REGEX: Select everything NOT equal to a certain string - regex

This should be straightforward. I need a regular expression that selects everything that does not specifically contain a certain word.
So if I have this sentence: "There is a word in the middle of this sentence."
And the regular expression gets everything but "middle", I should select everything in that sentence but "middle".
Is there any easy way to do this?

It is not possible for a single regex match operation to be discontinuous.
You could use two capturing groups:
Then concatenate the contents of capturing groups 1 and 2 after the match.
You may wish to enable the "dot also matches newline" option in your parser.
See for example Java's DOTALL, .NET's Singleline, Perl's s, etc.

Positive lookaround is the way to go:
/^(.+)(?=middle)/ -- gets everything before middle, not including middle
/(?!middle)(.+)$/ -- gets everything after middle, not including middle
Then you just merge the results of both


Regex: matching between underscores

For example, I have a string 111352_01_2_SAMPLE_TEXT_SAMPLE. I need to match first, second, third number and remaining text.
Currently I have this:
First number: ^[^_]+(?=_) (Everything until 1. underscore)
Second number: (?<=_)[^_]*(?=_) (Everything between 1. and 2. underscore)
Remaining text: (?:.*?_){3}(.*)\s* (Text after third occurrence of underscore)
Is there any more "readable" way of building expression, since the logic for first three matches in quite similar.
And what's the best way of writing expression for matching everything
Since you tagged regex-group I think a more straightforward way of retrieving these three substring could be:
See the demo
Maybe you are looking to get a single regex expressions that is applicable to whichever element from the string you want. In that case you could use:
This is a zero-index type of retrieving elements delimited by an underscore. However, I do not see the benefit over a regular split() function. Change the zero to a 1, 2 or 3 etc.
Just use
See a demo on

Regex everything after, but not including

I am trying to regex the following string:
I want only B00VU2BZRO.
This substring is always going to be a 10 characters, alphanumeric, preceded by dp/.
So far I have the following regex:
This matches dp/B00VU2BZRO
I want to match only B00VU2BZRO with no dp/
How do I regex this?
Here is one regex option which would produce an exact match of what you want:
Note that this solution makes no assumptions about the length of the path fragment occurring after dp/. If you want to match a certain number of characters, replace (.*) with (.{10}), for example.
Depending on your language/method of application, you have a couple of options.
Positive look behind. This will make your regex more complicated, but will make it match what you want exactly:
The construct (<=...) is called a positive look behind. It will not consume any of the string, but will only allow the match to happen if the pattern between the parens is matched.
Capture group. This will make the regex itself slightly simpler, but will add a step to the extraction process:
Anything between plain parens is a capture group. The entire pattern will be matched, including dp/, but most languages will give you a way of extracting the portion you are interested in.
Depending on your language, you may need to escape the forward slash (/).
As an aside, you never need to create a character class for single characters: [d][p][\/] can equally well be written as just dp\/.

Trying to extract repeating pattern from string in php/javascript

The following is in PHP but the regex will also be used in javascript.
Trying to extract repeating patterns from a string
string can be any of the following:
"something arbitrary"
"D297|who.197d234.whatever||some other arbitrary string"
I'm currently using the following regex: /^D([0-9]{3})(?:\|([^\|]+))*/
This correctly does not match the first string, matches the second and third correctly. The problem is the third and fourth only match the Dxxx and the last string. I need each of the strings between the '|' to be matched.
I'm hoping to use a regex as it makes it a single step. I realize I could just detect the leading Dxxx then use explode or split as appropriate to break the strings out. I've just gotten stuck on wanting a single regular expression match step.
This same regex may be used in Python as well so just want a generic regex solution.
There is no way to have a dynamic number of capture groups in a regular expression, but if you know some upper limit to how many parts you would have in one string, you can just repeat the pattern that many times:
So after the initial ^D([0-9]{3})(?:$|\|) you just repeat (.*?)(?:$|\|) as many times as you need it.
When the string has fewer elements, those remaining capture groups will match the empty string.
See regex tester.
Is something like preg_match_all() (the PHP variant of a global match) also acceptable for you?
Then you could use:
This will match everything in a string in different matches, e.g. take your string:
It will you then give three matches:
Running live: (Everything in green are your group matches. Ignore what's in blue.)

