How does commute work? - concurrency

How really commute works.
(commute IDENTITY FUNCTION &values)
the Clojure Documentation says:
Usage: (commute ref fun & args)
Must be called in a transaction. Sets the in-transaction-value of ref to:
(apply fun in-transaction-value-of-ref args) and returns the in-transaction-value of ref.
At the commit point of the transaction, sets the value of ref to be:
(apply fun most-recently-committed-value-of-ref args)
So the commute form is performed in two phases.
is the second phase atomic ?(apply fun most-recently-committed-value-of-ref args)
if not, what happen in this example:
2 Threads ( T1 and T2 ).
Both will increment (commutative function) the same identity.
IDENTITY: (def i (ref 0 )
(dosync (commute inc i ) )
T1 in the first step of the commute call inc with ref i = 0 ( in transaction value = 1 )
T1 stop
T2 in the first step of the commute call inc with ref i= 0 ( in transaction value = 1 )
T2 stop
T1 in the second step call again inc with the recent commit value i = 0, the inc function return but before update the ref ( i ) T1 stop
T2 in the second step call again inc with the recent commit value i = 0 and update the reference
T1 start again and update the reference with the inc returned value = 1
This is a race condition problem ? how clojure avoid this ?
if the second phase be atomic, this will no happen.
Thanks in advance
if i understand correctly the the last phase of the commute operations ( commit point ) is synchronized"LOCK commute fun UNLOCK**" ?

The key is to realize that the in-transaction value of the ref (resulting from a commute) may in fact be different from the value that is ultimately written to the ref at the commit point.
In your example, threads T1 and T2 run their transactions simultaneously, with i referring to 0. They both (inc i) via commutes, and therefore both see i=1 during their transactions. When they are ready to commit, however, the function specified in the commute (inc) will be applied to the ref using the most-recently-committed value. So if T1 commits first, i=1, then T2 commits, and i=2. In answer to your question, these commits are indeed atomic, and so no race conditions are possible.
I quote the documentation for commute below:
At the commit point of the transaction, sets the value of ref to be:
(apply fun most-recently-committed-value-of-ref args)
Thus fun should be commutative, or, failing that, you must accept last-one-in-wins behavior.
The "last-one-in-wins" bit warns you that if the function you're applying is not commutative -- matrix multiplication comes to mind -- then in fact a race condition is possible. I.e., the transaction that commits first will have its function applied to the "original" ref value, and the next transaction to commit will have its function applied to the updated state. The function applications are still applied atomically, however.


Are ref's safe to use without a mutex in a parallel environment

I am writing a fairly asynchronous program using the Thread library. I'll have a lot of different threads that need to access string list ref, is this safe without using a Mutex? I learned earlier today that Hashtbl requires a Mutex, but I couldn't find any information on ref.
In brief, if you have concurrent writes to mutable shared resource, you should protect them with a mutex (or atomics).
In more details, there are three important points to keep in mind.
First, OCaml threads are not parallel. In OCaml 4 and before, the OCaml runtime uses a runtime lock to ensure that only one OCaml thread executes at any point in time. In OCaml 5, the unit of parallelism is domain, and to preserve backward compatibility, each domain uses a domain lock to ensure that only one OCaml thread executes by domain.
Second, OCaml is always memory safe. Even in presence of race conditions, memory access are guaranteed to be well-typed. For reference, this means that all values that you read from the reference will be values that were written to the reference; and not some strange amalgamate of your program states.
However, without synchronization, concurrent programs are not guaranteed to behave the same way as an equivalent sequential program.
For instance, the following program will reach the assert false clause
let global = ref []
let sum = ref 0
let incr () =
let state = !global in
let a = Array.init 1_000 in
let updated = a :: state in
global := updated
let decr () =
match !global with
| [] -> assert false
| _ :: q ->
global := q
let balanced () =
let incrs = List.init 100 (fun _ -> Thread.create incr ()) in
let () = List.iter Thread.join incrs in
let decrs = List.init 100 (fun _ -> Thread.create decr ()) in
List.iter Thread.join decrs
let () =
while true do balanced () done
even if all calls to incr and decr are well balanced. The reason is that
the read and write to the shared global references in incr and decr are not guarantees to happen at the same time. Thus it is possible that two
calls to incr are interleaved in this way:
(* first call to incr *) | (* Second call to incr *)
let state = !global in |
let a = Array.init 1_000 in |
| let state = !global in
let updated = a :: state in |
global := updated | let a = Array.init 1_000 in
| let updated = a :: state in
| global := updated
which means that the second call to incr erases the update done by the first one, and after two calls to incr we end up with only one new element in the global list.
Consequently, synchronization primitives are a necessity as soon as you may have concurrent writes to the same mutable shared resource.
Third, in OCaml 5 (aka with parallelism) references cannot be used as synchronization primitives. This is the difference between references and atomics. In particular, if you have
module M: sig
val update: unit -> unit
val read: unit -> int option
end = struct
let written = ref false
let answer = ref 0
let update () =
answer := 1;
written := true
let read () =
if !written then Some !answer else None
then on some CPU architecture it might happen than read () returns Some 0 because there is no guarantee than the write to answer is seen before the write to written.
If your threads are accessing and modifying mutable state (Hashtbl values count as mutable state as do string list ref values) then yes, you should use Mutex.

