compute slope of a 3D plane - c++

I have a set of (X,Y,Z) points representing different planar features. I need to calculate the slope of each plane using normal vectors.
i think slope is given by the angle between normal vector (NV) of each plane and NV of imaginary horizontal plane. Assume, the plane equation that I use is; Ax+By+c=z. Then i guess the normal vector of my plane is (a,b, -1). For my plane equation, what should be the equation of imaginary horizontal plane? I think equation of horizontal plane is z=c. Hence, the normal vector is (0,0,-1). Is this correct?
Then the angle between my plane and the horizontal plane is;
cos^(-1)⁡〖(a.0+b.0+(-1).1)/(√(〖a1〗^2+〖b1〗^2+〖c1〗^2 ).√(0^2+0^2+1^2 ))〗
Is that correct? please comment me and give me the correct equation.

Yes, that's mostly correct, but you've made some small mistakes substituting into the expression for the angle. The angle is cos^{-1} [(a * 0 + b * 0 + (-1) * (-1) / (√{a^2 + b^2 + (-1)^2} * √{0^2+0^2+(-1)^2}] = cos^{-1}(1/√{a^2 + b^2 + 1})


Does default OpenGL perspective projection matrix preserve straight lines in all three dimension?

I know that the default OpenGL perspective projection matrix preserves straight lines at least in XY - so if three points are colinear in eye-space, the XY coordinates of the three points in NDC will also lie on a straight line - but what about XYZ in NDC? Will the XYZ coordinates of the projected points still be colinear (I'm asking because to me it currently looks like they're not, but I might be wrong)
If not, is there a way to change the projection matrix so that the post-projection points will have this property?
Proof by geometric argument
For any line L, there is a plane S that contains all the points in L and the origin O.
Any line connecting a point P in L and the origin is also contained in S. So the projection will be in the intersection between the plane S and the plane z=1, and that's a straight line.
Using equations
Usually the projection will map (x, y, z) to (x / z, y / z), for the camera at the origin, pointing to z direction.
Consider the parametric equation of the straight line being (a * t + cx, b* t + cy, c*t + cz), the derivative of the curve in 3D will be
(a,b,c), in the 2D space you have
dx/dt = ((c*t+cz)*a-(a*t+cx)*c)/((c*t+cz)^2) = (cz*a-cx*c)/z^2
dy/dt = ((c*t+cz)*a-(b*t+cy)*c)/((c*t+cz)^2) = (cz*a-cy*c)/z^2
If you divide (dx/dt)/(dy/dt) = (cz*a-cx*c) / (cz*a-cy*c).
This will draw a curve that with tangent to a constant direction, a.k.a straight line.

OpenGL sutherland-hodgman polygon clipping algorithm in homogeneous coordinates (4D, CCS)

