How to organize spaces within Confluence (wiki)? - wiki

My company will be using Confluence to store and share our knowledge base on our IT systems, and could be used to cover topics from hardware administration to issues faced by programmers.
I am curious about the best practice for setting up the global spaces. Is it better to have one large, catch-all space for the entire IT department or should the information be broken into multiple spaces focused on a particular domain?
My concern is that breaking the information into several, smaller spaces will hinder the ability to link between related topics that might be categorized into different spaces. For example, we could have 2 spaces to cover our website and our main internal system. However, there is plenty of overlap between the website apps and the main internal system.
Any advice that can be provided would be greatly appreciated!

We have a space for documenting our systems, policies, applications and frameworks in general, one for blogs (where employees write about technical interesting stuff) and one per project. The per project spaces are very small and very project specific. Often a topic of a project makes it into the blog (with the include tag) and from there in a more general way into the general space. Knowledge is moving. You just can't categorize it very strict.


Microservices - in an organization with multiple businesses

Let's say we have an organization that has multiple businesses. In this example, Business A sells a gigabit internet service to college students. Business B sells a megabit internet service to seniors. The businesses sell related products with slight variations, each targeting a different demographic.
At first glance, this seems like we can just have one application handle all the requests. However, it is natural for the businesses to diverge from each other given that they each target a specific demographic - by nature, each business will have its own business requirements. For example, Business A might expose a mobile application for customers to manage their account. Business B might expose a phone number that has to be called for customers to manage their account. The list goes on.
What is the best way to utilize microservices given this context?
The problem is that there is both common and uncommon functionality across the different businesses.
We can remain somewhat DRY and have a set of base microservices (billing-api, order-api, etc.) that can be consumed by the different businesses. This works but this causes the microservices to have more "general" abstractions - leading to more complexity. For a concrete example, let's say the billing-api service has a /charge endpoint that is shared by Business A and B. Business B's requirement is to always discount $5 off the order:
if (businessB) {
orderCost -= 5;
In this DRY approach, we would have an API gateway for each business (BFF pattern) which would aggregate different microservices to fulfill their business needs. All "business-specific" logic would get moved from the base microservices into the respective businesses' API gateway. In this discount example, instead of having an if (businessB) check in the billing-api endpoint, we can invert this control to the consumer:
const { orderDiscountAmount } = req.body; //body parameters
if (orderDiscountAmount > 0) {
orderCost -= orderDiscountAmount;
Then the endpoint in Business B's API gateway would pass in an orderDiscountAmount of 5 when calling the billing-api endpoint:
//Business B API Gateway
billingApi({ orderDiscountAmount: 5 });
This seems fine, but all we did was take Business B's logic in the billing-api endpoint and created a generic (but forced) abstraction. This is "justified" by saying maybe Business A may use that one day - but that may never actually happen. Overall, this feels like an unnatural exercise for the developer and the consumer of the endpoint. Complexity and cognitive load on all sides are increased.
We can scrap DRY and avoid sharing microservices between businesses for maximum flexibility and simplicity. However, if more businesses are added (10-20) then there's probably going to be a good chunk of duplicated functionality.
How should teams be structured given this context?
If we are okay with the DRY approach from above, how should teams be structured? We can have vertically-sliced feature teams, but does that mean if we have 10 businesses, a team would need to own a feature (i.e. checkout) on all the businesses? The drawback with this approach is that the feature teams won't be experts in any business as a whole - the teams would only be an expert in one feature in a given business. Not having the full context on a business could make it difficult to make the right decisions.
We can have a stream-aligned team for each business dedicated to the UI and the API gateway. We would then have platform teams creating microservices for the stream-aligned teams to consume. The drawback with this is that there is a handoff step between the stream-aligned team and the platform team, a.k.a a dependency.
I'm not sure if I'm looking at all this from the wrong lens - any feedback would be appreciated!
Sorry to say, but this is not a good question for Stackoverflow, because any answer will be a opinion based and many approaches may work and depend on more details in your specific use case. So don't be disappointed if the question get's closed at some point.
