Deleting object in django and API call - django

I am trying to delete a client object in my program and then also delete the object in activeCollab using the API provided. I can delete the object but I keep getting a 404 error when it calls the API. I did a print for and I am getting the correct ID, and if I replace ':company_id' in the req statement with the actual ID of the client, it works.
Here is my code for the delete:
def deleteClient(request, client_id):
c = get_object_or_404(Clients, pk = client_id)
#adding the params for the request to the aC API
params = urllib.urlencode({
#make the request
req = urllib2.Request("http://website_url/public/api.php?path_info=/people /:company_id/delete&token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", params)
f = urllib2.urlopen(req)
return HttpResponseRedirect('/clients/')
Thanks everyone.
Oh here is the link to the API documentation for the delete:

From the docs it appears that :company_id is supposed to be replaced by the actual company id. This replacement won't happen automatically. Currently you are sending the company id in the POST parameters (which the API isn't expecting) and you are sending the literal value ':company_id' in the query string.
Try something like:
url_params=dict(path_info="/people/%s/delete" %, token=MY_API_TOKEN)
req = urllib2.Request(
"" % urllib.urlencode(url_params),
Of course, because you are targeting this api.php script, I can't tell if that script is supposed to do some magic replacement. But given that it works when you manually replace the :company_id with the actual value, this is the best bet, I think.


Pyral Cannot Parse Parent Object returned

I am trying to get the Parent Epic / Feature for particular User Stories in Rally. However I am only getting the parent object and I am not sure how to parse it. I have tried dict and dir(object) to get field values but it did not work. I have also tried as following, but I keep on getting something like this instead of fields/values in Parent Object
pyral.entity.PortfolioItem_Capability object at 0x7ff848273850
def get_hierarchy(server,username,password,workspace,project,release):
rally = Rally(server, username, password, workspace=workspace, project=project)
criterion = 'Release.Name = "'+release+'" AND Parent != None'
response = rally.get('HierarchicalRequirement',fetch="ObjectID,FormattedID,Name,AcceptedDate,Project,Release,ScheduleState,Parent,Description",query=criterion,limit=5000)
return response
for item in get_hierarchy("","","Somepassword","Some Workspace Name","PROJECT NAME","Release Version"):
print item.FormattedID, item.Name, item.ScheduleState, item.Description, item.Parent.Name
The parent is also an object and you have to parse the parent similar to the user story. For a simplistic solution, keep using the dot format. Here is a code snippet that does something similar to the above that should give you a start.
queryString = '(Iteration.StartDate > "2017-08-31")'
entityName = 'HierarchicalRequirement'
response = rally.get(entityName, fetch=True, projectScopeDown=True, query=queryString)
for item in response:
I'm using Python 3.x but I don't see any reason it wouldn't translate to 2.7.

Unit test an external facing function

I am trying to write unit test case for an external facing api of my Django application. I have a model called Dummy with two fields temp and content. The following function is called by third party to fetch the content field. temp is an indexed unique key.
def fetch_dummy_content(request):
temp = request.GET.get("temp")
dummy_obj = Dummy.objects.get(temp=temp)
except Dummy.DoesNotExist:
content = 'Object not found.'
content = dummy_obj.content
return HttpResponse(content, content_type='text/plain')
I have the following unit test case.
def test_dummy_content(self):
params = {
'temp': 'abc'
dummy_obj = mommy.make(
content='Hello World'
response = self.client.get(
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
self.assertEqual(response.content, 'Hello World')
Every time I run the test case, it goes into exception and returns Object not found. instead of Hello World. Uponn further debugging I found that temp from request object inside view function is always None, even though I am passing it in params.
I might be missing something and not able to figure out. What's the proper way to test these kind of functions.
There's no params parameter for the get or any of the other functions on the client, you're probably thinking of data.
response = self.client.get(
It's the second argument anyway, so you can just do self.client.get('/fetch_dummy_content/', params) too.
Any unknown parameters get included in the environment which explains why you were not getting an error for using the wrong name.

Pulling data from datastore and converting it in Json in python(Google Appengine)

