Deployment of Visual C++ 2008 program - c++

I have a c++ code developed with Visual C++ 2008, which creates a .exe file in the dubug subfolder of the application. The program runs properly on the development machine, a Windows Vista PC, but does not run when installed on another machine, a Windows XP PC on which Visual c++ 2008 is not installed. (I used InstalShield 2010 to deploy the program). Even when I recompiled the program with CODEBLOCKS, it still doesn't run on the other machine, whereas it runs perfectly well on the development PC. Any ideas how to resolve this problem? Or is there any easier way to deploy C++ programs to run on any PC?

It requires CRT runtime. Standard runtime supports only release version, so deploy the release version of the exe.

The easiest way is to statically link everything. Go to your projects properties/settings and set the static link options (MFC etc). Now you can distribute just the .exe if you perfer.
Otherwise, create a new setup/deployment project. It should detect all your dependencies automatically (but you should check), and create an .msi file for your users to install your program with all dependencies together.
Also, if you're .exe is in your Debug folder, you are probably only building the debug version. You might want to build and distribute the Release version instead.


Visual Studio C++ But Without Dependencies [duplicate]

I created small aplication, copied exe from debug, copied textures, fonts in same folder as my exe is. In my computer, with visual studio installed i dont have any problem with running this, but on other computer i can't run this application, beacause of mvcp100d.dll(system don't see this). Is there any possibility, to run this exe in any other cumpter?
To prepare a computer to test the debug version of an application that is built with Visual C++, you have to deploy debug versions of the Visual C++ library DLLs that the application depends on. -from
NOTE: Debug versions of MSVC runtime are not redistributable.
Unless you need the debug version, I would build in release mode. Not only can that be distributed, it's usually faster also. It doesn't seem to me that you are doing anything with debugging that application.

remove msvc dlls dependency to run qt application

How to remove msvc dlls (example: msvcr100.dll) dependency to run qt appliation?
I've developed a qt application which runs just fine in dveloper machine but unable to run on any other machine gives error message "program can't start because MSVCR100.dll is missing from your computer". I can solve this error by copying that file in the application folder but I dont want to copy, instead I want to link statically or some other way to remove that dependency.
Thanks in advance
The issue is that you are probably trying to run an application on a machine which has a different Visual Studio (MSVC) version installed than the version that was used for building your application itself.
Generally, the correct solution is to install the corresponding Visual Studio redistributable package on the target machine. It is not a "workaround" or "hack" because if you wish to use an application built with different runtime libraries, etc, then it is expected. Here you can read a bit more about it:
Redistributing Visual C++ Files
Yes, it is a bit unfortunate, and apparently MS has not managed to make it the most ideal, but after all, it is simple enough to circumvent. Note that the target machine would not only have issues with your application, but in general with any distributed in a similar fashion.
The other way to solve the issue is to build the application with the same environment that is installed on the target machine, but this can easily go haywire if you need to supply the application to several machines with versatile setup. Now, I would say this is the "hackish" approach.
You will need to grab the redistributable for this particular problem from here:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64)
Even if you went down for statically hacking this around somehow, you would need to deal with nasty consequences when using your application with DLLs and static libraries, etc.
As far as I know, you can't link statically to Visual Studio Redistributable. Any application built with Visual Studio Compiler needs the corresponding msvcXXX.dll to run. Installers containing all dll for each specific version of MSVC are available here:
If you want avoid errors for your users when you distribute your application, you have some solution. A commonly used is to install the right redistributable package before installing your application on the user machine. Often used tools (NSIS, Inno Setup, etc.) have options to run other executable in the process. And each Microsoft redist package can be run silently (without any window display to user).
Note: This problem is absolutely not related to qt. It comes directly from the compiler you choose.

