How to handle C++ exceptions when calling functions from Lua? - c++

I have a working C++ function that I am able to call from Lua. To demonstrate my problem here is an example:
int PushHello(lua_State *L){
string str("Hello");
lua_pushlstring(L,, str.length());
return 1;
Note: I know I don't have to use string variable there, but it is there to demonstrate the problem.
Here are my two problems:
When I call this function from Lua string constructor may throw an exception. Is that a problem? Will Lua handle it and unwind the Lua stack properly? I don't think so. How can I solve that? Do I need to add try/catch around all such code and convert the exception to lua_error? Is not there a better solution?
Another problem that I have probably solved by compiling Lua as C++ is when lua_pushlstring() calls lua_error() string destructor would not be called if longjmp was used. Is the problem solved by compiling as C++ and throwing exceptions instead of using longjmp?
To clarify, possible solution I can see to problem 1 would be this:
int PushHello(lua_State *L){
string str;
catch(exception &e){
luaL_error(L, e.what());
lua_pushlstring(L,, str.length());
return 1;
But that is very ugly and error prone as try/catch would need to be added to many places. It could be done as a macro and put around every command that can throw, but that would not be much nicer.

I have found a reasonable solution. The question is whether it is correct. Instead of exporting (or calling via lua_cpcall) the original function int PushHello(lua_State *L) a wrapper int SafeFunction<PushHello>(lua_State *L) is exported/called. The wrapper looks like:
template<lua_CFunction func>
int SafeFunction(lua_State *L){
int result = 0;
result = func(L);
// transform exception with description into lua_error
catch(exception &e){
luaL_error(L, e.what());
// rethrow lua error - C++ Lua throws lua_longjmp*
// any other exception as lua_error with no description
luaL_error(L, "Unknown error");
return result;
What do you think about it? Do you see any problems?

Juraj Blaho's answer is great. It has however a drawback: for each function you export with int SafeFunction<PushHello>(lua_State *L), the compiler will generate a copy of all code from the template, just as if it was a macro. When numerous small functions are exported, this will be a waste of footprint.
You can easily avoid the problem by defining a common static function performing all the job, and the template function just calls that common function:
static int SafeFunctionCommon(lua_State *L, lua_CFunction func){
int result = 0;
result = func(L);
// transform exception with description into lua_error
catch(exception &e){
luaL_error(L, e.what());
// rethrow lua error - C++ Lua throws lua_longjmp*
// any other exception as lua_error with no description
luaL_error(L, "Unknown error");
return result;
template<lua_CFunction func>
int SafeFunction(lua_State *L){
return SafeFunctionCommon(L, func);

Lua will not catch the C++ exception. If you do not catch it, it will be passed up the call stack until it is either caught by some other block of code or causes the program to crash (unhandled exception). If the functions you expose to Lua call functions that can throw exceptions, you should handle them in that function.

I wouldn't use lua_error to denote an error occuring outside of lua functionality. lua_error would be used if you are adding additional lua functions that can be invoke within the bounds of lua. Then lua_error would be appropriate if an error occurs while executing that function.
Also this is a duplicate of Stack unwinding in C++ when using Lua
If you are worried about the string destructor being called why not do this:
string str("Hello");
lua_pushlstring(L,, str.length());
catch (exception& e)
luaL_error(L, e.what());
I realize this is a subtle change to what you suggested but there is a difference. If an exception is thrown anything on the stack within the try{} will destruct. Just ensure that anything you want to destruct is within that try.

If you compile Lua as C++, then they will use C++ exceptions as errors, whereas if you compile as C then they will use longjmp/setjmp. This basically means that there's no big deal throwing such an exception.


Is it important that what() does not throw (exception classes)?

