COM-Objects containing maps / content error(0) - c++

I'm writing a small wrapper to get familiar with some important topics in C++ (WinAPI, COM, STL,OOP). For now, my class shall be able to create a (child) window.
Mainly, this window is connected to a global message loop that distribute messages to a local loop of the right instance (global is static, local is virtual).
Obviously, there are surely better ways to do that but I'm using std::maps to store HWND and their instance pointer in pairs (the Global loop looks for the pointer with the HWND-parameter, gets itself the pointer from the map and calls then the local loop).
Now, it appears that the map does not accept any values because of a unknown reason. It seems to allocate enough space but something went wrong anyway [ (error) 0 is displayed instead of the entries in visual C++).
I've looked that up in google as well and found out that maps cause some trouble when used in classes AND DLLs. May this be the reason and is there any solution??
Protected scope of class: static std::map<HWND,MAP_BASE_OBJECT*> m_LoopBuf
Implementation in .cpp-file: std::map<HWND,MAP_BASE_OBJECT*> HWindow::m_LoopBuf;
OK, because you asked for more code here you are:
I actually don't import the DLL because I use COM.
int retval = 1;
MSG msg = {0};
IClassFactory* Class = NULL;
IWindow* Wnd= NULL;
hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_IWindow,NULL,CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,IID_IWindow,(LPVOID*)&Wnd);
Wnd->CreateOverlappedWindow(L"My window",L"MyClass",250,250,250,250,0,0,0,0,0,hInst);
while (GetMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0)>0)
return hr;
The COM-object IWindow is implemented in the class HWindow (in the DLL). The program expample works well until "CreateOverlappedWindow".

Without seeing how you are using DLLs specifically, I can only speculate that you are using static linking to the C++ runtime library in your DLLs. That means the memory allocated by each DLL is allocated on a heap separate from the main running program. You either have to change the linkage on your DLLs so that there is only one shared copy of the C++ runtime library or create an allocator for the map that is located in a specific location so that the map only uses one runtime library for its allocations.


Boost shared memory object in DLL

i've created dll and implemented shared memory that every connected process can use. My problem is that i can't change anything in object, which is stored in the memory.
my class :
class MyClass
void test();
int counter;
void MyClass::test() {
MessageBoxA(NULL, "test", "test", 0x0000000L);
in stdafx.h i have :
static offset_ptr<MyClass> offset_mt;
static managed_shared_memory *memSegment;
I initialize shared memory and pointer :
memSegment = new managed_shared_memory(create_only, SHARED_MEMORY_NAME, 4096);
offset_mt = memSegment->construct<MyClass>("MyClass myClass")();
And then in an exported function i call
Im calling this from Java using JNA and result is a memory error (Invalid memory access). However, if I delete 'counter++' from test method, everything works fine - message box appears. Is there a limitation that I cant modify objects inside mapped memory or is this done the other way?
Well, i solved this by moving my variables to stdafx.cpp :
offset_ptr<MyClass> offset_mt;
managed_shared_memory *memSegment;
and making them extern in stdafx.h :
extern offset_ptr<MyClass> offset_mt;
extern managed_shared_memory *memSegment;
Now it's running fine, but I've done this kinda accidentally and I'm not pretty sure why this works and previous way not. If anyone could explain this to me, it would be great.
When you say
static offset_ptr<MyClass> offset_mt;
compiler has to do a few things. One of them is allocating space for your variable (see where static variables are stored). Another one is calling any nontrivial constructors. This last part is done by CRT, before main() (or dllmain) runs. In fact CRT replaces your entry point and initializes statics before calling your [dll]main().
When you say that in a header, compiler is allocating space for the variable in each compilation unit that includes the header.
When you say that in stdafx.h, that means every cpp file. Normally that should result in a linker error, but sometimes it slips through (one way to do it is to use anonymous namespace) and results in different cpp files seeing different copies of the variable. So if you are initializing in one cpp, and you using it in another, you blow up.
When you are importing the dll in interesting ways sometimes importing code doesn't call the entry point at all -- this kills most CRT facilities and results in your own statics being uninitialized. Don't know about JNA, but some old versions of .Net had this problem.
There is also static initialization fiasco, but that might not affect your particular case.
By moving your definitions into cpp and removing static modifier, you avoided all those pitfalls.

