Increasing SSL handshaking performance - c++

I've got a short-lived client process that talks to a server over SSL. The process is invoked frequently and only runs for a short time (typically for less than 1 second). This process is intended to be used as part of a shell script used to perform larger tasks and may be invoked pretty frequently.
The SSL handshaking it performs each time it starts up is showing up as a significant performance bottleneck in my tests and I'd like to reduce this if possible.
One thing that comes to mind is taking the session id and storing it somewhere (kind of like a cookie), and then re-using this on the next invocation, however this is making me feel uneasy as I think there would be some security concerns around doing this.
So, I've got a couple of questions,
Is this a bad idea?
Is this even possible using OpenSSL?
Are there any better ways to speed up the SSL handshaking process?

After the handshake, you can get the SSL session information from your connection with SSL_get_session(). You can then use i2d_SSL_SESSION() to serialise it into a form that can be written to disk.
When you next want to connect to the same server, you can load the session information from disk, then unserialise it with d2i_SSL_SESSION() and use SSL_set_session() to set it (prior to SSL_connect()).
The on-disk SSL session should be readable only by the user that the tool runs as, and stale sessions should be overwritten and removed frequently.

You should be able to use a session cache securely (which OpenSSL supports), see the documentation on SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode, SSL_set_session and SSL_session_reused for more information on how this is achieved.

Could you perhaps use a persistent connection, so the setup is a one-time cost?
You could abstract away the connection logic so your client code still thinks its doing a connect/process/disconnect cycle.

Interestingly enough I encountered an issue with OpenSSL handshakes just today. The implementation of RAND_poll, on Windows, uses the Windows heap APIs as a source of random entropy.
Unfortunately, due to a "bug fix" in Windows 7 (and Server 2008) the heap enumeration APIs (which are debugging APIs afterall) now can take over a second per call once the heap is full of allocations. Which means that both SSL connects and accepts can take anywhere from 1 seconds to more than a few minutes.
The Ticket contains some good suggestions on how to patch openssl to achieve far FAR faster handshakes.


Windows API for DNS change notification

I am looking for a way to receive a notification whenever the configured DNS server address of a network interface changes, using native Windows APIs (C/C++). For both performance and reaction time reasons, I'd obviously want to avoid polling.
There is, for example, the NotifyIpInterfaceChange API in Iphlpapi.dll. In my tests, it reliably triggers a notification when the host's IP address, subnet mask, or default gateway changes, but not at all when only the DNS addresses change.
My only "solution" up to this point is using WMI event queries, but it actually polls in the background, so to avoid hogging down the system, the polling interval (WQL WITHIN clause) needs to be set to several seconds, which results in a long and annoying delay for my application. Also, for various reasons (which are not the topic of this discussion), I prefer to avoid WMI usage anyway, resorting to it only when there is no other way.
Actual credit for this answer should go to RbMm, but he's not posting the answer and seems to have gone MIA.
To receive DNS change notifications, the only non-polling solution seems to be using the RegNotifyChangeKeyValue WinApi to monitor for changes under the HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip[6]\Parameters\Interfaces key. Note that there's separate Tcpip and Tcpip6 keys for IPv4 and IPv6 respectively. Anyway, I've implemented and thoroughly tested the solution since the original suggestion and it works without problems.
A semi-related warning: RegNotifyChangeKeyValue has its non-intuitive peculiarities, and it is unlike most other notification APIs, so be sure to study its docs.

