Visual Studio 2010 Debugging "if (var == NULL)" not triggering - c++

Solved - Problem with constructor
Matthew Flaschen and Michael Burr pointed out the problem of the overloaded constructor of Node(int) calling Node() which doesn't work because...
Thanks guys!
I have built a program (I am debugging it) and have run into a weird problem... A `if` statement is not getting triggered when it should be... This is a school project where we must build an AVL Tree with at least one 'optimizing' feature.
I am sure and have tested that the `rdown` and `ldown` work (as the balancing factors) - the tree is not perfectly balanced. Rather it is based on the hight of the branches (i.e. - `balance()` should only return (1,0,-1) otherwise it is unbalanced.
I hope this is enough information to solve this weird problem... I have never ran into anything like this before with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
Node struct:
struct Node {
int data; // the data in the Node
int rdown; // the number of ellements below the node on the right side
int ldown; // the number of ellements below the node on the left side
Node * parrent; // the node's parrent
Node * lchild; // the nodes left child
Node * rchild; // the nodes right child
Node () { rdown = 0, ldown = 0; data = 0; parrent = NULL; lchild = NULL; rchild = NULL; }
Node (int dat) {rdown = 0, ldown = 0; parrent = NULL; lchild = NULL; rchild = NULL; data = dat; }
bool end() { if (lchild == NULL && rchild == NULL) return true; // check if this node is the 'end of the line' - where it doesn't
return false; } // have any children
bool goodToAdd() { if (lchild == NULL || rchild == NULL) return true; // make sture the current node has at least one spot to add
return false; } // a new node to - either lchild or rchild must be NULL
int balance() { return (ldown - rdown); } // get a balance number for the node
Search function that is causing the problems
Node * AVL_Tree::search(const Node * num) {
Node * tmpNode = AVL_Tree::root; // tmpNode is a place holder for the search
for (int i = 1; true; i++) { // increment int i to check for excess searching -> pervents endless loop
if (tmpNode == NULL) //****** causing problems******** // the search has reached a dead end (the data is not contained) ==> NULL
return NULL;
if (tmpNode->data == num->data) // if the data of num is the same as tmpNode the data is contained ==> Node *
return tmpNode;
// since the node has not been found yet move down the tree...
if (tmpNode->data > num->data && tmpNode->lchild != NULL) // if the data is smaller than the tmpNode move to the lchild
tmpNode = tmpNode->lchild;
else if (tmpNode->rchild != NULL) // since the node has been proven to not be = to the data to be searched for
tmpNode = tmpNode->rchild; // and it is not smaller... move to the right
if (i > (root->ldown + 1) && i > (root->rdown + 1) ) { // the while loop has searched suffecent time and has not ended
string tmp = "the search incountered a critical error... aborting..."; // to prevent an endless loop the string error
throw tmp; // is thrown (should not happen) - indicates a broken tree
A screen shot of the first encounter with the for loop
A screen shot of the second encounter with the for loop
If you would note in the 'Autos' tab at the bottom that all the data and the node itself's address is NULL - yet in the next screen shot it continues
The program continues!!! what?>!
I pushed F-10 (the 'go to next command' button) ... and it jumps right over the statement? why?

0xcdcdcdcd is not a NULL pointer - that value is used in the debug builds of MSVC for memory that has been allocated but not initialized.
See When and why will an OS initialise memory to 0xCD, 0xDD, etc. on malloc/free/new/delete? for more details.
The root of your problem might be in the constructor that takes an int parameter:
Node (int dat) { Node(); data = dat; }
The Node(); statement ends up doing nothing. This constructor leaves most of the members of the structure uninitialized.

tmpNode is not null in any screenshot.
It's first 0x00294820, then 0xcdcdcdcd. The second is the magic debug value for uninitialized malloced memory.

NULL, in C++, tends to be (but is not guaranteed to be) 0.
In your second/third screenshots, tmpNode = 0xcdcdcdcd, which is not NULL. 0xcdcdcdcd is the value Visual Studio gives to uninitialized variables (when running a debug release).
Make sure to initialize all all your nodes' fields:
Node* root = NULL;
Node* root = new Node(); //Don't forget to delete!
Setting fields to NULL is not done automatically in C++ as it is in other languages like Java and C#.

tmpNode is referencing uninitialized memory, which is generally not guaranteed to be null. For instance, the following statement does not guarantee that tmpNode is null.
Node* tmpNode; // or assignment to another uninitialized variable.
You are assigning tmpNode to root and I suspect that root is uninitialized, hence the non-null value of tmpNode. Please check your initialization of root -- I cannot comment on it as you haven't posted this specific code.