Subclassing In DLL's with C++

I am developing an application that needs to read in several file formats and merge the data. Because we may want to support additional formats in the future, the file readers have to be developed as DLLs, and loaded at runtime based on user input. I will normally be loading two DLLs at a time.
I was thinking that I could create an Abstract Interface (Like this), but if I use a factory function in each of my (subclassed) DLL classes, when I load two DLLs, the two function definitions will interfere with each other. Am I missing something? Is there a better way to do this?
(upgraded from comment)
If you load the DLLs with LoadLibrary you get a handle to the DLL - which you must later use in FreeLibrary to unload the DLL!
After acquiring the handle you can call GetProcAddress to get a pointer to the function.
sample code:
auto library = LoadLibrary("sample.dll");
//test if library is null => error handling
auto func = GetProcAddress(library, "function");
//test if func is null => error handling
//you may need to cast func to a different function pointer
auto plugin = func();
//after use:
auto result = FreeLibrary(library);
//test for error
As I already mentioned in the comment: NEVER EVER RELEASE MEMORY ALLOCATED IN A DLL FROM ANOTHER CONTEXT (other DLL or the EXE)!

C++ LoadLibrary ERROR_NOACCESS "Invalid access to memory location."

OK, so I have a situation in which I call LoadLibrary on a DLL that I wrote. This call to LoadLibrary returns error #998, or ERROR_NOACCESS "Invalid access to memory location."
The DLL in question uses MFC in one configuration, and not in another; only the MFC configuration has this problem. It used to work, but I have no idea what I changed: I'd actually moved on to the non-MFC version and been tinkering quite a lot with that and I have no idea what I could have done that affected the MFC version.
I don't know a lot about DLLs. The original loading code was actually given to me, and I haven't changed it. Below is that code:
// submodule loading
#ifndef MFC
// Project uses standard windows libraries, define an entry point for the DLL to handle loading/unloading
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HANDLE hDllHandle, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpreserved)
_MESSAGE("DllMain called.");
case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: // dll loaded
hModule = (HMODULE)hDllHandle; // store module handle
_MESSAGE("Attaching Submodule ...");
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: // dll unloaded
_MESSAGE("Detaching Submodule ...");
return true;
// Project uses MFC, we define here an instance of CWinApp to make this a 'well-formed' DLL
class CSubmoduleApp : public CWinApp
virtual BOOL InitInstance()
{// dll loaded
hModule = m_hInstance; // store module handle
_MESSAGE("Attaching Submodule ...");
return true;
virtual int ExitInstance()
{// dll unloaded
_MESSAGE("Detaching Submodule ...");
return CWinApp::ExitInstance();
} gApp;
Obviously, MFC is defined in the MFC configuration, and not otherwise.
I doubt this is enough information to solve this problem; I realize that. What I'm actually hoping to learn is where to look for problems that might cause this error. I'll be happy to supply any information you need — once I know it's needed.
Thanks for any tips.
OK, this question was answered by a friend of mine (no idea if he has a StackOverflow account; not going to pester him with answering it twice).
The deal is that I had a global object, the class of which had a constructor that called a function that depended upon another global object (ironically enough, the function in question was _MESSAGE, but by the time DllMain or InitInstance gets called, that function works fine). C++ doesn't allow you to specify the order in which globals get initialized, so when this global's constructor got run (when the computer attempted to load the DLL), it caused a memory error by attempting to use another global that hadn't been created yet.
So... that's the answer. A really specific case, but I guess if anyone else finds they're getting 998 errors and need to know what sorts of problems to check, this is something to look for: make sure all your globals are independent!