Real-time duplication of data among EC2 instances located in different regions

I'm new to AWS and back-end architecture in general. My current configuration is an EC2 instance (south-east region Singapore) running a Twisted real-time server for a real-time chat app.
Currently, in my implementation, whenever a sender sends a message to the server, it is stored in a python dictionary on the server if the receiver is not online. So basically it is storing this message in the instance's RAM. Now, I want to make the app available worldwide, so I'll be running it on instances of different regions. So my question is, how am I supposed to duplicate/replicate this dictionary stored in RAM of one instance to all the other instance, so it is readily available in all regions? (The reason of storing the messages in RAM and not in a database is the nature of the app. The app involves a large volume of messages sent in bursts, which requires it to be considerably faster than speeds offered by a persistent DB store's I/O read-writes.) My aim is to make the app available globally, and having real-time performance.
(Kindly don't flag this question as an "opinion-based" question and close it. I'm new to server side architecture and I really need someone to at least just point me in the right direction. And I don't think I'll be able to find help on this anywhere other than StackOverflow.)
Here's a few things I would think of if I had to build it myself (I've implemented most of these pointers in our own project and it took me quite a while).
If you really really need all servers to be in sync you'll need a consensus protocol. If you do. Don't built this yourself. It's going to take a lot of time and errors.
If you can, partition your chat data into chatrooms and have only a few servers handle one chatroom.
I've used msgpack to encode my data. It's faster and smaller than json.
You'll benefit a lot of compressing your data before you send it over the wire. Have a look at something like zlib or lz4
Even though the size of compressed msgpack is almost the same of that compressed json. I'd choose msgpack because it's faster. It's easier to parse because it's length prefixed encoded.
I would try to send messages together. Batch up all messages every x ms. In my project I chose 100ms batching up messages will save you a lot of bandwidth since your compression algorithm can remove more duplication.
You'll have to handle connection timeouts. Only regard a message as sent and done when you get a reply back (you'll have to design/choose your protocol to handle that)
Think of what is acceptable, how much data you're willing to loose when something crashes or otherwise fails. If you're not willing to loose data you'll have to implement something that stores data to disk.
I've had the problem that writes to database we use (Google Cloud Datastore) take a long time as well. Like somewhere between 100ms and 900ms depending on how much I store. What I did was only store this data every x seconds and set flags on objects that need to be saved next run. Of course you can only do this if you're willing to loose some data when your program crashes.
You'll need something to keep track of what servers are running and which server is responsible for which piece of data
Set up something that checks whether your connection is alive. For example send echoRequests and echos every x time. The sooner you detect a faillure the better. Note however if your reactor is blocked by some cpu intensive task it will not send your echo in time.
If you're not in control of how much data comes in you'll have to slow down or penalize connections that would otherwise take up all of your server time.
EDIT: I only now see that you're looking into redis. As far as I know it's a good queueing system. Use that if you can. Implementing the stuff above would take a lot of time to get it right.

reporting end of seed or leeching to tracker Libtorrent

From what I know, when seeding or leeching torrent, your IP is on tracker and it remains there for some few hours or days How do I manually tell my the tracker using Libtorrent I am no longer going to be connected to the tracker and it should forget my IP as I am neither seeding nore leeching. Any code bits or advices would be appreciated, currently I am using Python binding provided by rasterbar but I am okay with C++ code too.
Trackers are just HTTP services (although poorly designed). See BitTorrent Tracker Protocol, in particular, the event query parameter. In Python, you can use urllib.
libtorrent automatically does this when stopping a torrent, or stopping the session. If it seems to fail, you might want to increase the tracker timeout when shutting down. This will add to the shutdown delay, but will give some more overloaded trackers some more time. See session_settings::stop_tracker_timeout. By default this is 5 seconds, but sometimes trackers take much longer than that to respond, up to 30 seconds.
Trackers typically time out peers in about an hour, and you need to re-announce every 30 minutes to stay alive.
If you're trying to just send the stopped event to trackers, using a separate bittorrent client (in this case, assuming whatever client you're using fails to send stopped events to the trackers), it might be a bit less reliable.
You're supposed to include the info-hash (i.e. the unique identifier for the torrent), your key which the client generates on startup, peer-id (which is also generated by the client) and transfer statistics, in the tracker request.
You can get away with omitting the statistics, but if you don't know the info-hash or the client key, and in some cases the peer-id, the tracker won't be able to figure out that your request actually refers to your client's tracker request, and it won't remove your IP.
In practice, for the most part you might be able to get it to work by just knowing the info-hash and tracker URL. You can get the info-hash by loading the .torrent file, grabbing the info-hash and tracker URLs out of it.

How heavy for the server to transmit data over HTTPS?

I am trying to implement web service and web client applications using Ruby on Rails 3. For that I am considering to use a SSL but I would like to know: how "heavy" is it for servers to handle a lot of HTTPS connection instead of HTTP? what is the difference of response time and the performance at all?
The cost of SSL/TLS handshake (which takes most of the overall "slowdown" SSL/TLS adds) nowadays is much less than the cost of TCP connection establishment and other actions associated with session establishment (logging, user lookup etc). And if you worry about speed and want to save any ns of time, there exist hardware SSL accelerators that you can install to your server.
It is several times slower to go with HTTPS, however, most of the time that's not what is actually going to slow your app down. Especially if you're running on Rails, your performance scaling is going to be bottlenecked elsewhere in the system. If you are doing anything that requires the passing of secrets of any kind over the wire (including a shared session cookie), SSL is the only way to go and you probably won't notice the cost. If you happen to scale up to the point where you do start to see a performance hit from encryption, there are hardware acceleration appliances out there that help tremendously. However, rails is likely to fall over long before that point.

Message queuing solutions?

