Pro "out of" Clicks Statistics -

I use Pro to view link statistic of my shorten links. In the overview you see to each link the click rate and it states for example: "1 out of 4"
What does this 4 mean? It makes no sense to me.

It means that 1 people click on link on your twitter and 4 people click on link overall.


I want to redirect original Error Page. (Oracle APEX 21.1)

My professora :D
I don't want to create an error process for errors that would only appear when unlucky, e.g. "ORA-00055: maximum number of DML locks exceeded".
But if I don't do anything about it, APEX show the error log screen. I don't like that thing.
Is it possible to change the error screen in the settings within the Application?
For example, displays a message "Please wait some time and then execute again" with an image of a cute cat.
Thank you for your kindness that tried to answer my question.
And imagining a picture of a cute cat :)
Haven't done this myself since I'm not that fan of cute cats when I get errors in my application but this is how I would go about doing it.
In apex the look and feel of pages, regions, buttons, lists, etc is configured in templates. So if you want to change how something looks, templates is the place to look.
Look up what template is used for the error page. Navigate to "Shared Components > Themes > #your theme# > Component Defaults" and look for "Error Page".
In my case the value is "Standard" so that needs to be changed. Navigate to "Shared Components > Templates" and look for the Page template "Standard". Take a copy and name it "My template with Cat".
Modify the template to your needs. Add the cat picture here.
Modify the Component Default in step (1) from "Standard" to "My template with Cat"
Note that this will work for apex error only. If you are encountering ORDS errors, it will go to the default ORDS error page (no idea how to change that).

how to land to next page from first page in Google data studio

I am doing a two page report in google data studio.The two page contains different level information like suppose the first page is for income level information and the 2nd page contains demographic information. Both pages are related. I want to add a filter kind of thing (I don't know how I can do) on the chart if I click on a part(if it is a bar chart and if I click on one bar) of chart it should go to the second page which contains more information about that group from first page. How to do this I have googled a lot on this but could not find anything.
From your description I would suggest that you review the following documentation it describes what needs to be done in order to create links to pages in your report Create links to pages in your report
It is a simple process;
You can provide links that take viewers to specific pages in a report.
Edit your report.
In the toolbar on the top of the page, click Text [icon].
Enter the text to display, for example, "Page 2."
Select the text you just entered, then on the right, click Insert link.
Click Paste a link or select a page.
Select a page in this report, or choose a dynamic link.

How to automatically track when a link has been clicked x times

I'm looking into running a promotion where users who tweet a custom (or any other url link service) link and have that link clicked by others x times (say, 3 times) will automatically have a piece of content (think a pdf) unlocked for them.
I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to accomplish this. I was thinking of using, but they don't track how many times a link has been clicked.
So steps would be the following:
Generate a new unique link to a given webpage
Track when that link has been clicked 3 times
Automatically send user an email when the link has been clicked 3 times with a link to unlocked content
Anyone have any ideas here? All I can think of is scraping's stat page periodically and then seeing how often a link has been clicked, but that seems potentially quite slow and resource intensive.
The clicks API endpoint will tell you, but it's pull-based, not push, and there are API rate limits.
You could host your own URL shortener that would take care of counting the clicks, then redirecting to, emailing, etc.
For instance:
Edit: well, seems to have a pretty nice API. Check

2 questions about using Like buttons for voting (not for promotions)

My questions are about this (pasted from
"What makes up the number shown on my Like button?
"The number shown is the sum of:
-The number of likes of this URL
-The number of shares of this URL (this includes copy/pasting a link back to Facebook)
-The number of likes and comments on stories on Facebook about this URL
-The number of inbox messages containing this URL as an attachment."
With that in mind, let's say I create a feature to let users submit ideas to improve my site, and I want to let users vote on the ideas by clicking Like buttons next to each idea.
(For simplicity, let's also say it's okay if they click more than one Like button.)
When a user clicks a Like button, a story about it shows up in his/her friends' newsfeeds, which brings up my 2 questions:
1.) If one of those friends comments on it with "That idea sucks," will that comment still add to the Likes count?
I know the content of the comment doesn't matter, but that user is clearly expressing his dislike of the idea, not liking it.
2.) Can the same user generate 2 or more Likes?
From the above, it seems like he/she could click the Like button, and then send a FB message with the URL as an attachment, which would generate another Like.
Thanks for the clarity!
P.S. This other thread was useful, but there were no conclusive answers:
Voting for items via facebook like?

How to renumber pages in an Oracle APEX application?

I've just finished my first "real" APEX app but it's looking a bit messy. Is there any way I can renumber the pages so that they're back in order of the application flow?
Copy the page in question and set the new number
Change any references leading to the old page to the new page
Delete the old page
Numbers are arbitrary. Don't go to the hassle of renumbering everything, as you'll need to test all the branches, tabs, breadcrumbs....
The following advice won't help you much with your current application, but I find it useful to plan out the general page numbering in advance.
I start by splitting my application into groups of pages, say, Accounting, Reports and Administration, and then assign 100 (or 1000) pages to each of those groups.
For example:
100 - Accounting (main page)
200 - Reports (main page)
300 - Administration (main page)
Then I assign sub-pages within each group, based on which pages my requirement analysis tells me I will likely need:
100 - Accounting (main page)
110 - List Invoices
120 - Edit Invoice
121 - Edit Invoice - Details Screen
130 - Add new invoice - step 1
131 - Add new invoice - step 2
132 - Add new invoice - step 3
200 - Reports (main page)
300 - Administration (main page)
And so on, you get the idea. Leave some room between the numbers (110, 120, etc.) to be able to add a few pages later.
Of course, it's difficult to plan everything out in advance, so some out-of-place page numbers pages will have to be used after a while, but in my experience a bit of up-front planning makes it much more manageable (and easy to work with).
As Gary suggests, it's better to consider page numbers to be arbitrary.
You could export the application, edit the SQL script with the new page numbers (remembering to search for all locations where a page number is referenced), then re-import the application - and test it thoroughly :) - hopefully you don't have references to the pages in other applications though :)
In Apex 3.2 and later you can put your pages into Groups, which can be useful for sorting the pages out and make it easier to find the page you're interested in.
Step 1: Create a copy of a page(s)
Step 2: And delete your previous page(s).
And Here you go.
But, you'll need to test all the branches, tabs, breadcrumbs etc.
If you are willing to do this, I will suggest you to go through your order of page creation (means, create a copy of first page that you've created at the start of your application). It will help you to get hint which branches,tabs,breadcrumbs needs to be update.