playing with GCC 4.6 on windows - c++

I am very pleased to find out that GCC 4.6 supports the range-based for loop. I found an experimental release of MinGW 4.6 on, is that a well-known, reliable website? What other options do I have (besides compiling myself from source code)?

I wanted to try out GCC 4.7 using the latest Code::Blocks under Windows 7.
Here's how I did it for myself, YMMV:
I downloaded the latest Equation GCC file at: and installed it under the directory C:\gcc\ on my local machine. The installer makes the necessary changes to the path environment variable. Logging off and on will pick them up.
I downloaded the Code::Blocks latest nightly build at:
and followed the setup instructions.
After following the setup instructions (including about the needed DLL files), and starting C::B for the first time;
I chose 'GNU GCC Compiler', and 'Set as default' for the 'Compilers auto-detection' window.
Under the 'Settings > Compiler... > Compiler settings' tab:
I ticked the 'Have g++ follow the coming C++0x ISO C++ language standard [-std=c++0x]' checkbox on.
Under the 'Settings > Compiler... > Toolchain executables' tab:
I changed the 'Compiler's installation directory' entry field to C:\gcc\bin\.
I changed the names of these files physically located in the C:\gcc\bin\ directory
i686-pc-mingw32-gcc.exe -=to=- mingw32-gcc.exe
i686-pc-mingw32-g++.exe -=to=- mingw32-g++.exe
make.exe -=to=- mingw32-make.exe
to match the listed name requirements in Code::Blocks. You can simply browse to set the correct files (I just personally preferred renaming to match C::B's entries).
If everything went correctly, you should be able to create this program:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
int main() {
using namespace std;
vector<int> my_vec = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
for (auto x : my_vec) {
cout << x << endl;
and run it OK under Code::Blocks with F9.
Thanks to everyone for all the excellent work put into bringing this great new language to us. Happy C++0x computing!
Bud Alverson
(sorry for the very basic nature of this post) :)

I'm not really familiar with the site you linked as it's in Russian. The only other place I've found that offers current snapshots of GCC's build is from Equation Solution. I downloaded gcc4.5.1 from there and it's been working fairly well for me. I haven't tried the 4.6.x release yet however. Rumor has it that gcc 4.6.x is slower than its predecessors.
Please do report back what kind of results you're seeing if you do decide experimenting. I'm curious about what improvements they've done in the 4.6.x series.


Failed to locate: "CL.exe". The system cannot find the file specified

I'm trying to get into SDL2 in C++ and I have followed all the steps in a variety of YouTube tutorials. I am using vs2019, and every time I try to run anything I get this error: Failed to locate: "CL.exe". The system cannot find the file specified.
For example, it happens when I try running this code:
#include "SDL.h"
#undef main
#include <iostream>
int main() {
int x = 1;
std::cout << "Hello World!\n";
return 0;
I have followed all of the steps, but nothing seems to work. Similar questions have been asked, but their solutions don't work for me. I'm just running it in the editor. Can anybody help me?
You need to run VCVARSALL.BAT for Visual studio 2019 in the console for making cl.exe available.
Alternatively you can run "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2019" from the Start menu and run cl.exe there (after changing the appropriate working directory to one containing your code).
I am going to post this as a potential answer, pending OP’s clarification to what he means by “running it in the editor”.
MSVS does not install with the C and C++ compiler and libraries unless you specifically ask for them. To install them you must re-run the installer. You will eventually get a screen with a lot of different options on it. It is a tabbed page with “Workloads”, “Individual Components”, and “Language Packs” at the top.
Find and make sure that you select both:
“Universal Windows Platform development”
“Desktop development with C++”
Continue as usual. The installer will update MSVS with the ability to compile C and C++ programs.
You can also read Microsoft’s instructions.

Gcc not working on MacOS 10.15.4 Catalina?

I wanted to start writing c++ code again and I just realized that the homebrew version of gcc does not compile any c++, c, or even fortran programs.
For example, I tried to compile the following simple hello_world.cpp program:
int main()
std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;
return 0;
g++-9 hello_world.cpp
The output I get is:
FATAL:/usr/local/Cellar/cctools/855/bin/../libexec/as/x86_64/as: I don't understand 'm' flag!
I tried installing gcc#8, gcc#7, and compile but I still get the same message.
Moreover, the same error message is shown when I try to compile a hello_world.c program using gcc-9 and a hello_world.f90 program using gfortran-9.
The programs *.c and *.cpp compile fine with the clang and clang++ compilers respectively. I also learned that as is an assembler, and that gcc can output a *.s file using the flag gcc -S but I still don't understand the error message.
I think I exhausted my c++ knowledge and internet search before posting so thank you in advance!
I ended up reinstalling all packages using
brew list | xargs brew reinstall
This fixed the problem!
For anyone else who has stumbled across this problem, you do not need to reinstall all of your brew packages. The troublemaker is cctools, which is no longer in the brew formulae list. If for some reason it is still hanging around on your system, you can either
mv /usr/local/Cellar/cctools{,-backup}
to make sure it is no longer seen by the gcc tool suite installed through homebrew, or you can outright remove it
brew uninstall cctools
I opted for the first, at the moment, because I am not sure what, if anything, removal would break. Once I have confirmed that there are no ill effects caused by not having this installed, I will remove it altogether from my system. That being said, I have confirmed that simply moving the directory takes care of the
FATAL:/usr/local/Cellar/cctools/855/bin/../libexec/as/x86_64/as: I don't understand 'm' flag!
error being reported when you try and compile something with the GNU compiler on Mac OSX (in my case Catalina, but should be the same for Big Sur and Monterrey).

