Does ESPN Cricinfo have an API? [closed] - web-services

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Has exposed an API? I'm interested in live scores, news, and maybe photos.
Up until now I have only known of the rss feed..

I do not believe an API exists - unfortunately.
What a number of users have done - and what is suggested by cricinfo themselves - is use Yahoo Pipes to merge a number of different feeds. You can then get the resultant pipe in JSON and other formats.
It's probably best demonstrated by example by looking at a 'Latest cricket scores' pipe here:
Of course, it would be nice to be able to search the statistics and a REST service which returns the bare data for a statsguru search, but the only suggestion I have at present is to build statsguru queries manually with wrappertype=print appended and then use xpath to filter out the data you require.
An example statsguru query:;template=results;type=allround;wrappertype=print

You can use Yahoo! Query Language (YQL) for fetching latest cricket data. It returns the result both in JSON and XML format. You can find it here :

ESPN Developer Center Launches, Opens Sports APIs to App Builders:
The Headlines API is free for non-commercial use in apps performing up to 2,500 API calls per day. As outside apps that use ESPN APIs increase in user base, developers enter individual partnership agreements with the company. If you want to use ESPN's new APIs, visit the Developer Center ( ) and request a developer key.


Return Product Information from Amazon based on UPC [closed]

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Closed 4 days ago.
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I noticed that the interface for Amazon to add a product to my store can take a upc and grab all the existing product information(universal product information). Is there an API interface where I can put in the UPC, ASIN, ISBN etc. and get back the full product feed information?
I have an ams account for this. I have a standard web site store but I also list my products on Amazon. It would be nice to a unified product descriptions and stuff. I figured I could pass a upc to amazon get back the product information use that as my base description for the same item on my direct website.
This question is similar but I wanted to use my AMS account instead of the AWS. Also I can not find the updated terms and conditions like in this link
Do the Amazon web service APIs support barcode/UPC queries?

Good tools for writing rest api technical especification [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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What are good tools for writing rest api technical especification and documentation? I need to specify urls, routes, endpoints.
Another approach would be to automatically generate an API documentation reverse engineering its code. It's a C# webservice.
I see three main languages to do that. You can then generate documentations from this using additional tools around these languages.
Swagger is a very popular and active language for Web API based on the JSON format.
RAML is based on the YAML format.
API Blueprint is based on Markdown. This makes it very easy to read.
Another tool called Slate is documentation-oriented. It allows to generate beautiful documentation with sample calls in different programming languages.
You can notice that the tool Restlet Studio allows you to define the structure of your RESTful service online and get then corresponding Swagger or RAML structure. You can even generate documentations (or client kits, server skeletons) based on these formats.
Hope it answers your question!

API for a Google Keep app? [duplicate]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a API for Google Keep? I want to make a windows 8 app for Google Keep, so that it synchronizes with your phone.
I looked into the Drive SDK because Google Keep is a extension of Google Drive, but I couldn't find it.
UPDATE: yes, Google released a public REST API for Keep. Here's the public documentation.
No there's not and developers still don't know why google doesn't pay attention to this request!
As you can see in this link it's one of the most popular issues with many stars in google code but still no response from google! You can also add stars to this issue, maybe google hears that!
I have been waiting to see if Google would open a Keep API. When I discovered Google Tasks, and saw that it had an Android app, web app, and API, I converted over to Tasks. This may not directly answer your question, but it is my solution to the Keep API problem.
Tasks doesn't have a reminder alarm exactly like Keep. I can live without that if I also connect with the Calendar API.

Google Search API [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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The Google Web Search (SOAP) API was deprecated in November of last year, having been discouraged for a long time previously.
I noticed there exists the new Google Custom Search API, but this seems only for creating site-specific custom searches. So, is there currently any API solution for searching the entire web? Either using Google Custom Search or some other API?
Unfortunately, your options are now very limited. You can either use the Bing API (which is not known to be too reliable and often has different results compared to a regular Bing search) or try Yahoo Boss (paid)
Actually, the custom search API will do what you want -
After initially creating your custom search engine, you CAN go back into the control panel / websites link on the left side, and just remove the domain that you were forced to enter when you created the custom search engine.
Once that's done, bingo! you're searching everything, instead of just a site: search

File sharing service with an API? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a file sharing service akin to Dropbox or SugarSync that would offer an API? I would like to add a file sharing service to a website, but the full Dropbox interface is still too complicated for my users, so that I’d like an API to build a dead-simple list of files integrated to the website. There is a Dropbox API project on Google Code, but it seems to be dead.
Update: I need a service with a desktop client at least for Windows, so that the more technical website users could easily upload and organize the stored data. Extra points if the service has a free plan.
A quick search on ProgrammableWeb brings up about 50 API results.
Out of the lot, I could only say that I have had experience with the website. I've had no trouble in the past, and they have rather acceptable limits for the free account (25 MB per file; 1 GB of storage).
I'm sure that with a little poking around you'll find something that fits your needs, but I wouldn't expect to find something that offers you a business-scale solution for free, you might have to be prepared to make an investment, and in that case some of Amazon's Web Services might be better suited to your needs.
Edit: Since I answered this question 6 years ago, the landscape for storage solutions with APIs has changed somewhat. There are now free or affordable services with mature developer APIs offered by Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3, Rackspace CloudFiles, Microsoft Azure and for mobile, iCloud.
We are a file sharing company that has recently released a fully functioning RESTful API. You can add users, groups, permissions, files, dynamic links and even searching in real-time. Unlike dropbox and sugarsync it was designed for business, thus giving you multi-user access.
We would love your feedback.
I used and it works like a charm.