The LoadLibraryA method returns error code 1114 (ERROR_DLL_INIT_FAILED) after more than 1000 cycles of loading/unloading

I'm programing on C++, I'm using Visual Studio 2008, Windows XP, and I have the following problem:
My application, that is a DLL that can be used from Python, loads an external dll, uses the required methods, and then unloads this external Dll.
It's working properly, but after more than 1000 cycles the method "LoadLibraryA" returns a NULL reference.
The main steps are:
h = LoadLibraryA(dllfile.c_str());
DWORD dw = GetLastError();
The error got is:
1114 (0x45A) A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed.
The Dll is unloaded by using the following:
Where mDLL is defined like this:
First alternative tried:
Just load the Dll only once, and unloaded it when the application ends. This fix the problem but introduces a new one.
When the application ends, instead of first executing the DllMain method of my applicaion, wich unloads the external DLL, is executing first the DllMain method of the other Dll. This cause the following error because my application is trying to unload a Dll that was unload by itself previously.
"Unhandled exception at 0x04a00d07 (DllName.DLL) in Python.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000006b".
Any suggestion will be welcomed.
Thanks in advance.
Make sure that initialization code of the loaded/unloaded library doesn't leak memory. Many libraries expect to be loaded only once and not always clean up their resources properly.
E.g. in C++ file at the top level one can declare and initialize a variable like this:
AClass *a = new AClass(1,2,3);
The code would be executed when library is loaded automatically. Yet, now, it is impossible to free the hanging instance as library doesn't know precisely when/how it is going to be unloaded. In the case one can either replace "AClass *a" with "AClass a" or write your own DllMain for the library and free resources on DLL_PROCESS_DETACH.
If you have no control over the library's code, then it might make sense to create a cache of loaded libraries and simply never unload them. It is very hard to imagine that there would be unlimited number of libraries to overload such cache.

