JTextPane avoid blinking - refresh

I have a JTextArea and I want to disable blinking from it. I have tried to set focusable to false, but it doesn't seem to work. I also set editable to false and it doesn't work either. Any idea?

getCaret().setVisible()doesn't seem to have any effect, at least with the Metal and Windows 7 L&Fs.
Here's two suggestions that might be enough for you, depending on what your final requirements:
Set the caret color to the same color as the JTextField background, effectively making it invisible.
If you want to show the caret at a later time (say when the field gets focus), you could switch back to the original color (the documentation says passing a null will do that) when your JTextField gets focus.
Set the blink rate to 0 so even though the cursor will be visible, it won't be blinking.
It seems like you want to hide the caret (the | cursor that indicates the current text insert position).
You can use JTextField.getCaret().setVisible(false);


How can I copy a text from a sfml window?

I've got this sfml window that displays a text and now I want to make it markable so that you can copy the text.
Any ideas how to do that?
If you just want to copy everything then just use
If you want more features, here are some I implemented when I programmed a Code Editor in SFML.
I stored two indexes, the first is where the selection begins, and the second is where the section ends.
So in the string Hello World!, if you wanted to select World you would set the begin index to 6, and the end index to 10 or 11 (depending on whether you include the final character or not).
I render this using an sf::RectangleShape, since my editor supported multiple line selection boxes the code is more complicated, but for your example you would want to get the position of each character. I used my own text renderer, but SFML's sf::Text::findCharacterPos() should be able to help with that.
Next the copy part, this is just
where getSelected() is
return std::string::substr(selection_begin, selection_end - selection_begin);
If you want pasting as well then it is also simple:
Which are both simple string operations as well (std::string::erase and reset the selection indexes, and std::string::insert).
Finally, to let the user change what is selected, either holding shift and pressing the arrow keys or clicking and dragging are both common ways, the former being easier than the latter.
For the former, check if shift is held and then if left or right is pressed update the indexes.
For the latter, you will need to handle mouse events and dragging. When dragging begins, set one of the indexes, whilst the mouse is moving and is dragging set the other index.

How to center align text in CDateTimeCtrl?

I'm using CDateTimeCtrl in my dialog application. Now we have already agreed with the client about the size of the CDateTimeCtrl. The 1st problem is, it is by default left-aligned, and is really close to the left border. The 2nd problem is it leaves a really wide space on the right side of the control. Hence, the solution to solve both problems would be to center align text.
Unfortunately, in the Properties window, there is no alignment property (except for "Right align" in which there were no changes when I tried to toggle it).
Now, I've tried calling CWnd::ModifyStyle in the OnInitDialog() event. Also, no luck with this.
For the actual code,
auto timePicker = (CDateTimeCtrl*)GetDlgItem(IDC_TIME_PICKER);
timePicker->ModifyStyle(0, SS_CENTER);
return TRUE; // this function is the OnInitDialog()
What could I be missing that calling this function does not center the text of CDateTimeCtrl?
You can't use a style that is suited for a static control and use the style in a date time control.
All available styles are listed here.
The control itself also doesn't have child controls. It draw the values itself.
Maybe there is a chance to subclass the control and overwrite the WM_PAINT message and doing a kind of ownerdrawing by yourself.
I don't use the date time picker and I confess: I don't like it at all. I wrote a complete own control that is much more flexible.

How to check if the length or width of Row in a window is greater than the width of its parent window C++

I wanted to wrap the existing text of checkbox into multiline if the width of row exceeds the width of its parent window. I am not really sure how to do that.
The image I want to show the checkbox string
The image where the string is cropped and only shows if window is resized or maximized
You are going to have a problem with this I am afraid.
The setting for making a checkbox multiline is ES_MULTILINE and if you look here you will see that it states:
To create an edit control using the CreateWindow or CreateWindowEx function, specify the EDIT class, appropriate window style constants, and a combination of the following edit control styles. After the control has been created, these styles cannot be modified, except as noted.
So, it would seem to me that you have three ways forward, depending on what you feel is the best or most elegant for you.
Set your control in the resource editor as multiline anyway. Then it doesn't matter and will wrap. No need to have to change the setting.
Implement the needed functionality to limit the size the window can be reduced to. I can show you how if you are interested. This way, if you set the control resize properties correctly it can resize larger but only reduce down the a known dimension (ie: the dimensions you created it in the resource editor).
Possibly have two controls in the same place, one as multiline and one as single. And when you decide which you want to show, swap the visibility. But I think this is a bad idea, bit of a headache, and not worth the hassle.
IMHO I would do both ideas 1 and 2 and I would happily extend my answer to provide more information.
Having looked at your images and the comments about translations then there is a fourth idea. If you use a third party application to manage the translations and use satellite DLL files then you can adjust the resources on a language by language basis. I sometimes have to make the default width for some windows wider due to their verbose nature.
I have set BS_MULTILINE for the checkbox. The minimum size of the window is fixed but I just want the checkbox to fit in that. I expect it to show at least one word in the same line as other labels and remaining words in second line. So I am checking if the total width of the first row is greater than the width of window then show the string with \r\n in it else show normal string. However, I want to align first line or the first word of the checkbox with the checkbox and remaining words should come below the first word. Currently, the checkbox is in between two lines which looks weird. Is there anyway I can do this?

MFC CEdit character delete not working

I stumbled upon a strange problem today on one of my client's Windows XP SP 3: deleting with BACKSPACE or DELETE buttons a text from a CEdit won't work. To be more accurate, i place the cursor at the end of the text, and hitting the BACKSPACE button will result in moving the text cursor to the left, but deleted characters won't dissapear. The actual delete takes place, because if i force a refresh of the window, the deleted characters are missing.
I guess is a paint issue, but i can't find what's wrong and how to work around it, and i couldn't reproduce the bug elsewhere.
I checked the code, and the CEdits that behave like that have no events overriden, and no special properties set.
My answer is a guess: You overwrote WM_CTLCOLOREDIT and you are returning a NULL Brush to draw transparent.
The result is what you see. Without the capability to overwrite the background the edit control shows artifacts...
This "trick" of drawing transparent in Standard controls isn't a real good one but it is spread all over the Internet so that everybody uses it without knowing the drawbacks. Usually this works only for static controls that don't change.

Are there any native Window animations in Qt 4?

I'm thinking like text fade in and slide effects. I imagine implementing this would be rather trivial and plan to do so myself, but wanted to make sure I'm not reinventing the wheel first. If it doesn't exist then I'm looking on advice on the best way to implement these.
The 2 things I'm looking to do are fade in text and have the window slide down when resizing, eg if I show a label that was previously hidden it would slide down ~20 pixels instead of just instantly growing 20 pixels larger.
The way I was thinking to implement the first one is, assuming it's possible, get the window/bg color and start it at that and transition it to the font color, if there's alpha channel support that would be even simpler to do (I'm not sure if there is since I haven't messed with colors yet). To do this I'd just choose a transition time period and process it with a for loop or something once the color increments have been determined.
Similarly to do the window transitions I would get the height of the change (not sure how to do that yet), determine the increments of change based on the transition time and in a for loop gradually adjust the size. Sorry if I didn't explain those very clear, I'm trying to get this in before I go to work and figure most of you will know what I'm trying to explain. As always thanks for the help!
For window resize transition effect, QPropertyAnimation may be the easiest to do since height is a widget property. Fading text might work the same way if the foreground color can be coerced into a property.