Read access violation when attempting to delete a single node from a singly linked list C++

I'm attempting to delete some nodes from a singly linked list. However, visual studio tells me that there is a read access violation in my function. I've found that it is one certain line. I've checked to make sure that I'm not deleting any of the nodes before attempting to write to them (I'm confident, though I may be wrong.) Here's the function:
template <class dataType>
bool UnOrderedList<dataType>::remove(int remove) {
Node<dataType>* current = head;
Node<dataType>* copy = head;
Node<dataType>* trail = nullptr;
if (current == nullptr) {
return false;
if (head->data == remove) {
Node<dataType>* temp = head;
head = head->next;
delete temp;
return true;
while (current != nullptr) {
trail = current;
if (current->data == remove) { // error occurs on this line
Node<dataType>* temp2 = current;
current = trail->next;
delete temp2;
return true;
current = current->next;
return false;
I've commented on the line in which the error occurs.
Visual Studio says: "Exception thrown: read access violation.
current was 0xDDDDDDDD."
Is there something I'm doing wrong? I would love to know how I can avoid doing this in the future. I'm interested in learning more about pointers and how they work.
Thank you for any help!
When you delete a node, you don’t update the previous node’s next pointer. The next time thru the loop you’ll access this dangling pointer and read memory that has been freed (which Visual C++ has set to 0xDDDDDDDD).
You need to update the previous node’s next pointer to the current node’s next pointer before deleting it, so that you skip over the node you’re deleting.
As JaMiT mentioned, it is hard to debug without being able to reproduce. Please note a few suggestions
You never use copy.
The behaviour in the following part
while (current != nullptr) {
trail = current;
if (current->data == remove) { // error occurs on this line
Node<dataType>* temp2 = current;
current = trail->next;
delete temp2;
return true;
current = current->next;
does look like something you'd want to do. When you enter the loop for the first time, trail and current are the same thing (because you assign current to trail). If current node was not the node to be deleted, you do current = current->next;. Assuming this was not nullptr, you loop back over and set trail to current again. You may want to set trail to the old current (so that trail follows the current as the name suggests).
while (current != nullptr) {
if (current->data == remove) {
Node<dataType>* temp2 = current;//save pointer to the node to delete later
trail->next = current->next;//skip this node - deleting it from the chain
delete temp2;//delete it
return true;
trail = current; //let trail follow current
current = current->next;
Why does remove for an UnOrderedList<dataType> take an int instead of dataType ?

Linked list issue with overwriting variables

I am trying to code a linked list in C++, but I am running into a problem. When I insert only one item, it works, but when I insert more than one, it goes into an infinite loop. Here is the code:
#include "linkedList.hpp"
#include <iostream>
linkedList::node::node(int value)
internalValue = value;
next = nullptr;
previous = nullptr;
: header{node(-2)}, trailer{node(-2)}
trailer.previous = &header; = &trailer;
size = 0;
int linkedList::getLength()
return size;
void linkedList::appendElement(int value)
node newNode = node(value); = &trailer;
newNode.previous = trailer.previous;
(trailer.previous)->next = &newNode;
trailer.previous = &newNode;
size = size + 1;
void linkedList::print()
node * current =;
while (current -> next != nullptr)
std::cout << current -> internalValue << "->" << "\n";
current = current->next;
std::cout << "v";
After trying to debug it, I found that the issue is with the construction of a node. So the first time I try to insert 5, the program creates a node called new node, which is then appended perfectly fine.
What happens next is when a second number is to be appended, lets say 6, the program doesn't really create a new node object. Rather the variable name "newNode" still refers to the node with the value 5 stored in it and it replaces it with a node with the value of 6.
This understandably then creates an infinite loop since it essentially makes the array circular. I don't know how to fix this. Can someone point me in the right direction?
PS: sorry if this is extremely simple, I am very new to C++ (this is only my second day of coding)
In linkedList::appendElement(int value) you create a new node on the stack ( or 'automatic storage' ), which means the node will be destroyed when the function returns.
Instead, create the node on the heap ( or 'dynamic storage' ) using the new operator so it is not destroyed when the function returns.
node* newNode = new node(value);
You will also have to remember to destroy nodes yourself when the list is destroyed or truncated, and most C++ developers soon find it better to use smart pointers for that.