I have two questions. (I marked 1, 2 below)
In OpenGl, the clipping is done by sutherland-hodgman.
However, I wonder how to work sutherland-hodgman algorithm in homogeneous system (4D)
I made a situation.
In VCS, there is a line, R= (0, 3, -2, 1), S = (0, 0, 1, 1) (End points of the line)
And a frustum is right = 1, left = -1, near = 1, far = 3, top = 4, bottom = -4
Therefore, the projection matrix P is
1 0 0 0
0 1/4 0 0
0 0 -2 -3
0 0 -1 0
If we calculate the line with the P, then the each end points is like that
R' = (0, 3/4, 1, 2), S' = (0, 0, -5, -1)
I know that perspective division should not be done now, because if we do perspective division, the clipping result is not correct.
Here I am curious. What makes a correct clipping because we did not just do perspective division. What mathematical properties are here?
How to calculate the clipping result in above situation?
(The fact that two intersections occur in the w-y coordinate system makes me confused. I thought the result line is one, not divided two parts)
I'm not quite sure whether you understood the sutherland-hodgman algorithm correctly (or at least I didn't get your example). Thus I will prove here, that it doesn't make any difference whether clipping happens before or after the perspective divide. The proof is only shown for one plane (clipping has to be done against all 6 planes), since applying multiple such clipping operations after each other makes not difference here.
Let's assume we have two points (as you described) R' and S' in clip space. And we have a clipping plane P given in hessian normal form [n, p] (if we take the left plane this is [1,0,0,1]).
If we would be calculating in pure 3d space (R^3), then checking whether a line crosses this plane would be done by calculating the signed distance of both points to the plane and checking if the sign is different. The signed distance for a point X = [x/w,y/w,z/w] is given by
D = dot(n, X) + p
Let's write down the actual equation we have (including the perspective divide):
d = n_x * x/w + n_y * y/w + n_z * z/w + p
In order to find the exact intersection point, we would, again in R^3 space, calculate for both points (A = R'/R'w, B = S'/S'w) the distance to the plane (da, db) and perform a linear interpolation (I will only write the equations for the x-coordinate here since y and z are working similar):
x = A_x * (1 - da/(da - db)) + A_y * (da/(da-db))
x = R'x/R'w * (1 - da/(da - db)) + S'x/S'w * (da/(da-db))
And w = 1 (since we interpolate between two points both having w = 1)
Now we already know from the previous discussion, that clipping has to happen before the perspective divide, thus we have to adapt this equation. This means, that for each point, the clipping cube has a different scaling w. Lt's see what happens when we try to perform the the same operations in P^3 (before the perspective divide):
First, we "revert" the perspective divide to get to X=[x,y,z,w] for which the distance to the plane is given by
d = n_x * x/w + n_y * y/w + n_z * z/w + p
d = (n_x * x + n_y * y + n_z * z) / w + p
d * w = n_x * x + n_y * y + n_z * z + p * w
d * w = dot([n, p], [x,y,z,w])
d * w = dot(P, X)
Since we are only interested in the sign of the whole calculation, which we haven't changed by our operations, we can compare the D*ws and get the same inside-out result as in R^3.
For the two points R' and S', the calculated distances in P^3 are dr = da * R'w and ds = db * S'w. When we now use the same interpolation equation as above but for R' and S' we get for x:
x' = R'x * (1 - (da * R'w)/(da * R'w - db * S'w)) + S'x * (da * R'w)/(da * R'w - db * S'w)
On the first view this looks rather different from the result we got in R^3, but since we are still in P^3 (thus x'), we still have to do the perspective divide on the result (this is allowed here, since the interpolated point will always be at the border of the view-frustum and thus dividing by w will not introduce any problems). The interpolated w component is given as:
w' = R'w * (1 - (da * R'w)/(da * R'w - db * S'w)) + S'w * (da * R'w)/(da * R'w - db * S'w)
And when calculating x/w we get
x = x' / w';
x = R'x/R'w * (1 - da/(da - db)) + S'x/S'w * (da/(da-db))
which is exactly the same result as when calculating everything in R^3.
Conclusion: The interpolation gives the same result, no matter if we perform the perspective divide first and interpolation afterwards or interpolating first and dividing then. But with the second variant we avoid the problem with points flipping from behind the viewer to the front since we are only dividing points that are guaranteed to be inside (or on the border) of the viewing frustum.
You speak of polygon clipping in a homogeneous system (4D) but from your question I assume that you actually mean homogeneous coordinates, which makes a lot more sense. (There are many possible homogenous systems.)
Ok, so you want to use "4D" coordinates, which are really "3D coordinates and a w term". The w term represents (projection transformations) the projective term that partially relates the screen-space coordinate to the original world space position. Assuming that you are NOT interested in projective space clipping, this term is not relevant.
I'm assuming this because the clipping box you describe is axis-aligned on planes in 3D. Even if it was rotated or scaled in 3D space, each of the planes would still be a 3D plane, the 4th coordinate always being '1'.
So how to clip:
clip line segment L against each of the planes of the clipping box, i.e. 6 clipping planes in total (you describe the normals of each clipping plane aptly), and see if any intersection point v is shared by the line and the tested plane P so that
v lies on the line segment (i.e. a t between 0 and 1)
v lies within the bounds of the plane P (i.e. the coordinate should not lie beyond any of the adjacent planes. Since you are using axis-aligned clipping planes, this is easy to check.)
Any of these intersections between a (3D + w) line and one of the 3D planes occurs in 3D, and intersection points have to be a 3D coordinates. You can extend each of these coordinates with a 4th w coordinate into a "4D" coordinate so that you can further transform them using 4x4 matrices for view and projection processing.

How to compute the center of a polygon in 2D and 3D space

Consider a simple convex polygon in 2D Cartesian space. If given a list of vertex coordinates sorted in a counter-clockwise orientation like this [[x0, y0], ..., [xn, yn]]. How could you compute the center of the polygon (the point inside the polygon that is equidistant to all vertices)?
Also consider a second case where the polygon is placed in 3D Cartesian space and its normal vector is not parallel to any of the Cartesian axes. How could you compute the center, without rotating the polygon?
I can read C/C++, Fortran, MATLAB and Python, however any pseudo-code is also well appreciated.
I now realise that my question was not well-posed. I am sorry for that. It appears that what I was looking for is the centroid of the polygon (i.e. the point on which a cardboard cut-out would balance while assuming uniform density and a uniform gravity field).
You definition of center doesn't make sense in general.
To see this just draw three non-aligned points on a plane and compute the one an only circle that passes for all three points. Clearly your center of the triangle must be the center of this circle.
Now draw a fourth point that doesn't lie on the circle and form the four sided polygon. What is the center? There is no point in the plane that is equidistant from all vertices.
Note also that even in case of triangles using the point equidistant from the vertices can give you points outside and far away from the polygon and is also numerically unstable (given any ε>0 and M>0 you can always build a triangle in which a specific movement of a vertex by a distance of less than ε moves the center by a distance greater than M).
Commonly used "centers" that are simple to compute are the average of all vertices, the average of the boundary, the center of mass or even just the center of the axis-aligned bounding box. All of them can however fall outside the polygon if the polygon is not convex, but in your case they may work.
The simplest reasonable one (because it doesn't depends on the coordinate system) is the barycenter of the vertices (code in Python):
xc = sum(x for (x, y) in points) / len(points)
yc = sum(y for (x, y) in points) / len(points)
something bad about it it's that just splitting one side of the polygon gives you a different center (in other words it depends on the vertices and not on the set of points bounded by the polygon). The simplest that depends on the polygon is IMO the barycenter of the boundary:
sx = sy = sL = 0
for i in range(len(points)): # counts from 0 to len(points)-1
x0, y0 = points[i - 1] # in Python points[-1] is last element of points
x1, y1 = points[i]
L = ((x1 - x0)**2 + (y1 - y0)**2) ** 0.5
sx += (x0 + x1)/2 * L
sy += (y0 + y1)/2 * L
sL += L
xc = sx / sL
yc = sy / sL
For both of them the extension to 3d is trivial... just add z using the same formulas.
In the case of a general (not necessarily convex, not necessarily simply connected) polygon a "center" that I found useful but that is not trivial to compute is the (an) inner point that is at a maximum distance from the boundary (in other words a "most inner" point).
In this case I resorted to use a discrete (bitmap) representation and a gaussian distance transform.
First of all for a polygon, the centroid may not always imply equidistant lengths from the centroid to the vertices. In most cases this is probably NOT true. That being said, you can find the centroid simply by finding the mean of your x coordinates and the mean of your y coordinates. In Matlab: centroidx = mean(xcoords) and centroidy = mean(ycoords) are the coordinates of the centroid. See this if you really need more.

