Stack unwinding in C++ when using Lua - c++

I recently stumbled into this this C++/Lua error
int function_for_lua( lua_State* L )
std::string s("Trouble coming!");
/* ... */
return luaL_error(L,"something went wrong");
The error is that luaL_error use longjmp, so the stack is never unwound and s is never destructed, leaking memory. There are a few more Lua API's that fail to unwind the stack.
One obvious solution is to compile Lua in C++ mode with exceptions. I, however, cannot as Luabind needs the standard C ABI.
My current thought is to write my own functions that mimic the troublesome parts of the Lua API:
// just a heads up this is valid c++. It's called a function try/catch.
int function_for_lua( lua_State* L )
/* code that may throw Lua_error */
catch( Lua_error& e )
So my question: Is function_for_lua's stack properly unwound. Can something go wrong?

If I understand correctly, with Luabind functions that throw exceptions are properly caught and translated anyway. (See reference.)
So whenever you need to indicate an error, just throw a standard exception:
void function_for_lua( lua_State* L )
std::string s("Trouble coming!");
/* ... */
// translated into lua error
throw std::runtime_error("something went wrong");
Disclaimer: I've never used Lubind.


Passing exceptions across a C API boundary

I am writing a library in C++ which uses an older C API. The client of my library can specify callback functions, which are indirectly called through my library which is called through the C API. This means that all exceptions in the client callbacks must be handled.
My question is this: how can I catch the exception on one side of the boundary and re-throw it once the C API boundary has been recrossed and the execution is back in C++ land so that the exception can be handled by client code?
With C++11 we could use:
std::exception_ptr active_exception;
// call code which may throw exceptions
catch (...)
// an exception is thrown. save it for future re-throwing.
active_exception = std::current_exception();
// call C code
// back to C++, re-throw the exception if needed.
if (active_exception)
Before C++11 these can still be used via Boost Exception.
Some environments support this more or less directly.
For instance, if you enable structured exception handling and C++ exceptions through the /EH compiler switch, you can have C++ exceptions implemented over Microsoft's structured exception handling ("exceptions" for C). Provided these options are set when compiling all your code (the C++ at each end and the C in the middle) stack unwinding will "work".
However, this is almost always a Bad Idea (TM). Why, you ask? Consider that the piece of C code in the middle is:
WaitForSingleObject(mutex, ...);
And that the invoke_cxx_callback() (....drum roll...) invokes your C++ code that throws an exception. You will leak a mutex lock. Ouch.
You see, the thing is that most C code is not written to handle C++-style stack unwinding at any moment in a function's execution. Moreover, it lacks destructors, so it doesn't have RAII to protect itself from exceptions.
Kenny TM has a solution for C++11 and Boost-based projects. xxbbcc has a more general, albeit more tedious solution for the general case.
You can probably pass a structure across the C interface that gets filled out with error information in case of an exception and then when that is received on the client side, check it and throw an exception inside the client, based on data from the structure. If you only need minimal information to recreate your exception, you can probably just use a 32-bit/64-bit integer as an error code. For example:
typedef int ErrorCode;
void CMyCaller::CallsClient ()
CheckResult ( CFunction ( ... ) );
void CheckResult ( ErrorCode nResult )
// If you have more information (for example in a structure) then you can
// use that to decide what kind of exception to throw.)
if ( nResult < 0 )
throw ( nResult );
// Client component's C interface
ErrorCode CFunction ( ... )
ErrorCode nResult = 0;
catch ( CSomeException oX )
nResult = -100;
catch ( ... )
nResult = -1;
return ( nResult );
If you need more information than a single int32/int64 then you can allocate a structure before the call and pass its address to the C function which will, in turn, catch exceptions internally and if they happen, throws an exception on its own side.

C++ try / catch (new to programming and not much info about this clause)