How can I delete a node in my linked list in C++?

I've pasted my work so far here:
The concepts of linked lists boggle my mind, so I thought I'd practice. I know how to add nodes, and edit nodes, but I don't know how to remove nodes in my particular scenario.
My Pseudo Code:
previous == now - 1;
if(stdid == now->getID());
delete now;
How could I implement this?
The mind-tease in deleting an element from a linked list is updating the pointer that brought you to the element in the first place. In your list case, that could be top (and/or possibly bottom), it could be some node's next. As you walk through the list hunting with a cur pointer, keep a prev pointer which you advance one step behind as you enumerate. Assuming you find the victim node (if you don't, there's nothing to do, woot!), prev will be in one of two states:
It will be NULL, in which case top is the pointer that refers to your victim node and top must be updated, or...
It will be some pointer to a node, in which case that node's next member needs to be updated to the reflect the victim node's next member value.
In both cases bottom may need updating as well. In the first case bottom will need to change if the list only had one node and you're deleting it. i.e. you will have an empty list when finished. Easy enough to tell, since top will be NULL after to detach cur and set top equal to cur->next. Even easier for you, since you're keeping a size member in your list container; if it was 1, you know both head and bottom
In the second case, the last node may be the victim node. In that case bottom has to be updated to reflect the new end of the list (which is coincidentally in prev, and may be NULL if, once again, the list had only a single element. How do you tell if the victim was the last node in the list? If it's next member is NULL, it has to be the last node, and bottom must be updated.
So something like this, a delete function based on ID search
void deleteStudent(int id)
student *cur = top, *prev = nullptr;
while (cur && cur->getID() != id)
prev = cur;
cur = cur->getNext();
// found a node?
if (cur)
student *pNext = cur->getNext();
// set new next pointer for prev, or new top
if (prev)
top = pNext;
// update bottom if needed
if (!pNext)
bottom = prev;
delete cur;
Other delete options and criteria I leave to you.
Best of luck.
This should work, but I have not tested it.
There is a special case, when the first node is deleted. previous is set to NULL for the first iteration, and the top has to be adjusted in this case.
I didn't use bottom, because it's not the way I would do it. If you use bottom, there is a second special case, when you delete the last student. I would mark the end of the list with a next pointer set to NULL, because this eliminates this special case.
bool deleteStudent(int id)
student* now = top;
student* prev = NULL;
while(now != NULL) {
student* next = now->getNext();
if(id == now->getID()) {
delete now;
if(prev) prev->setNext(next);
else top = next;
return true;
prev = now;
now = next;
return false;
I did not use your notation but I think you can get the point.
prev = NULL;
current = top;
while (current != NULL && !isfound(current)){
prev = current;
current = current->next;
// current point to the element you want to delete (if not NULL)
if(current != NULL) {
if(previous != NULL) {
previous->next = current->next;
else {
top = current->next;
delete current;