Find OpenGL rotation matrix for a plane, given the normal vector after the rotation

Is there a way to obtain the matrix which rotates a plane to a new orientation, given its new normal vector
The following image depicts what is described
Given the old normal N and the new normal N' you can obtain the rotation by:
RotationAxis = cross(N, N')
RotationAngle = arccos(dot(N, N') / (|N| * |N'|))
cross(x, y) is the cross product of the vectors x and y
dot(x, y) is the dot product of the vectors x and y
|x| is the length of the vector x
This will rotate the old normal onto the new one by the shortest way possible.
RotationAngle will be in radians (if arccos returns radians as it does in most implementations)
arccos is the inverse of the cosine function. It is necessary because dot(N, N') = |N| * |N'| * cos(RotationAngle) where RotationAngle is the angle between the vectors.
RotationAxis is not normalized
If both normals are normalized the division by (|N| * |N'|) becomes unnecessary (in fact if N is normalized you can leave out |N| of the product and if N' is normalized then leave out |N'|)
This method will fail if N' = -N (as there are infinite many shortest ways)
How does it work?
The first observation is that the two normals will always define (at least) one plane in which both are lying. The smallest angle that parts them will be measured inside this plane too.
So the RotationAxis vector will be the normal of the plane that encloses both N and N' and the RotationAngle is the smallest angle between the two mentioned earlier.
So by rotating around RotationAxis by the RotationAngle the old normal N is rotated inside the plane, on the shortest path towards N'.

Calculating a line from a starting point and angle in 3d

I have a point in 3D space and two angles, I want to calculate the resulting line from this information. I have found how to do this with 2D lines, but not 3D. How can this be calculated?
If it helps: I'm using C++ & OpenGL and have the location of the user's mouse click and the angle of the camera, I want to trace this line for intersections.
In trig terms two angles and a point are required to define a line in 3d space. Converting that to (x,y,z) is just polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates the equations are:
x = r sin(q) cos(f)
y = r sin(q) sin(f)
z = r cos(q)
Where r is the distance from the point P to the origin; the angle q (zenith) between the line OP and the positive polar axis (can be thought of as the z-axis); and the angle f (azimuth) between the initial ray and the projection of OP onto the equatorial plane(usually measured from the x-axis).
Okay that was the first part of what you ask. The rest of it, the real question after the updates to the question, is much more complicated than just creating a line from 2 angles and a point in 3d space. This involves using a camera-to-world transformation matrix and was covered in other SO questions. For convenience here's one: How does one convert world coordinates to camera coordinates? The answers cover converting from world-to-camera and camera-to-world.
The line can be fathomed as a point in "time". The equation must be vectorized, or have a direction to make sense, so time is a natural way to think of it. So an equation of a line in 3 dimensions could really be three two dimensional equations of x,y,z related to time, such as:
x = ax*t + cx
y = ay*t + cy
z = az*t + cz
To find that set of equations, assuming the camera is at origin, (0,0,0), and your point is (x1,y1,z1) then
ax = x1 - 0
ay = y1 - 0
az = z1 - 0
cx = cy = cz = 0
x = x1*t
y = y1*t
z = z1*t
Note: this also assumes that the "speed" of the line or vector is such that it is at your point (x1,y1,z1) after 1 second.
So to draw that line just fill in the points as fine as you like for as long as required, such as every 1/1000 of a second for 10 seconds or something, might draw a "line", really a series of points that when seen from a distance appear as a line, over 10 seconds worth of distance, determined by the "speed" you choose.