Access Violation with static arrays? - c++

I need to parallelise an application using win32 threads. One of the portions of the code involves modifying an static array using threads.
I pass the array as a parameter like this:
struct threadParameter {
float **array;
int row;
An example code would be like this:
// Main
float data[100][100]
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i ++) {
tp = (*threadParameter) new threadParameter;
tp->array = (float **) data;
tp->row = i;
AfxBeginThread... // Begin thread code
// Thread Code
UINT myThread(LPVOID param) {
threadParameter *pp = (threadParameter *) param;
for (int j = 0; j < 100; j ++) {
pp->array[pp->row][j] = NEWVALUE;
However, when executing the project, I get an "Access Violation Error" when I try to acceess the array via the **array pointer. This problem does not occur if the array data is
dynamic. Is there any way to sort this problem out (I am not allowed to change the array data from static to dynamic)?

Static arrays are NOT pointers to pointers -- the entire array is a single huge chunk of data, and addressable with a single pointer, namely, the pointer to the base of the array. Hence
tp->array = (float **) data;
is incorrect, because you're dereferencing a number inside the array. (The fact that you needed to cast also should've raised a red flag, since arrays are implicitly converted to the appropriate pointer types.)
That's why the common phrase "arrays are just pointers" is incorrect; it's half-true for single-dimensional arrays, but completely false with multidimensional arrays. If you need to use two indices, convert a single index into a row-column index by multiplying the row by the row size, then adding the column and indexing into the array with a pointer.


Helper function to construct 2D arrays

Am I breaking C++ coding conventions writing a helper function which allocates a 2D array outside main()? Because my application calls for many N-dimensional arrays I want to ensure the same process is followed. A prototype which demonstrates what I am doing :
#include <iostream>
// my helper function which allocates the memory for a 2D int array, then returns its pointer.
// the final version will be templated so I can return arrays of any primitive type.
int** make2DArray(int dim1, int dim2)
int** out = new int* [dim1];
for (int i = 0; i < dim2; i++) { out[i] = new int[dim2];}
return out;
//helper function to deallocate the 2D array.
void destroy2DArray(int** name, int dim1, int dim2)
for (int i = 0; i < dim2; i++) { delete[] name[i]; }
delete[] name;
int main()
int** test = make2DArray(2,2); //makes a 2x2 array and stores its pointer in test.
//set the values to show setting works
test[0][0] = 5;
test[0][1] = 2;
test[1][0] = 1;
test[1][1] = -5;
// print the array values to show accessing works
printf("array test is test[0][0] = %d, test[0][1] = %d, test[1][0] = %d, test[1][1] = %d",
//deallocate the memory held by test
return 0;
My concern is this may not be memory-safe, since it appears I am allocating memory outside of the function in which it is used (potential out-of-scope error). I can read and write to the array when I am making a single small array, but am worried when I scale this up and there are many operations going on the code might access and alter these values.
I may be able to sidestep these issues by making an array class which includes these functions as members, but I am curious about this as an edge case of C++ style and scoping.
There is a difference between allocating 2D arrays like this and what you get when you declare a local variable like int ary[10][10] that based on your statement
My concern is that this operation may not be memory-safe, since it
appears that I am allocating memory for an array outside of the
function in which it is used (potential out-of-scope error)
I am guessing you do not fully understand.
You are allocating arrays on the heap. Declaring a local variable like int ary[10][10] places it on the stack. It is the latter case where you need to worry about not referencing that memory outside of its scope-based lifetime; that is, it is the following that is totally wrong:
template<size_t M, size_t N>
int* make2DArray( ) {
int ary[M][N];
return reinterpret_cast<int*>(ary);
int main()
auto foo = make2DArray<10, 10>();
because ary is local to the function and when the stack frame created by the call to make2DArray<10,10> goes away the pointer the function returns will be dangling.
Heap allocation is a different story. It outlives the scope in which it was created. It lasts until it is deleted.
But anyway, as others have said in comments, your code looks like C not C++. Prefer an std::vector<std::vector<int>> rather than rolling your own.
If you must use an array and are allergic to std::vector, create the 2d array (matrix) as one contiguous area in memory:
int * matrix = new int [dim1 * dim2];
If you want to set the values to zero:
std::fill(matrix, (matrix + (dim1 * dim2)), 0);
If you want to access a value at <row, column>:
int value = matrix[(row * column) + column];
Since the matrix was one allocation, you only need one delete:
delete [] matrix;

How to get constant size of vector for an array declaration?