How do I use a COM DLL with LoadLibrary in C++

First, COM is like black magic for me. But I need to use COM dll in one project I'm working on.
So, I have a DLL I am developing and I need some functionalities that are available in a separate COM DLL. When I look to the COM DLL with Depends.exe I see methods like DllGetClassObject() and other functions but none of the functions I'm interested in.
I have access to the COM DLL (legacy) source code but it's a mess and I'd rather like to use the COM DLL in binary like a big black box not knowing what's going on inside.
So, how can I call the COM DLL functions from my code using LoadLibrary? Is it possible? If, yes, could you give me an example of how to do it?
I'm using Visual Studio 6 for this project.
Thanks a lot!
In general, you should prefer CoCreateInstance or CoGetClassObject rather than accessing DllGetClassObject directly. But if you're dealing with a DLL that you can't, or don't want to, register, then the below describes (part of) what these function do behind the scenes.
Given a CLSID, DllGetClassObject allows you to get the class object, from which you can create instances (via the IClassFactory interface, if I remember correctly).
Summary of steps (it's been a while since I've last touched COM, so pardon any obvious errors):
Call DllGetClassObject(clsid, IID_IClassFactory, &cf), where clsid is the CLSID you want to get the class object for, and cf is of course the class factory.
Call cf->CreateInstance(0, iid, &obj), where iid is the IID of the interface you'd like to use, and obj is of course the object.
(CoCreateInstance performs steps 1 and 2. CoGetClassObject performs step 1. You would use CoGetClassObject if you need to create many instances of the same class, so that step 1 doesn't need to be repeated each time.)
Typically you would use CoCreateInstance() to instantiate an object from a COM DLL. When you do this, there's no need to load the DLL first and get proc addresses like you would need to do with a normal DLL. This is because Windows "knows" about the types that a COM DLL implements, what DLL they are implemented in, and how to instantiate them. (Assuming of course that the COM DLL is registered, which it typically is).
Suppose you have a COM DLL with the IDog interface you want to use. In that case,
interface IDog : IUnknown
coclass Dog
[default] Interface IDog;
IDog* piDog = 0;
CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DOG, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDOG, &piDog); // windows will instantiate the IDog object and place the pointer to it in piDog
piDog->Bark(); // do stuff
piDog->Release(); // were done with it now
piDog = 0; // no need to delete it -- COM objects generally delete themselves
All this memory management stuff can get pretty grungy, though, and the ATL provides smart pointers that make the task of instantiating & managing these objects a little easier:
CComPtr<IDog> dog;
When I said above that:
Windows "knows" about the types that a COM DLL implements [...and]
what DLL they are implemented in
...I really glossed over exactly how Windows knows this. It's not magic, although it might seem a little occult-ish at first.
COM libraries come with Type Libraries, which list the Interfaces and CoClasses that the library provides. This Type Library is in the form of a file on your hard drive -- very often it is embedded directly in the same DLL or EXE as the library itself. Windows knows where to find the Type Library and the COM Library itself by looking in the Windows Registry. Entries in the Registry tell Windows where on the hard drive the DLL is located.
When you call CoCreateInstance, Windows looks the clsid up in the Windows Registry, finds the corresponding DLL, loads it, and executes the proper code in the DLL that implements the COM object.
How does this information get in to the Windows Registry? When a COM DLL is installed, it is registered. This is typically done by running regsvr32.exe, which in turn loads your DLL in to memory and calls a function named DllRegisterServer. That function, implemented in your COM server, adds the necesarry information to the Registry. If you are using ATL or another COM framework, this is probably being done under the hood so that you don't have to interface with the Registry directly. DllRegisterServer only needs to be called once, at install-time.
If you try to call CoCreateInstance for a COM object that has not yet been registered via the regsvr32/DllRegisterServer process, then CoCreateInstance will fail with an error that says:
Class Not Registered
Fortunately, the fix for this is to simply call regsvr32 on your COM server, and then try again.
You do not directly use LoadLibrary() with a COM library. CoCreateInstance() will call this function if it's not already, and then new an instance of the class you implemented in the library onto the heap and finally return to you a raw pointer to that object. Of course, it could fail during the process, and thus some mechanism for you to check the status like HRESULT.
For simplicity of using it, you can think of a COM library as a common DLL with 1) some predefined entry(main) function, 2) you have to call some predefined function like CoCreateInstance() to enter it, and accept that it's like that because it has to.
If the type library is embedded in the DLL you can import it into your project:
#import "whatever.dll"
This will auto-generate header files that get included in your project and allow you to use the exported objects.
Here's a bit of code showing how to get the class factory and use it to create a COM object. It uses a struct to keep track of the module handle and DllGetClassObject function pointer. You should hold on to the module handle until you are done with the COM object.
To use this function, you need to allocate an instance of the ComModuleInfo struct and set the szDLL to the DLL filename or full path name. Then call the function with the class id and interface Id of the COM object you want to get from that DLL.
typedef struct {
HMODULE hModule;
HRESULT (WINAPI *pfnGetFactory)(REFCLSID, REFIID, void**);
} ComModuleInfo;
HRESULT CreateCOMObject(
ComModuleInfo & mod, // [in,out]
REFCLSID iidClass, // [in] CLSID of the COM object to create
REFIID iidInterface, // [in] GUID of the interface to get
LPVOID FAR* ppIface) // [in] on success, interface to the COM object is returned
*ppIface = NULL; // in case we fail, make sure we return a null interface.
// init the ComModuleInfo if this is the first time we have seen it.
if ( ! mod.pfnGetFactory)
if ( ! mod.hModule)
mod.hModule = LoadLibrary(mod.szDLL);
if ( ! mod.hModule)
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
mod.pfnGetFactory = (HRESULT (WINAPI *)(REFCLSID, REFIID, void**))GetProcAddress(mod.hModule, "DllGetClassObject");
if ( ! mod.pfnGetFactory)
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
IClassFactory* pFactory = NULL;
hr = mod.pfnGetFactory(iidClass, IID_IClassFactory, (void**)&pFactory);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = pFactory->CreateInstance(NULL, iidInterface, (void**)ppIface);
return hr;
If it's a COM DLL, all you need do is add it as a reference to your project, and then you can call the functions that are within the DLL.
Yes, you can use the low level COM functions like DLLGetClassObject, but why would you?