Using a single clause compute whether the sum of any three members of a list is equal to given value

We are not supposed to use any of the functions other than the ones listed below:
A single clause must be defined (no more).
Head and tail syntax for list types
For example sumlists([1,2,3,5,7],11) then the program execution should print TRUE. Because 1+3+7 (any three)=11 (given N value).
Ideally, we either get an element or don't, as we go along the input list; and we stop either on having reached the needed sum, or having surpassed it, or when the list has been exhausted.
But we can only have one clause one predicate here, and only use certain primitives, so instead we sneakily use + both symbolically, to gather the information for summation, and as an arithmetic operation itself:
sumlists(L, N) :-
N = X+A+B+C, X is A+B+C, !
; L = [H|T], sumlists(T, N+H)
; L = [H|T], sumlists(T, N).

Check whether number is Fibonacci or not in Standard ML

I am trying to write a code which checks if number is Fibonacci or not in ML. I am a beginner. Help me find out what is the problem with my code.
fun isfib(n :int): bool=
val a1=1;
val a2=1;
val temp=0;
while a2<n do (
if a2=n then true
else false
= is the equality operator in SML, not an assignment operator. So the above code is just equivalent to this:
false (* because a1 is 1, but temp is 0 *)
true (* because a1 and a2 are both 1 *)
true (* because 1 = 0 + 1 *)
So you have three side-effect-free expressions in your loop, so it just won't do anything.
It's clear that you actually want to change the values of those variables, but you can't do that. Variables in SML are immutable - you can't change them after they're set. So even having a while condition like a2 < n doesn't make sense because a2 and n can't change, so the condition is either always true or always false. If you want to use a while loop like this, you should look into the ref type, which allows you to create mutable values that you can use to simulate mutable variables.
That said using while loops and mutation is not idiomatic SML. There's a reason why variables in SML aren't mutable: the language designers want to encourage you to not rely on mutation (and thus also not on while loops). The idiomatic way to loop in SML is to either use higher order functions (like map, filter, foldl etc.) or recursion. For your problem a recursive function would make the most sense.