I am reading the data from text file which is basically has rows and columns of double data types.
Part of the code is as shown below:
m_data = vector<vector<double> >(columns, vector<double>(lineCount - 3));
for (int x = 0; x < lineCount - 3; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < columns; y++)
m_data[y][x] = total_Data[it]; //total_Data is the complete data set read from a file
it++; //which contain all data sets from a simulation and they are
//separated into vectors here in this code
size_t len = m_data[1].size(); //m_data[1] vector represents the signal data set
double signaldata[len];
So the problem is when I copy the data from vector to array it requires the constant length of the array for initialization. But size() gives the length of the vector which is not a constant.
And sizeof(vector) returns the size of the object itself which is 16 bytes.
So how I can overcome this problem of getting a constant size from vector for array initialization
The answer is: You can't.
An std::vector is designed to have dynamic size, that is its size can change at runtime (i.e by loop from user input). In C++ it is not legal to create an 'array' of a non-compile time constant size. You can however create a dynamically allocated 'array' with new (e.g auto my_array = new char[vector.size()]). You really should not do this however, especially without doing any sanity checks on the size of the vector.
An alternative would be to use std::vector directly. If you have to work with an older (or C) API which requires a pointer to the beginning of your 'array' as an argument you can use vector::<T>::data which will return &vector[0].
So if I have this code:
void my_old_api_function(char* c) {
I can do this:
std::vector<char> my_data;
my_old_api_function(; // Pass a pointer to the first element

C++ Set 2d array sizes of class member array in constructor

I only found solutions for 1d arrays, but couldn't apply them to 2d arrays.
The possible solutions included "vectors", "templates", and "pointers to arrays".
I know I can get vectors to work, but I would rather use either of the other 2. Preferably templates because I don't want to manually destruct, but pointers work too. (the pointer would be pointed to an array created in the constructor).
The class contains an empty 2d array called screen. The constructor is supposed to set its size. I tried too many things for me to list them all here, but I'll show what I currently have. (last thing i tried were pointers to arrays created in the constructor. in this case screen was a char pointer)
Screen::Screen(const int w, const int h) : screen(new char[h][w]) {} {
width = w;
height = h;
array size in new-expression must be constant
I failed implementing either of those strategies and received many kinds of errors while trying to make it work. How would I solve this problem? (primarily I want to know how to do this with templates. if not possible then with pointers to arrays created in the constructor)
The question was a little ambiguous, but it sounds like you want to dynamically allocate an array given some input.
Edit I changed the answer to match the code you provided. This creates a 2d array of chars given the height and width.
class Screen {
char **data;
int rows;
int columns;
Screen(int num_rows, int num_cols);
Screen::Screen(int num_rows, int num_cols) {
data = new char * [num_rows];
for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
data[i] = new char[num_cols];
rows = num_rows;
columns = num_cols;
This creates an empty 2D array of chars.
Explanation: All arrays in c are just pointers to the first block in memory of the type you have declared. By having the member variable as double pointer, you have an array of char pointers, which each point to the first value in each of their respective arrays.
BUT be careful, you WILL need to free the data variable to avoid memory leaks, by declaring a destructor.
Screen::~Screen() {
for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
delete[] data[i];
delete[] data;

