where I need to parse the file, do some calculations on every floating value on every row of the file, and return the top 10 results from the file in ascending order.
What am I trying to optimize
I am dealing with a 1k file and a 1.9 million row file so for each row, I will get a result that is of size 72 so in 1k row, I will need to allocate a vector of 72000 elements and for the 1.9 million rows ... well you get the idea.
What I have so far
I am currently working with a vector for the results which then I sort and resize it to 10.
const unsigned int vector_space = circularVector.size()*72;
//vector for the results
std::vector<ResultType> results;
but this is extremely inefficient.
*What I want to accomplish *
I want to only keep a vector of size 10, and whenever I perform a calculation, I will simply insert the value into the vector and remove the largest floating point that was in the vector, thus maintaining the top 10 results in ascending order.
Is there a structure already in c++ that will have such behavior?
EDIT: Changed to use the 10 lowest elements rather than the highest elements as the question now makes clear which is required
You can use a std::vector of 10 elements as a max heap, in which the elements are partially sorted such that the first element always contains the maximum value. Note that the following is all untested, but hopefully it should get you started.
// Create an empty vector to hold the highest values
std::vector<ResultType> results;
// Iterate over the first 10 entries in the file and put the results in the vector
for (... ; i < 10; i++) {
// Calculate the value of this row
ResultType r = ....
// Add it to the vector
// Now that the vector is "full", turn it into a heap
std::make_heap(results.begin(), results.end());
// Iterate over all the remaining rows, adding values which are lower than the
// current maximum
for (i = 10; .....) {
// Calculate the value for this row
ResultType r = ....
// Compare it to the max element in the heap
if (r < results.front()) {
// Add the new element to the vector
// Move the existing minimum to the back and "re-heapify" the rest
std::pop_heap(results.begin(), results.end());
// Remove the last element from the vector
// Finally, sort the results to put them all in order
// (using sort_heap just because we can)
std::sort_heap(results.begin(), results.end());
Yes. What you want is a priority queue or heap, defined so as to remove the lowest value. You just need to do such a remove if the size after the insertion is greater than 10. You should be able to do this with STL classes.
Just use std::set to do that, since in std::set all values are sorted from min to max.
void insert_value(std::set<ResultType>& myset, const ResultType& value){
int limit = 10;
if(myset.size() > limit){
I think MaxHeap will work for this problem.
1- Create a max heap of size 10.
2- Fill the heap with 10 elements for the first time.
3- For 11th element check it with the largest element i.e root/element at 0th index.
4- If 11th element is smaller; replace the root node with 11th element and heapify again.
Repeat the same steps until the whole file is parsed.

How to obtain the index of the median using STL?

How to calculate the median of a digital number array has been discussed before. For example, you can refer to What is the right approach when using STL container for median calculation?. Now I have a different question, and that is how can you get the index of the median in the original STL container. In order to illustrate my question, I give an example:
vector<int> myarray;
myarray.push_back( 20);
int n = myarray.size()/2;
nth_element(myarray.begin(), myarray.begin()+n, myarray.end());
int median = myarray[n];
In the above codes I can get the median value but I can not get its index in the original vector array (4). Any ideas? Thanks!
I think there is no straight-forward way to do that.
The vector that you sorted has changed its order, so that searching in that will always return n.
You need to save a copy of your original vector, and search in that. Keep in mind that if the original vector contained duplicates, you will not know exactly which of them was actually put to position n (if this is of any relevance for you).
As an alternative, you could have a look at the implementation of nth_element, and implement your own version that also reports the original position of the found n-th element.
If it is accapteble to search the element
vector<int>::iterator itOfMedian = std::find(myarray.begin(), myarray.end(), median);
int index = itOfMedian - myarray.begin();
should do the trick.
seems you have point here. nth_element sorts its argument vector... Therefore
vector<int> myArrayCopy = myarray;
// find median in myArrayCopy
vector<int>::iterator itOfMedian = std::find(myarray.begin(), myarray.end(), median);
int index = itOfMedian - myarray.begin();
You can use std::nth_element to find an iterator to the median element. However, this does a partial sorting of the vector, so you would need to use a copy:
std::vector<int> dataCopy = myarray;
// we will use iterator middle later
std::vector<int>::iterator middle = dataCopy.begin() + (dataCopy.size() / 2);
// this sets iterator middle to the median element
std::nth_element(dataCopy.begin(), middle, dataCopy.end());
int nthValue = *middle;
Now it gets complicated. You have a value corresponding to the median. You can search the original vector for it, and use std::distance to get the index:
std::vector<int>::iterator it = std::find(myarray.begin(), myarray.end(), nthValue);
std::vector<int>::size_type pos = std::distance(myarray.begin(), it);
however, this only works if there are not duplicates of nthValue in myarray.
Sorry to dig up an old topic, but here's a nice way to do it. Exploit the fact that nth_element will sort a pair by the first element; with this in mind, create a vector of pairs where the first part of the pair is value to participate in median calculation, and second is index. Modifying your example:
vector<pair<unsigned int, size_t>> myarray;
myarray.push_back(pair<unsigned int, size_t>( 3, 0));
myarray.push_back(pair<unsigned int, size_t>( 1, 1));
myarray.push_back(pair<unsigned int, size_t>(100, 2));
myarray.push_back(pair<unsigned int, size_t>( 20, 3));
myarray.push_back(pair<unsigned int, size_t>(200, 4));
int n = myarray.size()/2;
nth_element(myarray.begin(), myarray.begin()+n, myarray.end());
int median = myarray[n].first;
int medianindex = myarray[n].second;
Of course myarray has been rearranged, and so myarray[medianindex] is not the median. If you made a copy before nth_element, medianindex would be the desired index.