I am creating an apllication using google appengine, in which i am fetching a data from the website and storing it in my Database (Data store).Now whenever user hits my application url as "application_url\name =xyz&city= abc",i am fetching the data from the DB and want to show it as json.Right now i am using a filter to fetch data based on the name and city but getting output as [].I dont know how to get data from this.My code looks like this:
class MainHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
commodityname = self.request.get('veg',"Not supplied")
market = self.request.get('market',"No market found with this name")
query = commoditydata.all()
query.filter('commodity = ', commodityname)
result = query.fetch(limit = 1)
and the db structure for "commoditydata" table is
class commoditydata(db.Model):
commodity= db.StringProperty()
market= db.StringProperty()
arrival= db.StringProperty()
variety= db.StringProperty()
minprice= db.StringProperty()
maxprice= db.StringProperty()
modalprice= db.StringProperty()
reporteddate= db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add = True)
Can anyone tell me how to get data from the db using name and market and covert it in Json.First getting data from db is the more priority.Any suggestions will be of great use.
If you are starting with a new app, I would suggest to use the NDB API rather than the old DB API. Your code would look almost the same though.
As far as I can tell from your code sample, the query should give you results as far as the HTTP query parameters from the request would match entity objects in the datastore.
I can think of some possible reasons for the empty result:
you only think the output is empty, because you use write() too early; app-engine doesn't support streaming of response, you must write everything in one go and you should do this after you queried the datastore
the properties you are filtering are not indexed (yet) in the datastore, at least not for the entities you were looking for
the filters are just not matching anything (check the log for the values you got from the request)
your query uses a namespace different from where the data was stored in (but this is unlikely if you haven't explicitly set namespaces anywhere)
In the Cloud Developer Console you can query your datastore and even apply filters, so you can see the results with-out writing actual code.
Go to
On the left side, select Storage > Cloud Datastore > Query
Select the namespace (default should be fine)
Select the kind "commoditydata"
Add filters with example values you expect from the request and see how many results you get
Also look into Monitoring > Log which together with your calls is really helpful to better understand what is going on during a request.
The conversion to JSON is rather easy, once you got your data. In your request handler, create an empty list of dictionaries. For each object you get from the query result: set the properties you want to send, define a key in the dict and set the value to the value you got from the datastore. At the end dump the dictionary as JSON string.
class MainHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
commodityname = self.request.get('veg')
market = self.request.get('market')
if commodityname is None and market is None:
# the request will be complete after this:
self.response.out.write("Please supply filters!")
# everything ok, try query:
query = commoditydata.all()
query.filter('commodity = ', commodityname)
result = query.fetch(limit = 1)
# now build the JSON payload for the response
dicts = []
for match in result:
dicts.append({'market':, 'reporteddate': match.reporteddate})
# set the appropriate header of the response:
self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
# convert everything into a JSON string
import json
jsonString = json.dumps(dicts)
self.response.out.write( jsonString )

Tweepy location on Twitter API filter always throws 406 error

I'm using the following code (from django management commands) to listen to the Twitter stream - I've used the same code on a seperate command to track keywords successfully - I've branched this out to use location, and (apparently rightly) wanted to test this out without disrupting my existing analysis that's running.
I've followed the docs and have made sure the box is in Long/Lat format (in fact, I'm using the example long/lat from the Twitter docs now). It looks broadly the same as the question here, and I tried using their version of the code from the answer - same error. If I switch back to using 'track=...', the same code works, so it's a problem with the location filter.
Adding a print debug inside in tweepy so I can see what's happening, I print out the self.parameters self.url and self.headers from _run, and get:
{'track': 't,w,i,t,t,e,r', 'delimited': 'length', 'locations': '-121.7500,36.8000,-122.7500,37.8000'}
/1.1/statuses/filter.json?delimited=length and
{'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
respectively - seems to me to be missing the search for location in some way shape or form. I don't believe I'm/I'm obviously not the only one using tweepy location search, so think it's more likely a problem in my use of it than a bug in tweepy (I'm on 2.3.0), but my implementation looks right afaict.
My stream handling code is here:
consumer_key = 'stuff'
consumer_secret = 'stuff'
import tweepy
import json
# This is the listener, resposible for receiving data
class StdOutListener(tweepy.StreamListener):
def on_data(self, data):
# Twitter returns data in JSON format - we need to decode it first
decoded = json.loads(data)
#print type(decoded), decoded
# Also, we convert UTF-8 to ASCII ignoring all bad characters sent by users
user, created = read_user(decoded)
print "DEBUG USER", user, created
if decoded['lang'] == 'en':
tweet, created = read_tweet(decoded, user)
print "DEBUG TWEET", tweet, created
except KeyError,e:
print "Error on Key", e
except DataError, e:
print "DataError", e
#print user, created
print ''
return True
def on_error(self, status):
print status
l = StdOutListener()
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret_var)
stream = tweepy.Stream(auth, l)
#locations must be long, lat
stream.filter(locations=[-121.75,36.8,-122.75,37.8], track='twitter')
The issue here was the order of the coordinates.
Correct format is:
SouthWest Corner(Long, Lat), NorthEast Corner(Long, Lat). I had them transposed. :(
The streaming API doesn't allow to filter by location AND keyword simultaneously.
you must refer to this answer i had the same problem earlier

problems for parse complicate json post data in django

I have a django parse function as:
def parse_org(request):
org = simplejson.loads(request.POST['org'])
except Exception:
print org
I got the decode error.
On the client side, the script version(code are pasted in later part) works fine, but recently I want to write a python version to do load test, so I write the following code in a python client script to send request:
data_dict = {}
org = ["UCSD", "MIT"]
data_dict["org"] = org
req = urllib2.Request(request_url, urllib.urlencode(data_dict), headers)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout = 5)
Then the parse code at the django site gets parsing error. I compare the correct javascript version and the wrong python clients, the only difference is the single and double quote,
the wrong parsed input at django side is:
POST:<QueryDict: {u'org': [u"['UCSD', 'MIT']"], ....
the correct input is:
POST:<QueryDict: {u'org': [u'["UCSD","MIT"]'], ....
For your reference, the javascript side looks like(the django can correctly parse the org as array):
var org = [];
var data = {"org": JSON.stringify(org), ...
$.post(url, data, function(data){
I searched a lot, but still can't find why the python client can't work but the javascript client can work. Is it related with the urllib's urlencode? and why there is single and double quote difference there?
Thanks a lot!