Postfix expression list evaluation

I have written a program to evaluate a post-fix expression in prolog recursively from an expression list. For example, given the following list:
It should return 3. They way I have constructed my predicate is to call itself recursively until it reaches the end of the list so that it reads values backwards. (the same as reading this list from left to right:[2,1,+]).
My problem is that when I try to return more than one value through the recursive calls all the values suddenly disappear.
Here's the code:
Tail==[], % last element of list
write(' was stored in Result!\n').
eval_list(Tail,Store2, NewResult),
% if no integer is bound to Store2, bind Store1 to Head
Result is NewResult,
write(' is stored value!\n')
; (integer(Store2)) ->
% if an integer is bound to store2, we perform operation specified by the Head with the stored number
X is Store2+NewResult,
Result is X,
write('performed operation!\n')
% if doesnt catch either of these states the program is broken
( print('something broke\n'),
I get the following output:
?- eval_list([+,1,2],X,Result).
2 was stored in Result!
1 is stored value!
something broke
I don't understand why my values disappear, or if there is a better way to evaluate the list.
Some advice on your programming technique. You should use head matching and unification instead of explicit unification in the body of your predicate definitions, and if-else constructs. You should also avoid not tail-recursive recursion, unless your algorithm is inherently recursive (in-order tree traversal, for example). This will make the code easier to write, read, and understand. Right now, I don't even feel like debugging your code, but it looks like your Store2 would never be bound to an integer, and is always going to be an unbound variable, no matter what input your program has.
Now to your program. It is not clear what you are trying to achieve. If you only want to evaluate list of the form [Arithmetic_operator, Operand1, Operand2], it would be much easier to write:
arith_eval(Expression_list, Result) :-
Arithmetic_expr =.. Expression_list, % look up what =.. stands for!
Result is Arithmetic_expr.
I don't see the need for this overly complicated approach you are using.
If you want to be able to evaluate arbitrarily complex expressions, written in post-fix, with fixed operator arity (so you can say 2, 3, +, but not 2, 4, 1, +, for a sum of 7):
Read one element from your input
Push the element to the top of the stack
Try to reduce the stack:
pop operator and operands, if on top of the stack
push result back on the top of the stack
When input is empty, your stack is your result
You could explicitly define the effect of different operators (here, only + and -) like this:
eval_stack([+,A,B|Tail],[Result|Tail]) :-
number(A), number(B),
Result is B + A.
eval_stack([-,A,B|Tail],[Result|Tail]) :-
number(A), number(B),
Result is B - A.
Note how either an operator matches the top of your stack, and is applied when there are operands below it, pushing the result back on the stack, or the stack is left unchanged.
And you can push from your input to your stack:
evaluate([Next|Rest], Stack, Result) :-
evaluate([],Result,Result). % end of input
So now you could call this with:
?- evaluate([2,3,+,3,6,-,+],[],Result).
Result = [2].
?- evaluate([2,3,4,-,-,5,+],[],Result).
Result = [8].
?- evaluate([2,3,4,-,-,5,+,1,3,2,-],[],Result).
Result = [1,1,8].
So these two predicates, evaluate(Input,Stack,Result), and eval_stack(Stack,NewStack) is all you would need for evaluating a valid post-fix arithmetic expressions with fixed-arity operators only.

Clojure def vs defn for a function with no arguments

I have written a program in clojure but some of the functions have no arguments. What would be the advantages of coding such functions as a "def" instead of a "defn" with no arguments?
(def t0 (System/currentTimeMillis))
(defn t1 [] (System/currentTimeMillis))
;; => 1318408717941
;; => 1318408644243
;; => 1318408644243
;; => 1318408719361
defs are evaluated only once whereas defns (with or without arguments) are evaluated (executed) every time they are called. So if your functions always return the same value, you can change them to defs but not otherwise.
(defn name ...) is just a macro that turns into (def name (fn ...) anyway, not matter how many parameters it has. So it's just a shortcut. See (doc defn) for details.
The def special form creates a Var object identified by a symbol given as its first argument. Identification is created by associating the given symbol with a Var in a map called namespace.
The Var holds a reference to some value, which could be expressed (among others):
as a constant form, which always evaluates to its own value:
(def x 1)
;; => 1 ; x holds a reference to a number 1
as a function form, which at first is evaluated to its resulting value:
(def x (+ 2 2))
;; => 4 ; x holds a reference to a number 4
as a Java method form, which at first is evaluated to its resulting value:
(def x (System/currentTimeMillis))
;; => 1417811438904 ; x holds a reference to a number 1417811438904
;; => 1417811438904 ; still the same number!
as a lambda form (anonymous function), which at first is evaluated to a function object:
(def x (fn [] (System/currentTimeMillis)))
;; => #<user$x user$x#4c2b1826>
(x) ; function form, function evaluated
;; => 1417811438904
(x) ; function form, function evaluated
;; => 1417812565866
There is a simple rule for all of the above. In case of def special form an S-expression given as its second argument is recursively evaluated before binding is created, so the resulting Var is bound to the result of this evaluation.
Even fn is evaluated before, but its resulting value is a function object that holds a code. This code will be executed (and evaluated) each time the function is called. That's why there are different results.
The defn macro is just like def but internally it creates an anonymous function and then binds a Var object to it. Its second argument becomes a body of this function and it's not evaluated in a "regular" way. One could also say it is evaluated but as a lambda form – the result of the evaluation is a function object, not the result of some instant calculation.
So writing:
(defn fun [] 1)
Is synonymous to:
(def fun (fn [] 1))