That being said I am not too shy to offer my opinion or at least some thoughts about your described situation.
I believe your question about how to set up teams and how to set up the architecture are very tightly linked because architecture will with no doubt follow the organizational structure effectively. So I will give further thoughts about the organizational setup first.
An estimation of the total manpower required for each of the businesses should give you an idea of how many teams you need. Trying to keep team size small (say 2-8 people) will help reducing the communication overhead. So if you think this is the size for a whole business then there is no need to further split responsibility.
Responsibility is the most important keyword. You have to avoid any situation where a common service/library is used but has multiple or no owners. There should always be exactly one organizational owner. Thus, when organizations recognize the overlap of functionality in separate areas it is a common practice to establish a team that will be responsible and provide this functionality to others. This could be in the form of shared libraries or actually deployed services. In both cases it is important that the communication is formalized by correctly versioning their work and leaving it to the consuming groups which versions to use, when to upgrade, putting in requests for new features, etc. This approach will decouple the teams that use this common functionality.
In your problem description the core of the problem is the business logic and it's complexity / overlap. So I would argue that the most important role is the product management. They have to be very good (and at least a bit technical) and sort this exact mess into reusable pieces and things that are specific to only a single business. If you have a whole team of product managers they need to communicate very well and build this picture together. What is most important here is a good communication about the vision for the future and not just immediate requirements (Provide a great domain view). Only then can the architecture and teams be set up in the best possible way.
No matter how careful the initial setup - Changes WILL happen. Whatever you think in the beginning to be the best solution will change at some point in the future. In order to prepare for this I always recommend to go with the simplest approaches - Even if it means some code duplication or other imperfections. As software architects we tend to love the beauty of perfection, but that is rarely the most effective approach in the real world.
It is common sense to make a simple shared service/library that can be made to fit multiple use cases by adding some configurability. Up to certain degree of complexity that is a useful approach, but you have to be sensible to the consumers of that library/service and it should be easy to reuse at any point. It is not black and white about when to a functionality becomes too big / complex and has to be split into multiple pieces to be maintainable, but looking at it with the eyes of the maintainer and the eyes of consumer will make a determination easier. In the case of configurable service libraries you could also have separate deployments with different configurations, so using commonly developed components, but deploying different endpoints for each use case. If you use technologies that produce only a small deployment overhead (for example golang containers that are only a few mbs), then the large number of deployed services is not a drawback but a strength because they can be upgraded / versioned independently and it is even easy to run multiple versions in parallel.
Infrastructure and service deployment may or may not follow the architecture of the services. As a general rule I would recommend to look for the simplest approach, which often means providing common infrastructure that is shared among services and deployment configurations are where the distinction between services starts. For example a all services share a common cluster / streaming / gateways / databases / etc. Exceptions to that could be very special needs for single services, like a hardware encryption key store or GPU servers for machine learning, etc. This would be the approach for any reasonable sized system. (Of course if you are going scale to very large sizes it also a very feasible approach to have complete stacks / clusters for specific services.)
Persistency design is most crucial. Where it is relatively easy to evolve a business logic, reorganize it, etc., it is rather difficult to evolve your historic data. Often you have a choice to do a design in one of two ways:
Smart algorithms, dumb data.
Smart data, dumb algorithms.
(Smart referring to more elaborate / reflecting more of the business requirements)
The second approach is usually harder initially, but in my experience will have better results when a certain complexity threshold is reached.
So these are just a few things that came to my head when reading your question. I apologize that they cannot answer your detailed question about how to slice the billing API, but maybe you have a few additional considerations at hand.

Best choice for runtime templating engine?