An exercise from C++ Primer asks
Why is it important that the what function [of exception classes] doesn’t throw?
Since there is no way to check my answer I was hoping to get an opinion. I thought possibly that it is an error (maybe terminate would've been called) to throw another exception during a catch clause (other than a rethrow throw;) while the current exception object is still being handled. It seems that is not the case though and it is completely okay to throw out of catch clauses:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
throw exception();
} catch(exception err){ throw exception();}
} catch(exception err){ cout << "caught"} //compiles and runs fine, outputs "caught"
So program terminations are not a worry. It seems then, any problem that arises from what() throwing should, at the very least, be rectifiable by the user if they were so inclined.
Maybe then, the importance might be that while handling an error we do not want further unexpected errors to occur? Throws inside catch clauses are mainly intended for sending the exception object further up the call chain. A user may receive an error from deep in his program and does not want to worry that the error caught has to be associated with its own try block. Or maybe what() having its own throw may also lead to recursive effects (e.g. what() throws an exception, then we catch this exception and call what() but this then throws, and so on) meaning it might become impossible to handle any errors? How drastic can it be for what() to potentially throw?
I think there's nothing unclear - it's just as you described. If .what() method of an exception class throws an error, the whole catch effort was wasted:
try {
catch(std::exception e) {
// Ooops, instead of false,
//we get another exception totally unrelated to original error;
return false;
return true;
And Imagine the crazy code if you were expected to deal with what()'s exceptions:
try {
catch(std::exception e) {
// Not very fun
try {;
catch(...) {
return false;
I think there's nothing more in that, probably the question is so simple it seems there must be some catch hiding in it. I think it's not the case.
std::exception::what() is noexcept. Consequently, if it throws, std::terminate is called. Yes, this is important.
Image a very curious coder with a slight tendency towards being a control freak (I know a couple of them myself), he really wants to know what is going wrong in his program and logs all errors with ex.what(). So he codes
try {
catch(std::exception &e) {
He is pretty pleased with the world in general and with himself in particular. But now it crosses his mind, that e.what() could throw an exception as well. So he is codes:
try {
catch(std::exception &e) {
catch(std::exception &e) {
A minute later he notices, that there is again an uncaught exception possible! Remember, he is a control freak, so he is going to write another try-catch block and than another and another
So you can bet any money, his project will be late - how could you do something like this to my friend? So please make sure e.what() doesn't throw:)
I guess it is the reason behind what being noexcept.

c++ exception handling

Learning "try & catch". What is wrong with the following code?
Thanks for the advice.
Error in execution:
terminate called without an active exception
The code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a = 3;
if (a < 5)
catch (...)
printf ("captured\n");
return 0;
Your throw; statement tries to rethrow a current exception but there probably isn't one. You need something like
throw some_exception_object();
Inside of a try block, you have to specify what to throw. The only place you can use throw by itself is inside of a catch block to re-throw the current exception. If you call throw by itself without a current exception being active, you will kill your app, as you have already discovered.
Try this:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a = 3;
if (a < 5)
throw 1; // throws an int
catch (...)
printf ("captured\n");
return 0;
You can throw anything you want, as long as you throw something.
There are four things, two major and two minor. One thing at a time...
1. Rethrow usage w/o active exception
A throw; statement is used to re-throw an exception that is currently caught. For example:
try {
} catch (const std::exception &) {
throw; // This statement re-throws an exception that was caught in this "catch" block.
In your case, you are using throw; without catching any exceptions (in order words — it does not appear inside catch block directly or indirectly), thus your program is terminated. When there is a need to throw and not to re-throw an exception, like in your case, you must specify an exception object to be thrown. For example:
throw std::runtime_error("Something bad happened");
2. catch-all clause which does not re-throw a caught exception
Your catch-all clause (catch (...)) is perfectly legal C++. However, it does not re-throw caught exception. Even though it is a legal C++ code, such a usage is a taboo. C and C++ runtime is usually using special types of exceptions to implement certain functionality. For example, NPTL is using exceptions to implement a thread cancellation. If you catch that exception using catch (...), a thread won't be cancelled and you are going to have a bad time. Generally, you have to catch exceptions by their types. In almost all cases, exceptions are inherited from std::exception, and so you have to write catch (const std::exception &) or, if you expect to catch an exact type, - catch(const TypeYouExpect &). If you must, however, use catch-all, remember to re-throw. For example:
try {
} catch (...) {
3. Header naming...
You are including C header whereas C++ provides its own headers for standard C features. So, header:
#include <stdio.h>
.. should be:
#include <cstdio>
C++ specific C functions get special treatment. For example, they become available in std namespace. So that you can use std::open() instead of just open() or ::open(). No big deal, but is highly recommended way to go.
4. Return from main.
Unlike C, C++'s main() function is very special. It allows you not to have return 0;. This is a default behavior. So, unless you really need to return some value, you may save yourself some time by not typing return 0;. Remember, however, that main is the only function like that, and that everywhere else you must explicitly return something unless a function is marked void.
Hope it helps. Good Luck!
You need to actually throw some object. Even something as simple as
throw "error";
will catch the error like you want it to.
see it in action here
The statement to throw an exception is:
throw <expression>;
This statement:
is also called the re-throw statement and is use to re-throw an existing exception that has been caught. It is typically used in a catch block, for example, you look at the exception and decide if you can continue, retry or abort. In case you decide to abort, you re-throw the exception so that somebody else down the call stack will catch it and handle this error.
For example:
// getResult() calls can fail with a deadlock exception
// This method will retry up to 3 times before failing
Result getResultWithRetry()
int nbTry = 3;
for(;;) {
try {
return getResult();
} catch (DeadLockException& e) {
if (nbTry == 0) {
throw; // re-throw the deadlock exception