C++ Pointer of Array of Ints Initialization

I want to have an array accessible by all functions of a class.
I put the array as private variable in the header file.
int* arrayName;
In the .cpp file where I implement the class, the constructor takes in an int value (size) and creates the array. The goal is to fill it up
ClassName::ClassName(int numElements){
arrayName = new int[numElements]; //make arrays the size of numElements
for(int i = 0; i<numElements; i++)
arrayName[i] = 0;
I feel like this is quite inefficient. I know you can do int array[5] = {0}; but how do you do it when you don't initially know the size.
If you want to zero-initialize a newed array, just do value-initialize it. This has the effect of zero-initializing its elements:
arrayName = new int[numElements]();
// ^^
But you really want to be using an std::vector<int>.
std::vector<int> vname;
ClassName::ClassName(int numElements) : vname(numElements) {}
This way you don't have to worry about deleting an array and implementing copy constructors and assignment operators.
You can use the memset function:
This void * memset ( void * ptr, int value, size_t num ); function sets the first num bytes of the block of memory pointed by ptr to the specified value (interpreted as an unsigned char).
To use it you must include the string.h header file.
For more information:
What you want to do is progressively expand the array on demand.
arrayName = new int[numElements];
for(int i = 0; i<numElements; i++)
arrayName[i] = 0;
The above code (what you gave) will give you an array of size numElements, and THEN the for loop will fill it. This is allocated now, and can't, as I understand it, be simply or easily resized (memset will overwrite previously held values in the array).
You could copy the whole array over every time you want to resize it:
int * oldarr = new int[OldSize];
//fill your old array
int * newarr = new int[NewSize];
for(int i = 0; i<OldSize; i++)
newarr[i] = oldarr[i];
Other than that, you could make the array much larger, or you could use various STLs, such as std::vector. Vector can be increased with a simple push_back function, and allows [] operator access (like arr[5] and whatnot).
Hope this helps!

C++ Inserting 2D array Object into another 2D array Object

In using Dev C++, I a m trying to insert a smaller 2D array object into a larger 2D array object. While attempting to achieve that, I came into compilers errors which I do not know how to solve.
I attempt to insert the smaller Object by making it returning the array's name. Then I attempt to change the values inside the large array with the values of the smaller array.
There two line of code that I have problems with:
int result = smallerArray.extractPiece();
And within these two lines of codes:
int Piece::extractPiece()
return **pieceArray;
void Grid::extractArray( int** arr )
for(int i = 0; i &lt xGrid ; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j &lt yGrid ; ++j)
squares[i][j] = arr[i][j];
The two of the problems is that "int result" will not hold smallerArray.extractPiece(),
and if i just put "smallerArray.extractPiece()" in largerArray.extractArray(), i still get problems. I attempted to make "int result" a pointer pointer, as "int** result", i still have the same errors.
These are the errors that i get when i try to compile in Dev C++:
In function `int main()';
invalid conversion from `int' to `int**'
initlizing argument 1 of 'void Grid::extractArray(int**)'
[Build Error] [grid test.o] Error 1
Does anyone know whats wrong?
It's precisely this bunch of code:
int result = smallerArray.extractPiece();
// ...
int Piece::extractPiece() {
return **pieceArray;
Trying to pass an int to extractArray, which wants a pointer to a pointer, presumable your dynamic array, and not an int. Try changing it to
int **result = smallerArray.extractPiece();
// ...
int ** Piece::extractPiece() {
return pieceArray;
Only changing result to a pointer to pointer won't work. You of course also have to change what extractPiece returns (changing from int to int**)
Look, always at least for me it was easier to manage 2D arrays internally as 1D arrays where M[i,j]=A[i*N+j] where N is the number of cols (or rows, if the 2D arrays is row-column type). Users may get elements with the i,j indices but my class always store A[M * N] as private data. Passing 1-D pointer arrays is easier than managing 2-D pointer arrays (you can't fall in the pointer-to-pointer syntax which can get messy in some code).,
This is not related to this question, but since I don't know about specific compiler optimization instrinsics, I wonder if M[i,j] gets transformed to A[i] internally to use simpler addressing modes in the generated code.