I am new to programming and am having trouble with try / catch clauses.
Here is an example from a textbook that I have:
int main( )
char *ptr;
try {
ptr = new char[ 1000000000 ];
catch( … ) {
cout << "Too many elements" << endl;
return 0;
I have tried to look online for a further explanation and the textbook does not exactly tell me what what these clauses actually do or what it is used for.
Any information would be helpful.
EDIT: The textbook I am using is:
C++: Classes and Data Structures by Jeffrey Childs
A try-catch is the C++ construct for exception handling. Google 'C++ exceptions'.
Try catch is a way of handling exceptions:
// Do work in here
// If any exceptions are generated then the code in here is stopped.
// and a jump is made to the catch block.
// to see if the exception can be handled.
// An exception is generated when somebody uses throw.
// Either you or one of the functions you call.
// In your case new can throw std::bad_alloc
// Which is derived from std::runtime_error which is derived from std::exception
The catch block is where you define what exceptions you want to handle.
catch(MyException const& e)
// Correct a MyException
catch(std::exception const& e)
// Correct a std::exception
// For example this would cat any exception derived from std::exception
You can have as many catch blocks as you like. If you exception matches any of the catch expressions in the catch statement then the associated block of code is executed. If no catch expressions matches an exception then the stack is unwound until it finds a higher level catch block and the processes is repeated (this can cause the application to exit if no matching catch block is found).
Note: If multiple catch expressions match then the lexically first one is used. Only one or none of the catch blocks will be executed. If none then the compiler will look for a higher level try/catch.
There is also a catch anything clause
// This is a catch all.
// If the exception is not listed above this will catch any exception.
So how does this apply to your code.
int main( )
char *ptr;
// This calls ::new() which can potentially throw std::bad_alloc
// If this happens then it will look for a catch block.
ptr = new char[ 1000000000 ];
// If the ::new() works then nothing happens and you pointer `ptr`
// is valid and code continues to execute.
catch( … )
// You only have one catch block that catches everything.
// So if there are any statements that generate an exception this will catch
// the excetption and execute this code.
cout << "Too many elements" << endl;
// As you have caught all exceptions the code will continue from here.
// Either after the try block finishes successfully or
// After an exception has been handled by the catch block.
return 0;
Try-catch blocks are used to trap errors in the code.
At the most basic level, errors occur because the program tries to execute an invalid instruction. That instruction (read: line of code) could be invalid for a number of reasons. In your specific instance, the instruction could be invalid if your program was not able to allocate 1,000,000,000 bytes of memory to story your ptr. The most common exception is trying to access a bad pointer, which is called a Null Pointer Exception, which occurs when you try to perform some action on an Object that either has not been created, or has been deleted (or got corrupt). You will learn to hate that exception.
Using catch(...) tells the program to execute the code inside the catch block if any error occurs inside the code within the try block. There you can handle your error and try to find someway to either fix the error condition or gracefully exit that module.
You can also catch specific errors, which you can find out more about here :
If you already know C, try/catch achieves the same thing as setjmp/longjmp when used for error handling. Think of try as code for the if condition of setjmp and catch code for else of setjmp. This makes longjmp equivalent to throw in C++, which is used to throw an exception. In your example, probably, the new operator, which calls some memory allocation function internally, throws an exception on seeing a very large number as input by using the C++ throw operator.
void a()
longjmp(buf,1); // <--- similar to throw
if ( !setjmp(buf) ) // <--- similar to try
else // <--- similar to catch
try/catch is a bit more sophisticated than setjmp/longjmp, as for setjmp/longjmp you will need to declare variables which are modified in between setjmp/longjmp calls as volatile, which is not necessary for try/catch.

How to handle C++ exceptions when calling functions from Lua?

I have a working C++ function that I am able to call from Lua. To demonstrate my problem here is an example:
int PushHello(lua_State *L){
string str("Hello");
lua_pushlstring(L,, str.length());
return 1;
Note: I know I don't have to use string variable there, but it is there to demonstrate the problem.
Here are my two problems:
When I call this function from Lua string constructor may throw an exception. Is that a problem? Will Lua handle it and unwind the Lua stack properly? I don't think so. How can I solve that? Do I need to add try/catch around all such code and convert the exception to lua_error? Is not there a better solution?
Another problem that I have probably solved by compiling Lua as C++ is when lua_pushlstring() calls lua_error() string destructor would not be called if longjmp was used. Is the problem solved by compiling as C++ and throwing exceptions instead of using longjmp?
To clarify, possible solution I can see to problem 1 would be this:
int PushHello(lua_State *L){
string str;
catch(exception &e){
luaL_error(L, e.what());
lua_pushlstring(L,, str.length());
return 1;
But that is very ugly and error prone as try/catch would need to be added to many places. It could be done as a macro and put around every command that can throw, but that would not be much nicer.
I have found a reasonable solution. The question is whether it is correct. Instead of exporting (or calling via lua_cpcall) the original function int PushHello(lua_State *L) a wrapper int SafeFunction<PushHello>(lua_State *L) is exported/called. The wrapper looks like:
template<lua_CFunction func>
int SafeFunction(lua_State *L){
int result = 0;
result = func(L);
// transform exception with description into lua_error
catch(exception &e){
luaL_error(L, e.what());
// rethrow lua error - C++ Lua throws lua_longjmp*
// any other exception as lua_error with no description
luaL_error(L, "Unknown error");
return result;
What do you think about it? Do you see any problems?
Juraj Blaho's answer is great. It has however a drawback: for each function you export with int SafeFunction<PushHello>(lua_State *L), the compiler will generate a copy of all code from the template, just as if it was a macro. When numerous small functions are exported, this will be a waste of footprint.
You can easily avoid the problem by defining a common static function performing all the job, and the template function just calls that common function:
static int SafeFunctionCommon(lua_State *L, lua_CFunction func){
int result = 0;
result = func(L);
// transform exception with description into lua_error
catch(exception &e){
luaL_error(L, e.what());
// rethrow lua error - C++ Lua throws lua_longjmp*
// any other exception as lua_error with no description
luaL_error(L, "Unknown error");
return result;
template<lua_CFunction func>
int SafeFunction(lua_State *L){
return SafeFunctionCommon(L, func);
Lua will not catch the C++ exception. If you do not catch it, it will be passed up the call stack until it is either caught by some other block of code or causes the program to crash (unhandled exception). If the functions you expose to Lua call functions that can throw exceptions, you should handle them in that function.
I wouldn't use lua_error to denote an error occuring outside of lua functionality. lua_error would be used if you are adding additional lua functions that can be invoke within the bounds of lua. Then lua_error would be appropriate if an error occurs while executing that function.
Also this is a duplicate of Stack unwinding in C++ when using Lua
If you are worried about the string destructor being called why not do this:
string str("Hello");
lua_pushlstring(L,, str.length());
catch (exception& e)
luaL_error(L, e.what());
I realize this is a subtle change to what you suggested but there is a difference. If an exception is thrown anything on the stack within the try{} will destruct. Just ensure that anything you want to destruct is within that try.
If you compile Lua as C++, then they will use C++ exceptions as errors, whereas if you compile as C then they will use longjmp/setjmp. This basically means that there's no big deal throwing such an exception.