How to Change LLDB Version CLion Uses?

TL;DR: I want to change the version of LLDB that CLion (v2016.3.5) uses to LLDB v3.8.1. Can I do this? If so, how?
Longer explanation of the question:
CLion is a C++ IDE that I've been using for a few years now. Recently, they released version 2016.3.X. When they went from 2016.2 to 2016.3, they changed the "built in lldb" version from v3.8.1 to v3.9.0. This has caused a problem for me as v3.9.0 doesn't seem to want to work correctly.
When I, say, "print some_var_name" (while at a break point) I get an error (below):
Assertion failed: (D->getCachedLinkage() == LV.getLinkage()), function
getLVForDecl, file
line 1360.
The source of this file can be found here:
My options are
(1) Figure out why that error is happening. Creating a simple "hello world"program and debugging seems to work. This tells me that it has something to do with my code base, I suppose. But I have over 20,000 lines of code. So figuring out what's doing it would be extremely time consuming. LLDB version 3.8.1 seems like a faster/easier fix since it was doing me just fine in the past.
(2) Use an old version of CLion (which, by default, utilizes LLDB version 3.8.1)
(3) Get the new(er) version(s) of CLion to use LLDB version 3.8.1.
Thanks for any help/guidance.
I assumed you could just enter the path in this preferences page:

g++ not compiling with wildcard filenames on Windows

All of a sudden I seem to be struggling with compiling c++ programs (specifically TDM64 5.1.0) from the command-line on Windows (specifically 10) when using wildcard based filenames. It works fine when the names are given in full. I've done this countless times before with no problem Edit: But not normally on windows... my memories of this working before must be false. What am I missing?
C:\Users\Duncan Coulter\Code>dir *.cpp
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 9EE6-DBBD
Directory of C:\Users\Duncan Coulter\Code
2016/04/04 01:35 PM 7 869 LittleMan.cpp
2016/04/04 01:35 PM 1 912 main.cpp
2 File(s) 9 781 bytes
0 Dir(s) 90 288 394 240 bytes free
C:\Users\Duncan Coulter\Code>g++ *.cpp
g++: error: *.cpp: Invalid argument
C:\Users\Duncan Coulter\Code>g++ main.cpp LittleMan.cpp
Your problem is where you write:
g++ *.cpp
g++ is a linux style program, and expects the shell to expand wildcards for it. The windows command shell doesn't do that - it expects individual programs to expand wildcards for themselves.
The easiest solution is to download cygwin - which does expand wildcards for you. Otherwise the answers to this question may be useful:
I note that TDM is based on the MINGW port of GCC. I've found that different versions of this compiler do in fact treat the wildcard differently. For example, it works perfectly fine for me as of version 3.4.2, compiling in Windows 7:
However, when I upgraded to GCC v.4.9.2, this batch file and others I was using broke (specifically, the *.cpp was not recognized). This was a version of MINGW GCC which came with the Dev-C++ IDE. Because I needed this feature rather badly (specifically, test-compiling large submissions of student code with unspecified random filenames), I actually had to downgrade and revert back to the old version for just this purpose.

How to compile CodeBlocks MingW in Windows to Ubuntu or Centos

Is there a way to compile with MingW with CodeBlocks in Windows so they can be used in Ubuntu or Centos distros?
I've tried compiling with GNU GCC option then got the output file with .o extensions under obj/Release/ folder.
When I run I get this error under my Vagrant Ubuntu machine:
-bash: ./main.o: cannot execute binary file
How can I compile it so it runs on my Linux machines?
The technical term for what you're trying to accomplish is cross-compilation. For that, you need to build a specific cross-compiler using GCC sources. If you still want to keep MinGW, there is a page explaining the steps needed to create a ARM cross-compiler : (you'll have to modify the target)
List of targets supported by GCC :
armv5te-android-gcc armv5te-linux-rvct armv5te-linux-gcc
armv6-darwin-gcc armv6-linux-rvct armv6-linux-gcc
armv7-android-gcc armv7-darwin-gcc armv7-linux-rvct
armv7-linux-gcc armv7-none-rvct
ppc32-darwin8-gcc ppc32-darwin9-gcc ppc32-linux-gcc
ppc64-darwin8-gcc ppc64-darwin9-gcc ppc64-linux-gcc
x86-android-gcc x86-darwin8-gcc x86-darwin8-icc
x86-darwin9-gcc x86-darwin9-icc x86-darwin10-gcc
x86-darwin11-gcc x86-darwin12-gcc x86-linux-gcc
x86-linux-icc x86-os2-gcc x86-solaris-gcc
x86-win32-gcc x86-win32-vs7 x86-win32-vs8
x86_64-darwin9-gcc x86_64-darwin10-gcc x86_64-darwin11-gcc
x86_64-darwin12-gcc x86_64-linux-gcc x86_64-linux-icc
x86_64-solaris-gcc x86_64-win64-gcc x86_64-win64-vs8
universal-darwin8-gcc universal-darwin9-gcc universal-darwin10-gcc
universal-darwin11-gcc universal-darwin12-gcc
There is only one big caveat : since Windows is not POSIX compliant, I don't think you can use signals or pthreads.
Finally, brace yourself because it's a tedious task to build a cx-compiler (lots of obscure bugs). That's why profesionnal devs pays $$$ for "plug'n'play" solutions.
EDIT : this MXE project can be useful to you