We're designing an app that will generate lots of different types of text output, eg email, html, sms, etc. The output will be generated using some kind of template, with data coming from a db. Our requirements include:
Basic logic / calculated fields within template. Eg "ifs" and "for" loops, plus some things like adding percentages for tax etc
Runtime editing. Our users need to be able to tweak the templates to their needs, such as change boilerplate text, add new logic, etc
Multi lingual. We need to choose the correct template for the current culture.
Culture sensitive. Eg dates and currencies will output according to current ui culture.
Flexibility. We need the templates to be able to handle multiple repeating groups, hierarchies, etc.
Cannot use commercial software as a solution (e.g. InfoPath). We need to be able to modify the source code at any time.
The app is We are considering using T4, XML + XSLT or hosting the Razor engine. Given that the syntax cant be too overwhelming for non-techie users, we'd like to get your opinion on which you feel is the right templating engine for us. We're happy to consider ones notalready mentioned too.
I'm very hesitant to try and answer this question on a forum, because technology choices depend on far more factors than are conveyed in the question, including things such as attitude to risk, attitude to open source, previous good and bad experiences, politics and leadership on the project etc. The big advantage of XSLT over Razor is that it's a standard and has multiple implementations on multiple platforms (including at least three implementations on .NET!) so there's no lock-in; but that doesn't seem to be a factor in your statement of requirements. And the fact that you're using .NET suggests that supplier lock-in isn't something that worries you anyway.
One thing to bear in mind is that non-programmers often take to XSLT a lot more quickly than programmers do. Its rule-based declarative approach, and its XML syntax, sometimes make programmers uncomfortable (it's not like anything they have seen before) but end-users often take to it like ducks to water.
We've decided to go with Razor Hosting. The reason why I've posted this is an answer is that I thought it would help others if I include the following article link:
This excellent piece of work by Rick Strahl makes it really easy to host Razor.

Advice for starting own wiki?

My friends and I were thinking of starting our own wiki. Given how widespread they have become recently, we heard it isn't that hard. We want to keep the site as simple as possible - we have some experience with web design, but not a whole lot with system administration. What are some things that we should keep in mind going forward (such as, which wikifarms may be useful, or what caveats should we keep in mind)?
I'm guessing from your question that you mean for personal, instead of business, use.
As Bayard implies, the key to success is the social side. For the technical side you'll need to have a server (or someone prepared to host it) and good wiki software. The most obvious choice here is MediaWiki which is well developed (features), well tested, well known (through Wikipedia) and completely free. Furthermore, it can easily be extended with a variety of new features (extensions).
Take your time making the choice of software because it is hard to change later. WikiMatrix may help here (to compare software).
However, the social side is also important. What is your topic? Why is it necessary? Could you accomplish the same with Google Docs (if it is just for friends) or do you want a wider involvement?
If you want a wider involvement (e.g. allow the public to contribute), then decide whether you will permit anonymous edits.
Now the most important: moderation. This means (1) you need clear rules (like who can delete pages and what the process is) and (2) someone (or, better, a group) to enforce those rules (the moderators). You will need to create the right balance for you in terms of being strict with the rules (encourages quality) and being flexible (encourages participation).
You will also need someone to take a lead - to encourage, support and manage the moderators and processes. This person is often called a wiki champion. Here's a good link explaining more about this role.
Final tips: be clear what should go onto the wiki and what not, stay close to your users (customers) by encouraging feedback and keep it fun for everyone!
Later addition: check out these Stack Overflow questions and answers:
Getting developers to use a wiki
Getting started with a personal wiki and moinmoin
Does it make sense to set up a wiki at the workplace?
What’s the best open source wiki platform?
Another edition: make sure the moderators create and maintain great "how to" pages for the wiki. Often they are not intuitive (especially for people used to Word). You might want to start with a "What is a wiki?" page - and then, after a brief introduction, link to a Wikipedia page all about wikis.
MindTouch has a free, open source wiki ( that sounds like it would be perfect for what you're trying to do. I've used it in the past and it's super easy to get up and running and very flexible. Watch one of their demos before you make any decisions though (
The most difficult part of implementing a successful wiki tends to be social, rather than technical. Wikipatterns is a good resource which describes the challenges you're likely to encounter.

Does three-tier architecture ever work?