Running .exe crashes while running from vs2010 is successful

I've developed a c++ program using Visual Studio 2010 and it works perfectly, but while trying to start it with the .exe file created in the debug folder instead of inside the VS2010, it crashes. It updates my DB once, but then it crashes unexpectly..
Does anyone know why? What should I do to avoid it in order to be able to run my application in another PC. It uses the winsock library and mysql API for C, so I'm wondering if I need to configure something else that the VS2010 doesn't do by its own while linking or so.
Did you depend on the current directory? We had a case once that turned up where that was the problem.
You should set the build configuration to Release, and use the .exe from the Release folder, once you rebuild the application. The executable from the Debug folder is (in principle) only used by Visual Studio internally, and it would therefore make no sense to redistribute it.
Note however, that in order to run any application created with visual C++, the user must install the visual C++ redistributable package, so make sure that the user has got that installed.

Compile (?) issue. Visual studio c++ 2008

There's an app that I use on an XP netbook for tuning a car. It was working just fine. Then I needed to make a simple modification (output to STDOUT instead of to file) so I got the source from the author.
My netbook doesn't have the space for a compiler. I have Visual Studio C++ 2008 on a Windows 7 desktop. I made the adjustments, compiled and tested on the desktop and it worked perfecty. So then I copied the executable to the netbook and it won't run
"This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem"
Original (precompiled) exe works fine. To rule out my changes, I compiled the source without the mods and it still didn't work. The executable works fine on the 7 machine as well as another Win Vista machine I tried.
So its obviously something with the XP machine and the way the executable is compiled. I really have no idea how this stuff works so I don't know what to try.
Couple of ideas:
As Keith said above this is DLL/manifest issue.
Get Visual Studio 2008 redistributable (for matching application platform) and install it on the netbook.
If this does not help: Use Dependency Walker to find out what other DLLs you are missing.
Its because a dependency / DLL compiled into your application doesn't exist on the platform you are running on.
Open windows event viewer and view the application log. There will be an entry for the error and the name of the DLL which is missing. Copy / Install that DLL on your target platform.
I would guess your vc runtime has changed with visual studio 2008 and you need to copy the latest version to your target platform. If you dont know where to get the dependency DLL, post the name here and we can see what we can do about it.
You can check your project settings and make sure to use a statically linked runtime instead of a DLL.
Project Settings, C/C++ -> Code Generation. Make sure you're using a runtime library that isn't a DLL. (So Multi-threaded Debug instead of Multi-threaded Debug DLL for example).

Different versions of C++ libraries

After compiling a simple C++ project using Visual Studio 2008 on vista, everything runs fine on the original vista machine and other vista computers. However, moving it over to an XP box results in an error message: "The application failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect".
What do I have to do so my compiled EXE works on XP and Vista? I had this same problem a few months ago, and just fiddling with some settings on the project fixed it, but I don't remember which ones I changed.
You need to install the Visual Studios 2008 runtime on the target computer:
Alternatively, you could also link the run time statically, in the project properties window go to:
c++ -> Code Generation -> Runtime
Library and select "multi-threaded
You need to install the runtime redistributable files onto the machine you are trying to run the app on.
The redistributable for 2008 is here.
The redistributable for 2005 is here.
They can be installed side-by-side, in case you need both.
You probably need to distribute the VC runtime with your application. There are a variety of ways to do this. This article from the Microsoft Visual C++ Team best explains the different ways to distribute these dependencies if you are using Visual Studio 2005 or 2008.
As stated in the article, though you can download the Redistributable installer package and simply launch that on the client machine, that is almost always not the optimal option. There are usually better ways to include the required DLLs such as including the merge module if you are distributing via Windows Setup or App-Local copy if you just want to distribute a zipped folder.
Another option is to statically link against the runtime libraries, instead of distributing them with your application. This option is only suitable for standalone EXEs that do not load other DLLs. You also cannot do this with DLLs that are loaded by other applications.
It is much the simplest to link to the runtime statically.
c++ -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library and select "multi-threaded /MT"
However, this does make your executable a couple hundred KByte larger. This might be a problem if you are installing a large number of small programs, since each will be burdened by its very own copy of the runtime. The answer is to create an installer.
New project -> "setup and deployment" -> "setup project"
Load the output from your application projects ( defined using the DLL version of the runtime ) into the installer project and build it. The dependency on the runtime DLL will be noticed, included in the installer package, and neatly and unobtrusively installed in the correct place on the target machine.
Visual studio 2005 actually has two
The one for the original release
and the one for SP1