Nodes in binary tree are null

void MultiMap::insert(string key, unsigned int value)
if(head == nullptr)
head = new Node(key, value);
Node* tempNode = head;
while(tempNode != nullptr)
if(key <= tempNode->m_key)
tempNode = tempNode->m_left;
else if(key > tempNode->m_key)
tempNode = tempNode->m_right;
/*line 1*/tempNode = new Node(key, value);
//*line 2*/head->m_left = new Node(key, value);
For an assignment, I have to make a binary tree class, "MultiMap" with nodes that contain a string and an int.
The above is code to insert a new node into the tree. The nodes are sorted by their strings. If the string of the node I am trying to insert is > the current node, the program should try to insert it on the right branch of the tree, and if it is <=, the program should try to insert it on the left branch of the tree.
I tested it by trying to insert two nodes: (Joe, 5) and (Bill, 1) in that order, so if the program works properly, "bill" should be on the left branch of "joe".
Line 2 is commented out.
If I use line 1, the program compiles and "inserts" the second node, but when I try to look for it with other code, it only finds a nullptr. If I replace line 1 with line 2, the program works as expected.
"tempNode" is what I'm using to trace through the tree to find the appropriate place to insert a new node. "head" is a pointer to the first node in the tree. "m_left" and "m_right" are pointers to nodes, representing the left and right branches of a node, respectively.
I don't know why the two lines don't do the same thing even though at that point, it seems like tempNode and head->m_left are pointing to the same location in memory: the left branch of the first node.
Pointers are variables that hold addresses. There is nothing magic about them. Line 1 does this:
tempNode = new Node(key, value);
This doesn't insert anything into your tree. In fact, it just leaks memory.
What tempNode pointed to prior to this statement is irrelevant. More importantly, how tempNode held that prior value is already lost because you're already descended down the tree one level. Two pointers holding the same address just means the address is reachable with two pointers. Assigning a new address to a pointer has no effect on the previously addressed entity (if there was any).
Your task should be finding the pointer that should be filled in with the address of a newly allocated object. You found it (sort of). Unfortunately you also lost it as soon as you walked into it with your step "down" the tree for the final null-detection. As soon as this:
while (tempNode != nullptr)
becomes false and breaks, you're already one node too far. There are a number of ways to handle this. Some people like using a "parent" pointer, but that just means you have to special-case an empty map condition. Consider this instead:
void MultiMap::insert(string key, unsigned int value)
// pp will always point to the pointer we're testing
// i.e. a pointer to pointer.
Node **pp = &head;
while (*pp) // while whatever pp points to is a non-null-pointer
if (key < (*pp)->m_key)
pp = &(*pp)->m_left; // put address of left-pointer into pp
else if ((*pp)->m_key < key)
pp = &(*pp)->m_right; // put address of right pointer into pp
else break; // strict weak order match
if (*pp)
// found matching key. NOTE: unclear if you wanted to just update or not
// allocate new node.
*pp = new Node(key,value);
And you'll notice other than initializing our pointer-to-pointer with the address of the head node pointer, head is never referenced again.
Finally, notice there is no special-case head-node test. If the map is empty and the head pointer is NULL, this will automatically create a new node and make it the root.
What is going on here:
Node* tempNode = head;
while(tempNode != nullptr)
if(key <= tempNode->m_key)
tempNode = tempNode->m_left;
else if(key > tempNode->m_key)
tempNode = tempNode->m_right;
OK, now tempNode == nullptr, and it does not point to any node of the tree. As it is the variable on the stack, the next line:
/*line 1*/tempNode = new Node(key, value);
just initializes this local pointer and does not affect the tree itself. (Really here will be a memory leak.)
In your second line you initialize the node in the tree:
head->m_left = new Node(key, value);
But only for head->m_left.
So you can write:
if (key <= tempNode->m_key) {
if (tempNode->m_left == nullptr) {
tempNode->m_left = new Node(key, value);
break; // traverse tree loop
} else {
tempNode = tempNode->m_left;

Removing from a Binary Search Tree

I am trying to write a remove from a binary tree function. I'm kinda lost so I'm trying to handle it case by case, starting with if the value I'm trying to remove is in the root of the BST. To test my function, I am first calling a printcontents() function that prints all the contents of the tree, then I'm calling remove(8) [8 being the value in my root at the moment), and then calling printcontents() again. The way I'm doing it is by trying to replace the root with the "right-most" value in the left side of the tree. When I call printcontents the second time, it prints the new root value correctly, but when it continues printing the contents and reaches the point where that value used to be, it has a random long number "-572......"(although i don't think the number matters) and then my program crashes. I see my root's value is being replaced, but what happens afterwards??
Here's my remove function:
void BinarySearchTree::remove(int value) {
Node* tmp = head;
Node* tmp2 = head;
if (head->data == value && head->left != NULL) {
while (tmp->right != NULL) {
while (tmp2->right->right != NULL) {
if (tmp->left == NULL) {
head->data = tmp->data;
tmp2->right = NULL;
delete tmp;
if (tmp->left != NULL) {
head->data = tmp->data;
tmp2->right = tmp->left;
delete tmp;
It's obviously incomplete, but I'm testing it to only handle the case in which the root is removed and replaced by the right-most value in the left side of the tree (assuming there is a left side, which there is), and I feel like logically it should be working, so perhaps it is when I "delete tmp" that things go wrong. I don't know whether posting my whole program will be necessary, but if so, let me know!
May I suggest that instead of writing out for root, why don't you treat the case as it is dealt with in CLRS : That is two distinct cases.
1. When node to be deleted is a leaf
2. When node to be deleted is non-leaf(in that case replace it with inorder successor/predecessor).
The root deletion obviously falls under the second case. This is just a suggestion.