Using regex to match multiple comma separated words

I am trying to find the appropriate regex pattern that allows me to pick out whole words either starting with or ending with a comma, but leave out numbers. I've come up with ([\w]+,) which matches the first word followed by a comma, so in something like:
red, will match, but I am trying to find a solution that will match like like the following:
red, 1 ,yellow, 4
I haven't been able to find anything that can break strings up like this, but hopefully you'll be able to help!
This regex
Matches 'words' optionally enclose with commas. No spaces between commas and the 'word' are permitted and the word must start with an alphanumeric.
See here for a demo.
To ascertain that at least one comma is matched, use the alternation syntax:
Unfortunately no regex engine that i am aware of supports cascaded matching. However, since you usually operate with regexen in the context of programming environments, you could repeatedly match against a regex and take the matched substring for further matches. This can be achieved by chaining or iterated function calls using speical delimiter chars (which must be guaranteed not to occur in the test strings).
Example (Javascript):
"red, 1 ,yellow, 4, red1, 1yellow yellow"
.replace(/(,?[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*,?)/g, "<$1>")
.replace(/<[^,>]+>/g, "")
.replace(/>[^>]+(<|$)/g, "> $1")
.replace(/^[^<]+</g, "<")
In this example, the (simple) regex is tested for first. The call returns a sequence of preliminary matches delimted by angle brackets. Matches that do not contain the required substring (, in this case) are eliminated, as is all intervening material.
This technique might produce code that is easier to maintain than a complicated regex.
However, as a rule of thumb, if your regex gets too complicated to be easily maintained, a good guess is that it hasn't been the right tool in the first place (Many engines provide the x matching modifier that allows you to intersperse whitespace - namely line breaks and spaces - and comments at will).
The issue with your expression is that:
- \w resolves to this: [a-zA-Z0-9_]. This includes numeric data which you do not want.
- You have the comma at the end, this will match foo, but not ,foo.
To fix this, you can do something like so: (,\s*[a-z]+)|([a-z]+\s*,). An example is available here.

How can I "inverse match" with regex?

I'm processing a file, line-by-line, and I'd like to do an inverse match. For instance, I want to match lines where there is a string of six letters, but only if these six letters are not 'Andrea'. How should I do that?
I'm using RegexBuddy, but still having trouble.
Assuming your regexp engine supports negative lookaheads...
...or maybe you'd prefer to use [A-Za-z]{6} in place of .{6}
Note that lookaheads and lookbehinds are generally not the right way to "inverse" a regular expression match. Regexps aren't really set up for doing negative matching; they leave that to whatever language you are using them with.
For Python/Java,
^(.(?!(some text)))*$
In PCRE and similar variants, you can actually create a regex that matches any line not containing a value:
This is called a tempered greedy token. The downside is that it doesn't perform well.
The capabilities and syntax of the regex implementation matter.
You could use look-ahead. Using Python as an example,
import re
not_andrea = re.compile('(?!Andrea)\w{6}', re.IGNORECASE)
To break that down:
(?!Andrea) means 'match if the next 6 characters are not "Andrea"'; if so then
\w means a "word character" - alphanumeric characters. This is equivalent to the class [a-zA-Z0-9_]
\w{6} means exactly six word characters.
re.IGNORECASE means that you will exclude "Andrea", "andrea", "ANDREA" ...
Another way is to use your program logic - use all lines not matching Andrea and put them through a second regex to check for six characters. Or first check for at least six word characters, and then check that it does not match Andrea.
Negative lookahead assertion
This is not exactly an inverted match, but it's the best you can directly do with regex. Not all platforms support them though.
If you want to do this in RegexBuddy, there are two ways to get a list of all lines not matching a regex.
On the toolbar on the Test panel, set the test scope to "Line by line". When you do that, an item List All Lines without Matches will appear under the List All button on the same toolbar. (If you don't see the List All button, click the Match button in the main toolbar.)
On the GREP panel, you can turn on the "line-based" and the "invert results" checkboxes to get a list of non-matching lines in the files you're grepping through.
I just came up with this method which may be hardware intensive but it is working:
You can replace all characters which match the regex by an empty string.
This is a oneliner:
notMatched = re.sub(regex, "", string)
I used this because I was forced to use a very complex regex and couldn't figure out how to invert every part of it within a reasonable amount of time.
This will only return you the string result, not any match objects!
(?! is useful in practice. Although strictly speaking, looking ahead is not a regular expression as defined mathematically.
You can write an inverted regular expression manually.
Here is a program to calculate the result automatically.
Its result is machine generated, which is usually much more complex than hand writing one. But the result works.
If you have the possibility to do two regex matches for the inverse and join them together you can use two capturing groups to first capture everything before your regex
and then capture everything behind your regex
This works for most regexes. One problem I discovered was when I had a quantifier like {2,4} at the end. Then you gotta get creative.
In Perl you can do:
process($line) if ($line =~ !/Andrea/);