how to get median value from sorted map

I am using a std::map. Sometimes I will do an operation like: finding the median value of all items. e.g
if I add
1 "s"
2 "sdf"
3 "sdfb"
4 "njw"
5 "loo"
then the median is 3.
Is there some solution without iterating over half the items in the map?
I think you can solve the problem by using two std::map. One for smaller half of items (mapL) and second for the other half (mapU). When you have insert operation. It will be either case:
add item to mapU and move smallest element to mapL
add item to mapL and move greatest element to mapU
In case the maps have different size and you insert element to the one with smaller number of
elements you skip the move section.
The basic idea is that you keep your maps balanced so the maximum size difference is 1 element.
As far as I know STL all operations should work in O(ln(n)) time. Accessing smallest and greatest element in map can be done by using iterator.
When you have n_th position query just check map sizes and return greatest element in mapL or smallest element in mapR.
The above usage scenario is for inserting only but you can extend it to deleting items as well but you have to keep track of which map holds item or try to delete from both.
Here is my code with sample usage:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
typedef pair<int,string> pis;
typedef map<int,string>::iterator itis;
itis get_last(map<int,string> &m){
return (--m.end());
int add_element(int key, string val){
if (Left.empty()){
return 1;
pis maxl = *get_last(Left);
if (key <= maxl.first){
if (Left.size() > Right.size() + 1){
itis to_rem = get_last(Left);
pis cpy = *to_rem;
return 1;
} else {
if (Right.size() > Left.size()){
itis to_rem = Right.begin();
pis cpy = *to_rem;
return 2;
pis get_mid(){
int size = Left.size() + Right.size();
if (Left.size() >= size / 2){
return *(get_last(Left));
return *(Right.begin());
int main(){
int key;
string val;
while (!cin.eof()){
cin >> key >> val;
pis mid = get_mid();
cout << "mid " << mid.first << " " << mid.second << endl;
I think the answer is no. You cannot just jump to the N / 2 item past the beginning because a std::map uses bidirectional iterators. You must iterate through half of the items in the map. If you had access to the underlying Red/Black tree implementation that is typically used for the std::map, you might be able to get close like in Dani's answer. However, you don't have access to that as it is encapsulated as an implementation detail.
typedef std::map<int,std::string> Data;
Data data;
Data::iterator median = std::advance(data.begin(), data.size() / 2);
Works if the size() is odd. I'll let you work out how to do it when size() is even.
In self balancing binary tree(std::map is one I think) a good approximation would be the root.
For exact value just cache it with a balance indicator, and each time an item added below the median decrease the indicator and increase when item is added above. When indicator is equal to 2/-2 move the median upwards/downwards one step and reset the indicator.
If you can switch data structures, store the items in a std::vector and sort it. That will enable accessing the middle item positionally without iterating. (It can be surprising but a sorted vector often out-performs a map, due to locality. For lookups by the sort key you can use binary search and it will have much the same performance as a map anyway. See Scott Meyer's Effective STL.)
If you know the map will be sorted, then get the element at floor(length / 2). If you're in a bit twiddly mood, try (length >> 1).
I know no way to get the median from a pure STL map quickly for big maps. If your map is small or you need the median rarely you should use the linear advance to n/2 anyway I think - for the sake of simplicity and being standard.
You can use the map to build a new container that offers median: Jethro suggested using two maps, based on this perhaps better would be a single map and a continuously updated median iterator. These methods suffer from the drawback that you have to reimplement every modifiying operation and in jethro's case even the reading operations.
A custom written container will also do what you what, probably most efficiently but for the price of custom code. You could try, as was suggested to modify an existing stl map implementation. You can also look for existing implementations.
There is a super efficient C implementation that offers most map functionality and also random access called Judy Arrays. These work for integer, string and byte array keys.
Since it sounds like insert and find are your two common operations while median is rare, the simplest approach is to use the map and std::advance( m.begin(), m.size()/2 ); as originally suggested by David Rodríguez. This is linear time, but easy to understand so I'd only consider another approach if profiling shows that the median calls are too expensive relative to the work your app is doing.
The nth_element() method is there for you for this :) It implements the partition part of the quick sort and you don't need your vector (or array) to be sorted.
And also the time complexity is O(n) (while for sorting you need to pay O(nlogn)).
For a sortet list, here it is in java code, but i assume, its very easy to port to c++:
if (input.length % 2 != 0) {
return input[((input.length + 1) / 2 - 1)];
} else {
return 0.5d * (input[(input.length / 2 - 1)] + input[(input.length / 2 + 1) - 1]);