try catch duo in c++

I know that the general method for using the try catch duo is something like this:
//your code
//any error goes here
Is there a way by which catch() catches the error code without giving any input... i.e if I didn't throw an exception but the c compiler did, then the error code can be anything. I just need to catch whatever the error code is and be notified that's all.
Apparently, you're trying to catch errors from functions that don't throw exceptions but return numerical error codes. That's impossible. The closest you can get is wrapping all your C functions in exception throwing code yourself:
FILE *safe_fopen(char const *path, char const *mode)
FILE *f = std::fopen(path, mode);
if (f == NULL)
throw std::runtime_error(std::strerror(errno));
return f;
It is not possible to throw an exception when a program derefences a null pointer or an invalid piece of memory, at least not in a portable manner; when that happens, behavior is simply undefined. There's no error code to check for, just a segfault on most OSs.
But please get your terminology straight. The compiler does not throw an exception, a function may do so, at run-time. The C compiler has very little to do with all this.
You don't have to catch everything. If you only want to handle a particular type of exception, only catch that exception:
try {
} catch (MyExceptionType ex) {

Stack unwinding in C++ when using Lua

I recently stumbled into this this C++/Lua error
int function_for_lua( lua_State* L )
std::string s("Trouble coming!");
/* ... */
return luaL_error(L,"something went wrong");
The error is that luaL_error use longjmp, so the stack is never unwound and s is never destructed, leaking memory. There are a few more Lua API's that fail to unwind the stack.
One obvious solution is to compile Lua in C++ mode with exceptions. I, however, cannot as Luabind needs the standard C ABI.
My current thought is to write my own functions that mimic the troublesome parts of the Lua API:
// just a heads up this is valid c++. It's called a function try/catch.
int function_for_lua( lua_State* L )
/* code that may throw Lua_error */
catch( Lua_error& e )
So my question: Is function_for_lua's stack properly unwound. Can something go wrong?
If I understand correctly, with Luabind functions that throw exceptions are properly caught and translated anyway. (See reference.)
So whenever you need to indicate an error, just throw a standard exception:
void function_for_lua( lua_State* L )
std::string s("Trouble coming!");
/* ... */
// translated into lua error
throw std::runtime_error("something went wrong");
Disclaimer: I've never used Lubind.

Bad Re-throw compiles but crash at runtime

Following code will compile but crash at run time:
int main() {
try {
cout<<"In catch";
return 0;
Result: “Unhandled exception at 0x7c812a5b in hello.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: [rethrow] # 0x00000000”
Why compiler allows the code to compile? it looks not so difficult job for compiler to check if this code is part of catch block or not.
From C++ Standard (15.1.8)
If no exception is presently being handled, executing a throw-expression with no operand calls std::terminate()
As standard allows it and gives clear semantics, a compiler can only conform to it.
There are probably millions of errors that compilers could catch, if the compiler writers put enough work into them. But those compiler writers have to make judgements about whether that work is worthwhile. In this case, they decided not (and I agree with them).
Not so easy. You could have called this function from inside a catch block in some other function.
A concept of so-called exception handler is described in this answer.
You can put the throw in a function which is called from a catch block. Sometimes useful if you have a common handling for a class of exceptions:
void handleXExceptions()
try {
} catch (XA&) {
} catch (XB&) {
} catch (X&) {
assert("Update handleXExceptions" == NULL);
void f() {
try {
} catch (X&) {
void g() {
try {
} catch (X&) {
Simply because the code is legal. You could say the same about:
int* p=0;
*p = 0;
and thousands of other examples. It's legal but very wrong.
How should it know the caller of the function will not catch the exception?
Thanks, I think i got the point, it is something like throwing null exception (there is nothing to re throw) and compiler is not supposed to do null checks for us.