We are building three-tier architectures for over a decade now. Dividing presentation-, logic- and data-tier is supposed to allow us to exchange each layer individually, should the need ever arise, be it through changed requirements or new technologies.
I have never seen it working in practice...
Mostly because (at least) one of the following reasons:
The three tiers concept was only visible in the source code (e.g. package naming in Java) which was then deployed as one, tied together package.
The code representing each layer was nicely bundled in its own deployable format but then thrown into the same process (e.g. an "enterprise container").
Each layer was run in its own process, sometimes even on different machines but through the static nature they were connected to each other, replacing one of them meant breaking all of them.
Thus what you usually end up with, in is a monolithic, tightly coupled system that does not deliver what it's architecture promised.
I therefore think "three-tier architecture" is a total misnomer. The true benefit it brings is that the code is logically sound. But that's at "write time", not at "run time". A better name would be something like "layered by responsibility". In any case, the "architecture" word is misleading.
What are your thoughts on this? How could working three-tier architecture be achieved? By that I mean one which holds its promises: Allowing to plug out a layer without affecting the other ones. The system should survive that and be in a well defined state afterwards.
The true purpose of layered architectures (both logical and physical tiers) isn't to make it easy to replace a layer (which is quite rare), but to make it easy to make changes within a layer without affecting the others (and as Ben notes, to facilitate scalability, consistency, and security) - which works all the time all around us.
One example of a 3-tier architecture is a typical database-driven web application:
End-user's web browser
Server-side web application logic
Database engine
In every system, there is the nice, elegant architecture dreamed up at the beginning, then the hairy mess when its finally in production, full of hundreds of bug fixes and special case handlers, and other typical nasty changes made to address specific issues not realized during the design.
I don't think the problems you've described are specific to three-teir architecture at all.
If you haven't seen it working, you may just have bad luck. I've worked on projects that serve several UIs (presentation) from one web service (logic). In addition, we swapped data providers via configuration (data) so we could use a low-cost database while developing and Oracle in higher environments.
Sure, there's always some duplication - maybe you add validation in the UI for responsiveness and then validate again in the logic layer - but overall, a clean separation is possible and nice to work with.
Once you accept that n-tier's major benefits--namely scalability, logical consistency, security--could not easily be achieved through other means, the question of whether or not any of the tiers can be replaced outright without breaking the the others becomes more like asking whether there's any icing on the cake.
Any operating system will have a similar kind of architecture, or else it won't work. The presentation layer is independent of the hardware layer, which is abstracted into drivers that implement a certain interface. The data is handled using logic that changes depending on the type of data being read (think NTFS vs. FAT32 vs. EXT3 vs. CD-ROM). Linux can run on just about any hardware you can throw at it and it will still look and behave the same because the abstractions between the layers insulate each other from changes within a single layer.
One of the biggest practical benefits of the 3-tier approach is that it makes it easy to split up work. You can easily have a DBA and a business anylist or two building a data layer, a traditional programmer building the server side app code, and a graphic designer/ web designer building the UI. The three teams still need to communicate, of course, but this allows for much smoother development in most cases. In this regard, I see the 3-tier approach working reliably everyday, and this enough for me, even if I cannot count on "interchangeable parts", so to speak.

What are some useful criteria for deciding on which software package to go for?

How does one go about choosing a software vendor after having seen many presentations from many software vendors, from a user preference perspective?
I ask this question on behalf of a friend who has been put in charge of making such an evaluation, without any prior experience. I thought the experience of the SO community might generate something considerably more useful than a bit of googling.
Domain specificity is not important, but if it helps at all the systems currently being evaluated are Treasury systems and ERP (Electronic Resource Planning).
Thanks in advance for any help/ideas offered.
A common tool for software evaluation is a SWOT analysis:
SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture.
Strengths: attributes of the organization that are helpful to achieving the objective.
Weaknesses: attributes of the organization that are harmful to achieving the objective.
Opportunities: external conditions that are helpful to achieving the objective.
Threats: external conditions which could do damage to the business's performance.
See if you can find existing users of the packages either through people you actually know or through forums online. See what the pain points and advantages are. Also, you should press the vendors with questions about your specific usage scenario and demand real answers and not just sales/marketing spin; you're trying to see if the package will actually solve your problem.
You should find out how their customer support works. Something might break in the product and you'll need technical support. If it's not there when you need it you risk just sitting there waiting and losing time and money.
I would want to know if the vendor is willing to give at least some of your money back if the system fails to deliver to pre-agreed criteria.
Are they going to be involved or committed?
(They say with breakfast the chicken is involved but the pig is committed)