(Edited to try to explain better)
We have an agent, written in C++ for Win32. It needs to periodically post information to a server. It must support disconnected operation. That is: the client doesn't always have a connection to the server.
Note: This is for communication between an agent running on desktop PCs, to communicate with a server running somewhere in the enterprise.
This means that the messages to be sent to the server must be queued (so that they can be sent once the connection is available).
We currently use an in-house system that queues messages as individual files on disk, and uses HTTP POST to send them to the server when it's available.
It's starting to show its age, and I'd like to investigate alternatives before I consider updating it.
It must be available by default on Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista and Windows 7, or must be simple to include in our installer.
This product will be installed (by administrators) on a couple of hundred thousand PCs. They'll probably use something like Microsoft SMS or ConfigMgr. In this scenario, "frivolous" prerequisites are frowned upon. This means that, unless the client-side code (or a redistributable) can be included in our installer, the administrator won't be happy. This makes MSMQ a particularly hard sell, because it's not installed by default with XP.
It must be relatively simple to use from C++ on Win32.
Our client is an unmanaged C++ Win32 application. No .NET or Java on the client.
The transport should be HTTP or HTTPS. That is: it must go through firewalls easily; no RPC or DCOM.
It should be relatively reliable, with retries, etc. Protection against replays is a must-have.
It must be scalable -- there's a lot of traffic. Per-message impact on the server should be minimal.
The server end is C#, currently using ASP.NET to implement a simple HTTP POST mechanism.
(The slightly odd one). It must support client-side in-memory queues, so that we can avoid spinning up the hard disk. It must allow flushing to disk periodically.
It must be suitable for use in a proprietary product (i.e. no GPL, etc.).
How is your current solution showing its age?
I would push the logic on to the back end, and make the clients extremely simple.
Messages are simply stored in the file system. Have the client write to c:/queue/{uuid}.tmp. When the file is written, rename it to c:/queue/{uuid}.msg. This makes writing messages to the queue on the client "atomic".
A C++ thread wakes up, scans c:\queue for "*.msg" files, and if it finds one it then checks for the server, and HTTP POSTs the message to it. When it receives the 200 status back from the server (i.e. it has got the message), then it can delete the file. It only scans for *.msg files. The *.tmp files are still being written too, and you'd have a race condition trying to send a msg file that was still being written. That's what the rename from .tmp is for. I'd also suggest scanning by creation date so early messages go first.
Your server receives the message, and here it can to any necessary dupe checking. Push this burden on the server to centralize it. You could simply record every uuid for every message to do duplication elimination. If that list gets too long (I don't know your traffic volume), perhaps you can cull it of items greater than 30 days (I also don't know how long your clients can remain off line).
This system is simple, but pretty robust. If the file sending thread gets an error, it will simply try to send the file next time. The only time you should be getting a duplicate message is in the window between when the client gets the 200 ack from the server and when it deletes the file. If the client shuts down or crashes at that point, you will have a file that has been sent but not removed from the queue.
If your clients are stable, this is a pretty low risk. With the dupe checking based on the message ID, you can mitigate that at the cost of some bookkeeping, but maintaining a list of uuids isn't spectacularly daunting, but again it does depend on your message volume and other performance requirements.
The fact that you are allowed to work "offline" suggests you have some "slack" in your absolute messaging performance.
To be honest, the requirements listed don't make a lot of sense and show you have a long way to go in your MQ learning. Given that, if you don't want to use MSMQ (probably the easiest overall on Windows -- but with [IMO severe] limitations), then you should look into:
qpid - Decent use of AMQP standard
zeromq - (the best, IMO, technically but also requires the most familiarity with MQ technologies)
I'd recommend rabbitmq too, but that's an Erlang server and last I looked it didn't have usuable C or C++ libraries. Still, if you are shopping MQ, take a look at it...
I've gone back and reread your reqs as well as some of your comments and think, for you, that perhaps client MQ -> server is not your best option. I would maybe consider letting your client -> server operations be HTTP POST or SOAP and allow the HTTP endpoint in turn queue messages on your MQ backend. IOW, abstract away the MQ client into an architecture you have more control over. Then your C++ client would simply be HTTP (easy), and your HTTP service (likely C# / .Net from reading your comments) can interact with any MQ backend of your choice. If all your HTTP endpoint does is spawn MQ messages, it'll be pretty darned lightweight and can scale through all the traditional load balancing techniques.
Last time I wanted to do any messaging I used C# and MSMQ. There are MSMQ libraries available that make using MSMQ very easy. It's free to install on both your servers and never lost a message to this day. It handles reboots etc all by itself. It's a thing of beauty and 100,000's of message are processed daily.
I'm not sure why you ruled out MSMQ and I didn't get point 2.
Quite often for queues we just dump record data into a database table and another process lifts rows out of the table periodically.
How about using Asynchronous Agents library from .NET Framework 4.0. It is still beta though.