Fast way to pick randomly from a set, with each entry picked only once?

I'm working on a program to solve the n queens problem (the problem of putting n chess queens on an n x n chessboard such that none of them is able to capture any other using the standard chess queen's moves). I am using a heuristic algorithm, and it starts by placing one queen in each row and picking a column randomly out of the columns that are not already occupied. I feel that this step is an opportunity for optimization. Here is the code (in C++):
vector<int> colsleft;
//fills the vector sequentially with integer values
for (int c=0; c < size; c++)
for (int i=0; i < size; i++)
vector<int>::iterator randplace = colsleft.begin() + rand()%colsleft.size();
/* chboard is an integer array, with each entry representing a row
and holding the column position of the queen in that row */
chboard[i] = *randplace;
If it is not clear from the code: I start by building a vector containing an integer for each column. Then, for each row, I pick a random entry in the vector, assign its value to that row's entry in chboard[]. I then remove that entry from the vector so it is not available for any other queens.
I'm curious about methods that could use arrays and pointers instead of a vector. Or <list>s? Is there a better way of filling the vector sequentially, other than the for loop? I would love to hear some suggestions!
The following should fulfill your needs:
#include <algorithm>
int randplace[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i ++)
randplace[i] = i;
random_shuffle(randplace, randplace + size);
You can do the same stuff with vectors, too, if you wish.
Couple of random answers to some of your questions :):
As far as I know, there's no way to fill an array with consecutive values without iterating over it first. HOWEVER, if you really just need consecutive values, you do not need to fill the array - just use the cell indices as the values: a[0] is 0 and a[100] is 100 - when you get a random number, treat the number as the value.
You can implement the same with a list<> and remove cells you already hit, or...
For better performance, rather than removing cells, why not put an "already used" value in them (like -1) and check for that. Say you get a random number like 73, and a[73] contains -1, you just get a new random number.
Finally, describing item 3 reminded me of a re-hashing function. Perhaps you can implement your algorithm as a hash-table?
Your colsleft.erase(randplace); line is really inefficient, because erasing an element in the middle of the vector requires shifting all the ones after it. A more efficient approach that will satisfy your needs in this case is to simply swap the element with the one at index (size - i - 1) (the element whose index will be outside the range in the next iteration, so we "bring" that element into the middle, and swap the used one out).
And then we don't even need to bother deleting that element -- the end of the array will accumulate the "chosen" elements. And now we've basically implemented an in-place Knuth shuffle.