What happens if I use "throw;" without an exception to throw?

Here's the setup.
I have a C++ program which calls several functions, all of which potentially throw the same exception set, and I want the same behaviour for the exceptions in each function
(e.g. print error message & reset all the data to the default for exceptionA; simply print for exceptionB; shut-down cleanly for all other exceptions).
It seems like I should be able to set the catch behaviour to call a private function which simply rethrows the error, and performs the catches, like so:
void aFunction()
try{ /* do some stuff that might throw */ }
void bFunction()
try{ /* do some stuff that might throw */ }
void handle()
// common code for both aFunction and bFunction
// involving the exception they threw
// common code for both aFunction and bFunction
// involving the exception they threw
// common code for both aFunction and bFunction
// involving the exception they threw
Now, what happens if "handle" is called outside of the exception class.
I'm aware that this should never happen, but I'm wondering if the behaviour is undefined by the C++ standard.
If handle() is called outside the context of an exception, you will throw without an exception being handled. In this case, the standard (see section 15.5.1) specifies that
If no exception is presently being handled, executing a throw-expression with no operand calls terminate().
so your application will terminate. That's probably not what you want here.
If you use throw inside of a catch block, it will rethrow the exception. If you use throw outside of a catch block, it will terminate the application.
Never, never, never use catch(...) as you might catch application errors that you don't want to catch, e.g. bugs, access violations (depending on how you compiled).
Read the great John Robbins book (Debugging Windows Applications) in which he explains more in detail why you shouldn't do it.

Will C++ exceptions safely propagate through C code?

I have a C++ application that calls SQLite's (SQLite is in C) sqlite3_exec() which in turn can call my callback function implemented in C++. SQLite is compiled into a static library.
If an exception escapes my callback will it propagate safely through the C code of SQLite to the C++ code calling sqlite3_exec()?
My guess is that this is compiler dependent. However, throwing an exception in the callback would be a very bad idea. Either it will flat-out not work, or the C code in the SQLite library will be unable to handle it. Consider if this is some code in SQLite:
char * p = malloc( 1000 );
call_the_callback(); // might throw an exception
free( p );
If the exception "works", the C code has no possible way of catching it, and p will never be freed. The same goes for any other resources the library may have allocated, of course.
There is already a protocol for the callback to abort the API call. From the docs:
If an sqlite3_exec() callback returns
non-zero, the sqlite3_exec() routine
returns SQLITE_ABORT without invoking
the callback again and without running
any subsequent SQL statements.
I'd strongly recommend you use this instead of an exception.
SQLite is expecting you to return a SQLITE_ABORT on error and a 0 return code for no error. So you ought to wrap all your C++ callback in a try catch. Then in the catch return a SQLite SQLITE_ABORT error code, otherwise a zero.
Problems will occur if you bypass returning through SQLite as it will not free up/complete whatever code it does after you return back from your callback. This will cause untold problems potentially some of which maybe very obscure.
That was a really interesting question and I tested it out myself out of curiosity. On my OS X w/ gcc 4.2.1 the answer was YES. It works perfectly. I think a real test would be using gcc for the C++ and some other (MSVC?, LLVM?) for the C part and see if it still works.
My code:
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef void (*t_callb)();
void cfun(t_callb fn);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "callb.h"
void cfun(t_callb fn) {
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "callb.h"
void myfn() {
std::string s( "My Callb Except" );
throw s;
int main() {
try {
catch(std::string s) {
std::cout << "Caught: " << s << std::endl;
return 0;
If your callback called from sqlite is from the same thread from which you called sqlite3_exec() a throw somewhere in the callstack should be caught by a higher level catch.
Testing this yourself should be straightforward, no?
After digging a little more myself I found out that the C++ standard is somewhat vague on what the behavior a c++ function called from c should have when throwing an exception.
You should definitely use the error handling mechanism the API expects. Otherwise you'll mostly the API itself in an undefined state and any further calls could potentially fail/crash.
Not a single answer mentioning building your C library with -fexceptions? Throw in a -fno-omit-framepointer and you are good to go. This works even across a shared library (written in C), as long as you throw from your main program, and catch in your main program again.